Peter of Dwarven Stone (War of Contractia Book 4)

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Peter of Dwarven Stone (War of Contractia Book 4) Page 40

by Tj Dixon

  “Yes, Misty.”

  “You don’t look as different as I expected.” Misty tells me sounding a little disappointed.

  “What were you expecting?” I ask curiously.

  “I don’t know. Less human though.” Misty shrugs. “So are you going to help me with wind magic?”

  “Yes. Start by showing me what you can do and we’ll see what we need to work on.”

  “Ok, but if I’m practising flight magic, I want you to fly above me.” Misty tells me. I look at her blankly, unsure why she wants me to do that. She glares at me. “I’m in a skirt, and I don’t want you looking up it.”

  “Oh, ok.” I respond. I really have no interest in looking up her skirt, but I suppose her request is reasonable. Nobody else has been concerned by that though. “Start by creating a windshield. What?”

  “It looks like Juliet has knocked herself out again.” Misty sighs. I turn and see a small girl lying on the floor unconscious next to Kai. “And there’s no way that woman’s a half dwarf.”

  “She may not look it, but she is. She led us into a dwarven city and her magic is very much dwarven.”

  “Putting aside her height, she doesn’t even have a beard.”

  “None of the female dwarves had beards.” I tell Misty who looks at me with one eyebrow raised.

  “Everyone knows dwarves have beards, lots of muscles, are really short and ugly.”

  “By elven standards the male dwarves were ugly, and they did have beards, lots of muscle and were short. The female dwarves looked more like human children though.”

  “That’s stupid. What’s the point of being a dwarf if you don’t have a beard?” Misty says and I just don’t know how to answer that and there is now someone standing behind Misty who is much better suited to answering her question.

  “Hey, brat…” Kai says, having just ported behind Misty in time to catch most of her question. Kai places a hand on Misty’s head and asks a little threateningly. “What’s the point your being a human?”

  Misty’s eyes go wide and she slowly turns to face Kai. She does so slowly because Kai is pushing down fairly hard on Misty’s head. To my surprise Misty glares up at Kai.

  “Being human is normal. Being a dwarf isn’t. If you’re going to be a dwarf you should have a beard. You should also be shorter than me. So you’re not a dwarf, are you?” Misty says defiantly. Kai seems just as shocked as I am and just stands there open mouthed. “So admit that you’re just a big human woman.”

  “Why… you…” Kai says furiously and a moment later Misty is sucked down into the mud until only her head is sticking out. “I’m not training these rude brats!”

  Kai has ported away before I can reply. A moment later so has a crying Misty.


  It hasn’t been a good training session and we’ve only been training for a few minutes. I consider asking Rin to talk to Misty, but Rin is busy catching up with Elucia and to be honest she isn’t always the gentlest of people. I could just see Rin making it worse, perhaps by shouting at Misty or something.

  “Marian, you’re in Misty’s class, aren’t you?” I ask, hoping I am remembering correctly.

  “Yes, but I’ve never really talked to her.” Marian tells me.

  “So you don’t know where her room is.” I sigh.

  “Juliet knows.” Marian tells me.

  “Great, the only one who knows where Misty’s room is, happens to be unconscious. Perhaps Lucy can heal Juliet awake though. Do you know where Juliet’s room is?”

  “No, but I think Cherry and Sherry have been there.” Marian tells me.

  “Thanks Marian.” I say and taking a quick glance round, I see Sherry practising with Emma. I port over there.

  “Sherry, do you know where Juliet’s room is?” I ask, again without even taking the time to say hello.

  “Yes, I went there once with Cherry. Is Juliet ok?” Sherry asks sounding genuinely worried.

  “Yes, I’m sure she’s fine. She seems to be the only one who knows where Misty’s room is.”

  “Is Misty ok?” Sherry asks, sounding relieved now. I guess she must like Juliet more than Misty.

  “I think she’s just upset. I don’t want to just leave her on her own though.”

  “Oh, well I can show you where Juliet’s room is.” Sherry says and places her forehead against mine. She shares the location and then steps back.

  “Thanks Sherry.” I say and then port straight there. If she’s still unconscious I’m not going to be able to get in, so thinking about it, having Lucy heal her awake isn’t an option. I knock on the door and pray she is awake.

  “Peter?” Juliet asks quietly from just the other side of the door, which she then opens. She must have some spell to see through the door and she must have been touching it to call through it.

  “Hi Juliet. Sorry to disturb you.” I tell her.

  “It’s fine.” Juliet tells me, but she is so quiet that she could almost be whispering.

  “Are you ok?” I ask her.

  “Head hurts.”

  “Ah… You really need to stop over using your power.”


  “There’s no need to apologise. I’m just worried for you.” I tell her.


  “I’m sorry, but I need your help. I need to know where Misty’s room is.” I tell Juliet apologetically.

  “Next room. That way.” Juliet points.

  “You’re next door?” I ask surprised and end up talking slightly louder than I planned to. Juliet winces, but nods. I make sure to talk quietly now. “Sorry, and thank you.”

  “You’re, welcome.” Juliet manages to say but it is clearly a struggle.

  “Don’t talk. Try to get some rest and I’ll see you at training tomorrow.” I tell her. She half smiles, half winces. I make sure to close the door quietly as I leave. I then walk to the next room in the direction she pointed and knock on the door. As I wait I wonder whether Misty will even open the door, but eventually she does. Her face is stained with tears and there are fresh tears welling up in the corners of her bright blue eyes. She is wearing a simple blue pyjama shirt and matching blue pyjama trousers.

  “Can I come in?” I ask and Misty nods. She steps back and I enter the room just enough to close the door behind me.

  “Am, am, I going, to be kicked out of the club?” Misty asks, unable to stop her tears. It reminds me a little of when Cherry and Sherry were distraught just before the tournament, but at least this time it isn’t my fault.

  “No.” I tell Misty and that at least stops her tears, though she is clearly still really upset. “I’ve asked Dairon to find Kai and talk to her about what happened. Kai went too far, but it sounds like you were really rude to her. It would be best if you both apologise to each other, but I’m not going to make either of you do so. I am going to ask you to be polite to everyone in the club and everyone who helps the club, including Kai.”

  “But, she isn’t really a half dwarf, is she?” Misty asks accusingly.

  “I believe she is. She certainly had dwarven knowledge that really helped us. Even if she wasn’t though, why is it so important to you?”

  “Because dwarves are dwarves.” Misty says as if she can’t understand the question. I can’t say I understand her answer, so she isn’t the only one who is confused. “Even the elf was disappointing. The faery was good though. Legendary races shouldn’t look like humans, and Kai is so different to what a dwarf should look like that I just can’t accept that she really is a dwarf.”

  “You mean a half dwarf.” I point out.

  “She looks more like a half ogre.” Misty says and she seems to have forgotten that she was upset. She seems to simply be angry.

  “If you call Kai a half ogre, I think she might do worse than she did today.” I warn Misty.

  “She ruined my uniform.” Misty says pointing at what is left of it. It is a muddy pile beside her bed, but worse than the mud are the rips. Did it get cut by stones in the e
arth, and if it did…?

  “Are you hurt, physically?” I ask Misty.

  “I used a healing potion. I hurt like hell when…” Misty sniffs, but as she says it she breaks down into tears again. I don’t know what to say, but seeing her so distraught again, I feel the urge to hug her. Not knowing what else to do I take a step forwards and hug her tightly. Her tears stop. She sounds embarrassed as she says quietly. “Thanks.”

  “Are you ok now?” I ask.

  “Yes.” She whispers. I remove my arms from around her and take a step back. It takes me a moment to think of something to say to break the silence.

  “Do you have a spare uniform?” Is all I can think of to ask.

  “Yes. I’ll need to get another spare now though. That’s going to eat into my savings again though. It’s the fifth uniform I’ve had wrecked since I started at the academy.” Misty tells me.

  “How did you wreck the others?” I ask surprised.

  “I was stupid enough to show a classmate my room and she told everyone in class about it.” Misty sighs. “So they constantly harassed me until I joined your club.”

  “Why did they do that just because they saw your room?” I ask confused.

  “Because of all the drawings on the walls, and don’t ask me to tell you what they are or show you.” Misty says and then blinks. Her eyes wide, she says. “Oh…”

  I had been so focused on Misty I hadn’t even looked at the walls but unable to help myself I take a quick glance. What I see is shocking to say the least. My face goes pale and I turn back to Misty. Her face is even paler than mine and fresh tears are falling down her cheeks.

  “Now I’m out the club, aren’t I? You must find these even more offensive than everyone else did.” She sobs.

  “No, well, probably not.” I tell her and her eyes go even wider.

  “You’re not offended?” She asks in shock.

  “I can’t say I’m not offended, but these are just pictures. Were these just created from your imagination, or were…?” I start to ask.

  “Just my imagination! I’d never do anything like this! That would really be disgusting, even to me. I may be different to everyone to find this artwork appealing, but I’m not so different that I could even look at this if it was real.” Misty tells me fiercely.

  “I find what I see here on your walls disgusting, but I believe in freedom. Slavery whether in name or just in effect is the most abhorrent of all things to me. I've lived through it, so I know just how terrible it is. I wish I could free the four people that I own and one day I will find a way to do so.

  “We're not mindless golems, designed to think exactly the same thing. To try to suppress those thoughts is no better than slavery, and being free to say what you want, write what you want or draw what you want, as long as it doesn't offend anyone... That's no freedom at all.

  “If you ask everyone in the club what they find offensive, you'll probably get a different answer from everyone. Of course if you showed this to everyone in the club I doubt anyone wouldn't be offended, but... so what? Nothing here is real. You haven't harmed anyone to make this.

  “You said it yourself, that the idea of actually doing anything like this for real disgusts you. I can tell from your aura that you weren't lying. Of course if you did do anything like this I'd kill you myself, but as long as this is just fantasy I'm not going to judge you for it. Rest for tonight and be at the training again tomorrow. Now I'm leaving here before I vomit.” I say and port away before Misty can answer me.

  Remembering the pictures of people being eaten alive, tortured, humiliated or killed… It is enough that I really do vomit. I’ve seen people killed and even killed them myself, but how anyone could look at even the few pictures on the wall that I saw and find it appealing is beyond me. If I tried to sleep in that room I would have nightmares, although that is assuming I could get to sleep in the first place.

  “Peter?” Lucy asks looking down at me as I kneel and vomit for a second time. “I don’t sense any physical injury to heal.”

  I shake my head and using water magic I cleanse myself, starting with my mouth and throat. I look up at Lucy and force a small smile.

  “All better now.” I tell her, but I can tell she doesn’t believe me even before she speaks.

  “Tell me the truth. What happened?” Lucy asks. I frown.

  “I can’t tell you the details and please don’t tell anyone, but I saw something a little disturbing.”

  “It must have been more than a little to make you vomit. You’ve not only seen but lived through some pretty awful things.” Lucy says and I can’t deny it. I’m going to have a hard time keeping my promise not to think less of Misty, but it is a promise I must keep.

  Chapter 29 (Multiple)


  I am standing in the arena for almost the last battle of the tournament. After this there is only Sor. That is one battle I am truly worried about. Of course it wouldn’t be wise to be distracted now.

  Jade stares at me a little nervously. She isn’t exactly scared of me, but she is nervous of the match in the same way she might be about an important test. In a sense that is exactly what this is, except only one of us can pass and the loser loses their freedom. Jade is of typical Contractian appearance and I suspect a year or so older than me. Her specialty I’ve been told is earth magic and her weakness is wind magic.

  We are ported and I realise the battlefield will work to Jade’s advantage. We are underground and it is pitch black down here, except for the auras. The auras are blood red and bright silver mixed together in a flowing pattern that takes my breath away. After a moment I remember to put up a port block. It wouldn’t do to be ambushed whilst I stare at the disturbing auras. The auras appear to be plant like auras, but I sense hatred, hunger and pain from the auras. The auras remind me a bit of Tree Ents, but much larger and more vibrant. There is also a smell of death, which forces me to cleanse the air around me.

  I sense the flow of air up and down a vertical winding staircase. As I extend my senses up it I realise where we are. We are more or less directly under the arena. This is the ‘garden’ that Rin showed me on my first day as a student at the academy. It has changed from a beautiful, tranquil place to this awful place of death.

  I want to leave here as soon as I can and to do so I must beat Jade. I sense the flow of air through the huge cavern I am in and then through the large winding tunnels behind it. Eventually the air reaches Jade. I jump into the air and race through the cavern. Though my normal sight is zero in this dark I dodge lashing plant roots, thrown boulders and the snapping plant heads that seem determined to eat me. Their auras are clear and my wind senses strong enough that it isn’t a problem.

  As I enter the tunnel I leave the deadly plants behind me, but I sense a disturbance in the air just ahead. I stop and study the disturbance with my wind senses. I am glad I did because a moment later a huge flame fills the tunnel ahead of me for a few moments before disappearing. I could have shielded against it, but that would have been a waste of my power. The disturbance is now gone so I continue along the tunnel.

  Jade seems content to wait for me so it looks like I need to close the whole distance between us. I wonder if she is preparing some nasty surprises for me. I am certain that the flames were not hers and the thought of her controlling the deadly plants is utterly laughable.


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