Unbroken Fates (Fates Reborn Series Book 1)

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Unbroken Fates (Fates Reborn Series Book 1) Page 9

by GM Scherbert

  Stuttering in answer, I barely manage to get out, “I’m not sure what you mean, about his life or your lifestyle. Nicholas and I are not together anymore, we haven’t been for a year.”

  Chuckling in his deep and raspy voice, my insides turn to jello as he goes on. “Yes, well everyone comes to their own in their own way and time.” Stepping towards the table the girl quickly kneels and wraps herself around his legs like a cat as he sits, “It took my Peach here a good while to stop fighting this thing between us.” Stroking over her hair as her head rests in his lap, “Didn’t it my good girl?”

  “Yes, Papi it took a good while to stop fighting this thing between us.” Closing her eyes, I can see the love that she has for this man in every stroke and touch he gives her.

  Shadow looks from her to me and tells me some of the struggle that they have had when their relationship started. Well, the two years that he struggled to start a relationship with her.

  Seeing Nicholas come back into the kitchen, he takes in the scene before him before saying anything. “Well, Shadow, please take your time with your little subbie before locking up on your way out. I am taking my Alexandra home.” Looking towards me, he lets his intentions be clear, “we will be discussing what has happened, not only tonight, but for the last year. Come on baby.”

  Hopping down from the counter, I crumble to the ground before I can stand up. Feeling a shooting pain through my leg. Nicholas and Shadow are on me in a moment, pulling the shoe off of my foot. Shadow starts to poke and prod at it, before looking to Nicholas.

  “It’s not broken, but you should probably wrap it up for her, and make sure that she ices and keeps it elevated for a few days. If the swelling doesn’t go down, or if it gets worse, take her in to the hospital.”

  Looking to Shadow I add some not felt confidence to my voice, “I am right here. As I already told you, Nicholas and I are no longer together so why are you talking to him and not me?”

  That throaty chuckle comes out again before Shadows dark eyes cut into mine. “Because, little bit, you are his in my eyes. He will take care of this, seeing that he is the one that put you in the situation to begin with. If he doesn’t he will not only have me to answer to, but all of the Doms at The Dungeon to answer to.”

  Looking from him, towards Nicholas and then back to Shadow I answer honestly. “I don’t know what the hell, you are talking about, but he is surely not mine. Like I have said repeatedly.” Pointing between myself and Nicholas I say, “We. Are. Not. Together.”

  Hearing a growl before he growls out, “Alexandra, please do be a good girl and don’t start. We will talk and then, we can see about all of this.”

  Shooting a glance at the girl that is smiling wide as I am carried out the door, I feel like I am about to have my life changed. My thoughts could not have been more correct.

  Chapter 20


  Picking her up off of the floor, I grab my keys off the rack on our way out the back door. Getting her into the cab of the truck is easier than I remember. She must have lost some weight in the year that we have been apart, and I frown at the thought.

  “Alexandra, you seem thinner than I remember. Have you lost weight since we were last together? I don’t like the thought that you have not been taking care of yourself. You are all the girls have left and you need to make sure that you are strong and healthy for them. If you are not taking care of yourself, I am not sure if you can be trusted to make wise choices for what I need to talk to you about.”

  “Nicholas, we can talk about this at the house, if we must.”

  “Oh, we must baby, we must.” Shutting the door on her, I head towards the driver’s door and hop up into the cab, throwing my bag into the back seat. Starting the truck, I tug her into my side, as close as she can get to me, where she should be. Where she should have been for the past three hundred and sixty-five days. Where she has belonged since I sunk into her, since she was last mine, since I knew that there was nowhere else I needed or wanted to be.

  “Nicholas, I just came over to talk. I’m not sure what you think is happening here.” Pulling away from me, I see her crumble into herself before she goes on, “but, us getting back together is not an option here. Not after what I just saw in there.”

  The voice that comes after the growl shocks even me. “You can think that all you want, Alexandra. What you saw in there tonight, should not have happened like that and I will explain it as best I can. But, you have been mine since the first time I sunk deep inside of you. You and I both know it, so you really should stop with all the fucking shit and just start accepting the fact that this thing, is going to happen again.”

  Catching her face in my hands, I draw her eyes to mine. “You. Are. Mine.”

  Backing the truck outta the garage, I head over to her house. Rushing around the truck I reach her door, just as she is trying to hop down. “I’m not sure what you are trying to prove, you know that your ankle is hurt and swollen, why must you fight me. Just let me help you.”

  Grabbing her up, I take a few steps before I hear, in a whisper, “you haven’t been around, you haven’t been here to help. I got too used to you being around in the short time that we were together. You made an impression on not only me but, the girls so quickly.”

  “That is not a bad thing, Alexandra. You have been a part of me for as long as I can remember, it was just natural for me to step into that role.” Slowly as we approach the back door, I pause waiting as she pulls her keys free and opens the door. “I know that we need to talk about my mom and the way that things came out. Let me get you upstairs into the house, get some ice on your ankle, and set you up in bed and then we will talk. I will answer any questions that you have, and we can take it from there.”

  “Ok” spills out from her mouth as quietly as her previous answers and I know in a second that she is falling apart. I know what she needs, but cannot and will not give it to her until she is able to talk through all of this shit we are in.

  Locking the door behind us, I make quick work of the stairs and getting Alexandra up to her room. Situating her on the bed, I pull her pants off without thinking and hear a shriek spill from her lips.

  “Alexandra, it is nothing that I haven’t seen before. Or for that matter, that I don’t plan on spending many hours if not days or even years with in the future, so please do stop.”

  Seeing the blush creep over her face, brings a smile to my face, and I head back downstairs to get ice for her ankle. Digging around in the cupboards, I finally grab a bag and start filling it up in the freezer.

  Pulling my head out of the freezer and turning around I stop dead in my tracks as I come face to face with one of the only people who could bring me down from the high I have felt since I saw her at my door again tonight.

  “Well, well look who it is.” Staring at me with those big doe eyes, she goes on, “What do you have to say for yourself, Jackass?” The sweet smile that goes hand in hand with the sugary sweet voice does not have me fooled.

  “Aubrey, I can explain. You just gotta hear me-” Is all I get out before a rather sharp thud lands across my head. Before I can look up again, Aubrey is no longer alone. She is joined by both of her sisters and the look of hatred on their faces, almost makes me want to run. I can’t believe that these little girls, fuck that young woman are who have me the most worried. I know that my parents and even Alexandra will accept us eventually, but these girls right here, I am not too sure.

  Andrea is next to lay into me. “We don’t gotta do shit fucker. We trusted you when you said that you were going to treat her right. That you were going to do right by her and stick by her. But, where have you been this last year, huh? You have left her alone, to pick up the fucking pieces of the lie that you were just to chicken shit to tell. You are lucky that we weren’t here that day or you would’ve wound up in the fucking hospital.”

  “Girls, come on now. I can explain what happened, but it is not your place to be in our business right now. I might no
t have been right lying to your mom, but I am here to make that right. You just gotta give me a little room to make it right with not only her, but you as well.”

  Annabelle looks up at me and says words that will haunt me until the day I die. “If you fuck this up again buddy, you better fucking run because I won’t be an adult in the courts for a couple years, if you catch my drift.”

  WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? Is all I can think to myself as they each turn slowly away from me heading out of the kitchen. Andrea is the only one who turns back around with a grin on her face that makes me shiver. I fucking served overseas for so many years and nothing there has affected me like the way those three girls just confronted me. No fear in their faces, as they each spoke to me like they did.

  That right there almost has me moving towards the door, but I know that these girls had to grow up fast after Shannon died. They might take a minute to get back in my good graces, and not scare the fuck outta me, but they will.

  I am sure of it. After grabbing the letters outta my bag, I head back up to the woman that is my everything and get ready for a talk that is long past overdue.

  Chapter 21


  I’m not sure what is going on downstairs. I know that I heard the stairs creek and I am not sure whose door opened and closed, but I know that Nicholas must have run into at least one of the girls, while grabbing ice. It is another few minutes before he makes his way into my room.

  Seeing the look on my face, he quickly brings a smile to his face before answering my quizzing look. Putting a bundle of letters onto the dresser, he turns back to me and speaks thoughtfully.

  “Yes, all three of them baby. Don’t worry I can handle them, but those girls can be kinda scary when they are protecting their momma.” Stepping further into the room, he places the bag of ice on my ankle before going on. “I think that they love you so much they were just making sure that I wasn’t going to hurt you again.”

  “Are you?” I say shifting my glance away from his.

  Looking back to me, he asks, “Am I what, baby?”

  “Are you going to hurt me again?”

  Rushing to my side, he wraps me up in his arms and answers me, hopefully as honestly as he can. “I hope that I never hurt you again. I have had a hard time, living with myself this last year, and hope to fuck after we talk tonight, that will no longer be the case.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me Nicholas? Did you know that the girls knew who you were for fucks sake? I didn’t know who you were but my kids did.”

  “Alexandra, I really don’t like hearing you talk like that. And yes, I know that the girls knew who I was. I spoke with them one of the first times, that I was over here after you introduced me to them. Aubrey knew who I was and brought it up to me directly.”

  “I don’t understand. You talked to them about it, but you didn’t think that I deserved to know?”

  “Alexandra, it wasn’t like that. I knew that once you found out who I was that you would fight against this thing between us. It took me so long to break down the stereotypes that you had about being with a younger man already, I thought the strain of knowing who my parents were would push you over the edge, and I was right.”

  Hugging my shoulder to him he adds, “Not that I shouldn’t have told you, I should have and I regret it every day believe me. I knew that us being together would be a struggle for everyone, my parents, your girls, society in general, and even you. But, after that first time when I sunk deep inside of you, I knew there was no one else for me.”

  “What was that stuff at your house tonight then Nicholas? I saw that girl, Peach. I saw what she was wearing, that collar around her neck. Is she yours?”

  Laughing at the thought, he strokes lightly over my shoulder again before answering, “No baby. Peach belongs with and to Shadow. He was just helping me to learn some stuff and he was using his little subbie as an example for me.”

  Rubbing my temples to ease the pressure of the headache that has taken residence since I fell, I look at Nicholas. “I don’t understand Nicholas. What is going on with you? You weren’t into any of that stuff when we were together, were you?”

  “Is your head hurting Alexandra?”

  “Yes, but don’t avoid the question Nicholas. What were you doing at your house tonight?”

  Moving over and off of the bed, Nicholas walks to the en suite bathroom, ignoring the question that I asked. I see the light go on, and hear him opening and shutting a few cupboards before hearing him run the water in the sink. As the water shuts off and he steps back into the room I notice the glint in his eyes and the smile spread wide across his face. He stops just in front of the bed looking down at me like a hawk eyeing up a mouse.

  A shiver tingles its way up my spin and I try to slide off of the bed, unsuccessfully. The headache is making it hard to think at this point, and him standing that close to me looking at me like he wants nothing more than to rip into my flesh, is just too much. I try to move past Nicholas on my way to get my own aspirin with no luck. He steps directly in front of me, stopping me in my tracks, and pushes gently on my shoulders causing me to plop back on the bed. Handing me the aspirin and water that he had gotten for me, he waits until I have swallowed them, before taking the cup from me and putting it on the end table.

  Chapter 22


  Seeing her laid out on the bed as I come back into the room, has me hard in a moment. This woman is all there is for me. She is all I have been able to think about and all I want. I have to figure out a way to win her back. Maybe starting with the truth of what I have been doing these lasts few months will help.

  Stopping her feeble attempt at getting up off the bed I hand her the aspirin. Waiting for her to finish with the water, I put it on the bedside table before moving back to her.

  “Alexandra get back up on the bed, and I will adjust the ice pack before tucking you in and then we will talk.”

  Scouting herself onto her side of the bed, her back rests up on a few pillows against the headboard. I walk to the foot of the bed, and rewrap the towel around the ice bag and put it back on her ankle. Grabbing for the comforter I gently pull it up and over her.

  Moving to the side of the bed, I make sure to tuck the blankets into her, grazing my hands against her hips and under her ass. I don’t move my hands as I swing my head up to look into her eyes. I see the lust in them as I pull away from her slowly, and know that she is right there with me and that the feelings she has for me haven’t changed just as mine haven’t.

  Moving around the empty side of the bed, I sit down the opposite way that Alexandra is. I grab for her hand and thread our fingers together as I begin to explain the last few months of my life.

  “Let me start with tonight and then, I will go back to the day that you found out the truth about who I am.” Squeezing her hand, I begin, “What you saw tonight was Shadow training me, Alexandra. When you found out who I was, I had a rough go of it. I was drinking too much and fighting a lot. One of the guys that has come in to the shop over the last few years told me about BDSM and how it helped him to get back on track after his girl left him. I thought I would give it a shot because I knew there was no way in hell, I would get you back going the way I was.”

  Waiting for her to acknowledge what I said, I see her head nod slightly and only then do I go on. “The first night I went to The Dungeon, that’s the club that this guy is a part of, I saw things that got me so fucking hard, I couldn’t believe it. Men doing things to woman, that I had never imagined possible.”

  Seeing the shock on her face, I wait again until she nods her understanding. “The thing that I found the most intriguing was the dynamics of the relationships. The way the dominates owned the pleasure and pain of their subs, the way the subs would serve their masters with little or no question.”

  Noticing her pulling away, I swap hands that we are holding and use my free hand to rub small circles on her thighs. Making her feel at ease while we talk about this sensitive subj
ect, is something that I need to make a priority.

  “I don’t necessarily mean the sex, although there was some of that, I mean-”

  “You had sex at this place?”

  “NO Alexandra. I haven’t had sex since that last time with you. That is not what this has been about for me. It has been more about the feelings that were shared, no, exchanged, between the people participating.”

  “OK, but Nicholas, what does this have to do with what was going on at your house tonight?”

  “Hush Alexandra, I am getting to it. Be patient.”

  Slowly switching to her other thigh, I continue my assault on her nerves. “Baby, when we were together, do you remember when I would spank you?”

  Seeing the blush come to her cheeks, I guess that she is wet with the thought. “Yes, Nicholas I remember.”

  “Do you remember how wet you would be? How you would clamp down on my cock when I was buried deep inside of you and would slap your ass?”

  Her eyes drop from mine as she squeaks out her answer, “Yes, Nicholas. I remember.”

  “You see, what you did just then? Dropping your eyes from me that is a very submissive position. Also, the way you would surrender to me when I would tell you things to do while we were fucking. The way I would take control of our sex, or foreplay. Those were all signals that this path is what we should be doing. I didn’t know it at the time and the more that I went to The Dungeon or talked with members, the more I felt that we fit into the lifestyles very well. You as a submissive, me as your Dom.”

  Nodding her head slowly, she starts to reach her free hand towards my leg, and I tsk her away. “No baby, not right now. When you get your hands on my body, it will only be when we are ready to fuck and we still have things to discuss. Be a good girl for me and sit on that wandering hand if you can’t keep it down.”


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