Slide (Boosted Hearts Book 3)

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Slide (Boosted Hearts Book 3) Page 14

by Sherilee Gray

  “Ma and Pa are gonna like you. They won’t mind one bit that you’ve already dirtied me up.”


  “I can’t wait to tell them about the triplets.”


  “We can name them after my favorite pigs on the farm…”

  “I feel like I’m going on a picnic with Joe.”

  “Aha! It is a picnic.” She danced around beside him.

  “I’m so confused.”

  “You’ll get used to it, big boy.”

  A grin had spread across his face. “I knew you were awed by my—”

  “You’re obsessed. Seriously.” She plucked a leaf as they headed along a dirt track, trying and failing to keep a lid on the happiness building inside her.

  The man was good looking, gorgeous. But when he smiled, he made her knees shake. Which had been her plan all along. She wanted him to drop the heavy air hovering around him. The only time he didn’t look grim was right after he’d come or when she acted like a goofball. They had a day and night left and she was going to make him smile as much as possible.

  He glanced at her. “You’re the one that can’t stop thinking about what I’ve got down my pants.”

  “Oh, I’m the sex maniac?” She cocked a brow.

  His grin slipped a bit and she cursed her slip of the tongue. Adam didn’t exactly hide the fact he hooked up a lot, but he seemed sensitive about it, well, at least when she brought it up.

  They reached the edge of the lake. The spot Adam had brought her to was stunning. Secluded and shaded. The water’s edge was just a few feet away. She turned to Adam. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

  The way he was watching her made her heart race faster.

  “I’m glad I could show it to you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lucy smiled at him, and he felt it low in his gut.

  She stared out at the water. “It’s so beautiful.”

  He wouldn’t know. All he could see was her. All he could think of was the way she’d been this morning while he’d moved inside her. No one, nothing, compared to the woman standing in front of him. This was becoming more and more apparent as the hours ticked by. But he already knew that, which was why every moment with her was equal parts euphoria and agony.

  Damn, his throat felt tight as hell. He cleared it. “Yeah, I always thought it was a nice spot.”

  She shook her head, glancing at him over her shoulder. “Nice? That word does not adequately describe this place.” She lifted her hand to shield her eyes. “Did you used to swim down here?”

  “All the time.”

  Her grin was back. “I say we eat then take a dip.”

  He didn’t get a chance to answer, because she’d already taken the blanket out of his hand—the picnic blanket—and was laying it out on the ground. Lucy was right, this was romantic. He hadn’t planned for it—didn’t know the damn meaning of the word—he’d simply wanted to show her a place that was special to him before their journey ended.

  She plonked down on ground, legs crossed under her. “So what did you get us?”

  The light breeze ruffled her dark hair, eyes bright with happiness. It was good to see. She hadn’t looked like her old self since she’d been back. And, fuck, so much had changed in the last forty-eight hours that he’d give anything to know what put those shadows in her beautiful green eyes. Anything, to be the one to seek out the source and fucking annihilate it.

  “Dude, I’m dying of starvation here.”

  He’d been standing there staring at her. “Ah…yeah, just some sandwiches.”

  She patted the spot beside her. “Well, come on then. Hand it over.”

  For some crazy reason, he felt nervous. He’d never done anything like this with a woman. He was well aware that made him a major asshole and seriously pathetic. But he was kind of glad the one and only time he’d do stuff like this—romantic stuff—it was with Lucy.

  Dropping down on the blanket beside her, he handed over the bag, watching as she pulled everything out and laid it down between them. It was a simple act, but he was damn near mesmerized by her. Gut in knots. They were like a normal couple, weren’t they? This was the kind of thing that couples did. Spent their night together, sleeping together, laughing, joking, fucking. Eating a goddamn picnic lunch together. This was the only taste he’d get of that kind of life. How many times would he hear about Lucy and some other guy after this was all over? How many times would he be confronted with it? Seeing her with boyfriends—one day a husband.

  She picked a sandwich, leaned back on a hand, and looked up at the sky. “I wandered lonely as a cloud, that floats on high o’er vales and hills, when all at once I saw a crowd, a host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”

  He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she spoke, seeing the joy on her face. She grinned over at him and he felt it like a cheap shot to the chest.

  “‘Daffodils’ by William Wordsworth,” she said then took a bite of her sandwich.

  “You like poetry, huh?”

  “Love it.”

  Something about that hit him even harder. There were so many layers to the woman in front of him. So many. He wanted to know all of them, but that was for someone else, some other guy.

  Her head tilted to the side. “You’re not eating.” She slid a sandwich his way.

  “Thanks,” he murmured, his own hunger suddenly gone. But she was watching him and he’d already given away way more than he should have this morning. He’d all but admitted he had feelings for her. She hadn’t pressed, had accepted his refusal to acknowledge it.

  Why did that bother him so damn much?

  He picked up the ham and cheese, which Lucy had already unwrapped, and forced himself to take a bite.

  “How old were you when you camped down here?”

  “Fourteen, right up until we were in college, until I dropped out anyway. Then my aunt and uncle moved and so did John.” He shrugged. “We stopped coming.”

  “You dropped out?”

  “Ah…yeah.” Fuck, why did he have to go and mention that?

  “Was your mom as pissed as my brothers?”

  There was a small smile on her lips when she said it. The woman had no idea what dangerous waters she’d floated into. Lucy knew his mother died, for fuck’s sake. She just had no idea how, or that even mentioning her fucked him up. No one mentioned her to him, not anymore. Not even Joe or Hugh.

  Answer the damn question.

  “She didn’t know. I left after she passed away.”

  “Oh, I didn’t realize.” Her eyes softened and, shit, just that look made his chest hurt. “I only met your mom a couple times, but I remember she loved you like crazy. I’m sure she would’ve supported you in whatever you wanted to do.”

  Lucy was right about that. “Yeah, she would’ve.”

  “You know, I can’t imagine you as a kid. I bet you got up to all sorts of things, though. My mom used to say my brothers would turn her hair prematurely gray.”

  He chuckled. “Oh yeah, I was a handful. My mom…” He had to clear his throat again. “She worried a lot. She was soft, gentle, you know? Things got to her easily. So I tried my best to behave.” Why the hell was he saying all this? He never talked about his past, his mother’s depression, its effect on their lives. And yet there he was, spilling his guts to Lucy.

  “That can’t have been easy.” She smirked. “Behaving, I mean.”

  He chuckled. “It wasn’t.”

  They were quiet after that, silently eating and looking out at the water, though he couldn’t stop sneaking looks at her. She was even sexy…shit, beautiful, when she ate.

  She stood suddenly, and yanked her shirt up and off. “Ready for that swim?” The bra came off next and she dropped it to the ground.

  Tearing his eyes off her, he searched the lake’s edge for anyone else. Thankfully, the place was secluded, like it always was. Still, he hated the thought of a
nyone else seeing her. “Put the bra back on.” His cock throbbed behind his zipper, rejecting the idea of her covering her perfect breasts back up.

  “Don’t be such a prude.”

  “You’re calling me a prude?”

  “Looks that way.” She slid her thumbs down the sides of her shorts, pushed them and her panties down her thighs, and kicked them aside.

  The sight of her standing there, naked and fucking beautiful in the sunshine, knocked the wind from his lungs. Christ. He reached for her, but she danced out of reach and sprinted to the water, running out and diving in.

  She emerged a few seconds later like a water goddess, wet and glistening. So damn stunning his mouth went dry. He was up and yanking off his shirt and jeans before his mind fully worked out what he was doing. But there was no point fighting it. No fucking way he’d miss this. It didn’t matter that it was wrong, not today, because right then being with Lucy felt so damn right.

  He waded out to her and this time she didn’t try to run away. They both knew they were on borrowed time, and instead she moved toward him, the most gorgeous open smile on her face he’d ever seen.

  Lucy pressed her slick curves against his front and tilted her head back. “Glad you decided to join me. You made the right decision.” Her hand found his hard cock under the water and she curled her fingers around him, forcing a groan past his lips.

  He tucked a wet strand of hair behind her ear. “You’re naked…and wet,” he said by way of explanation.

  “Mmm, so are you…and hard as hell.”

  “Like I said, you’re naked.” Not that she had any less effect on him fully clothed.

  She did that cute, hot as hell, little giggle, the one he’d never heard until he’d had her under him. He’d told himself it was his and his alone, and he kind of loved that. Wrapping an arm around her tiny waist, he dragged her closer, and hooking the other under her ass, hauled her up. His mouth was on her the next second. “So fucking perfect,” he murmured against her lips. “A perfect, feisty, sexy little package.” Made just for me. Somehow he managed not to say the words out loud. Just. But he felt them, Christ, did he feel them, right down to his marrow.

  He lifted his head a fraction. “As nice as it is out here in the water, the condoms are in my jeans pocket and if I don’t get inside you in the next sixty seconds, I’ll lose my goddamn mind.”

  She flung an arm toward the small beach behind him. “To the blanket, Jeeves!”

  He chuckled. “You want me to carry you?”

  “Of course.” Her hand was back on his cock, between their slippery bodies. “If you put me down, I’ll have to let go of this most exquisite piece of man meat. I don’t think either of us wants that.”

  She gave him a squeeze and tug, and his knees almost buckled.

  “Good point.”

  He waded back in and as soon as they hit the blanket, he went down to his knees. Reaching for his jeans, he sucked one of her glistening nipples into his mouth at the same time, unable to help himself. Lucy arched in his arms, slick thighs spreading, cradling his hips.

  “Quickly.” Her voice was breathless and husky.

  Just the sound of that need, for him, had his balls drawing up tight. He grabbed a condom and quickly rolled it on, feeling the same urgency that she was feeling. Then he was sliding inside her. “Shit, baby, can’t get enough of this, the way you feel wrapped around me.”

  In response, she arched into his deep thrust, lips parting on a throaty moan. Then they were moving together, slipping and sliding and grinding. Shit, he felt out of control, lost to the woman beneath him, but then she shoved him to his back and everything changed in a way he knew he was never coming back from. Her wet skin fucking shone, those cherry-tipped, perfect handful-sized tits bouncing, begging for his mouth—and he was lost. Nothing, nothing, ever had or ever would top the sight of Lucy naked, riding him outside at one of his favorite places in the world. This place would never be the same. It was altered forever.

  It was their special place now—his and Lucy’s—and he knew in that moment he would never come there with another soul for as long as he lived.

  He dug his fingers into her hips, reveling in the way she rolled against him, the sight of her abdominal muscles flexing as she moved, head dropped back, lips parted. He could feel water drip from the tips of her wet hair onto his thighs and fuck knows how, but it added a whole extra erotic element that had him close to blowing the hell up.

  “Look at me, Lucy.” He needed her eyes on him, needed it in a way he didn’t understand. She looked down, lids heavy with lust, teeth sunk into her lower lip. Shit. He reached up, curled his fingers around the side of her slender throat, and drew her down, kissing her hard and deep as he jerked his hips up to meet hers. His other hand went between them and he slid his thumb over her tight little clit.

  She pulled away from his mouth on a gasp, eyes drifting shut.

  “Open. Keep your eyes open.”

  She blinked, eyes locking with his and he watched as she flew apart on top of him, her cries echoing around the lake. It was the sexiest, most exquisite thing he’d ever seen.

  When she dropped down on top of him, he flipped her onto her back, spreading her nice and wide, and thrust back in, pounding into her. Lucy dug her fingers into his ass, the other hand sliding up his back, fisting his hair, yanking him down for a hot, open-mouthed kiss. He slammed deep, a wild sound tearing from him. His hips moved on their own, thrusting and grinding, fucking into her. It wasn’t until he was almost spent that he realized Lucy was coming again, her tight pussy squeezing down on him. Somehow he managed to keep his head up so he could watch her, sliding against her while he did, making sure her clit got the attention she needed.

  Finally she went lax, arms sliding away down by her sides so only her fingers were grazing the sides of his ass.

  “You killed me,” she murmured. “Just…fucked the life right out of me.”

  Her eyes were closed and he couldn’t help but kiss that soft mouth again. He was goddamn obsessed with it, with her taste, the feel of her tongue against his. “You complaining?” he said against her sweet-as-candy lips. They were keeping it light, when what they’d done was anything but fucking. Lucy knew it, too, and he got the feeling that was the real reason she had her eyes closed. If she looked at him, he’d see the truth and he knew she’d see the same in him.

  He collapsed onto the blanket, moving in behind her so they could each get their shit together in private.

  “That was the first time I’ve had sex outdoors,” she said into the silence.

  That was the first time I’ve ever made love. The words flew through his mind without his say-so. He always thought using those words to describe sex was cheesy as hell. They didn’t feel that way now. Fuck.

  “Glad to check a box on your bucket list. I’m here to serve, after all.” He meant it to sound light, teasing. What came out had an edge of bitterness that he fucking hated. It had nothing to do with Lucy, or maybe it had everything to do with her? He was having trouble getting his head around the feelings and emotions bombarding him in that moment. More than anything, he was pissed at himself. He’d fucked himself up beyond repair, so much so he would never be any good for anyone. Not even Lucy. But he already knew that, and he didn’t think he’d ever get over it.

  She twisted in his arms. “That’s not…I wasn’t…” She slapped his arm hard.

  “Ow!” He frowned. “What was that for?”

  “Cut the self-depreciating crap.”


  “I didn’t force you to have sex with me. And you seemed to enjoy it just fine.”

  What now? “Of course I did—”

  “Then cut that shit out. Do you think I’m using you for your body?” She placed her hand on the side of his face. “For this gorgeous face?”

  “I…” He didn’t know what the hell to say. He’d pissed her off and he was afraid he’d say the wrong thing and get a knee to the balls.

ll?” she said, eyes now blazing.

  “I, ah…”

  “When you go home with some random bar bunny and screw her brains out, are you thinking long-term relationship? Are you all bitter and twisted when they leave in the morning?”

  Now he was getting pissed. “No. Of course not.”

  “Then why are you acting like this?”

  “Like what?” He knew what she was getting at, but admitting she was right meant admitting he wished he could have more with her than the next thirty-six hours.

  “Like I popped your cherry, slapped you on the ass, and sent you on your way.” She shoved back and climbed to her feet. “You’re acting like a scorned maiden, like I’m some predator forcing you to stick your dick in me.”

  What the fuck? “Lucy—”

  “I just want to leave. I’m going back to the car.” She scooped up her clothes and took off, naked, toward the track.


  The she-devil ignored him completely and started running.

  After yanking on his jeans, he scooped up the rest of their stuff and ran after her. He heard the car roar to life in the distance. The fuck? She was going to drive off and leave him on the side of the road? He reached the tree line and burst out into the clearing…

  And nearly stroked out.

  Lucy, in only a pair of panties, was attached to some guy’s leg. No, not some guy, the same fucker who had stolen the car the first time. He was kicking out, trying to shake Lucy off.

  Adam sprinted toward them. “Lucy!”

  The guy was behind the wheel and spun around, saw Adam barreling down on him, and let his fist fly. It connected with Lucy’s face, knocking her back, and her body hit the gravel. He slammed the door and he tore off, stones spitting from the rear tires as he went.

  Adam skidded down to the ground beside her. “Lucy. Fuck. Baby, are you okay?”

  She was lying there, eyes wide with shock. She blinked twice then the shock vanished and she looked pissed as hell. “That motherfucker hit me.” She struggled up to her elbows and winced.

  “Be careful. Just stay still for a second.”

  She touched her nose. “He didn’t actually hit me that hard. Just stunned me, really.” A trickle of blood slid from one nostril, over her lip.


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