Filthy Boss

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Filthy Boss Page 148

by Amy Brent

  The Naughty Secretary

  I stand here outside of the unemployment office looking at my last check and seeing those weeks fly by. I thought that I had plenty of time to find a job, but these months really did teach me a lesson.

  I wanted to take a moment out of the rat race and enjoy those rare seconds in the day where I could smell the roses. I had been stuck behind a cubicle for almost 10 years and I felt it was almost a lifesaver when they finally gave me my walking papers. I knew that they were downsizing, but I had no idea that my department was going to get the worst hit. I was devastated when it happened, but then I began to think that it was the best thing that could have happened.

  My best friend Tina, a blond bombshell with a rack that had most guys staring and drooling at the prospect of sticking their head between them was waiting for me outside. I had no vehicle and my basic transportation was taking the bus. I did mind public transportation, as it gave me time to immerse into many cultures including Chinese and even Arabic. If I had the money, I would have loved to travel, but it wasn’t like I was rolling in it. My parents barely had two pennies to rub together and asking them for help was out of the question. Besides, I didn’t want to face their disappointment.

  “Cheer up, it could be worse?” I looked up confused, but I had no idea how it could be any worse. “You could not only have no job, but you could be dealing with an incurable disease. There’s always a silver lining and you just have to know how to look for it. I know that I mentioned in passing a job at my current employment. I’m hesitant to even mention it again, but they are still looking.” After a few glasses of wine, Tina had told me of these two men that were looking for a secretary. It was their way of keeping things straight, as their organizational skills were not where they were supposed to be. She told me that they were not actively looking and was only doing it because the head of the company had decided for them that it was best for business.

  Tina hovered over me by a couple of inches. I was not exactly considered stick thin, but what I had I was more than happy with. According to all accounts, doctors were quite stymied by the fact that I was the healthiest that I could be at the weight that I was. Being 170 pounds and only 5’4 had made me a compact and delicious treat for those that were looking for that type of body. My black hair was not natural and I would say that the drapes didn’t match the rug.

  “I know what you said about those two guys, but I’m starting to think that I might have to bite the bullet and try out for the position. You did say that they haven’t been putting too much effort into hiring someone. I could get in on the ground floor and impress them with my credentials.” I had an MBA and another degree in sociology which made me aware of how the human mind works. Men in general really only had one thing on their mind when it came to a pretty face.

  “I will set it up, but I don’t want you to come crying to me when you tell me that it’s not working out. I’m just doing this as a favor. I’m not even sure that I would consider it a favor. The stories that I’ve heard of these two guys have been nothing, but negative. Brent and Julian have always been brothers from another mother. I don’t know from personal experience, but I have heard recollections where they can’t seem to keep it in their pants.” I actually didn’t mind the attention. I did dress provocatively enough that my many curves were on display. I like to throw it in their faces and bend at unnatural angles to give them a brief peak at the good stuff.

  “I know that I might be regretting this, but I’m going to have to ask you to put a good word in for me. As you know, I don’t have anything pressing, so any time that I can get an interview, I’ll take it.” She drove silent and I could see that something was going on in that head of hers. “I’m beginning to wonder that there’s something more that you want to tell me about Brent and Julian. Something about all of this doesn’t sit well. I know you said that they can be dogs, but most men are exactly like them in some regard.” I sat there in my green windbreaker open at the collar to show off an abundance of flesh in the right light.

  “It’s just that I’m not sure that I want to send you into the lion’s den. I would rather that I was there to fend them off for you, but you’re a big girl.” I was hoping that she wasn’t putting me down, but I got this feeling like she believed that I could take care of myself. “You know how to play the game. Flirting is almost a prerequisite in any business, as long as you don’t go too far with the joke.” I’d heard one story of how she had slept with her boss. They were both drunk after getting sauced in some bar and ended up in the back alley doing the nasty.

  “I may not have been in the position of fending off too many male suitors in my day, but I do know how to get my point across. These guys really don’t have a chance. They don’t sound like my type. I’m looking forward to making them think twice about putting their moves on me. I find it a bit of a challenge and one that I am ready to take on. Besides, how do you know that I’m even going to be their type? Not everybody goes for the kind of girl that has the kind of booty that goes into a room right after she does. I don’t know about other girls my size, but I tend to feel liberated.”

  Tina was breezing through traffic with that white leather skirt inching up along her thighs. This girl had legs that went on forever and then some. We were roommates and I had heard some interesting noises coming from her bedroom in the middle of the night. Sometimes there was a guy or girl involved or she had taken things into her own hands. I kind of found myself living vicariously through her, until some young gentleman had taken an interest in me. That didn’t happen very often, but more times than most would imagine.

  “Ill just have to have eyes in the back of my head to make sure that they don’t try anything funny. I don’t even know if I’m going to get the job. It’s not a foregone conclusion, but I’m going to put my best foot forward.” I slapped my forehead, as I realized that my landlord Jerry was going to be waiting for me with hand out for the rent.

  I just didn’t have it for him and my brother Kenneth was still under lock and key for drug possession. He was always trying to find that easy road. There were times that he had more money than brains. It’s just that he never knew when to quit. He would constantly push the envelope daring the authorities to catch him in the act.

  “I hope you know what you’re doing. I’ll call personnel and get them to see you as soon as possible. I think that you’ll find some opposition. For some reason, they have been reluctant to take any kind of help, but their boss is not going to take no for an answer. They have been stalling and maybe this is exactly what they need to get off their ass and do something about it.”

  She dropped me off at my apartment in a not so great neighborhood. The ladies of the night were on the street, at least those that were not currently suffering from some kind of hangover from the night before. I smiled at one beautiful black woman that looked like she had a lot more going for her than slinging it on the street.

  I cautiously went through the back way and up the stairs. I wanted to avoid Jerry at all costs, but there he was in his customary snug blue jeans and dirty tee shirt that was stained with yesterday’s supper. I could actually smell the garlic 100 yards away. Was he trying to ward off some kind of vampire attack?

  “I’m guessing from the way that you snuck in that you don’t have my rent. I told you this before and I’ll tell you again there are ways around that. I’m going to give you three more days and then I’m either going to get what I want or you’re going to find yourself out on the curb. I do hope that I have made myself very clear.” He was looking me up and down and I think that he had this desire to climb every mountain. Having been blessed with a huge chest, it was always getting the worst kind of attention.

  “Three days should be plenty of time for me to get the money.” I didn’t even dignify that last comment with a response. He was a sleazebag, but there were those in the building that were desperate enough to take him up on his offer.

  I was dressed to impress with my resume in
hand very professional and showing all of my credentials. Julian was a black bald man with a slight goatee with distinguished gray hairs in the middle. He was about 200 pounds and was built like a linebacker ready to take the field in battle. He carried himself with authority and being 6’3, he had a tendency to intimidate others. He wore that suit like his own personal shield.

  Brent was this blond playboy with the prerequisite white gleaming teeth. His smirk made me feel dirty sitting in the chair. They were both constantly looking at me and not saying one damn word. I felt like I was underneath a microscope. They must’ve shopped at the very same place, as they were practically wearing everything identical. The only big difference was that one was wearing a red tie and one was wearing a black one. Ironically, Brent was the one that was wearing the black one.

  Brent was the same size and I had to admit that they looked good in their suits, but they probably would look better out of them. I was a little uncomfortable and I felt this moisture inside my panties that told me that I was interested in more than just professional business.

  “I don’t know about Brent, but I think you’ll make a wonderful addition to our little family here. I do hope that you are comfortable with public displays of affection. We are very friendly in this office and sometimes we can show that in the most unexpected ways.” They circled me like I was some sort of prey on the Serengeti. “You will be asked to work under both of us and I do hope that you are ready to take on that position.” Julian’s words were laced with a sexual tone that had them both smiling at each other in knowing ways.

  “I wouldn’t take too much out of what my partner says. He’s a bit of a horn dog and he’s always looking for his next conquest. I will say that you have a lot to offer.” At first, I thought that he was meaning something like my education and experience, but it was obvious from the way that he was looking down my blouse that he was more interested in my more prominent attributes. “We don’t have to look any further to find the right girl. You’re not what we usually have around here, but we can work with it.” He was not even trying to be subtle. He actually grabbed his crotch. He squeezed and then turned around like he thought that I would believe that it was an accident. If questioned, I’m sure that he would say that he was just adjusting it.

  “I’m not sure what your availability is like, but we would really like you to begin today. We have a lot of work and we don’t need to be bogged down with the meager details. Working our fingers to the bone every night to put away the paperwork has been draining. I’m sure that with your experience that you can make short work of our disorganization.” Julian had not even blinked. His use of eye contact was a little disconcerting.

  I was wearing something that my friend Tina thought that would be good to get underneath their skin. She was with me in the morning going through my wardrobe and then used a telltale pair of scissors to make some alterations. The black skirt was long enough. It went past my knees, but she had made this very significant slit up the side. It gave off a very revealing look at my bigger than average smooth thighs. The yellow blouse was undone the first couple of buttons. The bra underneath was something of a secret. It wasn’t mine and I probably wouldn’t have been caught dead in something so risqué.

  “I can tackle just about anything. I have my own program that I will punch in the numbers from all files that you have currently piled on my desk. I don’t know how long I’m going to be here, but I doubt that I’ll get out of here, until after seven tonight.” I got up and gave them the customary handshake. I turned and stopped at the doorway. I glanced over my shoulder to see that they were both looking at my bountiful posterior. They were both licking their lips. I wanted to call them out for their behavior, but I secretly enjoyed the feeling of being objectified.

  For the rest of the day, I was consciously aware of them coming by my desk and making idle chitchat. Neither one of them really had any shame. I don’t think they were wearing underwear. I could see the telltale bulges nestled inside their pants. They were snug enough that I could actually see the shape and the size of both of their organs.

  At lunchtime, I went into the unisex bathroom and found a cubicle that was unoccupied. This was a private bathroom only used by Brent and Julian. It kinda gave me a giddy thrill to be sitting in the very spot that one or both of them had been in at one time or another. I thought of their bodies and I stripped away their clothing in my mind to see how they would measure up to each other.

  I had my panties to the side and I was tracing the wetness and then sticking it into my mouth like I was sucking one of their cocks. I brought the other hand up to my mouth and with two fingers from each hand, I mimicked what it would be like to do this to the both of them. To look up into their eyes and see them staring. I wanted to do something that was quite out of my comfort zone and these two had me thinking all of these naughty thoughts. It was kind of distracting, but in a good way.

  I took two fingers from one hand out of my mouth soaked in my spit and I drove them with no mercy in between my legs. The lips fluttered closed around my fingers, as I drilled myself repeatedly. I was biting my bottom lip. I tried my best not to scream out in obvious arousal from those feelings and images that were taking me quite by surprise.

  “Oh god… Brent… Julian. I want to feel you shoot it in my mouth and all over my face like a dirty little slut. I want to feel it dripping down my chin and staining my blouse. Please, someone needs to fuck me. Put my legs over your shoulders and drive into me with no regard for my own feelings. I want both of you deep in both of my holes.” I thought that I heard something outside the doors.

  I stopped momentarily and brought everything to a complete standstill. My two fingers were still inside me and my muscles were gyrating along those digits. It was kind of exciting to think that I could get caught in the act.

  I bent down, as much as I could, but I saw nothing that would indicate that anybody was there. I decided to risk it. I was already this far and it seemed stupid not to go all the way.

  I continued to fuck myself and I only wished that I had brought one of my toys from home. There was one in particular that had this interesting little curve that could touch me in just the right spot. Add to that the vibration of that toy coming to life and I was pretty much powerless to resist.

  I had my legs spread and over the toilet. My feet were striking up against the walls of the cubicle. I didn’t even know that I was capable of spreading down the middle like some kind of gymnast on a cheerleading squad. My panties were already saturated and I could literally smell my own sex wafting up to my nose.

  I heard this squishing sound of my fingers and the feel of my juices dribbling down onto the lid. “Yes…fuck me…Julian you big black stud. Don’t worry, Brent I have more than enough to satisfy you. You guys make me feel like I can’t get enough of your sweet cream shooting out of those cocks. That’s exactly what I want from the both of you. Cum inside my mouth and drip your seed down the crack of my ass. Please…make me cum… Cum… CUMMMMMMM.” I lost my composure and my whole body went into these convulsions that I had never felt before.

  My feet were literally slamming with my high 4 inch heels up against the wall. My head was banging against the back of the toilet and my arms and legs were flailing like puppets of a marionette.

  I saw two pairs of shoes directly in front of the cubicle door. I heard something of a gasp and I lie there and could swear that they were out there jacking off. I was a little scared to think about what they were going to do. I decided to throw them off their game by clearing my throat. I brought my heels down onto the linoleum floor and that signified to them that I had finished what I had wanted to do.

  I heard muffled moans of excitement and then their footsteps leaving the bathroom. I thought for sure I would find evidence of them being here, but thankfully I did not allow it to get that far.

  I waited for quite awhile, until I finally was able to stand. I was not ready for the onslaught of my orgasm. It was such a fired intensity t
hat I was parched. I had a bottle of Evian water back in my desk. It had my name on it. I could almost think of it as their cocks blowing off in my throat. It would pale in comparison to the real thing, but at least it would satisfy my curiosity for the time being.

  I went over to the sink and splashed cold water on my face. It was a very good and satisfying climax, but it was nothing like having one with a willing partner or partners as the case may be.

  I took a deep breath and steeled myself for being around them for the next couple of hours. I walked out and was accosted by a man in a gray pinstripe suit. He had maturity and a mane of white hair, not to mention a pair of glasses of the coke bottle variety.

  “My name is Wilson Anderson. I own this entire building and we need to talk.” I thought for a moment that he was going to call me on the carpet for my behavior in the bathroom. If he had heard any of that, he would assume that I was not worthy of the position that I was in. I didn’t want to lose my job over the insanity of manually stimulating myself in the office. “I need your help. I hate to put you in this position, but you’re the only one close enough to do what I ask. I believe that I can make it worth your while, but that’s entirely up to you to either reject or accept my proposal.” I wanted to tell him that I wasn’t for sale, but the blank check and the number that he whispered into my ear was more than enough to garner my attention.

  I sat at my desk and waited for them to leave. It was only my first day, but everybody knows that the root of evil is money. The owner of this building was offering me a six figure salary not to mention stock options and bonuses. I only had to be a fly in the wall and to dig deeper into some discrepancies.


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