Escaping Reality (Hart Ranch Book 1)

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Escaping Reality (Hart Ranch Book 1) Page 2

by Rachel Skatvold

  The young woman shook her head. “I’m sorry. We do have phones in here and in all the cabins but I’m afraid your car won’t be able to be towed because of all the flooding. Hopefully the rain will slow down soon so the road can be repaired. I’m afraid we’re all stuck here until then.”

  Addison groaned. It looked like spending the night here was the only option. She’d have to find a way back to civilization tomorrow. The thought filled her stomach with dread but she forced a smile. “Well, thanks anyway.”

  “You’re welcome. I wish I could be more help.” She extended her hand. “I’m Annabelle Hart by the way, but you can just call me Belle for short.”

  Addison shook her hand and smiled. “Oh, you must be Logan’s…relative?”

  Belle’s lavender eyes danced. “Guilty as charged. I’m his sister. Did he give you a hard time? My brother can be annoying sometimes.”

  Addison laughed, enjoying Belle’s spunky personality. “We may have argued a little.”

  “Well good. He needs someone to put him in his place sometimes.” Belle winked at her. “I’m sure you’re tired. I’ll book you a cabin for the night and find you some dinner.”

  “I’d appreciate that.”

  Belle walked out of the store area and motioned for her to follow. They entered a small but cozy dining area.

  A young woman with short ginger colored hair looked up from wiping tables. She smiled at them but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Do we have a late arrival tonight?”

  Belle grinned. “Ava, this is Addie. She got stranded out on the road and is staying here for the night. Would you mind getting her something to eat while I book her a cabin?”


  After Belle left, Ava smiled and fiddled with a bulky apron that almost swallowed her petite frame. “I’m sorry about the ordeal you’ve been through tonight. You must be half-starved. Our cook has retired for the night but I can whip something up really quick. Do you like chicken strips? I can start up the fryer.”

  Addison appreciated her hospitality but noticed the weary look in Ava’s eyes. She shook her head. “No thanks. I’d hate for you to go through all the trouble just for me. I’d be happy with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich or something simple.”

  Ava nodded and her face relaxed. “We have salad. Does that sound all right?”

  “Sounds perfect. Can I take it back to my cabin though? I’m exhausted.”

  “Of course. I understand completely.” Ava disappeared into the kitchen and came out a few minutes later carrying a plastic bag with a foam takeout container inside.

  After thanking her, Addison walked out of the diner and met Belle back in the store.

  She handed her a key attached to a silver horseshoe keychain. “You’ll be in cabin four. It’s just past the corral.” Belle handed her a bucket. “Take this too.”

  Addison furrowed her brow as she took the handle. “What’s this for?”

  “The roof may leak a little. It’s all the rain we’ve gotten the past few weeks.”

  She groaned inside but left for the cabin. Leaky roof or not, she had little choice in the matter. Addison entered the cabin and observed the rustic accommodations. There was a full-sized bed covered with a quilt on the right side of the room, along with a small couch and end table. Then off to the left she spied a small kitchenette with a refrigerator and gas burning stove that looked older than dirt. No microwave or TV. However, on the bright side the cabin appeared to be clean and well-maintained.

  She found the phone on the end table and left voicemails for her sister and father. Then Addison ate her salad and went to bed.

  The mattress had a heavenly down cover that made her body relax the instant she sunk into it. Addison began drifting off until the rain started up again. That’s when she heard it. Drips inside the cabin.

  Addison leapt from the bed and found the bucket. She placed it in the middle of the room where the drips seemed to be coming from but when she headed back toward her bed she ran into more drips.

  “Really?” Addison scowled, rummaged through the cabinets and found some pots. She counted three more dripping spots and placed the pots accordingly.

  Then she threw herself back onto the bed, covered her head with a pillow and groaned. It was like being in the middle of an indoor percussion concert with pots for drums and cymbals.

  The noise wasn’t the only reason sleep eluded her.

  Thoughts of the rugged cowboy invaded her thoughts. It didn’t make sense. Mountain men certainly weren’t her type. No, she went for rich perfectly groomed guys that the tabloids went nuts over. Still she couldn’t get Logan’s sky blue eyes out of her mind. How could someone be so attractive and so infuriating at the same time?

  Guilt brought her annoyance of him to a screeching halt. She probably set him off by acting grumpy and rude. He’d only been trying to help her. If he hadn’t been there, she probably would have spent the night alone in the woods.

  Addison sighed and made up her mind while drifting off into a restless sleep. Tomorrow she’d swallow her pride, find Logan and apologize.

  Chapter THREE

  ~ ~ ~

  Good morning, mountain man. I don’t believe we’ve met before.”

  Logan looked up from his coffee and grinned at Belle. “Oh, leave me alone, sis.”

  She chuckled and sat across from him at their parents’ kitchen table. “Sorry, Logan. I didn’t recognize you behind all that stubble.”

  He arched his eyebrow and rubbed the thick facial hair that had grown along his jaw line. “Hmm, making fun of my beard? I see how it is. Maybe I’ll keep it just to annoy you.”

  “Whatever you want. It’s your face.”

  He took a sip from his coffee and then shook his head. “No, I’m planning on cleaning up after breakfast. I just had some early morning chores to attend to.”

  “Did it have something to do with the luggage belonging to the pretty blonde you dumped in the mud last night?”

  His eyes widened. “I didn’t dump her in the mud. She was too stubborn to let me help her down. I’ve never met a woman so rude…so annoying.”

  “Well she’s been pretty nice to me. Maybe she was just having a bad day.”

  He sighed and took a sip of his coffee while gazing out the window toward cabin number four. “Maybe. But I plan on making myself scarce until she leaves. I have a feeling that one is nothing but trouble.”

  Belle laughed. “Oh, you worry too much. So tell me about your trip. Anything exciting happen on the trail?”

  Logan sighed and rubbed his forehead, thinking of the last four weeks. All the days of seclusion as a private mountain guide seemed to blend together. “Not too eventful. It gave me a nice break but I’m glad to be back.”

  She frowned and fiddled with the handle on her coffee cup. “We missed you.”

  “Was it that bad?”

  Belle sighed. “Well, a few of the cabins have leaks with all this rain and Ava gave her notice. Last night was her last shift. So I’ll be in charge of the front desk and the restaurant in the afternoons.”

  Logan’s eyes grew wide. “I’m sorry you had to deal with so much while I was gone. I’ll patch the leaky roofs today. What happened with Ava?”

  His sister shrugged. “She didn’t give any real reasons but I think Dad might have pushed her over the edge. You know how he can be.”

  Logan nodded. “Yep. Believe me. I know.” He sighed and finished off his coffee. “Well, I’ll go and have a chat with her. I was meaning to pick up Dylan later anyway.”

  “Taking him out for another survival lesson in the woods?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, as long as the weather stays clear.”

  “Well, I hope your plan works. Dylan needs a man’s influence in his life right now.”

  “I agree. Could you let Colton know he’ll be flying solo on the trail ride today?”

  His sister nodded, blushing cherry red at the mention of the young man’s name.

  Logan considered
teasing his sister about her little crush but reined in his tongue. He stood and patted Belle’s shoulder instead. “Tell Colton to take the radio with him. I’ll keep mine close in case I’m needed for anything.”

  Belle managed a shaky smile. “I will.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Addison woke up stiff and disoriented. The sound of rain drops had been replaced with chirping birds outside. She groaned and stretched her aching muscles, feeling like she’d run a marathon the day before. It didn’t help that she’d slept in jeans and a t-shirt.

  Without her suitcase Addison had nothing to prepare for the new day so she just threw her hair up into a ponytail and headed outside. She didn’t get far before tripping over something solid on the porch.

  Her suitcase.

  Addison lugged it inside and read the little note attached. I hope you enjoy your stay at Hart Ranch. ~ Logan.

  She grinned. How early had he woken up that morning to retrieve her suitcase? She’d have to thank him later.

  Forty-five minutes and a hot shower later, Addison made her way out of the cabin, feeling more like herself. When she entered the diner, the smell of eggs and toast greeted her and she noticed a buffet area set up with covered entrees.

  Belle was serving coffee for a few other guests but turned when she came into the room. Her smile lit up the whole place. “Well, good morning, Addie. I hope you like the main course…spinach and cheese omelets.”

  “That sounds wonderful,”

  Belle motioned toward the buffet line. “Go ahead and help yourself.”

  Addison thanked her and grabbed a plate. Her stomach growled as she went through the line and scooped up a sampling of everything, including fried potatoes she would have normally avoided. Then she took a seat by the window away from the other guests. Hopefully no one would recognize her.

  A minute later, Belle glided over to her table holding a steaming cup. “Coffee?”

  She nodded. “Yes. Thank you.”

  Belle placed the cup on the table and then took a seat across from her. “So, how was your night? I hope that storm didn’t keep you awake.”

  Addison laughed as she opened a packet of sweetener and poured its contents into her coffee. “Well the storm didn’t but the drippy roof was another story.”

  Belle frowned. “Sorry about that. Logan’s going to come patch the roof later today.”

  At the mention of his name, Addison blushed and fiddled with the handle on her coffee cup. “Thanks. So, the rain has finally cleared off. Will the road be fixed today?”

  “Afraid not. The water’s still too high. It looks like we’ll all have to just hang tight for a few more days.”

  A few more days? Addison couldn’t imagine being stuck here for that long. She was already going stir crazy. She sighed and rested her elbow on the table. “So, what do guests do while they’re here? Anything fun?”

  Belle twirled one of her long brunette curls. “Well we have miniature golf but that’s flooded. Um, let me think…some people enjoy fly-fishing and we have a class to learn how to lasso a cow. Most people come here for the horse trail rides though. If it dries out enough, we have one for beginners at two o’clock this afternoon.”

  Addison cringed. It was going to be a long couple of days if those were the only recreational options.

  Just then, a blond, blue-eyed cowboy walked through the door. He smiled at Belle and her cheeks turned a bright pink hue in response. She gulped and turned back to Addison. “Well, it was nice talking with you. I hope you enjoy your first morning at the ranch.”

  Addison said bye and watched Belle in amusement as she served the handsome cowboy some coffee. They made small talk and Belle kept fidgeting with her chocolate brown curls. There was no denying the spark between them.

  The first stage of love was always like that—innocent and fluttery. Then came the heartbreak—the betrayal. She knew the bitter reality all too well.

  Addison pushed her half-eaten omelet away and escaped the confines of the diner. Tears stung her eyes as she rushed toward the barn. She leaned against its hard exterior and closed her eyes. Jared Kingsley had seemed like the man of her dreams. He was handsome, rich and treated her well at first. Blinded by his charm, Addison let her guard down. Never again.

  She opened her eyes and a little white blur caught her attention. Addison waited and watched as a little kitten scampered out of the barn door. Then another jumped out and tackled the first—an adorable calico this time.

  She giggled and inched closer. Addison was almost within reach of the little puff balls when they got spooked and darted away from her. She shrugged and entered the barn, wiping tears off her cheeks.

  Addison walked toward the stables to the left and a gorgeous midnight black horse lifted its regal head over the stall. Addison placed a trembling hand on the horse’s head. “Hey there handsome.”

  He nickered and relaxed at her touch. Addison relaxed too. Maybe horses weren’t that bad after all.

  A crazy idea entered her head. Today of all days she needed something to take her mind off her problems—anything to make her forget Jared.

  She patted the horse on the jaw and read the name plate “Skipper huh? Well, maybe we’ll meet again around two. What do you say?”

  Chapter Four

  ~ ~ ~

  Logan rode his ATV past his parents’ property and followed the winding gravel road for about two miles before turning into Ava’s driveway.

  She plucked a final weed from her garden and looked up when he parked by the house. Ava managed an uneasy smile and removed her gardening gloves as he approached. “Well, long time no see. How was your trip?”

  “Good. I’m glad to be back though.” He smiled and reached out to give his sister-in-law a hug. She dodged and shook his hand instead, filling his mind with even more questions. They’d been friends since childhood and she’d never objected to a friendly hug. He paused for a moment and rubbed his freshly shaven face. “Just checking in. Sorry I didn’t get to stop by the diner when I returned last night.”

  Ava ran her fingers through her short auburn hair and sighed. “That’s all right. So, I know you’re probably wondering why I decided to quit.”

  “Yeah, I just wanted to make sure everything’s okay.”

  She paused and chewed on her bottom lip. “I just…I feel like I’m suffocating there with your dad pressuring me about the ranch.”

  “It’s okay. Believe me, I know the feeling. That’s why I needed to get away for a few weeks.”

  She exhaled and looked down. “I wish Nathan was still here to tell me what to do.”

  “Me too. Don’t worry though. I’m home now. I’ll have a talk with my father.”

  She put her hand on her chin and closed her eyes, appearing to battle with herself over something. After a few moments she looked up and exhaled. “We’re going to be gone for a few weeks. My sister has wanted us to visit for quite some time now.”

  “You and Dylan are going to Chicago?”

  She nodded. “Yes. I booked a flight two days from now. Hopefully the road will be fixed by then.”

  “That’s good. A trip to see your sister will give you time to relax and clear your head. Let me know if you need a ride to the airport.”

  She managed a forced smile. “Thanks. That would be nice.”

  He studied Ava’s face and her odd appearance that day. Nathan’s old college sweatshirt hung off her thin frame like a poncho and she looked a little pale. “Is something else bothering you, besides my pushy father?”

  Ava bit her lip. “Oh, it’s nothing. I’m just worried about Dylan.”

  “Why? Is he getting into trouble?”

  “No. He’s just been so distant since Nathan…” Ava winced like the unspoken word brought her physical anguish. Then she managed a sad smile. “And no matter how hard I try, I can’t fill that void in his life. You know how close they were.”

  Logan nodded. “They were inseparable…like they had their own little world.”

>   “And now that world has been shattered.” She drew in a ragged breath. “He used to like being homeschooled but now he’s falling behind in his studies. He’s really not motivated to do anything. It makes me wonder if he’d be better off at a private school for deaf students.”

  His eyes widened. “Why? We all know sign language here at the ranch. Growing up with Nathan being deaf, it’s like a first language. Maybe we could all pitch in and try to help with Dylan.”

  Ava shrugged. “I don’t know. It hasn’t worked so far. I think the problem is, Dylan always felt like he could relate to his father. They were alike in so many ways. It makes me wonder if he would thrive being around other kids who are deaf. Maybe he’d come out of his shell a little more.”

  “Maybe, but where would you find a school like that?”

  “Not anywhere close to here. That’s the hardest part but I need to do something to help him. Nothing else I’ve tried has worked.”

  “Of course. You need to do what’s best for your family.” Logan looked down and kicked at some gravel, finally realizing what Ava was trying to tell him. “Have you talked to Dylan about it yet?”

  She shook her head. “No. There’s nothing to talk about right now. It’s just something I’m considering. Please don’t mention it to him.”

  “My lips are sealed.”

  She put her hand on his shoulder and surprised him with a peck on the cheek. “Thank you, Logan. Not just for keeping my secret but for everything you’ve done for me in the past. You’re a good friend.”

  Logan gulped and pushed his apprehension aside. “So, I really came by to see if Dylan would like to spend the day with me. Would you mind?”

  She shook her head and wiped a stray tear off her cheek. “No, not at all. I’ll go get him.”

  His heart ached as Ava retreated into the house. Why did she have to be so sweet—so forgiving? Somehow it made his guilt sting even deeper. Logan would always blame himself that she was a widow.

  ~ ~ ~


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