Marry Me

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Marry Me Page 7

by G. A. Hauser

  “Braxton’s angel.”

  Fabian peeked at her.

  She nodded. “Yes! You can change it. Just use it for now.”

  Fabian didn’t know whether to be flattered or insulted. He

  typed it in and the menu opened to a multitude of desktop


  “See those files?” She stood behind him. “That has all our

  clients’ personal info. Totally confidential. Got it?”

  “Got it.”

  “This file, all our caterers, photographers, designers…”

  Fabian was still slightly stuck on ‘Braxton’s angel’. But

  nodded, trying to take in all the new information.


  Braxton ate his yogurt while talking on his Bluetooth. “Friday

  night I have you speaking for the Animal Shelter awareness



  “Don’t go all anti-fur, okay? I know you’re a big PETA

  advocate, but this is about homeless dogs and cats.”


  “Just saying.” He finished his breakfast and tossed the cup

  and spoon into the trash. “Promote yourself and your new book,

  toots. You got it?”

  “Got it. Thanks, babe.”

  “Bye.” He disconnected the line and sipped his coffee. Once

  he had a gulp he began typing on his computer in response to

  emails and heard a light tap at his door. “It ain’t locked!” he


  Brianna entered and shut the door behind her. “I sent all the

  tax forms to your accountant. How much are we paying him? We

  haven’t even told him yet.”

  “Christ. Uh.” Braxton stopped typing and rubbed his face.

  “Forty grand a year. Ask him if that’s okay. All the benefits.”

  “If not?”

  “If not?” Braxton gave her an exasperated look. “If not, I’ll

  get a college grad or an intern!”

  “Braxton!” She scowled at him.

  “I’m sorry.” He rubbed his face and deflated. “I’m under too

  much pressure. I have that stupid charity dinner tonight. And

  tomorrow! And Wednesday!”

  Brianna walked around the desk and rubbed Braxton’s

  shoulder. “You’ll be fine. It’s dinner. Okay? If those dates think

  it’s more, just politely leave.”

  “Why did I agree to this? I don’t have the time!”

  “Hey.” Brianna nudged him to make him look at her. “The

  cavalry has arrived.” She tilted her head in the direction of


  “You’ll spend more time training him than him helping us.”

  “I’m not so sure about that.” She smiled.

  Braxton thought about it. Instead of asking her about Fabian,

  he stood up, Brianna grinning at him wryly as he left his office.

  Heading directly to the new employee, Braxton leaned on the

  doorframe as Fabian spoke on the phone. Braxton listened to his


  Fabian noticed him there and looked startled, then refocused

  on the call. “Yes, I’m going to handle all the details for you. If

  you have any problems, just call me.”

  Braxton exhaled and leaned his head on the wooden frame,

  admiring Fabian’s good looks, his blue eyes, how amazing he

  looked in his pressed cotton shirt and silk tie.

  “I already forwarded your dress size to three designers,”

  Fabian said, splitting his attention between the computer and

  Braxton, knowing he was being judged. “I’ll arrange for your

  fittings when I hear back from them. You have two weeks so

  don’t panic yet…who am I? My name is Fabian Rhys. Yes, I just

  started working for Braxton today…why, thank you. I look

  forward to working with you too.”

  Braxton smiled to himself.

  “Yes. Of course. Anytime. Bye.” Fabian hung up and met

  Braxton’s gaze. “That was Jeanette Grady.”

  “I assumed so. She’s the one who needs something

  fashionable for the red carpet premiere…in two weeks.”

  “You need something?” Fabian sat up in the chair.

  Oh hell yeah. You, biting the fucking pillow. “We haven’t

  discussed salary. I’m surprised you began working here without

  that tidbit.”

  “I…” Fabian’s cheeks grew rosy and he appeared shy.

  “Forty-five grand a year okay for a start?” Yeah, he’d told

  Brianna forty, but…look at the guy.

  “Huh? Yes. Thank you.”

  “All the benefits.”

  “Um. Does that include parking?”

  “We own our own reserved spots. Go move your car.” He

  tilted his head to the lobby. “They’ll nail you good by the end of

  the day. Ask Brianna where the spots are.”

  Fabian stood and patted his pants pocket for his keys.


  As Fabian approached, Braxton didn’t budge, waiting for

  Fabian to come closer at the doorway, which he was blocking.

  They met gazes and Braxton’s blood lit on fire at the physical

  attraction he felt for this man.

  Fabian’s intimidation was delicious, and he kept looking

  down at his feet nervously.

  “I’m already impressed, Fabian.”

  Instantly Fabian met his eyes.

  “We don’t have time to train someone properly.”

  “It’s not rocket science. I just get what our clients need from

  the contact list.”

  Braxton couldn’t be more pleased. “And you negotiate good

  deals. Don’t pay the first offered fee.”

  “Got it.”

  Braxton gave Fabian a once over casually. “They’ll sense

  new blood and try to take advantage of you.”

  “I can handle myself.”

  “I have a feeling you can.” Braxton finally backed up to

  allow Fabian to leave, to move his car.

  Slipping passed Braxton, Fabian turned back to catch Braxton

  watching him walk away.

  Nice ass. Damn. Braxton gazed back into the empty office

  after Fabian had left. Smart and gorgeous. How lucky did I get?


  Fabian cleared his throat and Brianna looked up from her

  computer. “Uh, Braxton said we have reserved parking spots?”

  “Yes. Oh! Did you get a ticket stub for the pay lot?” She

  shook her head at the oversight. “We have reserved parking.

  Second level, section C, numbers two-ten to two-fourteen.” She

  handed him a plastic credit-type card with a reader strip on it.

  “Use this to get in and out. I’m sorry, my bad.”

  “It’s okay. So, I have to leave and come back? You know, to

  stop the meter on my parking now?”

  “Yes. Shit. Here.” She opened her purse to get cash.

  “No! I’m not letting you pay.” He shook his head at the

  absurdity. “It’s only been an hour or so.”

  “I’ll tack the expense on to your first check. Bring me the


  “Okay.” He nodded and left the office, heading to the

  elevator. As he waited he glanced back, thinking about the look

  Braxton had given him. Yeah, figured. One day with you and

  you’re already trying to get me in bed.

  Fabian exhaled in frustration and entered the elevator to move

  his car.


  Braxton stood at Brianna’s desk. “He’s amazing.”

“Uh oh. Down boy.” Brianna laughed. “We don’t need you

  sexually harassing our new stud on his first day.”

  “No. I won’t. But…wow.” Braxton heard his phone ringing.

  “Behave!” Brianna yelled after him as he headed into his

  office to grab it.

  “Braxton Todd,” he said, sitting down and putting his

  earpiece in.

  “Braxton! Darling! You remember tonight your first date

  from the auction. Six pm. You need a ride to the Palm, yes?”

  “No. I’ll just drive myself there. I’m not planning on


  “Good boy. His name is Drew Persely. He is the CEO of a

  luxury car company, worth oh, so much money!”

  “Is grandpa married?” Braxton rolled his eyes and began

  typing the man’s name into his computer to get an idea of what

  he was in for.

  “Married yes? Married no? What does it matter? You are a

  business connection perhaps? He is a very successful man. You

  must know his controversial ads.”

  As she spoke Braxton was pulling up the information on the

  man and his company. “Oh yes. I do. Mark Antonious with a

  hard-on on the front seat of one of Drew’s sports cars. How

  could I not know?”

  “Yes! That ad made everyone double-take on Santa Monica

  Boulevard and crash. So you see? He is gay friendly. You will

  have a lot to talk about. Ciao!”

  Braxton hung up. Yes, maybe it is business. I wouldn’t mind

  getting a client as big as Drew. Not to mention, getting a chance to meet Mark Richfield? In the flesh?

  There was very little information about Mr Persely online

  other than the CEO affiliation with the car manufacturer.

  “Business. I can deal with that.” Braxton got back to work.


  Fabian returned to the office after moving his car. He entered

  to find Brianna typing and she asked, “How much damage?”

  “Four bucks. I can handle it.”

  “Uh uh.” She reached out her hand.

  He gave her the receipt. “Okay. But I’m not that broke.”

  “Work related—we pay. You keep track, mister. No

  exceptions, and that includes hours at home you spend on the

  computer and cell phone working.”

  “You got it.” He smiled and as he headed back to his office

  he stopped short. Braxton’s door was open and he could see the

  man inside, his shirtsleeves rolled up, talking on his hands-free

  phone as he typed on the computer keyboard. Fabian was

  smitten. The man was so damn hot. Look at that head of hair.

  Fabian imagined running his hands through it while he fucked

  this wild whore.

  He heard a giggle from Brianna.

  Fabian snapped out of his gawking and returned to his office

  before Brianna figured him out, unless she already had.

  Back at his desk, getting to the emails, an instant message

  popped up from her. Fabian read, ‘ He’s trouble with a capital

  ‘T’- you know that right? ’

  Fabian’s cheeks grew rosy. He replied, ‘ Yes. I do. Thanks.’

  Just as he expected an end to the topic she added, ‘ but he’s

  hot for you too! ;)’

  “Shit.” Fabian didn’t reply back and dove back into the work.


  An empty salad bowl sat on his desk, where he had eaten his

  lunch. Braxton heard Brianna saying, “Mr Todd? Don’t you have

  a dinner date?”

  “Yeah.” He frowned and checked his watch. It was nearing


  She popped her head into his office and spotted the empty

  bowl, tossing it out for him. “Go. Don’t let the charity down.”

  “I don’t want to go.” He peeked up and noticed Fabian

  behind her. “You’re still here? Go home, newbie!”

  “I wanted to get the emails taken care of,” Fabian said,

  moving closer to Braxton’s open door.

  “You never will. Get used to it.” Braxton sighed and shut his

  computer down.

  “He’s got his first auction date tonight,” Brianna said to

  Fabian, staring up at his height.

  “Oh? Someone good?”

  “No. A fucking aging CEO of a car firm.” Braxton rolled his

  sleeves down and buttoned the cuffs, growing frustrated. Brianna

  came to his aid and did both cuffs for him. “I feel like a helpless twit.”

  “No. You’re just overworked and undersexed.”

  Braxton immediately looked to see Fabian’s reaction. Fabian

  appeared to bite his tongue. When Brianna was done, Braxton

  put his suit jacket on. “Contrary to popular belief, Mr Rhys, I do

  not sleep with a different person every night.”

  “I didn’t say anything.” Fabian held up his hands and feigned


  “He hasn’t been laid in months.” Brianna straightened

  Braxton’s tie.

  “Missy?” Braxton grew embarrassed. “No need to share my

  personal data with the newbie.”

  “Just want him to know the rumors about you being

  promiscuous are completely wrong. I know you go home and

  work all night.”

  “Brianna.” Braxton died of humiliation. “I have to go. I’m

  already going to be late.”

  “Fashionably,” she said, tongue-in-cheek.

  As Braxton made sure he had everything he came to work

  with, patting his pockets and heading to the lobby door, he heard

  Brianna say, “So?”

  Braxton spun around, wondering if she was addressing him

  and spotted Brianna and Fabian staring at each other for some

  kind exchange of opinion.

  Not having the time to even ask, and not wanting to, Braxton

  hustled out to the elevator and pushed the call button. He heard

  the other two talking and Brianna locking up the office behind

  him. Now the three of them were waiting for the elevator.

  Braxton had no idea what Brianna may have said to Fabian

  behind his back, though it would be favorable, Braxton didn’t

  want Fabian to know he would fuck him…in a minute.

  The three of them were dead silent in the elevator, and as

  other office workers, done for the day, entered with them,

  Braxton backed up to the wall. Fabian caught his eye. Braxton

  had no idea what Fabian thought of him.

  Not offering a smile, Braxton instead gave him a pleading

  look. It wasn’t intentional, but in so many ways Braxton felt

  helpless, and a man as intelligent and confident as Fabian? So

  sharp he not only dove into the work instantly, without a baby-

  sitter, Fabian was neither smitten nor intimidated by him. Not the

  case with so many men and women he’d met before.

  The elevator opened to the parking area and though he was

  about to push his way out to not be late, Braxton waited for the

  area to clear out before he jogged to his car.

  “Good luck!” Brianna yelled as he did.

  Braxton looked over his shoulder to see Fabian approaching

  an older model Lexus, glancing quickly at him. When they met

  gazes again, Braxton wanted him. He could imagine kissing him,

  roughing him up in bed.

  Fabian entered his car and Braxton had to stop thinking about

  him in that way. He did not hire Fabian to make him a conquest. />
  Did he?

  “No!” Braxton shook his head at his own stupidity and tried

  not hit anything with his car as he headed to The Palm.


  Fabian waited as Braxton’s gold Porsche squealed its tires as

  it raced out of the parking garage.

  “What the hell?” Fabian sat still to recuperate before he

  backed out. Brianna left next, and Fabian sat alone in his car

  trying to interpret the look. Predatory. Oh yes. Braxton Todd was

  on the hunt.

  “Jesus. That easy? First day on the job? Get the new guy in

  the sack? Are you kidding me?” But the sexual potency of

  Braxton was amazing and very hard to resist. Resolved not to

  become the next victim ambushed by this known playboy,

  Fabian backed out of the space, frowning in annoyance. “All

  business, buddy. Sorry. I am not losing this job because your

  dick-compass is pointing my way.” He peeked down at his lap.

  “Shut up,” he said to his own cock, which was throbbing in his


  Chapter 7

  As the valet opened the door of his Porsche, Braxton used his

  cell phone earpiece and left the car running as he spoke. “Yes,

  Sophia, I’m here. Are you telling me Drew Persely called you to


  “Darling, you are late!”

  Braxton checked his watch. “Seven minutes. Seven minutes!”

  He took the claim ticket for his car and walked into the

  restaurant. “Goodbye.” He disconnected the line and removed

  the earpiece, fuming mad but trying hard to adjust his attitude.

  The hostess immediately recognized him and approached

  him. “Mr Todd. Your party is waiting for you.”

  “So I’ve heard.” He scanned the crowded restaurant, which

  for a Monday night was packed with diners. She led him to a

  white-haired heavyset man, scowling, holding a martini to his


  “Mr Persely, your companion has arrived.” She addressed

  Braxton, “What may I get you to drink?”

  Thinking he was not going to consume alcohol, at seeing this

  man’s attitude, he changed his mind. “Scotch, straight up.” He

  sat across from Drew and opened the button of his suit jacket.

  “Very good. Your waiter will be right with you.” The hostess


  Braxton met Drew’s gaze, tolerated his condescending pout.


  “For five grand I expected you’d be waiting for me.”

  “I apologize. I tried, but work ran late.”


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