An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 4

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An Archdemon's Dilemma: How to Love Your Elf Bride: Volume 4 Page 15

by Fuminori Teshima

  Of course, the Archdemons who personally knew the real Orias would have realized that fact, but most sorcerers had little interest in the affairs of others. The other Archdemons surely took no notice of an Archdemon who was defeated by a lesser sorcerer.

  “Then why didn’t she create an elf country or whatever? Wasn’t that why she picked a fight with an Archdemon?” Barbatos voiced his doubts.

  “She probably lost the chance to do so. No, it’s more accurate to say the meaning of creating one was lost, right?”

  Titania may have defeated Orias, but it cost her everything she had. Her comrades, her reason for living, and everything else. That was what it meant to make an enemy of an Archdemon.

  She probably took Gremory in as a disciple because they’re both part of a dying race... Fomorians were almost as rare as elves. If one were to search the entire continent, they wouldn’t even find a hundred of them. Zagan assumed some sort of sympathy may have welled up in Orias due to her loneliness.

  “Everything from here is just my conjecture, but you were probably born in this village. I don’t know how you were treated here, but after fighting Orias, you decided that it was still better here than the outside world. That was why you came to entrust Nephy to them. Am I wrong?”

  “...” Orias didn’t answer, but her silence made her response evident.

  “But, in that case, why did she turn Nephy into a child? Also, why did she seal us in here?” Chastille asked as she tilted her head to the side.

  “You don’t get it?” Zagan made an exasperated expression as he replied.

  “Oh, come on! Don’t be so mean!?” Chastille whined. It seemed her crybaby persona had returned now that their conflict had been resolved.

  “Nephy is this woman’s daughter...” Zagan proclaimed.

  That line made Orias let out a sigh of resignation.

  “My goodness. This is the first time I’ve felt that bluffing is pointless,” Orias said as she looked over to Nephy. Then, she continued with, “Little Lady, do you enjoy your life with these people here?”

  “Yes. Mashter Zagan, Big Shish Foll, and everybody else are very kind to me.”

  This was surely a difficult conversation for Nephy to follow in her current form, as she couldn’t have known her relationship with the old lady before her.

  Actually, she may be taking on the form of an old woman to hide that fact... The portrait in the pendant showed a young woman, and as Gremory’s teacher, she likely had the ability to manipulate her age at will.

  “Okay, that’s good. You see, Granny here thought it would be wonderful to make such fun times go on forever,” Orias responded with a gentle nod.

  “That... makes me very happy, but it’s no good. Mashter Zagan has a lot of work. Also, I want to quickly get bigger and help him...” Nephy said with a troubled expression on her face.

  “I was sure that would be the case, but I wanted to force those fun times on you regardless of your opinion,” Orias claimed as she beckoned Nephy over, then said, “Come now, over here. It’s about time to go home, right? I’ll remove the princess’ curse.”

  As Orias touched her forehead, Nephy gently collapsed on the spot. And then, Orias placed a robe on her shoulders.

  “She’ll return to her original form in about thirty minutes or so,” Orias stated, staring at Zagan. Then, she said, “It’s just as you say. I defeated Orias, but I lost everything in the process. Even though I left this village because I wanted to create a paradise for those who were oppressed, everyone died because of me.”

  Nobody in the world could understand the despair she felt at that time.

  “Orias was a convenient name that let me toss aside my connection to the elves. After that, well, you can imagine whatever you will,” Orias claimed as she held up the Sigil of the Archdemon on her right hand. Then, with a tired sigh, she said, “So, did you keep this decrepit old woman alive just to speak of such nonsense?”

  “Not at all. Well, hearing your old stories isn’t all that bad, either...”

  Yes. The real issue at hand was still to come. Zagan stood before Orias. And as he raised his right hand, which was strong enough to slaughter even a demon, Chastille and the others turned pale.

  “H-Hold on, Zagan! Isn’t that person, um... Nephy’s mother? Killing her would mean...” Chastille began wailing about something, but Zagan paid her no mind and swung his arm down.

  “Urk...” Orias’ body stiffened up, but the next instant, her face was steeped in bewilderment. Zagan put his hand to his chest and knelt down before Orias.

  “Titania. I’m in love with your daughter. Please give Nephy to me.”

  “Huh, um, huh...?” Orias — no, Titania’s mouth opened with a pop. She let out a bewildered sound that was unfitting of an Archdemon, but eventually, she muttered as if she couldn’t believe it. This was the real reason that Zagan didn’t fight her. Ultimately, the only thing Zagan attacked was the demon. He did not inflict a single wound on Orias herself.

  The only one allowed to kill Nephy’s blood is Nephy herself... Well, killing her own relatives was a problem in itself, but unfortunately, Zagan didn’t possess such upright sensibilities.

  The main problem was whether Zagan possessed enough power to force an Archdemon to capitulate without actually fighting, but that ended up being not too difficult.

  “Give you my daughter, you say...? Do you mean you want to take Nephy as your wife...?” Orias replied in a doubtful tone.

  “That’s right.”

  “Is that... something that you need my permission for?”

  “You’re alive, and you wish for Nephy’s happiness. Do I need another reason?” Zagan asked. He didn’t understand the concept of parent-child relationships very well. However, if Foll were to find a lover one day, then Zagan himself would never permit it unless he approved of them. And in that case, he thought he should pay respects to Nephy’s parent.

  “That child... already belongs to you, doesn’t she? Still, allow me to say this...” Orias said with a laugh. And then, she bowed her head.

  “Please take care of my daughter.”

  And with that, the curtain came down on Nephy’s visit home.


  “Now then, I’ll be taking my leave before Nephelia wakes up.”

  “Oh, hold on, wait a sec,” Zagan made Orias stop as she put on her hood and turned to walk away.

  “...Do you still need something?” Orias inquired with a puzzled expression on her face.

  “You were just defeated by another Archdemon. Do you think you can just walk away?” Zagan responded in astonishment.

  Hearing such words, which completely put all the sincerity just moments before to waste, made everyone stiffen up.

  “Z-Zagan, she’s Nephy’s mother. Treating her any more poorly is...”

  “I’m not really one to talk, but my teacher isn’t really a villain here, you know? She may be an odd one, but she would never cause you any harm, or how should I put it...”

  In an unusual turn, both Chastille and Gremory were in agreement as they tried to stop him. However, Zagan silenced them with a single glare.

  “Sanctions are placed on the defeated. There are no exceptions, regardless of if they are an Archdemon or anybody’s parent.”

  In order to protect Nephy and Foll, Zagan had to continue demonstrating that it was a bad idea to make an enemy of him. Barbatos, Raphael, and even Archdemon Bifrons, didn’t get away without some form of punishment... Bifrons had even died several times over already, even. That was why Zagan couldn’t yield this point. Not everyone would believe that what Zagan was doing was correct. However, even if it was wrong, they were unable to refute his point. No one called out to stop him at that point.

  The only one who reacted was Barbatos, who snorted as if he as watching some sort of farce. And so, Zagan decided to slug him in the face later.

  “It’s obvious reasoning for a sorcerer, isn’t it? Well, I’m also getting tired of this long life. If y
ou’re willing to ensure Nephelia’s safety, then I have no objections,” Orias showed no signs of resisting and stood before Zagan as she said that.

  “How gracious. Then, I’ll have you take your punishment,” Zagan declared. Then, he looked over to Barbatos and said, “Hey, Barbatos. Hand that over.”

  “...You really got some nerves, huh?” Barbatos seemed to get what he was saying and stuck his hand into a shadow as he responded. And what he pulled out... was a single bottle of liquor. Taking the bottle, Zagan spoke to Orias once more.

  “You come from this village, right? The liquor here isn’t all that bad... but that fit of rage just blew up the brewery.”

  “And what about it?” Orias asked, knitting her brows like she couldn’t tell what Zagan was getting at.

  “Obtain more of this liquor and bring it as a tribute to my castle. That’s your punishment.”

  “You want me... to go to your castle?” Orias repeated his demand as if searching for his true intentions, and her gaze naturally wandered over to Nephy.

  “It can’t be... Are you telling me to meet with Nephelia?”

  “Who knows. Though, even if you somehow coincidentally meet Nephy at my castle, I’d have no complaints.”

  “...And how much time do I get to accomplish that task?” Orias probed, a bitter smile on her face.

  “I don’t have that much spare time, so I don’t plan on waiting very long.”

  “How strict.”

  “It’s your punishment, after all.”

  “The vanquished shall obey the victor. Such is the providence of the world,” Orias stated as she bowed her head in an exaggerated manner.

  He didn’t know just how long it would take Orias to put her feelings in order after having abandoned her daughter once already. Plus, even if Nephy were to reunite with her, it could end in tragedy.

  Even so, if she prayed for Nephy’s happiness, then she has the right to meet her... That was why Zagan provided her with the opportunity to do so.

  “...I never thought the day would come where my courage would be tested,” Orias’ figure vanished like a shadow as she left those parting words behind. And after her presence completely vanished, Barbatos spoke up in an exasperated tone.

  “You really never fucking change, huh?”

  “Shut it. Why don’t you think of another way of doing it?”

  “Ain’t it fine to kill them?”

  “In that case, I’ll start by killing you,” Zagan replied with a glare on his face.

  “Heehee, I have no intentions of displeasing you, Master,” Barbatos said as he let out a mocking laugh.

  “Barbatos, you knew? That Zagan would do this, I mean...” Chastille asked with a look of shock on her face.

  “I mean, why do you even think I’m still alive?” Barbatos was also left to live on the condition that he brought over liquor as a tribute. He wasn’t stupid enough to not realize what was going on when things were going along the exact same lines. However, the only one making a surprised expression here was Chastille.

  “You’re so dumb, Horse Head. How did you not realize when you’ve known Zagan longer than me?” Foll spoke while stifling a yawn.


  Foll had also listened to the farce just now partway through while relaxing on Kimaris’ back. Well, seeing as it was evening and normally the time for her to be in bed, that made perfect sense.

  “Th-Then, what about you, Kimaris? You didn’t know, right?”

  “No, considering Sir Zagan’s personality, I thought it would be a little far fetched for him to kill Miss Orias,” Kimaris stated as he looked back at Chastille with a disappointed expression on his face. Chastille was gradually being reduced to tears. And then, she called out to Gremory as if clinging on to her last hope.

  “Ugh, Gremory, you say something too! Weren’t you also panicking!?”

  In an unusual turn, Gremory’s cheeks reddened as she covered her face in response to that question.

  So even she still possesses the general notion of shame, huh...? It was somehow relieving, and Gremory then spoke in a tearful voice.

  “J-Just forget about it. I just lost my composure because it concerned my teacher. If I end up having the same reaction as this one over and over... then... I... I’d just have to die.”

  “Is that really something worth dying over!?” Chastille yelped, bursting into tears at that point.

  Ah, looks like office hours are over... The gallant Archangel was certainly reliable, but in the end, Zagan couldn’t really relax if she didn’t act like her usual self. And thanks to her crying, Nephy began stirring in Zagan’s arms.

  “Hm... Hm...?”

  “Nephy!” Zagan called out to her, which made everyone else gather around.

  “Master Zagan... Huh...? Um, what... happened to me...?” Nephy was only able to let out a bewildered voice because her memories were a mess.

  “Nephy, do you not remember what happened?” Zagan asked, but Nephy’s ears simply quivered in confusion. Watching her reaction, he got a real sense that Nephy was back to normal. She cast her gaze down as if searching through her memories, and then was taken aback.

  “That’s right, Master Zagan! A sorcerer is lurking about here. Judging by their power... they’re likely an Archdemon...”

  With that, Zagan felt relieved, yet somehow disappointed.

  She doesn’t remember the time when she was small, I guess... The young girl who could laugh innocently and tell him she loved him was gone. Was this truly alright? Such doubts floated up in Zagan’s mind, but he shook his head as if to rid himself of all those thoughts.

  “That one wasn’t an enemy, so you don’t need to worry anymore,” Zagan claimed as he brushed Nephy’s head.

  It was just a dream in her mind. However, Nephy blinked in surprise when she looked over to Zagan’s chest. There, she caught a glimpse of the wreath he received from the little Nephy.

  “This... is what I made together with Big Sis Foll...” Nephy stated as she stretched her hand timidly out to the wreath. It seemed there were portions she vaguely remembered.

  “Master Zagan, did we.. talk about something very important?” Nephy asked, looking rather taken aback

  “Something very important...? No, I don’t think so..” Zagan tilted his head to the side as he replied, but Nephy shook her head as her white hair swayed around.

  “No, there must have been something. If I remember right, we were in front of a fireplace, and you said something...”


  In front of a fireplace... Something very important... Those words made Zagan remembered what transpired earlier.

  “Nephy, I love you. That’s why I’ll take back the Nephy that I love.” That was the moment Zagan, who could never say the words ‘I love you,’ first relayed his feelings to Nephy. And as Zagan began panicking, the first one to move was Kimaris.

  “Miss Gremory, shall we talk over there?”

  “Let me go, Kimaris! Don’t make me miss out on a once in a lifetime display of love power! I’m telling you to let me goooooooooooooooooo!”

  Kimaris pulled Gremory away as she wailed in an unsightly manner. Next, Chastille blocked Foll’s vision with both her hands.

  “Horse Head. I can’t see.”

  “Sorry, but it’s too soon for you to watch. Lord Raphael would surely do the same,” Chastille declared, seemingly blocking Foll’s vision in place of the butler who was waiting back at the castle. And just like that, she took Foll away, as well. The last one left, Barbatos, seemed to have no interest at all from the very beginning and was leaning against a tree while knocking back a bottle of liquor.

  With all his paths of retreat cut off before he even knew it, Zagan let out a groan.

  “Ah, um, Nephy. About that time...”

  “Yes?” Nephy’s azure eyes looked directly into his as she responded to him.

  If I run away here, I feel like I’ll never be able to tell her my feelings... It would be far too pitiful for
him to run away when he tasked Orias with something so difficult already. And so, Zagan gathered his resolve.



  “Please wait... about ten seconds.”

  “...Okay,” Nephy nodded, nearly making a bitter smile. If Zagan was able to just tell Nephy that he loved her, he wouldn’t have made her wait so long in the first place, so his delay was only natural.

  Zagan took a deep breath to calm himself down, but ten seconds was far too short. By the time he took his third breath, time was already up. And then, opening his eyes with a snap, he said...



  “...I’ll only say this once, got it?” Zagan proclaimed as he embraced her. Then, he whispered into her pointy ears.

  “I love you, Nephy. I’ve been in love with you for so, so long...” Zagan stated before quickly realizing he should have said it in a more eloquent manner. However, Nephy simply put her strength into her arms and tightly squeezed Zagan’s back.

  A sweet scent wafted out. She was soft and slender, but even so, the way she put all her effort into embracing him made Zagan’s heart beat like a drum. Plus, Zagan could tell that Nephy’s heart was also thudding rapidly.

  “Yes. I remember!” Nephy happily replied. And Zagan could tell his face was getting red due to her words.

  Dammit, does Nephy actually remember everything? In that case, it would have been better for him not to say anything. However, looking at the way her ears were happily jumping up and down, he couldn’t get angry at her.

  Did she just... want to hear it one more time? Regardless of the answer to that question, she knew she was loved now. And so, Nephy brought her mouth close to Zagan’s ear and whispered into it.

  “I also... love you, Master Zagan. I love you so much. I am really, truly in love with you.”

  That surprise attack made Zagan rub his cheek against Nephy’s. Chastille, on the other hand, was staring at them and blushing all the way to her ears. Gremory was in high spirits, clamoring about something. Barbatos was letting out an ostentatious belch. And Foll was kicking Chastille’s shins.


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