Denying the Alpha

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Denying the Alpha Page 29

by Sam Crescent

  She scented the anger within Axel, the blind rage.

  “I will do anything, but please don’t kill me.” She kept her forehead pressed to the earth, hoping that they would ignore her. That they’d pretend to never have seen her, but one glance at Axel, and something didn’t sit right with her.

  She’d stay with this pack for as long as it was necessary because she couldn’t go home without Oslow.

  Titus bent down next to her. He inhaled her scent.

  “Get up, my queen.” He gripped the back of her neck, not tightly, but tenderly. They stood, and he pulled her against his side. “If any of you think to take Lilly from me, then you’re going to have to come through me. This is my choice, not yours. I will not have any harm come to her. Do you understand?”

  They all nodded and even Axel took a step back.

  She found that interesting.

  Without another word, Titus turned and walked her away from the crowd.

  “Is it safe?” she asked.

  “Of course it’s safe. You’re with me. My pack won’t give you any problems now.”

  “They’re afraid of you?” She wanted to know more about this man who claimed to be her mate. Nothing could come of his claim. Her pack would never allow her to mate with a rival pack member.

  And Titus didn’t realize what she really was.

  When he found out she wasn’t human and not a she-wolf, he’d have a change of heart. Cats and wolves didn’t mingle well. She knew that firsthand.

  Even still, as he let her go, taking her hand, she couldn’t help but admire his strength. He was gentle as he took hold of her. Part of her wanted to tell him he could be rough. She’d lived through a lot of broken bones in her life.

  Pain was a friend to her. Something real.

  They reached the edge of a low embankment and she released a gasp. There was a river just below, the water flowing with calm. It soothed her just watching it, and it sounded like the kind of lullaby she could fall asleep to at night.

  “You’ve got a smell to you, mate.” His cock was rock-hard but he didn’t make a move to cover himself. “I won’t bite, much. I promise.” He winked at her.

  Titus traversed down the river edge and walked into the water. The hard, defined muscles of his ass caught her attention.

  Would it be so wrong of her to blend in?

  To have a few days where she was simply this Alpha’s mate? It was a fantasy, nothing more. It felt foreign to be wanted rather than living as the outcast. Why not indulge?

  She’d never been a male’s world before nor had anyone look at her with such hunger.

  She loved his gaze on her. The way he seemed to caress her with his eyes. Whenever he looked at her, she knew without a doubt he wanted to do a whole list of dirty things, and what was more, she wanted it all.

  The elder can wait.

  We cannot.

  Our people don’t care about us.

  It’s why we’re out here, unprotected.

  They want us to fail.

  They want to see us die.

  Titus dipped beneath the water and seconds later broke the surface. He ran his fingers through his hair and smiled at her. Gods, he was stunning.

  “Come on, baby. There’re no sharks here.”

  She laughed and even as she was nervous revealing her body to him, she removed her clothes and padded toward the water. Stepping inside, she waited for Titus, who took her hand and pulled her in. This was like a dream.

  Lilly wrapped her arms around his waist, staring into his eyes. His warm skin felt so good that she barely caught the purr before she emitted it. The last thing she wanted was for him to cast her out because of what she was.

  She was being selfish right now, she knew that, but she didn’t wish for this to stop.

  After a lifetime of being looked at as a pariah, this was refreshing.

  He held her close, his strong hands on her hips and waist. It soothed her to know that someone had her back.

  “I’ve waited all my life for you, Lilly.”

  Her heart fluttered. “You have?” Damn! He was saying all the things she’d ever wanted to hear.

  “So many nights I’ve laid awake, thinking about you, about finding you, claiming you, taking you as my own.”

  “And now?”

  “I’m not ever going to let you go. I’ll take care of you for the rest of our lives.”

  One of his hands sank into her hair, holding the back of her head, but she didn’t fight him as his lips touched hers. Instead, she closed her eyes, and for the first time in her life, she took the kiss that was so keenly offered.

  Chapter Three

  Titus had been driving himself crazy for the last few days. He had to tell his little human mate that he was a wolf. Would she be terrified? Want nothing to do with him? She was his ultimate weakness. But he’d be her strength, protect her from everything.

  All he knew was that he’d never let her go. She’d have to learn to love him. The gods couldn’t have gotten this wrong after so many years of waiting. A few times he’d build up the nerve to tell her, but she’d wander off again. She was a curious thing, forever exploring despite the dangers. Lilly said she needed time and space, so he didn’t want to pressure her.

  She hadn’t questioned much, which was a relief for him. How would he explain why most of them didn’t wear clothing or why they didn’t live in human shelters? He wished he had paid more attention to human customs when he’d had the chance over the years.

  At least Axel had kept his distance so far. In fact, Titus hadn’t seen him since introducing Lilly to the pack. Hopefully he was thinking over his behavior and would come to his senses. Pack hierarchy had to be maintained at all costs. And Titus had no plans of stepping down from his position as Alpha.

  Despite the unrest in his pack, he had to tell her the truth.

  Today was the day.

  They hadn’t consummated their mating yet, and he didn’t want the memory of that night tarnished with lies. He had to reveal his Alpha wolf to Lilly.

  He followed her scent to the northern outskirts of their territory. Why had she come out this far on her own? There were too many threats in the forest for her to take off like this, so he needed to help her understand the danger when he found her. Humans may be on top in their cities, but they were at the bottom in the wilderness. He stopped when he couldn’t find her, keeping still and listening to the sounds of the forest. She was near.

  A dry leaf floated down from above. He looked up. Lilly was on a high branch looking at him, the wind picking up the tips of her long hair.

  “How the hell did you get up there?”

  She shrugged. “Just climbed.”

  “How?” The old-growth Douglas fir had no lower branches. It was impossible.

  “I like to climb. Can you help me down?”

  Wolves were not climbers, but he reached for her as she hung down from the branch and caught her as she fell. It felt amazing to have her back in his arms again.

  He combed both his hands into her hair, holding her head steady. Titus stared into her blue eyes, mesmerized by his mate. All the she-wolves he’d known had dark hair and eyes. Lilly was unique. His treasure.

  “Don’t run off on your own. It’s not safe.”

  “But I love the forest,” she said.

  “You’re something else.” He kissed her once on the lips. “Nothing like I expected.”

  She smiled. “And what did you expect?”

  “Doesn’t matter. You’re more than I hoped for.” This was it. He had to explain everything to her. “I’m not what you think I am,” he said. “I’m different than you are. Haven’t you noticed anything unusual about the way we live?”

  “I guess.”

  He didn’t let her go, terrified she’d bolt and want nothing to do with him. “First, I want you to know I’d never hurt you. Never.”


  He swallowed hard, then went for it. “I can change into a wolf. All of us can. We�
��re a pack of shapeshifters.”

  She said nothing, only staring back into his eyes. He expected shock, fear … something.


  “Prove it,” she said.

  She continually amazed him. Titus backed up. “Remember, don’t be afraid. My wolf loves you more than you can imagine.” He commanded the shift to take over his body, his bones shifting, and fur replacing his human skin. Within seconds, he was a black Alpha wolf, the same one who’d first met her in the forest a few days earlier.

  Titus walked around her, his wolf savoring its mate’s scent. He licked her leg and she giggled instead of screaming. He took it as a good sign. When she ran her fingers into his fur, he growled low in his chest, his need to mate with her driving him crazy.

  He shifted back into his skin where he had better control.

  “That’s it. That’s my big secret, Lilly. There’s nothing else.”

  “Well, I’d say that’s a big one.”

  “Are you okay with it? You must have questions?” he asked, taking her hands in his. Titus couldn’t read her. He was used to hearing everyone talking in his head as Alpha of his pack.

  “How long have you known you’re a wolf?”

  “I was born this way, as was my father, my grandfather, and his father before him. Our pack goes back too many generations to count.”

  Sadness seemed to wash over her. “I have no family. No history. It’s just me.”

  He traced her jaw with a finger. “You have me now. Everything I am, everything I have is yours.”

  “I’m not a wolf. Why would you want a human mate?”

  “I don’t care what you are, Lilly. My wolf knew you were the one the second I scented you. The mating call can’t be mistaken.”

  She pulled away from him. “You wouldn’t say that if I wasn’t a human. What if I was a bear or some animal other than a wolf? What if I was a cat?”

  He tugged her shoulder, spinning her back around. “I wouldn’t care. And you are human, so it doesn’t matter. I’m completely devoted to you, Lilly. Unconditionally.” Titus reached down and grabbed both her thighs, hoisting her against the tree. Standing between her legs, he nuzzled her neck. “If you’d allow me, I’d fuck you right here, mark you and make this official.”

  “No,” she said. “Humans require a long courtship … weeks, months, or even years.”

  He scowled. How was he supposed to live side by side with his mate, the ultimate temptation, for years? “That’s too long, Lilly.”

  She painted a line up his neck with the firm tip of her tongue, then shelled his ear. “I need more than a few days.”

  He closed his eyes and took a cleansing breath, trying to calm his beast. He’d never wanted anything more in his life. “How long, baby?”

  “Soon. Just give me some space for a while. You’ve given me a lot to take in. I need to be alone, to think.”

  Titus set her down to her feet and nodded. “If that’s what you need. Don’t wander too far.” He kissed her forehead once and then returned to the camp, leaving her alone. Hopefully she didn’t decide mating with a wolf was a bad idea.


  She’d been on the cusp of finding Oslow. And time was definitely running out. Titus wanted to make their mating official, but he had no clue she was a misfit wild cat from a rival pack. He thought he loved her unconditionally, but no such thing existed.

  As soon as he was out of sight, she shifted back into her cat and continued her hunt. Oslow was so close she could taste it. She moved with stealth, so slow not even a leaf made a sound. Then she came upon it—a cave, an old bear den, and it was unguarded at the moment. The perfect opportunity for her to act. She rushed forward, her senses on high alert. Titus or his packmates could return at any time to check on their captive.

  She shifted into her skin so she could talk to the old, gray wolf. Since she wasn’t a she-wolf, she couldn’t use telepathy like the others. “Oslow, it’s me, Lilly.” She fiddled with the latches on the iron cage he’d been held in. “You’re going to head south, keep running, stay hidden. I won’t be far behind. I’ll find you and lead you back to the village.” She released the final latch, and the gray wolf rushed out. “Quickly!” she called behind him.

  Lilly leaned against the stony wall to calm her nerves. She’d done it. Oslow was free, but they weren’t out of the woods yet. As soon as her enemies realized their prize was gone, they’d start the hunt. The Black Rock Creek Pack was faster and more experienced. They’d find Oslow within hours if she didn’t lead him herself.

  Once she returned to the village with Oslow, maybe her pack would finally show her some respect. Maybe she’d finally belong.

  She walked out of the den and headed back to the camp. She’d stall the pack and keep Titus entertained long enough for Oslow to get a good head start. He was elderly and his wolf wasn’t up to the long, rugged journey. She had to think of strategies to get them home safely.

  “And where are you going?” Danny, one of the dominant female wolves, blocked her path.

  “Back to my mate. Can you move?”

  “He mentioned you know the truth about us, but I don’t see a marking on you. That means he’s not your mate. Titus is just playing with his human toy. You’ll soon use up your usefulness. Do you know who the rightful Alpha female is?”

  “Move, bitch.” Lilly wasn’t in the mood for more bullshit. Certainly not some jealous she-wolf.

  “Stupid, human. I could kill you right now. My wolf can cut you to shreds.”

  “I’d love to see you try.”

  Danny shoved her, probably expecting her to fall on her ass, but even in her human form Lilly was strong and well-trained. She jabbed Danny in the face with her right fist, making the she-wolf stumble. Then she slashed her across the cheek with her claws. Her cat began to overpower her thoughts, her feral nature emerging with her heightened adrenaline.

  Danny held her cheek, the blood from her face marking her hand. Fear danced in her eyes. “What are you?”

  Lilly looked down, her claws were still out, so she retracted them.

  “A fucking cat?”

  She smirked. The bitch was about to die, anyway. The Hawthorne Clan used her as a first line of defense along with some of the stronger males, knowing she never hesitated to kill. There was no way she would leave a witness, someone who could expose her. Besides, Lilly never liked the way she looked at Titus.

  He’s not yours to claim.

  They charged each other, Lilly not holding back. She let out her aggression, punching, kicking, and clawing. Her fangs emerged and her pupils had shifted to slits, giving her better vision in the darkening forest.

  “Lilly! Stop!”

  She was straddling Danny, the she-wolf at her mercy. Lilly turned her head, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Titus stood nearby, waiting for her to comply. Only she wasn’t his to command. Lilly turned and sank her fangs into Danny’s neck, tugging until a morbid crack could be heard.

  She looked at the Alpha again, blood dripping from her fangs. It was all in the open, and she goaded him, proud of her disobedience.

  How do you love me now?

  Lilly was done with this charade. These past few days had played on her emotions, making her dream up impossible fairy tales. This life wasn’t for her. Titus loved a human, an act, something that didn’t exist. She was a cat, a killer, a recluse. They could never be mated, and she could never give him heirs for his precious lineage since their animals were incompatible. Titus’s love and acceptance was a tease, a fantasy that was never meant for her.

  She got off the dead body and began to run in the opposite direction of Oslow, still determined to finish her mission and give him more time. It was all she had left. If she couldn’t prove herself to her pack, what else did she have? With no birth family, no history, the Hawthorne Clan wolves were all she knew.

  “Lilly!” He ran after her, but she knew she could outrun him. She’d always been fast. Tears blurred her vision, but she
angrily wiped them away. She wasn’t weak and she wasn’t in love. There was no way she’d submit to the alpha wolf.

  When he started to gain on her, she didn’t see a problem with shifting at this point. He wouldn’t be able to connect her to the Hawthorne Clan since she wasn’t a wolf. They’d be safe from any retaliation. She leaped into her fur just before he caught up with her.

  It felt like coming home, her soft paws hitting the forest floor, the sights and sounds becoming magnified. Lilly loved her cat, even if everyone else looked down on her. She didn’t dare turn around to see the disappointment on the Alpha’s face.

  She dashed between the trees, in and out, and over roots and stumps. This part of the forest was unfamiliar to her, more north than she’d ever traveled. Within minutes, Titus was on her, his black wolf overpowering her. She struggled, biting and clawing at the wolf.

  He’d kill her for taking Danny’s life. And was probably disgusted that he’d considered mating with a cat. She had to fight for her life, something she’d been doing for a long time. And she was good at it, able to turn off pain and channel her energy.

  But she’d underestimated the alpha wolf. It was huge and more powerful than anything she’d ever encountered, including all the males in her village. He had her at his mercy, and after weighing her options, she shifted into her delicate human skin. Better to die a woman. Less shame in being defeated.

  The wolf followed suit and shifted into a man. Titus shackled her wrists at the sides of her head, and struggling was useless under his intense strength. “You’re a shifter? A fucking wild cat? Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She scoffed. “Don’t bullshit me, Titus. No wolf would be caught dead mating a cat.”

  “I don’t understand. Why play human?”

  Lilly needed to buy time for Oslow. Titus didn’t realize she’d released his captive. He only thought his human mate had turned out to be a wildcat. And killed one of his pack.

  It would be easy to flirt and lie her way out of trouble, but it wasn’t so easy anymore.


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