Drawn to Vail Mountain

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Drawn to Vail Mountain Page 9

by Desiree L. Scott


  Three months later…


  Connie stared down at the piece of paper in her shaking hands, her eyes wide as her heart hammered against her ribs.

  Almost dizzy, the paper jerked and blurred in her vision. It wasn’t possible… But the paper, the doctor, and an ultrasound didn’t lie. She had taken four tests before scheduling an appointment with a doctor in the next town over.

  She hadn’t wanted to say anything to Jacob. Anything could go wrong. It could be another tubal pregnancy, and she didn’t think she could take that kind of pain again, the final nail in her coffin when it came to her dream of motherhood. But this—the results…the doctor’s congratulations…


  Because of her very slim chances of getting pregnant and after receiving clean bills of health, they hadn’t used protection.

  The month before, her ex and his mother had finally taken a deal to avoid a trial and possible life sentences.

  Instead, they had both received twenty-five years, but she didn’t care. That part of her life was over. She had gone back to the city briefly to quit her job and put her things in storage, breaking her lease. She had then returned. As soon as they could, she and Jacob planned on buying a small house in town, and she was now officially the resort’s accountant.

  Connie stumbled to the window seat on the other side of their bed and collapsed down on the pillows, her eyes still on the piece of paper, the results, in her hand as her thoughts raced over everything that had happened the past three months.

  Stephen and Joan had returned from their belated honeymoon a week after everything had gone down and had thankfully missed the drama. Joan had just found out she herself was pregnant the month before, and she and Stephen were over the moon. Truth be told, Connie had been really jealous but had tried to hide it. She should have known that she couldn’t hide it from Jacob.

  Instead, that night, he had made love to her until she was so exhausted she fell into a deep sleep and didn’t dream about anything.

  She looked out of the window, gazing across the yard, her eyes on the mountain scenery that still, to this day, took her breath away. It was so beautiful.

  It was quiet, the men away on the mountain. Nina had taken Emily into town for some shopping, and Connie had stayed behind to get the books caught up and organized. Lord, Nina hadn’t been lying.

  She flinched again just thinking of the mess she still wasn’t finished with, but now Connie felt useful, earning her pay until she could move out with Jacob. He had a little money in savings, and he was already looking for a house. If there wasn’t one she wanted, he told her they would buy a small piece of land and build one.

  Suddenly, she saw Jacob’s Jeep enter the side of her vision, and her heart slammed against her ribs even harder. It was real. She couldn’t believe…after the doctors had said… And then the results…

  Tears fell from her eyes, streaming down her cheeks. Sobs shook her shoulders, and she could barely breathe as she heard the bedroom door open behind her. He shouted in distress as he ran over to her, kneeling down beside her.

  “Baby, what’s wrong? Are you hurt? What happened? Talk to me, baby.”

  She turned, his handsome face swimming in her vision as the tears fell faster. She couldn’t talk. It was hitting her hard, so she showed him instead.

  Watching his face closely, she saw him look down, frowning as his eyes moved, reading. It took him a few moments, but then realization slammed into him as his eyes shot up, locking with hers.

  “What?” he whispered. “How is it possible? You said—”

  “I know,” she cut in brokenly. “It wasn’t supposed to be possible. There is so much scar tissue on the remaining tube, and I don’t understand it myself, but…I’m pregnant. I didn’t want to believe… I just got back from the doctor. I’m pregnant, and it’s normal. It’s in the womb. I’m pregnant, Jacob.”

  Her voice broke on the last word, and seconds ticked by, their gaze one of love and promises before Jacob let out a shout of joy and jumped up, swinging Connie into his arms and swirling her around their bedroom.

  Laughing, she put her arms around his neck, and Jacob stood still, just holding her.

  “I love you, baby, with or without a child of our own,” he whispered.

  She felt something drip on her face, and this time, it wasn’t her own tears. She looked up into the watery but loving gaze of the man she loved and smiled, her heart full.

  “I love you, too, more than I thought I could ever love anyone,” she whispered back.

  Their mouths met, and together, they knew the mountain had drawn them together—drawn them back to where they belonged.


  Books in the Vail Mountain Trilogy

  Stranded on Vail Mountain

  Trapped on Vail Mountain

  Drawn to Vail Mountain

  Author Bio

  Desiree L. Scott has been writing since she was sixteen years old. There have been many influences within her life that has set her on the path that she cannot help but walk. A few of those influences consist of Karen Rose, Lisa Gardener, Nora Roberts, Cynthia Eden, Catherine Anderson, Laura Griffin, Andrea Kane, and Lisa Jackson, just to name a few. This list by no means defines my own writing but they have indeed influenced her desire to live outside of her own world and to create the thrill of her dreams.

  Desiree lives on 40 + acres in the SHOW ME state with her ten-year old daughter, with the wonderful addition of four dogs. The weather is unpredictable, but the surrounding beauty of the country helps her creativity as she sits on her top deck with her laptop and coffee close by.

  Follow Desiree L. Scott at these locations

  Blog: http://www.desireelscott.com/

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/desiree.scott.3150


  Twitter: https://twitter.com/dlscottauthor

  Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14391119.Desiree_L_Scott

  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/d.scottauthor/?hl=en

  Other Works by Desiree L. Scott


  Vendetta Series

  Crescent Vendetta – Vendetta Series Book 1 – Wolf-shifter VANESSA BURNS has survived a life of brutality and neglect. Kidnapped, drugged, and forced into an underground fighting ring, she meets TRAVIS KAMERON, Alpha of the Crescent Ice Pack who suffered a similar fate. Can they put aside old rivalries from the past and work together to weather the storm waiting for them on the outside? (MA 18+, read as standalone)

  Bear’s Shadow – Vendetta Series Book 2 - A twisted tale of hunter and prey, two worlds collide as Bret falls for the human, Nikki Calhoun, and then struggles to convince her that they are meant to be together. It’s up to him and the Crescent Ice Pack to get to the bottom of the brutal acts of one man. Will Nikki survive the wrath of her estranged husband or will the murky world of Edward Calhoun destroy her and any who try to help?

  Vail Mountain Series

  Stranded on Vail Mountain – Book 1 – It was supposed to be a vacation; a time to save her marriage. What Joan Clayton hadn’t counted on was Murphy’s Law of Vail Mountain. With her marriage ending and a blizzard coming, can Stephen Brockheart save her from the storm? (clearner read, standalone)

  Trapped on Vail Mountain – Book 2 – When Nina Williams and her young daughter witnessed her father’s murder, the only thing on her mind is escape and protecting her daughter. Fleeing to Vail Mountain, Joan, her childhood companion takes her in; but the sanctuary doesn’t last long. Can Rob Garland keep her safe from the wilderness when her hiding place is discovered? (mild sex, standalone)

  Drawn to Vail Mountain – Book 3 – When Connie Meyers visited the lodge, she never dreamed she would take refuge there during her own catastrophe. Using the secluded location as a barrier between her and her estranged spouse, she is discovered by her cold-hearted mother in law
, who shows up to make her life hell. Can detective Jacob Tanner help her set things right, or will Vail Mountain put an end to their relationship before it can really bloom? (mild sex, standalone)




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