Demon's Rage

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Demon's Rage Page 9

by Janelle Peel

  Towering over her, he glowered. “She’s 18, Rowe. How exactly is she not a child?”

  Defiantly, Rowe jutted out her chin. “The moment she went to Hell for you she grew up. She’s killed, Mel. Not only that but she loves him. Don’t you remember what that’s like? What would you do if it was Lillin?”

  The hard lines of his tense shoulders loosened. Glancing back at me, he croaked, “Anything.”

  Nodding in satisfaction, Rowe threw me a meaningful look. We both knew he’d only lashed out because he was hurting.

  Taking Mel’s large hand in my own, I tucked my head beneath his jaw. “What do you want to do?”

  Kane rumbled from the bow. “Nothing. Nat and Skye followed her. We proceed as planned.”

  Mel’s low growl vibrated through my chest. “You knew, too?”

  Sighing, Kane searched the night sky. “Of course. I trust my Mate to take care of herself. She doesn’t need my permission to do what she feels is right.”

  This was the reason it never would have worked between Nat and Mel. As Alphas they made a great team, but that’s as far as their relationship could ever go. Mel liked being in control, and well, so did she. Personally, I enjoyed his overprotective side. It tempered the loneliness I’d harbored for far too long.

  Wrapping his arms around my waist, Mel’s warm breath feathered against my hair. He needed the comfort as much as I did.

  Softly, I murmured, “She’ll be fine. Don’t forget her diamond coating. All she has to do is shift to activate it.”

  He froze. “If she loves him how can they be together? One misplaced brush of her fur will kill him.”

  The revelation jolted through my veins. How had I missed this?

  Rowe grunted. “Can we reverse it?”

  Honestly, I had no idea. The stones had melded with her skin. If there was a solution only she’d be able to find it.

  Alec’s head popped up from below deck. “Um, sorry to interrupt, but the golden feather down here is going nuts. Rowe’s backpack is leaking light all over the place and it’s kind of freaking me out.”


  Nat and Skye touched down beside us.

  Hiding her worry, Nat’s grin wobbled at the edges. “Think you could get some clothes on Kai?”

  A ruby shimmer spread across his exposed skin as his magic willed a dark tee and pants into being.

  Clutching at the soft material, I asked, “What happened, Kai?”

  His lids clenched closed. Hoarsely, he answered, “My power has become seductive. The more I use, the less I care.” Palming my cheek, his eyes filled with tears. “I almost killed you.”

  I chuckled. “No. I was never in any danger. You were there the whole time. I just needed you to swim to the surface.”

  A violent shudder overtook his large frame as he shook his head. “No. I didn’t even know who you were. I almost-”

  Clapping my hand over his lips, I growled, “No. I know you wouldn’t have. Shut your fucking mouth right now. I’ll hear no more of this bullshit. Are we clear?” Tenderly, I wiped the streams trailing along his jaw to soften my words.

  Skye cleared his throat. “We’re too exposed here. We need to do the ritual and be on our way.”

  Kai froze. “No.”

  Nat gestured for him to calm down. “It will help with your control. Skye explained a few things. If you ever want to use your power again, we have to.”

  Sky nodded. “We can explain later.” Suddenly, his head snapped in the direction Kai had been heading. “Something’s coming.”

  Dropping to one knee, Nat dug her fingers into the charred soil. Grimacing in pain at the death of the land, she muttered, “He’s right. It’s something big.”

  Briefly, I wondered what it would be like to commune with the Earth. She’d once described the joyous notes the plants sang as musical. Now their silence must weigh heavily on her.

  Intuiting my thoughts, she replied, “It does.”

  How awful. Maybe I didn’t want her Element after all, not that I had a choice.

  Panning the mountain range, my brow furrowed. “How long do we have?”

  A soft breeze picked up. Skye appeared to listen to it intently for a moment. His white orb pulsed as he met each of our gazes. “Maybe ten minutes.”

  Dread skittered down my spine. Was that enough?

  Nat reached down to Kai. Determined, she growled, “It’ll have to do.”

  Clasping her hand, Kai pulled me up along with him.

  Nat took Skye’s palm in a firm grip as I took his other.

  A strange sensation rose the hairs along my arm as Skye’s fingers tightened around mine. It felt similar to a cool draft against my skin.

  Skye whispered, “Call your magic. But whatever you do, don’t let go.”

  We were flying by the seat of our pants. I’d skimmed a section on the ritual inside one of the Elemental tomes but it wasn’t exactly detailed. Would my ice hurt Kai?

  The ground trembled beneath my feet. Whatever it was, it was getting closer. We had to try.

  Calling to my well, blue tinted mist dripped from my knuckles.

  Kai took a sharp breath and held it. Gritting his teeth, scarlet light spilled from his palms. It hissed and crackled as it met my frost.

  My grip tightened involuntarily as the pain registered. Goddess it felt like I was holding a campfire ember.

  Silver and gold lit Nat’s hands as our circuit completed.

  Stupidly, we all looked to Skye for direction.

  Frowning, he rolled one shoulder. “This is just something my people used to do among each other. It strengthened our control and filled the gaps between the weakest of our members. Starting clockwise, push your power to the next person and draw it in from the other.” He paused. “This might sting a little.”

  Swallowing my growl of irritation, I did as he asked.

  Ice shot from my palm and pierced Skye’s hand. His lips thinned as his blood splattered onto my boots.

  I cringed. “Sorry.”

  He shook his head. “Keep going.”

  Nat’s raven hair danced in an unseen breeze as Skye’s magic kindled. Near instantly, it turned into a gale. Small rocks lifted from the ground and lacerated their joined hands. Nat’s orbs flashed as Asena tempered the pain.

  Liquid fire raced up my opposite arm and forced my gaze to Kai. Hotter than the sun, a whimper escaped my lips as my skin blistered.

  Concerned, his hold loosened.

  “No,” I growled. “I can take it.”

  Tearing his eyes from mine, his other hand ignited.

  Nat screamed as the small flames danced along her wrist. Forcefully, she straightened her spine. Gold and silver light lit her skin and instantly snuffled the blaze.

  Skye shouted, “Don’t fight it! You have to let it cycle!”

  Closing my lids, I fought for control.



  What the fuck was that? Shoving the strange voice aside, I pushed my power into Skye.

  Kai’s inferno consumed me from the inside as my ice fled. It was too much! Shrieking in agony, I thrust it down the line.

  Skye grunted in pain.

  Nat’s Earth drove out the heat and replaced it with the scent of growing things. This one I wanted to keep.

  “No, Bex. Pass it to me.”

  Sighing in frustration, I let it slip away.

  A cool breeze settled across my sweat dampened brow. Hundreds of whispers flickered through my mind. Loudly, one spoke above the rest, ‘He’s coming!’

  Stunned, I nearly let go.

  Skye screamed, “It’s the wind! Keep going!”

  The next round wasn’t nearly as bad as the first. Kai’s fire still burned, but it was tolerable.

  On the third circuit I realized my well was retaining bits of their magic. Normally a placid cerulean, ruby flames danced along a ring of gold near the edges. Wind rippled across the surface, sending the water sloshing over the borders.

  Fear lit t
hrough me. Would it extinguish the fire?

  Flaring brighter in excitement, the liquid only seemed to feed the inferno. Slowly, the gust picked up. Churning like a whirlpool, the different Elements slid effortlessly along one another.

  Another voice wailed, No!

  Was this what Kai had heard? Fuck that. This was my house. Sending my power whipping through each of us, I quickly located the source within my Mate.

  Black soulless eyes glared at me from a mouthful of razor sharp teeth.

  Soundlessly, I gasped. It was Kai’s Demon.

  Rage lit my veins. Never again would I allow it to harm what was mine.

  My magic wrapped around the tar colored creature. Hissing and spitting, it slashed through my blue strands with its blade like talons.

  It was strong, but I was stronger.

  Then, they were there with me.

  Lit in a yellow light, vines sprung from Nat’s apparition and latched onto the Demon. The beast snarled in anger.

  Little more than a ghost, Skye spun around the abomination in a fast circle.

  Reaching deep, my power joined his current of air and froze the creature where it stood.

  Blazing in a scarlet flame, Kai strode forward. A ruddy tendril peeled from his side. As it touched my ice, the creature shattered with an ear-piercing screech.

  Chapter 10


  The few moments it’d taken to join seemed to stretch for an eternity.


  He was free.

  Laying sprawled on the ground, he flexed his hands. The cool balm of Bex’s Element flowed through his veins. Skye’s breeze bolstered his own magic and warmed him from the inside. Tempered by Nat’s Earth, he felt grounded.


  Turning his head, he peered into her ice like gaze. Soot marked her brow in multiple places and a small smile played at the corners of her full lips.

  “Hey, you.”

  Returning her grin, he took her hand. “Hello… Mate.”

  Snorting a laugh, she abruptly sat up. “He’s still coming.”

  She was right, and he was much closer.

  Nat’s face came into view. Flaring her nostrils, she looked to the Moon. “If you guys are done rolling around in the muck it’s time to go.” Further punctuating her words, the earth pulsed in warning.

  Bex shifted in a brilliant shimmer. Rolling her shoulders, the delicate icicles along her wings tinkled with the movement.

  Could he still assume his Demon form?

  Reaching for his magic, it winked in his mind’s eye. No longer a vibrant red, the fluid colors danced similarly to a real fire. Vivid blue lit the base before melding into a golden glow. The scarlet hued tips swayed in a soft breeze.

  They’d done it!

  Envisioning his shape, he changed.

  Lifting the bat like appendages along his spine, he chuckled. Just as expected, their lead tinted tips fanned out. Running his tongue along his teeth, he beamed at the blunt edges. At least he could speak without hissing his words.

  Skye cocked his head to the mountainside. “He’s here. We must leave. Our magic is untried.”

  Between one blink and the next, Nat assumed her Dragon form. Shooting a stream of fire from her maw, Asena’s voice growled through his thoughts, ‘Skye, we need speed. Your magic is too unwieldy for us to use.’

  Bex rocketed into the night without a backward glance. It seemed she had zero problems harnessing Skye’s power.

  Taking a running start, Nat sprung into the air after her.

  In a blustery gale, Skye vanished.

  Taking their cue, he kicked off the ground.

  His father’s irritated rumble echoed inside his ears with a crack of thunder. “Son!”


  What should have taken multiple weeks took less than one.

  Excitedly, the patrols’ shouts rang through the mansion.

  “They’re back!”

  “Only two ships? Shouldn’t there be more?”

  “How did they get home so fast?”

  Flashing down the stairs, I slammed into Blaze’s thick chest. Mashed against his grey tee, I mumbled, “Is it true? They’ve returned?”

  Squeezing my shoulders, his sapphire gaze sparkled with amusement. “Yes. Do you want to wait…?”

  Zipping from his embrace, I made a beeline for the underground garage.

  Justine grinned from the open driver’s seat window of a blacked-out SUV and revved the engine. “You’re pretty slow for a Vampire.”

  Chuckling at her sass, I pulled open the passenger door. “Yeah, yeah.”

  Shaking her head, her sandy bun wiggled with the motion. Pursing her full lips, her blue eyes squinted. “Anyone else coming?”

  Looking back to the door, I answered, “Screw ‘em. I’m anxious to see how many still live. Let’s go.”

  Peeling out in a cloud of rubber, we shot down the lane. Grabbing the oh shit handle, I held on for dear life. Her need for speed was insane.

  Thankfully, we’d cleared the vacant cars left abandoned in the streets long ago. Anything salvageable, we’d kept. Our use of the four-wheel variety was limited. Gasoline was scare.

  Swerving around a pothole, she snickered, “Calm down, Sora. We’re not going to wreck.”

  I snorted. “Easy for you to say. I swear you were a Nascar driver in a past life.”

  “That would be amazing.”

  Rolling up to the pier, I released my death grip. Goddess, while I appreciated her haste, she drove like a madwoman. Peering through the windshield, I did a quick head count of the people loitering on the dock. Shouldn’t there be more than 17?

  Mel’s deep bass carried to my ears. “Come on, hurry up. Grab your gear.”

  Daisy’s bright green eyes met mine. Slapping Cooper’s arm, she waved. “Hey, Sora!”

  My heart pinched. Nearly ripping the door from its hinges, I ran to her side. “Daisy!”

  Beaming, she gave me a quick hug. Lowering her brow, she glanced behind me. “Where is everyone? Didn’t Bex, Nat, Skye, and Kai make it back?”

  Screeching to a stop, my mouth opened and closed as a sick feeling settled deep inside my gut. “What do you mean?”

  Kane’s shitkickers made audible thuds across the weathered dock as he approached. Tipping his gaze to the horizon, he rumbled, “They should have made it home before us.”

  Irritation sharpened my reply, “Mel, Kane, Daisy, Kane, and Rowe, load up. Justine can bring a van back for the rest. Blaze and I need to be briefed immediately.”

  Worriedly, I took Blaze’s hand in a firm grip. I knew why Bex had gone after him, but it still stung. I’d given her one task and she’d deliberately gone off on her own. We were incredibly lucky both ships weren’t attacked on their way back. They were vulnerable without Bex and Nat. Demons abhorred water, but a vast majority of them could fly.

  My mind ground to a halt. Why weren’t they attacked?

  Peering around the boardroom table, I growled, “Rowe, did she say anything else?”

  Abashed, she shook her head. “She knows if we’re to have any chance of getting Lila and beating back Hell that we’d need all four Elements on our side.” Her tone softened, “There’s nothing she wouldn’t do for her, Sora.”

  Biting my lip, I took a calming breath. Bex’s love for Lila may very well get her killed. I’d already lost one child. I refused to go through it again. The thought alone sent a sharp spear of pain lancing through my chest. Lila’s kidnapping had nearly broken me. Pushing the anguish away, I looked to Mel. “Did Lillin’s theory work?”

  His Adams apple bobbed. “Yes, but there are some side effects. The diamonds seem to have adhered to her on a cellular level. Lillin barely brushed against the tips of her fur. The short amount of contact split her skin with surgical like precision. The wound immediately blackened as if she’d been poisoned. If she hadn’t been able to feed, I’m fairly confident she would have…” his voice caught, “died.”

  “She’s fine, thoug

  One orb flashed to amber as the other remained the color of chocolate. “Yes.”

  My thoughts turned on an unending loop. It seemed she hadn’t gone off unprepared. What a strange turn of events. Handy, though.

  Rubbing his chin, Kane frowned. “There’s something else. I’ve been going over it repeatedly, but Bex clipped Lucian with her wing when she went after Kai. He acted like her touch burned him. It was almost as if she’d wounded him.”

  Blaze leaned forward. “Did anyone else see this?”

  He shook his head in the negative. “It was shortly after we arrived in Seattle. No one else was present besides Nat, Skye, and Kai.”

  Rowe lifted a pack from the floor and gingerly set it on the table as if she were afraid it might break. “The feather Daisy and Cooper found in the Archives inside that glass tube? Well, it’s been acting strange.”

  Lifting a brow, my queer expression mirrored Blaze’s.

  As she slid the zipper open, golden light lit the polished wood. Taking the tube inside her hands, she tapped the glass surface. “It’s been doing this ever since we began our return home.”

  Taking in the bright pulsing rays of sunshine, I sucked in a sharp breath.

  What did it mean?


  Watching Allie and Sasha fawn over Alec was a sight to behold. As he bent low over the pool table to line up his shot, Allie whistled in appreciation.

  The cue ball hit the bank. Sailing over the red edge, it hit the carpet with a soft thud. Blushing, Alec muttered, “Damnit. Ball in hand, ladies.”

  Sasha swooped up the white sphere in one fluid motion. Her pale blue eyes twinkled in amusement. Fingering it inside her mocha grip, she grinned, “Thanks, Alec.”

  He settled on a stool beside me with a grunt. “That didn’t go as expected.”

  I chuckled. “What’s the matter? Have you never had the attention of two lovely Vampires before?”

  His face fell and I instantly regretted my words. He was just a teen when the Sundering began. Fuck, he was probably still a virgin.

  Astute as ever, Allie tossed her scarlet locks over one shoulder. “You’re doing great, Alec. Don’t let these hookers get you down.”


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