Demon's Rage

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Demon's Rage Page 12

by Janelle Peel

  Nat spun from side to side on a bar stool next to Kane.

  Glasses clinked as Blaze expertly poured amber liquid into each one.

  What was going on?

  Sora braced her hands on the red felt of the pool table. “Skye has decided to swear fealty to our Clutch.”

  He sucked in a sharp breath. So that’s what they’d been up to.

  Meeting his gaze, Sora added, “And you, Kai? What will you choose?”

  They’d asked him to join before he left and then the world had gone to Hell. What did he want? This was Bex’s family. She loved them and they loved her. The choice was obvious. “I will also swear.”

  Bex beamed. Taking his hand, she placed a gentle kiss on his knuckles. “Good call.”

  Nat chuckled. “It looks like our number is about to increase. You sure you guys want to be a part of this crazy train?”

  Looking to all gathered, he grinned. “Bex would probably kill me if I didn’t.”

  The smile slid off Bex’s face. Standing, she moved beside Blaze. Plucking a cup from the bar, she downed it on one go and nodded for another.

  Realizing his idiocy, he sighed. Brilliant, Kai. Really. What a stupid thing to say. She was already terrified that she would hurt him.

  Blaze interrupted his mental tirade.

  “The ceremony will begin in four hours.” Pushing the remaining glasses to the edge of the bar, he lifted his own in salute.

  Chapter 13


  Things had been awkward to say the least. I thought the sex was great, but with Alec’s increasingly short replies it quickly became apparent we weren’t on the same page.

  The ultimate slap in the face was his request for a separate room.

  Storming down the hall to his suite, my Fox rumbled an irritated growl. She liked Inari and didn’t understand their behavior.

  Sora asked me to include him in the ceremony, though. Frankly, I didn’t have a choice. I turned him and it was my responsibility. Resigned, I decided to handle it as swiftly as possible.

  Heaving a sigh, I pounded on the thick mahogany. “Open up, Alec. We need to talk.”


  I knocked louder.

  No response.

  Rolling my eyes, I let myself in. The sound of rushing water met my ears followed by a hushed whisper.

  Confused as to who he could be talking to, I padded toward the bathroom.

  “No. Stop it. You’re driving me insane with this mine bullshit. I’ve had enough.” He paused. “Repeating it over and over again isn’t helping, Inari. I still don’t understand. Just shut up and let me shower in peace.”

  I froze. Oh shit. He was arguing with his Fox… and it seemed he’d chosen a Mate. Alec didn’t understand what that meant.

  Soft fur rubbed along my ribs as my own Fox peered up at me with an inquisitive expression. Images of Alec relaying what the Goddess had said passed between our shared mind.

  The All Mother had changed him… for me.

  Stumbling backward at the revelation, my knee knocked into the nightstand with a thump.

  The water cut off. “Who’s out there?”

  Panicked, I scrambled out of the room as fast as I could.

  Anxiety churned inside my gut as I banged on Nat and Kane’s door.

  Please be home. Please be home.

  Kane pulled it open with a frown. Glancing up and down the hall, his nostrils flared. “What’s wrong, Rowe?”

  Slipping through the gap, I took in the disheveled bed. Damnit, she wasn’t here. Turning on my heel to leave, Kane blocked the doorway with his massive girth.

  “Hey. Calm down.”

  Baring my teeth, I growled, “Move. I need Nat.”

  Lifting his hands in a placating manner, he softened his tone. “She’ll be back soon. You can have a seat and wait if you like.”

  With no other option, I perched on the edge of the wingback. What was I going to do?

  Kane disappeared into the bathroom. A moment later he returned with a glass of water. Handing it over, he smiled. “If you want to talk, I’m here. If not, that’s fine too.”

  Wrinkling my nose, I debated. He was born with a twin soul. If I couldn’t talk to Nat, he was my next best bet. Mel was out. He was just too overprotective. Taking a sip, I nodded. “I believe Alec’s Fox thinks we’re their Mate.”

  Moving to the headboard, he sat. “And that’s bad?”

  Rolling the glass between my palms, I shrugged. “Yes and no. I don’t know if he’s ready for that. Hell, he’s only been a Shifter for what, two weeks? I overheard him talking to his Fox. He doesn’t understand what’s happening. We, uh,” ducking my head, I hid behind the curtain of my platinum hair, “had sex. Really great sex, actually. But then he started pushing me away. Inari keeps pestering him with the word mine.”

  He chuckled. “What’s the problem, Rowe? You should be happy.”

  Blowing the loose strands from my face, my brow furrowed. “How am I supposed to explain it? What if his Fox wants us, but Alec doesn’t? What if I’m not ready? What-”

  “Hush. It seems to me you’ve already made up your mind. Get out of your own way and go explain it to him.”

  Had I? All this time I’d been searching for someone to share my life with, and the Goddess Herself had literally dropped him in my lap.

  Meeting Kane’s emerald eyes, I caved. “You’re right.”

  The door opened as I stood. Nat looked from me to Kane and back again. “What’d I miss?”

  Handing her the cup, I grinned. “You’ve got a keeper there, Babe. See you guys at the ceremony.”

  Stepping into the hall, I pulled up my big girl pants. I had a Mate!

  My Fox snorted at my stupidity.

  She might only be an Omega, but she called it like she saw it.


  As he wondered why Rowe’s scent was inside his room, a knock sounded on the door.

  Inari’s possessive growl rumbled through his thoughts, Mine…

  Shoving him aside, he turned the handle.

  Rowe met his gaze with a tentative smile. “Hey. Um, we need to talk. Have you got a minute?”

  Jerking a nod, he gestured for her to come in.

  Blushing, she tucked her hands inside her pockets and moved inside. “So, I overheard you talking to your Fox. It seems I have some explaining to do.”

  Lifting a brow, he pursed his lips. The last thing he needed was for her to think he was crazy.


  Grimacing at Inari’s incessant whispers, he muttered, “Continue.”

  Ears turning red, she rushed, “Mine means that your Fox has chosen a Mate.”

  He froze.

  “Shifters Mate for life.”

  Mutely, he stared.

  “I think that’s why the All Mother gave you Inari.” Taking a breath, a hurt expression flashed across her face. “Is that why you’ve been pushing me away?”

  The idea of his other soul choosing who he would be with for the rest of his life was unfathomable. He liked Rowe, but he barely knew her. How could anyone be expected to make that kind of decision in such a short amount of time?

  As the silence stretched on, her shoulders rounded in defeat. Padding to the threshold, she murmured, “I’m here if you need to talk. There’s a fealty ceremony for Kai and Skye at dusk. It means they’ll join with our Clutch. You’re more than welcome to come if you want. It’ll be held outside.”

  Softly, the latch clicked behind her.

  Inari raked his sharp nails across the inside of his ribs. Mate!

  Alec grunted at the pain. He alone would make this choice. After all, it was his life too.

  The silvery face of the Moon lightened the sky as the last of the sun’s rays disappeared from the horizon.

  Trepidation ran through his veins as he looked to all in attendance.

  He knew the Clutch was large, but it’d been over a decade since he’d seen so many people in one place.

  A mix of Humans and Vam
pires milled on the lawn. Shifters ran through the grass in quick blurs of speed.

  The last time he’d seen any wildlife had been in a crumpled magazine Jared had given him. As an avid reader in his youth, the gift was priceless.

  Unfortunately, it was one of the first things that had been stolen when they took in a group of wanderers. His chest clenched at the thought. Now he only had one thing left to remember his brother by.

  Habitually, he fingered the hilt strapped to his hip.

  After Orlando went to Hell, they’d stumbled upon a pawn shop that had yet to be looted. Eyeing the seven-inch blade, his palm itched to hold it.

  Jared shattered the case with the butt of their father’s shot gun. Picking through the debris, he gripped the matte black handle.

  Awed, Alec could only watch as he flipped it expertly through the air.

  Gripping the sharp steel tip, Jared grinned. “Take it, bro. It’s yours.”

  Someone bumping into him brought him back to the moment.

  Fighting back an irritated growl at the intrusion, he grumbled, “Excuse me.”

  Kane’s eyes glowed before settling back to their standard green color. Nodding to Alec’s hand, he lifted a brow. “You thinking of using that thing?”

  Releasing the hilt, he chuckled. “No. It’s just a habit.”

  Turning to the side, Kane tipped his chin toward the crowd. “It can be unsettling after being alone for so long.”

  Alec sighed. “Yes.”

  Pursing his lips, he frowned. “I spoke to Rowe.”

  He grunted. Just great. Not only did he have to deal with Inari’s constant bitching, he had to listen to this shit. Fan fucking tastic.

  “I’m not here to lecture you, Alec. But, she did save your life. The least you could do is give her a chance. We’re one big family here. That’s what a Pack is. We look after our own.” Pausing, he ran a meaty hand through the short ends of his raven hair. “I’m not very good at this heart to heart shit. Just know if you have any questions about your twin, you only need to ask.” Rolling his thick shoulders, he strode away.

  Ha. If only it were that easy.


  Standing beside Kai at the small table, excitement filtered through him. Finally, he would have a home.

  Blaze’s voice boomed like thunder to all gathered. “Tonight we welcome two Elementals to our ranks. Skye and Kai, please step forward.”

  A hush settled over the crowd. In perfect sync, they all dropped to one knee.

  Jackson left Viv’s side. Brandishing a small gilded chalice, he placed it inside Sora’s waiting hands.

  Lillin stepped forward. “Wait.”

  Brows furrowing, Blaze motioned for her to come forward. “What is it, Lillin?”

  Squaring her shoulders, she met his gaze. “Is it all right if I swear as well? My blood provides immunity from Demon venom. If I join I believe there’s a possibility that it might protect the entire Clutch.”

  Sora drummed her fingers on the cup in thought. “It could work. Every member’s essence coats the chalice. Blaze?”

  Pursing his lips, he rumbled, “She’s already family. I have no issue with it.”

  Skye glanced at the beautiful succubus. While he didn’t understand why no one was allowed to touch her, he welcomed her presence.

  Blaze’s fangs descended with a snick. Piercing his palm, he dribbled his blood into the chalice. As he licked the small punctures, Sora took the cup and repeated his motions.

  Grabbing a small knife from the makeshift altar, Sora passed it to Lillin.

  Lillin slashed the meat of her hand with no reaction whatsoever. Making a fist, a ruby line flowed freely into the aged chalice. Smiling softly, she passed him the blade.

  Swallowing the anxiety fluttering through his stomach, Skye mirrored her. With wet splats, his blood joined the others.

  Sora rounded the table to his side as Kai took the knife. Her sapphire eyes sparkled as she inspected his wound. Touching his palm, a warm heat emitted from her skin.

  Bright light flashed, coloring spots in his vision.

  Flashing him a grin, she moved on to Kai.

  Flexing his fingers, Skye marveled at his flawless skin. A scraping drew his attention as Blaze stirred the liquid with the blade’s tip.

  Lifting the chalice high in the air, he boomed, “Now we join. One family!”

  His shout was repeated in whispers from those gathered.

  “One Clutch!”

  The words echoed with more volume as everyone rose.

  “May the next part of your journey be more fruitful than the first.” Lifting the rim to his lips, he swallowed. Turning, he gestured to the crowd. “As they have joined with me, now shall you.”

  Lillin took the chalice with shaking hands and took a sip. Her thin frame shuddered. Whether in ecstasy or disgust, Skye didn’t know. Recovering, she offered it to him.

  Gripping the gold stem, he inhaled the coppery aroma. Holding his breath, he poured a small bit into his mouth. His shoulders drooped. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but he didn’t think it would be nothing. Frowning, he passed the cup to Kai. Had he done something wrong? Was he not good enough?

  Kai sipped and gave the chalice to Sora.

  A small breeze shifted the long cerulean lengths of his hair. Listening intently to its call, he watched Sora raise the cup to her lips

  The stars within her eyes began to swirl. Baring her teeth, she upended the entire thing. Dropping it to the table, she hissed, “My family!”

  It began as a deep ache inside his heart. Spiraling through his veins like liquid fire, the twinge blossomed into an inferno. Falling to his knees, he dug his fingers into the soft blades of grass with a scream.

  What had he done?

  Blackness enveloped him whole.

  Soft touches feathered on the edge of his consciousness as Sora’s voice pierced the haze clouding his brain. “Shh, it’s okay. Just breathe. Bex? How’s Kai?”

  Distantly, Bex’s reply rang through his ears. “He’s coming around.”

  Lifting the heavy weights of his lids, he met Sora’s gaze.

  She smiled. “Hey. How do you feel?”

  Groggily, he examined his body. Everything seemed to be in order.

  Tapping his chest, she shook her head. “No. In there.”

  He felt… whole. The emptiness inside his heart was gone. Exploring the sensations, he stilled. Love. Wellbeing. Acceptance. Happiness. Worry.

  One feeling stood out among the others and brought tears to his eyes.


  Nodding once, she stood and helped him to his feet. “That’s the one. Welcome home, Skye.”


  Kai opened his eyes.

  Relieved, I slapped his chest. “Damnit, Kai. You scared the Hell out of me.”

  Sora chuckled. “Shit, Bex. Don’t beat him up. Give him a minute to recover.”

  I threw her a glare. “What the fuck happened?”

  Kneeling beside us, she pursed her lips. “I think it was an emotional overload. They’ve both been without a family for a long time. Joining with so many at once was a shock to their systems.”

  Kai groaned. “She’s right. It felt like my insides were boiling.”

  Glossing over his face, I softened my tone. “And now?”

  Sitting up, a small smile lifted his lips. “Now, I feel… complete? Like I’m a part of something bigger? I don’t know how to explain it.”

  Mel glowered at Lillin as they strode over. “I don’t want you to do it. It’s too dangerous.”

  Sora intuited their issue. “We need to see if it worked, Mel. Sooner is better than later.”

  Throwing her Mate a triumphant grin, Lillin touched my shoulder. “Can you shift so we can try?”

  My mind rolled. If it worked, Kai and I could be together. If it didn’t, our relationship was well and truly fucked. A large part of me wanted to know, yet the other was afraid.

  Kai took my hand. “We need to know, Bex. I’
ll be with you the whole time.”

  Squeezing his fingers, I sighed. “All right. But not here. If shit gets real and Lillin needs to feed, they’ll need a room on standby.” Shuddering, I added, “It’s one thing to see my Uncle naked, it’s another thing entirely to see him have sex.”

  Blaze lifted Sora to her feet with a chuckle. “I don’t want to see that either, but I have a better idea.”

  Sora tucked her head beneath his chin. “And that is?”

  Nat moved into my line of site as Asena’s rumble reverberated through all our thoughts. ‘We need to capture a full-blooded Demon.’

  I froze at her words. We couldn’t bring a lesser into the sphere. If it got loose…

  Blaze nodded. “It’s the safest solution. We need to test whether Lillin’s immunity has transferred to the Clutch. To do that, we need a fresh supply.”

  His idea made sense, I just didn’t like it.

  An hour later Mel was on the verge of an involuntary shift. No matter how much we tried to calm him, his Wolf would hear none of it.

  Sora’s hands lit in silver flame as her voice cracked like a whip. “Enough! If Lillin believes she can do this, she will. Stand down, Mel.”

  The fight drained from his tense muscles as his Wolf succumbed to her compulsion. I found it incredibly ironic she could cause him to submit but not me.

  Lillin soothingly ran her fingers through his wavy hair. “It will be okay. Bex and Nat will be with me the entire time.”

  Stubbornly, he growled, “Use Kai. His Demon half should have no problem calling to them.”

  Shaking her head, her ruby highlights flickered in the moonlight. “We can’t and you know it. If my F-” she stumbled. “If Lucian catches wind of him before we’re ready, it won’t end well. Let me do this.”

  Tenderly, he clenched her small frame to his thick chest. “I can’t lose you, Lillin. We will go mad.”

  “Hush. I’ll be just fine.”

  While they said their goodbyes, I mentally replayed our plan. Lillin would use the scent of her blood to entice any Demons in the vicinity to come to us. Nat and I were her back up. It was Nat’s job to keep a look out while I secured our load. She would also be in charge of keeping Lillin safe. The hope was that my ice would subdue the lesser long enough to bind him. Skye would remain on standby if I ran into any trouble.


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