Denying the Alpha

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Denying the Alpha Page 26

by Sam Crescent

  Smiling, Kara kneeled in front of him. “That won’t happen.”

  “Wait.” Kit sat down and offered her a cushion. “You might be down there a while.”

  “Arrogant bastard,” she muttered, but she took the pillow anyway.

  Kit spread his legs. Kara worried her bottom lip. His cock was huge. She wanted to drive him wild and to the brink of exasperation to show him how she’d been feeling, but she had to take things slow or otherwise, he’d win. Wrapping her fist around the shaft, she found she could barely encircle it.

  “I told you,” he said.

  “I haven’t put it in my mouth yet,” she replied.

  “You can hardly fist it.”

  “You want me to give you a blowjob or not?” she asked.

  “I’m sorry. Please proceed.”

  Holding his dick, she traced the thick vein from base to top and teased the slit, relishing the taste of his pre-cum. Rolling her tongue across the smooth edges of the crown, she tried to wrap her mouth around it. Too soon.

  She kissed the head again, sensually resting her lips over it and sucking in lightly. She heard Kit’s sharp intake of breath. He liked it. Knowing he was enjoying the experience made her wet and she repeated the action. Kiss by playful kiss, she slid down the side of his shaft. When she reached the bottom, she swirled her tongue across his balls.

  Kit gasped and she moaned in response. Kara repeated the process until his dick glistened with her saliva. Finally, she took the meaty flesh into her mouth, slowly working her way down.

  “That’s good, baby,” he whispered.

  Her pussy tightened at the praise and she inched more of him in, carefully breathing through her nose to avoid gagging.

  “Yes,” Kit groaned.

  His hands hovered over her head, but he didn’t take control and she appreciated it. His hips seesawed back and forth.

  “You have to stop, Kara.”

  She ignored him. He was close, his dick throbbing against her tongue.


  The warning in his voice was unmistakable. Reaching for his hard sacs, she squeezed them and slipped her pinkie into the crack of his ass.

  Kit growled. Long strings of cum spurted into her mouth, and she eagerly swallowed as much as possible, loving the taste of his essence. Finally, she released him. Leaning against the coffee table, she took a moment to regain her breath.

  “How am I supposed to fuck you, now?” he asked, keeping his eyes closed.

  Kara laughed. “I’m sure I can find you something else to do in the meanwhile.”

  He glanced down at her. “Don’t worry, I have my own ideas. You’ve got a little something there.”

  Kit pointed to her chin. Keeping her gaze on him, Kara swept the remnants of his seed with her index finger and sensually licked it clean. His nostrils flared.

  “My turn.”

  Faster than she’d imagined for a man who’d just orgasmed, he picked her up. She shrieked and involuntarily kicked her books and the glass of water, sending them flying in all directions.

  “My books,” she cried out.

  Kit placed her on her feet and she ran to the kitchen to grab some paper towels.

  Chapter Eleven

  While Kara went to the kitchen, Kit hurried to collect her scattered books. Fortunately, water had spared all of her books, except one. He picked it up. A few drops had blurred the ink of what appeared to be an agenda but the words still stood out to mock him. He clenched his jaw.

  September 15th. Flight to Paris. 12 AM.

  If he hadn’t already orgasmed, he was sure his dick would have shriveled. For a moment, he thought it was merely a holiday but the words hello new life occupied most of the page and even through the wetness, were still legible.

  Kara was leaving. Starting a new life in Europe. Kit shut the book with a snap. She was still keeping information from him.

  “Are they wet? Please tell me they’re okay.” She returned, waving paper towels. Kit handed her the agenda.

  “This one got a little water on it, but the rest are fine,” he said. “Here.”

  Taking some towels from her, he dried the hardwood floor and took the chance to cool down. She wasn’t his yet. This encounter was merely to get off and for her to be able to study. He knew her exams were important but so was their relationship. He clenched his teeth. No wonder she didn’t want to have anything to do with him. She was leaving. Kit breathed heavily through his nose. Patience. You’re jumping to conclusions. Maybe she had a perfectly good explanation, or perhaps it was a holiday. Hello new life. Bullshit. Taking in a deep breath, he made up his mind. He’d give her one last chance to explain.

  Getting to his feet, he noticed she hadn’t moved and was staring down at her open agenda.

  “Is it ruined?”

  Kara jumped and looked at him. A panicked gaze crossed her eyes. “Yes. It’s fine. Here, give me that.”

  She snatched the used papers from his hands and headed to the kitchen. Kit narrowed his eyes. She knew what he’d seen. Would she speak about it? He watched her in the kitchen, nervously rummaging through the cabinets.

  “Would you like some more water?” she called.

  “No. I want you to come here so I can lick your cunt.”

  She froze and turned to face him, eyes wide.

  “Are you frightened?”

  He watched her chest rise as she took a deep breath.


  She returned to the living room, head high and shoulders squared, daring him to bring up what he’d seen. Kit wrapped his hands around her waist and drew her in for a kiss. He wasn’t gentle, pouring all his frustrations into the moment.

  You’re mine, little owl. Mine.

  She melted against him, her arms locking around his neck and her body searching for his heat. Kit reached between them, cupping her pussy. He groaned.

  “You’re so damn hot. How fast do you think I can make you come?”

  “In less than a minute,” she declared, rubbing against him like a cat in heat. His cock twitched, already returning to life.

  “I say thirty seconds flat.”

  “Another bet?” A smile played on her kiss-stung lips and her lust-filled gaze dipped.

  “No, just some fun.” Gently coaxing her onto the couch, he spread her legs, exposing her to his gaze. His eagle soared hard and fast against him and he grunted. All in due time.

  “I want you to count,” he told her.


  He slid his index finger over her slit and she moaned.

  “Count, little owl. One Mississippi, two Mississippi.”

  “Kit, this is—”

  “You want to come, don’t you?”

  He teased her opening with the tip of his thumb.

  “One Mississippi,” she said.

  “Good girl.”

  He pushed his index finger inside her, rotating it and then pulling out.



  “Three Mississippi.”

  Kit entered her again. He fingered her slowly, enjoying the view of her body splayed out for him and the way her juices dripped down the crack of her ass. Maneuvering them around, he placed her legs on his shoulders and pressed his face to her pussy. Kara gasped loudly.

  “Five Mississippi.”

  He licked her from top to bottom, groaning at the tangy taste. His cock lengthened.

  “Don’t stop counting.”

  “Si-six. Kit, please.”

  He flicked her clit with the tip of his tongue and circled it slowly.

  “Oh God.”

  “Seven,” he spoke against her folds.

  “Eight,” she murmured, rocking her hips.

  Kit chuckled. He traced her lips, teased her hole, and returned to toy with her clit. Kara bucked. Pressing two fingers into her, he began to fuck her.

  “Number, Kara.”


  Suddenly, he withdrew his fingers and replaced them with his mout
h. He lapped at her juices and fucked her with his tongue. Kara’s moans turned louder and urgent.

  “Don’t stop,” he growled, swatting her ass.

  She squealed.


  “Sixteen,” he corrected.

  “Please, Kit. I need to come.”

  “I love hearing you beg, little owl, but I suppose you deserve your orgasm.”

  He easily slid three fingers into her, groaning at the pressure of her walls against them. His cock throbbed in anticipation. Kit pumped slowly into her, steadily gaining speed until her legs were shaking and a sheen of sweat glistened on her flesh.

  “Thirty,” he murmured.

  Pressing the flat of his tongue against her clit, he grazed it with his teeth. Kara screamed and her pussy walls contracted, her orgasm rushing through her and flushing her flesh. Feathers sprouted at the base of her hairline, grazing her collarbone, her owl clearly wishing to be released. His throat clogged with emotion. How dare she still doubt their mating? Kit took a step back and stroked his cock. He was hard again, ready to fuck her and claim her, but he had to hold it. She had to tell him about Paris so they could build a future together.

  “Fuck me, Kit,” she said, huskily. “I want to feel your cock inside me.”

  “I could. You’re wet and open. I’d fit perfectly.”

  She sat up, brow furrowed. “So why don’t you?”

  “What’s in France?”

  “You read my agenda.”

  “It fell open on that page. Kara, just tell me about it. I’m your mate.”

  She scowled. “No. It’s none of your business.”

  “Then I’m leaving.”

  He shrugged and swallowed his sigh of frustration. Why did she have to be so difficult?

  “You know? You’re all, tell me this, tell me the other, but you won’t give me any information about yourself.”

  He stopped picking up his clothes and looked at her. “All you need to do is ask, babe.”

  For a moment, she appeared shocked. She quickly recovered, replacing her features with a mask of indifference.

  “I don’t because I don’t care, just as you shouldn’t care about me. You don’t know me. You only want to fuck me.”

  Kit laughed. “I believe you were the one who called me.”

  “It’s the stupid mating, which is nothing more than an urge to have sex. My owl likes you and that’s it.”

  “Of course.” He quickly redressed.

  “But I’ve had my orgasm, so you know what? You can walk out and never come back.”

  He watched her shrug on her robe and wrap it tightly around herself as if it were some kind of protective shield. Stomping to the door, she threw it open.

  “Get out.”

  Kit stopped at the threshold. She turned her cheek away. He chuckled.

  “Do you really think it works like that, little owl? That I’ll walk out and you’ll never see me again? Granted, I don’t know much about mating, but I know one thing, Kara. This isn’t just some random hookup. There’s no other woman for me and there never will be. If you’d open up to me, you’d see how good we can be together.”

  She finally faced him. “Leave.”

  He shook his head. “As you wish. You have my number.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Kara weaved around the tables, scanning to see if she could take anything to the kitchen. So far, she’d managed not to drop anything at work, but honestly, it was just a matter of time. She was jumpy and tired.

  After Kit left, she’d slept a bit, but woken soon after with a pit in her stomach and a deep-seated ache in her chest. She’d interpreted it as hunger and cooked something, which had ended at the bottom of the trash can.

  If she weren’t careful, her thoughts would stray to him. She could still smell him, taste him, and envision him standing in front of her in all his naked glory. She yearned for his heat, pined for his presence. It unnerved her. She didn’t need anyone. For goodness sake, she was moving to another country so she could fulfill her dreams. She wasn’t going to stay behind for some random dude just because it brought tears to her eyes every time she thought about not seeing him again.


  She’d get over him, just like she’d gotten over her sadness at saying goodbye to her family.

  The biggest problem she had right now was her relentless arousal. Two hours after her orgasm, her owl had started jittering and flooding her mind with images of them together.

  Kara sighed.

  If only he wouldn’t make everything so difficult. Why couldn’t he be like other guys? A quick fuck and they would be done. Uh-uh. Kit wanted to know her better so he invented stupid games in which she always lost. It was terribly unfair. Her only consolation was that he wasn’t getting any sexual gratification out of it. Well, except for the blowjob she’d given him. Her mouth filled with the memory of his taste and she pressed her lips into a thin line. She’d enjoyed every minute of it.

  “Hey, you okay?” Jay, the sous-chef, tapped her on the shoulder.

  She smiled at the young man with green eyes and dirty-blond hair. Jay was friendly and easygoing, not high-strung and obsessive. Why couldn’t Kit be more like the coyote shifter?

  “Yeah, I’m fine. Just a bit tired. You know, exams and stuff.”

  “Ugh, that’s something I don’t miss. You were studying business, right?”

  “Yes,” she lied.

  “Tough degree.” He shook a whipped cream can and topped the chocolate ice cream. “Good luck.”

  “Thanks,” she said. At this rate, she’d need it.

  “Dessert table five,” he called out.


  Kara placed the items on her tray and returned to the main room. Her breath stuck in her lungs and for a moment, the room spun. He was here.

  Her owl screeched in joy. Kara chewed on the inside of her cheek, battling with the turmoil of emotions assaulting her. The items on her tray teetered dangerously.

  “Work first,” she muttered.

  She’d serve her dishes and afterward she’d figure out what to do next. She crossed the room, heat creeping up her body at every step. He was watching her.

  The moment she fulfilled her order, she searched for him. He sat at the bar, unabashedly staring at her. He’d braided his Mohawk, which made his eyes stand out and gave him a perilous look. Hi colorful ink peeked brighter than ever from beneath the sleeves of a gray shirt she was confident was too small for him. Her breath quickened and her owl pecked at her heart, sending sharp pangs traveling across her torso.

  “Stop it,” she muttered.

  The fact he was here wasn’t romantic. It bordered on stalker behavior, especially when she’d told him repeatedly she wanted nothing to do with him. Curling her hands into fists, she stomped in his direction.

  “What are you doing here?” she hissed, standing so close she didn’t miss the spark in his eyes when they made contact with hers.

  “Having a drink,” he replied, lifting his glass.

  “Couldn’t you have it somewhere else?”

  “I happen to like Moon Point. It’s the best shifter joint in the area.”

  “It’s also where I work.”

  Slowly, his lips curved into a mocking stance. “That’s none of my business,” he said.

  Kara’s jaw dropped. She fished her brains for some kind of retort, but her mind drew a blank. Her owl banged against her ribs, wings tickling her insides and claiming her attention.

  Kiss him.


  Kiss him.

  Her gaze dropped to his lips. Smooth, firm, with a slight indentation on the bottom bow, they were far from perfect. They tasted heavenly. Her nerve endings tingled. She swayed forward.

  Kiss him.

  His mouth parted.

  “Asshole,” she said instead.

  His laughter resonated in her ears even as she swerved away from the kitchen and into the bathroom. She went into a stall, locked the door, and sat on
the toilet. Sticking her fist into her mouth, she stifled a scream. Between the animal within her and him, she was bound to go crazy.

  She stared at the teeth marks on her hand. It would have been so easy to give in to him.


  Her owl reminded her.

  A stranger who had come to rob her of her dreams. A threat.

  You don’t know that.

  It was what Mom did with Dad. She wouldn’t let the same thing happen to her. After standing up, she unlocked the door and washed her hands. She combed back her hair and stared at her reflection in the mirror.

  “You’ve got this, Kara.”

  He was at the bar, so she wouldn’t have to deal with him. She’d pretend he wasn’t there. The corners of her mouth dropped. Why did she feel it’d be easier said than done?

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kara didn’t even look toward the bar when she emerged from the bathroom. She didn’t have to. Kit sat at the table previously occupied by the couple she had served dessert to.

  “What did you do with the customers who were sitting here?”

  “Absolutely nothing.” Kit sipped at his drink. “Apparently, they had to leave. They mentioned something about a trip to Europe, but they wouldn’t elaborate.”

  Kara glared at him.

  “They paid their bill though, including a tip.” He nodded toward the one hundred dollar bill sitting under one of the glasses.

  “So extorting me is not enough, now you also bribe people.”

  “You’re so dramatic,” Kit said. “I merely wanted to eat something and enjoy another drink. Is that a crime?”

  “It should be,” she muttered.

  Kit’s eyebrows shot up. “Do you think this is any way to treat a customer?”

  “I’m actually being nice,” she replied.

  He chuckled. “How do I get you to be really nice?”

  “By leaving.”

  “Not happening. I actually wanted to order some food. When I can’t fuck, I get peckish, don’t you?”

  “What do you want, Kit?” She clenched her jaw.

  Kit grinned. “Have I touched a sore spot?”

  Kara didn’t reply.

  “All right, I won’t dig into it. Since owl is apparently not on the menu, I’ll have some mac n’ cheese.”


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