Demon's Rage

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Demon's Rage Page 15

by Janelle Peel

  A coil of energy shot from my fingers of its own accord. As it wrapped around the base of her golden wings, she released an anguished scream.

  His words tumbled from my lips. “You’ve taken away her free will, Gazardiel. For this, I cast you out.”

  Bright light lit her wings as they separated from her back. Off balance, she fell forward with a pained wail.

  The weight of my role came full bore. I didn’t want any of this.

  Dragging herself on the ground, she clutched the detached wings to her chest. Sniffling, she croaked, “My Father has abandoned me. I have nothing.”

  Horrified by what I’d done even though I had no control, I whispered, “He does not give you more than you can bear, Gazardiel. There’s still hope.”

  Gently, Bex took my hand. I hadn’t even noticed her move.

  Meeting my eyes, she tightened her grip. “I’ve no love for her, but I think you should bring her back with us. Perhaps it’s a part of His plan.”

  Her wisdom resonated deep within me. Gazardiel had only done what she’d thought was right. Even though she’d taken everything from me, she’d shown me nothing but kindness.

  Nodding, I released Bex and stepped forward. The roots retreated back into the soil in one massive wave. Blood ran freely from the surgical like incisions on either side of Gazardiel’s spine. Gently, I touched each wound. Heat spilled from my palms as they closed. Her sobbing slowly subsided as I inspected her scars. “Will you come?”

  Rolling to her side, her pale gaze met mine. “Do you think I can earn Redemption?”

  Tugging the scarlet tinted appendages from her, I smiled. “I hope so.”


  While the wingless Angel rushed off to gather her things, my mind rolled.

  Lila had been possessed by God. Now her training made sense. No child could carry that burden alone.

  Palming the massive tree, she looked lost and afraid. Giselle whispered words of comfort to her, but she didn’t seem to be listening.

  The only thing that helped me through the rough patches was doing something about it. Squaring my shoulders, I asked the one question I didn’t want an answer to. “Are you coming with us, Giselle?”

  Her shoulders drooped. “I cannot.”

  Lila snapped her head up. “What? You have to! I can’t do this by myself!”

  “Shh,” she soothed, wrapping her arms around Lila. “Your family will take good care of you. My soul has to remain here, child. Please try to understand.”

  Lila shuddered. “What good is all of this power if I can’t bring you with me?”

  Giselle’s spine went rigid. Leaning back, her tone brooked no argument. “You will save the world, Lila. I’ll not hear another self-pitying word fall from your lips. You will not blaspheme your role. Do you understand me?”

  My mouth formed an O of shock. It was true, but damn. That was harsh.

  Her words had the desired effect, though. Lila stood taller. Gently, she kissed Giselle’s cheek. “I’ll miss you.”

  Giselle beamed. “And I, you. Trust in yourself, Lila. I believe in you.”

  Gazardiel ran back through the meadow panting. Dropping a cloth wrapped bundle to the grass, she muttered, “How do any of you ever get anything done without wings? I feel like I’ve run a marathon.”

  I snorted. Pansy.

  Stepping from Giselle’s embrace, Lila met my gaze. “Are you ready?”

  Peering at our strange group, I chuckled. A wingless Angel, a Shifter Fae, and the Voice of God walk into a bar…

  Shaking my head, I answered, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”


  Frowning, he noted both sets of prints imbedded in the sand. Bex’s scent lingered as did a demonic taint.

  Looking to the sky, he wondered if she was safe. Had Michael turned completely Demon? Should he be addressing him as Rimmon? Did he take her to Heaven?

  Blaze’s irritated growl broke through his helpless thoughts.

  “Their tracks simply disappear.” Rubbing the blond stubble lining his jaw, he followed Kai’s gaze. “Do you think she made it?”

  Swallowing the sharp retort begging to fall from his lips, he sighed. “I hope so. There’s nothing we can do about it now, though. What’s our next move?”

  Blaze turned back to the small boat they’d arrived in. “We keep preparing. With no way of following Bex, that’s all we can do.”

  Knowing Blaze was right didn’t help his sour mood. She’d left him. Is this what she’d felt like when he abandoned her?

  Flexing his fingers, he stepped into the aluminum vessel. Flying would have been easier, but Blaze refused to be carried. Not that he could blame him.

  Settling onto the bench, Blaze started the motor.

  Sora’s agitation was palpable as she paced across the foyer. “I still don’t understand why she’d go off on her own. We’re already weaker with the loss of Skye. How is she supposed to bring Lila back?”

  All her points were valid but they’d been over them a hundred times. All they could do was wait. Frustrated, he sent his magic out again. Please, please, please…

  An intense ping pulsed through his well. “She’s back!” Relieved, he rushed through the front door.

  Sora and Blaze pushed past him.

  Standing on the front lawn, Bex’s tall frame lit in a fading silver glow. Accompanied by two females, she met his gaze with a grin.

  Sora’s excited scream pierced his ears with its high pitch. “Lila!”

  Wait, what? Lips lowering into a frown, he looked again at the young stranger. Her resemblance to Sora was uncanny.

  Blaze flashed across the grass after his Mate.

  Lila sucked in a sharp breath at their quick approach.

  Bex and the other woman shielded the teen with their bodies.

  Confused, he watched Sora and Blaze freeze in place.

  Lifting her hands, Bex called out, “Everyone just take a moment. There’s a lot of explaining that needs to happen. Calm down.”

  Blaze tightened his hold on Sora as her fangs snapped down with a snick. “Gazardiel!”

  Lila stepped to the side. Her sheer gown whispered in the breeze as thunder rumbled threateningly overhead. “Enough! Gazardiel is not to be harmed.”

  Sora slumped to her knees in shock.

  Eyes darkening to black, Blaze growled, “She took you from us! She must pay for what she’s done!”

  Gesturing for Gazardiel to turn around, Lila softly whispered, “She has paid her price.”

  Blaze gasped aloud at the large scars lining her spine.

  Kai’s brain finally caught up. She was the Angel who had taken Lila.

  Bex padded to Sora and Blaze’s side with somber expression. “Give her some time to adjust.”

  Woodenly, Sora nodded her consent.


  Unable to tear my gaze away, my heart shattered with every word she spoke.

  They’d stripped us from her life. A deep growl reverberated from the back of my throat at the thought. Gazardiel deserved far more than the loss of her wings.

  Lila’s swirling eyes met mine across the boardroom table. “I know your anger. Let it go. We don’t have time to deal with it if we’re to save Skye and the world.”

  Grudgingly, I clenched my itching fingers into fists. My beautiful little girl had grown up. All I wanted to do was hold her. To take away whatever role Fate had chosen for her. She was mine! Fangs throbbing, I buried my rage. “You’re right. I just…”

  Pushing back her chair, her bare feet carried her to my side. Gripping my wrist, she drew me to stand and inspected my face as if she’d never seen it. Opening her arms wide, she patiently waited.

  I crashed into her. Hiccupping, I blubbered, “My baby. My sweet girl.”

  She stiffened for a moment as Blaze wrapped us both inside his large embrace. Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks as I savored her oceanic scent. My family was finally whole.

  Her lips moved against my cheek. “I’m home�
�� Mom.”

  The sound of the door closing interrupted our happy reunion.

  Blaze’s deep bass vibrated against my ribs. “They’re gone.”

  I would hold onto her for an eternity if I could, but I knew I couldn’t. Releasing her, I touched her cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”

  Blaze chuckled. “Just like her Mother.”

  Cheeks pinking, Lila’s stomach rumbled.

  His chuckle turned into a full belly laugh. “Exactly like her.”

  Biting her lip, she hesitated. “Do I still have to eat peas?”


  The walk back to my room was awkward to say the least. Kai had barely spoken to me. I wouldn’t change what I did, but I also couldn’t blame him for his feelings.

  Being abandoned, even with the best intentions, hurt.

  Without meeting my gaze, Kai turned the handle.

  Biting my lip, I moved over the threshold. Hopefully he just needed some time.

  Toeing off my boots, I strode to the bathroom. Goddess knew I needed a hot shower. Heaven was pleasant, but the close proximity to Michael had left a foul stench on my skin.

  Reaching past the frosted glass door, I flipped the knobs and tested the temperature. Perfect. The red welts lining my wrists drew my attention. Ugh. Stupid Angels and their dumb ass whips of light.

  My leathers hit the tile in a disheveled heap. Sliding the pony tie from my hair, I hid from my reflection behind the snarled lengths. Nope. I had no desire to see how shitty I looked.

  Stepping beneath the warm spray, I heaved a sigh of relief as the multitude of jets pounded the tension from my shoulders.

  Kai’s voice broke through my solitude. “Did you leave without telling me because I left you? Was it a punishment?”

  Squeezing my eyes closed, I sputtered a mouthful of water. “No.”

  “Then why?”

  Gazing at his dark silhouette through the milky panel, I gathered my thoughts. “Do you really think I’m so petty?”


  Pleased with his answer, I took a deep breath. “I wasn’t sure if you’d let me go and I had to do it.”


  Leaning against the wall, I mumbled, “Because it’s my fault Skye was taken. If I hadn’t been so keen on destroying every Demon in sight, he’d still be with us. I’m so tired, Kai. Tired of waiting for the Angels to come. Tired of wondering who is going to die next.”

  His silence spoke volumes.

  Disgusted with my weakness, I snatched the shampoo from a ledge.

  Then, he was there. Sliding the door closed, he met my stunned stare with a mischievous smirk.

  Drops of water beaded across the hard expanse of his bare chest. “I wouldn’t have stopped you, Bex. I only wish I could have joined you.” Frowning, he added, “Not that I could.” He hooked a thumb at himself. “You know. Half Demon and all. I’m sure it wouldn’t have gone over too well.”

  The laugh rolled from my lips before I could catch it.

  Grinning, he took the bottle from my hand. Squirting a dollop into his palm, he rose a single brow.

  Excitement fluttered through my belly as I turned toward the spray. Delicious heat rolled off him in waves as he worked the foam through my hair. Finished, his hands settled on my biceps. Gently, he began kneading the stress from my muscles.

  A moan ripped from my throat.

  Encouraged, he slid his palms over my collarbone and massaged my breasts into to firm peaks.

  Fear slithered down my spine. “We can’t.”

  Gripping my neck, he turned me toward him. Lit with a ruby ring, his aqua orbs roved my face. “Blaze’s experimentation with the Demon was a success. The entire Clutch is immune. We can be together.” He paused. “If you’ll still have me.”

  My mouth crashed against his as I swallowed his last word. He was mine. Come Heaven or Hell, nothing would ever change that.

  Tugging on my wet tresses, he broke away with a chuckle. “While I’m just as excited as you, could we wash the soap from your hair first? It doesn’t taste nearly as good as it smells.”

  I hadn’t even noticed.

  Pressing against me, he maneuvered us both under the warm spray. As the last bubble went down the drain, he ran his hands down the back of my thighs. Gripping them, he slid my body along his.

  I gasped as my mound bumped against his hard length.

  Shifting me higher, he settled my rear onto his forearm. “Are you okay?”

  The worry in his tone undid me. Looping one hand behind his neck, I clenched his ginger hair in the other. “Always, Mate.” Jerking his head back, I nuzzled his jugular. Cloves and the scent of a recently fired gun caused liquid fire to pool low in my belly. A possessive growl began deep inside my chest. Wiggling my ass, I silently asked him to lower me back to my original position.

  Acquiescing, he hissed as my slick heat met his shaft. “Bexxx.”

  Twin horns sprouted from either side of his forehead. A crown of flame lit his cheeks in an orange glow. And I didn’t care. Meeting his ringed irises, I slipped the tip of his girth inside my sheath. His knees trembled but held.

  Taking a moment to adjust to his size, I dropped down slowly. All Mother he felt so good.

  A groan tumbled from his lips as I impaled myself fully.

  Rocking my hips, I marveled at the full sensation.

  Twisting us aside, he slammed my back into the wall. Yes….

  Expertly, he dragged his member against my swollen nub in a steady rhythm. I swear he scraped against my tailbone, but the thought only caused my channel to clench him tighter.

  “Bexxx,” he slurred, picking up the pace.

  My walls shuddered with each stroke. Nearing the edge of ecstasy, I took his jaw in a tight grip. Cerulean flames broke out along my skin as something possessed me. “Say it.”

  Slamming into me, my spine thudded a staccato against the wall.

  “Say it!”

  “Thank you.” Instantly, he hardened and spilled inside of me.

  Taking his seed, I came apart. “And I thank you, my Love.”

  My world crashed down with a sigh as I took his magic and he took mine.

  Floating in the abyss, I finally figured out why you never thanked a Fae. To do so was to steal a portion of their power. A trust that was never extended beyond those you only wished to spend your life with.

  Or those you trusted explicitly.


  Chapter 17


  The loss of my wings left a deep ache within my soul. I’d only done what I thought was right, but I’d been very, very wrong. I would never forget the look of betrayal in Lila’s eyes when she realized what I’d done.

  Unable to find a Mate and procreate, Lila’s presence displaced the heartache of watching others rear their children. As a result, I loved her like my own.

  Striding down the stairs after Rowe, my fingertips trembled with the remembered sensation of the first time I’d touched her. Still a babe inside Sora’s womb, but so full of life. I’d only ever felt that way when I stood in His light.

  Fisting my hand, my bare feet scuffed along the rough cement floor. I’d asked to be taken to the location where their soldiers trained, but I hadn’t expected to travel below ground.

  Like twin emerald spotlights, Rowe glared. “Move your ass, bitch. We’re almost there.”

  Her sharp tongue had grated on my nerves long enough. “What’s your problem?”

  Halting, her shorter stature seemed to shimmer as she rounded on me. “My problem? You’re fucking joking, right? You took our kin and stole her memories. We’ll never get that time back with her. You’re worse than a goddamned Demon.”

  Her words rolled off my skin but her use of my Lord’s name in vain pushed me over the top. Looking down the line of my nose, I hissed, “Take. It. Back.”

  She smirked. “Fuck you.”

  My knuckles slammed into her nose before I’d even processed the rage coursing through my body. Bloo
d sprayed, splattering against my breast plate in bright ruby droplets. Appalled by my violent reaction, I threw my hands up. “Forgive me! Please! I didn’t mean it!” I couldn’t risk losing my place here. Protecting Lila was all that mattered now.

  Wiping the dark liquid dribbling down her chin with the back of her wrist, she growled, “The first one is free. You won’t be so lucky next time.” Turning on her heel, she muscled open a thick steel door. Moving into the small chamber, she scrambled up a set of rebar rungs mounted into the wall.

  Swallowing a mouthful of bile, I followed. That was too close.

  A roomful of tidy bunks greeted my gaze as she disappeared through a side passage. The sound of metal on metal met my ears. Figuring the training grounds were up ahead, I took a moment to compose myself. I couldn’t let them get to me. Lila was my mission. It didn’t matter if she hated me, I would do anything within my power to remain by her side.

  Touching the leather strap of my sheath, I stepped into the room.

  Grumbles of disapproval rang out at my entrance.

  Squaring my shoulders, I pitched my voice loud enough to be heard. “Who’s first?”

  Nothing could have surprised me more than the pink haired pixie who strode forward. Roughly five foot six, she looked like a child.

  Cocking a hip, she nodded over my shoulder. “Broadsword or fists?”

  I couldn’t help it, I laughed.

  Lifting a brow, she sneered. “Fists it is. Let’s see what you’ve got.”


  This bitch definitely had it coming.

  Stepping onto the mat, she gently set her scabbard on the floor. Glancing at those gathering around us, she ordered, “Don’t touch my sword if you value your life.”

  Rolling my eyes, I bounced on the balls of my feet. “Why is that? Afraid we might mar its shiny finish?”

  She snorted. “It’s an Angel’s blade and can only be wielded by one.”

  I chuckled. “Do you mean one with or without wings?”

  Irritation flickered through her pale blue eyes. Firming her lips, she threw her arms wide. “Let’s get this over with.”

  In a blur, I flashed forward, only she wasn’t there. A light tap on my neck was all the warning I had before she grabbed my waist and threw me across the room. Bunching my legs, I shot off the wall and landed in a crouch.


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