Denying the Alpha

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Denying the Alpha Page 24

by Sam Crescent

  “Weren’t you going down?” he asked.

  “Not with you, I’m not,” she replied. Not when my owl has some kind of crush on you.

  He chuckled. “Scared of riding with me?”

  “No, but you’re so big I don’t want to be squashed.”

  Placing her hands on her hips, she glared up at him, pretending to be angry when really she felt ashamed. Could her insult be any lamer? And damn it all, she liked big and tall and muscular, and Kit had it all. Unlike her ex, the eagle shifter probably wouldn’t have a hard time fucking her standing up, back to the wall and arms pinned above her head. Her breath shortened and her cheeks burned.

  Kara, keep your thoughts together.

  Kit laughed. “So you’re definitely scared.”

  “Move over,” she snarled, squeezing into the small space. “I don’t fear anything. I was simply being polite and thought you’d prefer to have more room,” she lied.

  Kara wasn’t frightened of him, what she feared was her reaction to him.

  “A fearless woman. My favorite kind,” Kit said.

  Their arms brushed together and electricity raced across her every pore, hardening her nipples and making her vagina swell.

  “Also, an aroused woman.”

  Her head snapped up and she looked at him. “No—”

  “I can smell you,” Kit growled. “You can deny your feelings, little owl, but your body is telling another story.”

  “Leave me alone.”

  He moved fast, positioning himself so she suddenly found herself caged between his arms, aware not only of his size but also his scent. She inhaled sharply. Images of freshwater lakes and pine trees conjured in her mind. Her owl thrashed within her, desperate to fly loose.

  “Tell me why you are fighting against something so natural, Kara?”

  Kara gazed into his eyes. The whites had disappeared, becoming a dark golden hue and the pupils had dilated and darkened. Within, she saw the animal. Proud and bold, the eagle beckoned her to respond. Kara’s breath hitched and her head spun.


  His lips descended on hers. Hot and hard, they showed no mercy. She didn’t need coaxing. Kara opened up to him like a flower eager for sunshine. Their tongues tangled together, licking, sucking, moving with an ease she’d never experienced on a first kiss. Grabbing her by the waist, he dragged her closer. His erection bumped into her and an involuntary moan escaped her. He slipped a hand beneath her ass, and she fisted his shirt. She held onto him, her reluctance forgotten and replaced by the need to delve deeper into him.

  The elevator jerked to a stop, breaking them apart.


  He cupped her cheek, gazing down at her with adoration and undisguised lust. Stunned, she stared at him.

  Mate. Mate. Mate.

  Her owl fluttered giddily. The tattoo of her frenzied heart echoed in her ears.

  No way. This isn’t part of the plan. Can’t be.

  “If you touch me without my permission again, I will call the police.”

  Without waiting for his response, she ran out of the elevator and onto the street.

  Chapter Six

  Kit walked into the shifter bar, Moon Point. It was as rowdy as he remembered and made him feel immediately at ease. A group of men shouted at the game playing on the screen, while others dealt cards around a plate of nachos with cheese and beers. Two couples, in what appeared to be a double date, toasted loudly and embraced. The place smelled like oil, alcohol, and animals. Not exactly a five-star joint, but just what he needed to get Kara off his mind for a bit.

  Or at least, to try to relax and figure out a way to win Kara over. He wanted more. However, she seemed to want nothing to do with him.

  Granted, they’d just met, but they were mates. Things should be simple: sex, mating dance, and live happily ever after.

  All right, perhaps he was oversimplifying things, but still this whole I-don’t-want-you-but-my-pussy-is-drenched was ludicrous. Why fight something that came so naturally?

  He took a stool and waved at the bartender, a lanky man with a braided beard and a goatee. Kit rubbed his temple. He’d figure things out. Normal women couldn’t resist him and his mate wasn’t going to be an exception.

  “Hey, what can I get you?” the barman asked.

  “Hi. Do you have any Guinness? And is Lee around? He told me he usually arrives around this time.”

  “The manager?”


  “He hasn’t come in yet, but he should be here soon.” The guy smiled and filled his glass, and presented it to him.

  “Things have changed around here if Lee is late for work,” Kit said.

  The bartender laughed.

  “I think his husband keeps him busy,” he said, taking his beer again, which had now taken on a ruby-red color, and topping it off.

  Kit chuckled. Unfortunately, he hadn’t met the famous lion shifter, Alkaline. He’d had a deadline to meet last year and he’d missed the couple’s wedding.

  He placed the drink in front of Kit. “That’ll be eight dollars.”

  Kit paid and thanked the server. He took a sip and shut his eyes in appreciation. Maybe, once Kara accepted their inevitable mating, they could organize a dinner date with Lee and his husband. Kit sighed. Not thinking of Kara was clearly impossible.

  “Well, well, well, what’s a little bird doing at a shifter bar?”

  Kit spun around at the sound of the familiar voice.


  Standing, he pulled in the puma shifter for a hug. He took in his friend. His blonde hair was slightly longer, and he’d gained a bit of weight, but he looked good, more relaxed. Besides, there was a sparkle to his gaze he’d never seen.

  “You’re looking good, my friend,” Kit said.

  “That’s because you haven’t seen me in, what, three years?”

  “It hasn’t been that long. I saw you at Sisu’s wedding.”

  “Yeah, that was two years ago.”

  Kit winced.

  “Really? Damn, time does fly. I’m sorry, man.”

  Lee clapped him on the back and sat next to him.

  “No worries. At least, we’ve kept in touch. It’s not like you dropped out of the radar or anything.” He shrugged. “Life gets busy. It happens to all of us.”

  “Yeah. And then some of us go, get married, stop being workaholics, and arrive late to work.” Kit waggled his eyebrows.

  Lee grinned. “You’ll have to meet him, Kit. He’s—” Lee sighed. “I can’t even.” He lowered his gaze self-consciously.

  “Man, you’re drooling.”

  “Ha-ha. You will too when you meet your soulmate.”

  Kit swallowed. Should he say anything? He took a sip of his beer. Surely, Lee would have some advice for him, wouldn’t he?

  “Well, as a matter of a fact,” Kit began.

  Lee’s eyes widened. “So that’s why you look like something the cat just dragged in.” He snickered. “No pun intended.”

  “Yeah, I think I’ve found her, but she doesn’t want me,” Kit spat out. He scrubbed a hand over his face, the day’s tension finally catching up to him and creating a hollow ache in his chest. His mate didn’t want him. His throat closed up and his head started to pound. What was he going to do?

  Lee whistled low. “That story sounds way too familiar. You wouldn’t believe the fight Alkaline put me through. Is she human? Shifter?”

  “Shifter. Owl,” Kit said. He raised his hands in defeat. “I just don’t get it, Lee. We’re soulmates. This is the kind of thing every shifter spends their life searching for, especially women. I mean, it should be easy. She shouldn’t be fighting me every step of the way.”

  Lee wrinkled his brow. “Are you listening to yourself, Kit? This is the twenty-first century. Women have goals and aspirations other than finding a mate and bearing children. I know your upbringing was unusual, with your parents and all—”

  “Don’t.” Kit stopped him, palm raised. He didn
’t need to be reminded of his family history. He knew it all too well. He wasn’t the child of a mating and his mom didn’t want him. He hadn’t found out who his dad was until he was almost in his twenties.

  “In any case, my point is, mating is more than primal attraction. We are not animals. We’re people. There are complicated emotions behind all of us. Maybe she wants you, but she’s afraid.”

  “I get it, but what do I do?”

  “Speak to her. Take her out on a date. Court her.”

  Kit stared at him. “Do you even know what you’re asking from me?”

  Lee snorted, his eyes shining with mirth. “Come on, man. You’re telling me you’re not able to keep it in your pants?”

  “Not where she’s involved.” Kit shook his head and took a long swig from his beer. “There’s also a problem,” he admitted. “I don’t have her number.”

  “You don’t?”

  He shook his head.

  “Ran into her twice today, but didn’t ask for it.” Quickly, Kit explained how he’d met Kara and when he’d run into her at the elevator.

  “Wow. So you almost ran this girl over, tried to seduce her like a caveman, and finally, managed to kiss her. I’m surprised she didn’t slap you or kick your balls.”

  Kit nodded. “Me too. Except, she’s so tiny, Lee. She’s like a fragile porcelain doll. Except, she’s not fragile. You know what I mean?”

  “Not at all.” Lee’s eyes filled with glee and Kit glowered at him. “But tell me more,” he rushed to add.

  “She’s petite. Short, tiny waist, small tits, but a nice little bubble butt. Don’t even know how we’re going to, um, you know.”

  “Too much information, man.”

  Kit rolled his eyes.

  “In any case, if she weighed 200 pounds, I’d still be all over her. It’s her face that has me mesmerized. She’s got these great eyes, Lee. I’ve never seen anything like them. They’re a luminous blue, almost as if she were peeking right into your soul and bringing out the best in you. And she’s smart, man, she’s studying —”

  “Wait, does she have short, black hair? Like up to her chin?”


  “Fuck me. What’s her name, Kit?”

  “I haven’t told you? Kara. Why?”

  Lee burst out laughing.

  “What’s so funny? Do you know her?” Kit stood up.

  “Your mating is definitely in the stars, man.” Lee wiped an invisible tear from the corner of his right eye. “Know her? Kara works for me. She’s the head waitress here at Moon Point. And you’ve been so intent on your misery, you haven’t noticed she’s out there, working.”

  Lee spun in his chair and waved his arm, encompassing the bar with the gesture. Kit’s jaw dropped. Kara stood at the back of the room, taking a table’s order. His eagle soared within him, making the room spin.


  He took a step in her direction. This was fate. Lee grabbed his arm.

  “Don’t. She’s already turned you down several times. Do you really wanna cause a scene here? Let me offer you an alternative plan.”

  Kit’s eyes narrowed. His instinct told him to go over there, throw Kara over his shoulder, and get out of there whether she wanted to or not. But Lee was right. They weren’t animals. He needed a strategy. He looked at Lee.

  “All right. I’m all ears.”

  Chapter Seven

  Kit waited for Lee. He leaned against the brick wall, absently watching a rat dig into the large garbage containers. Sweat rolled down his back, the unforgiving summer unwilling to offer a slight breeze even at this hour. The yellow light above the rear exit of Moon Point quivered, the bulb probably close to dying. A metal door creaked in the silence and Lee emerged from within.

  “All right. Everyone has gone home for the night except her. She’s in my office, studying. You’re going to enter through the kitchen, then cross the main area and to the right of the bar. You’ll see the door toward the changing room and office.”

  “Great. Thanks, Lee.”

  “No worries. I’m sure had you been here, you’d have helped me with my mate.” Lee handed him a set of keys. “Lock the door once you’re inside. You know this isn’t the best neighborhood.”

  “I’m aware,” Kit said. “And to think she spends her night studying here.”

  “She says she can focus better. At home, she only falls asleep, or so she’s told me.” He shrugged. “Good luck, Kit. Though really, all you need is patience.” Lee squeezed his shoulder.


  Quietly, Kit opened the door and went inside. After locking up, he padded through the quiet bar. The air reeked of cleaning products, but another, much more agreeable scent stuck out. Kara’s. His sense of smell wasn’t as good as a wolf’s but he could still pick her out in a crowd if he needed to. His eagle shrieked erratically. He wanted her as badly as he did. His heartbeat raced, rushing in his ears. He could see light coming from under a door. The office. His hands became clammy and he stopped to take in a deep breath.

  Slow and easy. Patiently. Give her time.

  Kit opened the door.

  “So this is where you hide at night.”

  Kara shrieked and jumped to her feet. Her pen clattered to the floor.

  “How did you get in here?”

  “Lee let me in.”

  “Lee?” she echoed, disbelief painted in her features.

  “Yes, we’re old friends and when I told him about you, he did me a favor.”

  Her nose scrunched up and her lips became a thin line of anger.

  “I’ll have a word with Lee tomorrow, but as for you. Please, leave me alone. How can I make your thick, ginormous skull understand that I want nothing to do with you?”

  “My brain gets it, my heart and my eagle don’t.”

  “Well, send them the memo.” She glanced down at her books. “I have a lot to study and you already ruined my morning. Leave me alone.” She bent down to retrieve her pen and returned to her text.

  Kit shut the door behind him. The room, which wasn’t too large to begin with, became smaller, more intimate. It was just him and his mate. His vision shifted, becoming sharper, as if he were on a hunt and had to locate his prey. This time, there was only one thing he wanted to devour: Kara.

  His mate appeared to read but her eyes didn’t move and the vein on her neck throbbed erratically while her chest rose and fell quickly. She could pretend all she wanted, but she wasn’t immune to him. He took a step in her direction when Lee’s words returned to haunt him.

  Show her you care. Demonstrate you’re interested in more than just fucking her. She’s like a frightened animal, Kit. You can’t pounce on her. You must give her time to adapt.

  “So, what are you studying?” Kit asked.

  “Business admin. Why are you still here?”

  “Business?” Kit approached her slowly. “You know, this morning, when I was looking at your stuff, I went through the book you had in your bag. I think it was the same one you’re reading now. It’s interesting because the cover does say Principles of Modern Business Administration, but I could have sworn the content had something to do with physics.”

  “You went through my stuff?”

  “I was trying to find a way to get in touch with you before you called.”

  “Of course.” She rolled her eyes and returned to her studying, chewing on the end of her pen.

  “So, what are you really studying?”



  “Leave me alone,” she snapped.

  “Why are you hiding what you’re doing?” he retorted.

  “I’m not hiding anything and it’s none of your business.”

  “It is my business. We’re mates and I’m trying to get to know you, Kara. Come on, let’s make an effort.”

  “I’m not mating with you, Kit. And I am making an effort in trying to get you to leave.” She pointed at the door.

  Kit ignored her. He eased into
a chair and picked up a book titled, Exploring Management. He flipped through the pages.

  “Cepheid variables swell and contract, using—”

  “Give me that.”

  She lunged at him, snapping the book from his hand, which fell on the desktop with a clatter.

  “What is wrong with you?” she growled. “I told you to leave it.”

  “Why the mystery? You should be proud about studying something so complicated.”

  Her nostrils flared and she pursed her lips as if holding in a scream. “It’s none of your business,” she said.

  Kit set his jaw. Something funny was going on. When he’d originally seen the book in Kara’s bag, he hadn’t thought much of it, but now, it seemed his mate was adamant on keeping her textbooks a secret.

  “Who doesn’t let you study this?”


  “You evidently enjoy it, because this is not the kind of thing you study for pleasure. So, allow me to rephrase my question. Who are you hiding it from? Who doesn’t let you be you?”

  Her eyes widened and her cheeks reddened.

  “You wanted to have sex, didn’t you? This whole mating thing is nothing more than primal sexual attraction, so let’s do it.”

  Chapter Eight

  “Excuse me?” Kit leaned forward in his seat. Had he heard her correctly?

  “You call it mating. We both know it’s sex. You’re hot and I’m hot. So let’s do it. Get it over with and then you can leave.”

  She peeled off her shirt, standing in front of him in a silky red bra. His cock jerked alive, blood rushing to fill it. He shook his head.

  Keep it together.

  His little owl was trying to distract him from asking more questions she didn’t want to answer. They needed to take this one step at a time.

  Her bra landed on his lap and he looked up. Her breasts were a handful, with long, pink nipples that begged for his mouth. Kit swallowed. It would not be easy.

  “What are you waiting for?” Kara asked. “Are you going to fuck me fully clothed?”

  “I don’t like to be rushed,” he said.


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