Unlikely Love

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Unlikely Love Page 14

by M. J. Perry

  Matt pulled Sarah away and held her against him. I watched her relax.

  Looking at Ruby with tears streaming down her face and knowing everything she’d done, I still wanted to comfort her. I couldn’t find it in me to hate her, even if she did deserve it.

  The need to get away from her nearly took me over; I needed time to calm down before we spoke again. Tearing my eyes away from the sadness in hers I turned to face Matt. He was still holding Sarah in his arms and she looked like she belonged there.

  “What will happen to Sketch?” Ruby had a right to know too.

  “He broke his bail requirements, so he’s stuck in prison now. He won’t be out for a long time. You don’t need to worry about him. Even if he does get out, he won’t ever come after you or Ruby.”

  “Ok.” I nodded in relief.

  “What about Mike?” I asked quietly.

  “Mike got himself caught up in it all because after he’d failed to get the information about Ruby from you, he went back to Sketch. Sketch wasn’t happy, and he threatened to put you in the hospital if he didn’t help to kidnap you.”

  “Really?” Mike actually cared about me being hurt? I found that hard to believe. “Why didn’t he just call the police?”

  “If he got caught snitching it would be the end of him. He tried to protect you in his own fucked up way. I don’t agree with what he did, but he helped save you. He was the one that taped you to the chair because he remembered the story of your mother carving the flowers and hoped that you’d told one of us about it.”

  He’d helped me. Most probably stopped me from being touched while I was asleep and he’d helped Matt and James find me. I had him to thank for being safe. It did funny things to my heart to know that even after all the pain he’d caused me he’d redeemed himself in the end.

  “Scarlett. I just need to know how they managed to get you and what happened then you can go home. Ok?” Matt asked.

  I wanted to go home more than anything and by home I meant James’ house so I quickly explained everything, from Sketch appearing in the toilets with a knife to getting into his car and then him sticking the needle in my leg. I told them about waking up taped to a chair and then James saving me.

  Ruby still hadn’t spoken a word, but I caught the looks she threw my way. They ranged from sadness to anger and I wondered who she was angry at; Matt for telling me the truth of her actions, me because she still thought it was all my fault she’d messed up, or herself.

  I found I didn’t care, and that’s when I realised I needed a break from her because I didn’t feel like myself.

  I stood up and James steadied me with his hands at my waist when I wobbled.

  “We’re going to leave now, but we’ll be back here tomorrow Ruby. We both need some space and once we’ve rested, we can talk more. Ok?”

  My voice was stiff, but there wasn’t much I could do about it. My whole body was stiff as well. I would be back in the morning, it might make me a pushover, but I wasn’t going to leave her to face the consequences on her own. That being said, I wasn’t about to let her pretend none of it had happened and sweep it under the rug either. We needed to deal with it once and for all then forget about it just like I’d told James earlier. What’s done is done. She looked shocked, and I wonder if she thought I’d give up on her now I knew the truth. She should have known better.

  Ruby had tears in her eyes when I said goodbye and I felt guilty at leaving her when she was in pain but I made myself kiss her cheek and walk out the door.

  Matt offered to take Sarah home, so it was just James and I on the drive to his. We drove in silence and the silence was tense. I knew he was angry; the anger was coming off him in waves, but I couldn’t find any words to appease him. He was still mulling over what Matt had told us and the danger I’d been in was still fresh in his mind and mine. The rage in Matt’s eyes had been scary, but he had nothing on James. His green eyes burned with molten fury. He kept a tight grip on my hand the entire drive, not even letting go to change gear, he just adjusted my hand so he could still grip the stick, I didn’t complain, even when his grip tightened harshly. James was reassuring himself I guess. He’d been strong for me at the hospital, kept his feelings hidden so he could support me, but I’d still felt them simmering under the surface. He’d wanted to shout at Ruby maybe even shake her, but he’d kept his cool so he could keep me strong. Could he be any more amazing?

  Chapter Eighteen


  When we arrived at his house, he unbuckled us both and got out of the car walking to my side to help me out. The front door hadn’t closed behind us before he was on me. He ripped my clothes off, throwing them onto the floor until I was just in my underwear. Then he started on his own, his eyes never left mine. His shirt went over his head and when he undid the button on his jeans, I saw he wasn’t wearing boxers, his cock stood proudly when he pulled his jeans down and off.

  “I should go slowly. I know I should, but I need you.” He growled and stepped towards me. The look of desire on his face had me taking an automatic step back, and he froze.

  “I would never hurt you, Scarlett. I would hurt myself before I ever let that happen.” He whispered.

  I heard the vulnerability in his voice, I’d hurt him and I hadn’t meant to. I reached to undo my bra clasp and pull it down my arms then I hooked my thumbs into my knickers and pulled them down my legs.

  “Honey, I know you would never hurt me, I’m sorry.” And I was. I trust him completely. It was a knee-jerk reaction, like when prey sensed the predator.


  This time his step was slower as he walked towards me watching my reaction. When he stood close enough to touch, his lips crashed down on mine and my world stopped. All that mattered was this man. I let myself go and relished the love I felt through his hands and his kisses. He lifted me up, and I wrapped my legs around him. My hand went between us to guide his cock inside me, I was so wet he had no trouble entering me in a deep thrust, this was what I needed, not to be treated like a delicate flower, but a woman and James didn’t disappoint.


  We finally made it to the bed and lying there cuddled in James’s arms I could almost forget everything that had happened.

  If only we could stay here for the rest of our lives. I was on the edge of falling asleep. James hadn’t spoken for a while, but the hands rubbing my back and sides told me he wasn’t sleeping.

  “Are you ok?” I asked with concern.

  “No.” he ground out.

  I lifted my head up to look up at him, but he pushed me back down softly. “James?”

  “You could have got hurt today. I can’t get the vision of you taped to that chair out of my head. If anything had happened….”

  He trailed off and his arms tightened on me.

  “I’m fine, though, they didn’t hurt me.” I tried to reassure him.

  “But are you really? You must feel terrible. Knowing it’s your sister’s fault that you were in that situation. Fuck how can you deal with that so calmly? I wanted to rip her head off for the pain I saw on your face when Matt told us what she’d done. It killed me to know someone you love could hurt you and I’m filled will rage because I can’t take your pain away.”

  “James. Look at me.” I lifted my head and this time he let me. “They didn’t hurt me, baby. I promise you I’m alright.”

  I placed his hand over my heart so he could feel it beating. “They’ve got Sketch. Mike’s not going to do anything else. It’s over.”

  “What about when Ruby fucks up again?” He growled making me flinch.

  “She won’t.” James raised his eyebrows at me. “Ok. She might, but if she does, I’ll deal with it. She isn’t a little girl anymore it’s about time she grew up and dealt with her own consequences.”

  I’ve cleaned up so much shit for her over the years that she’s never had to deal with the consequences before; she’s always got off scot-free because I was the mug that sorted it. Not anymore,
I love her and I always will, but from now on I’ll advise her, but that’s it. Starting tomorrow things were changing.

  “No truer words were spoken babe.”

  “I know.”

  I need to tidy up my place before I can sell it and I need an estate agent, one who can get it sold quickly because I don’t want to live there anymore, I can’t live there anymore.


  “Yes babe?”

  “Can I stay here for a while?”

  He grinned at me. “Babe, you’re never moving out of here.”


  “You moved in when you brought your suitcases here. This is your home now.”

  “Oh really, were you going to inform me of this big step?”

  “Well yeah once I’d packed all your other shit up and moved it here too.” He admitted.

  I laughed I couldn’t help it. Should I be mad at him for making a huge decision without asking me? Maybe, but for all the moaning I do about his bossy ways I kind of like the fact he wanted me here so badly he’d just decided to move me in.

  “Did you not think that perhaps I should have had a say in this decision?” I chided with a smile.

  “Why? You’ve already told me you belong to me so it’s just the next step. All your stuff would already be here if it weren’t for that fucker grabbing you and we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” He shrugged. “At least now you can help me pack.”

  “Oh James,” I said through my giggles. He moved us sideways, so we faced each other.

  “Are you happy?” he asked seriously when my giggles had quietened down.

  “Yes. I never really knew what happiness was until I met you.” I admitted. He closed his eyes on my words and when they opened his gaze caught mine and I could have died happy right then, the love I saw shining was intense.

  “I feel the same.”

  “You do?”

  “Ever since I left the police and my dad died I’ve felt like I was going through the motions. I didn’t give a shit about anything, but when you walked through my door, my world became clearer. I knew you were meant for me, I felt it in my gut. As soon as I opened my mouth though I acted like a complete asshole. I was cursing myself inside, but I couldn’t stop.”


  “I was afraid I guess. I didn’t want to admit that from the first sight of you I was in love.” He stopped talking when I gasped. The sheen of tears in my eyes didn’t escape his notice, and he smiled before carrying on. “When I got a better look at you the feeling got stronger. I fought it, but it won and I’m thankful it did because if I’d been any later in looking for you who knows what would have happened.”

  What could a girl say to that heartfelt confession? “I love you.” That’s what.

  “I know.” He kissed the top of my head then my nose before he shifted on his back. I put my head on his chest and tangled my legs with his. Contentment rushed over me. I hoped it would always be this way.

  “As I’ve moved in does that mean I can decorate?”

  “What’s wrong with my house?” He sounded insulted, but I felt his lips brush my hair so I knew he was teasing.

  “Everything is black,” I said in a duh voice.

  He chuckled, and I loved the vibration against my ear. “You can do anything you like to our home as long as I don’t come home to pink walls or flowers everywhere.”

  “Damn. I thought Fuchsia pink would be perfect in here. I was going to buy a flowery duvet cover and curtains with a few throw pillows too. Oh well…” I trailed off trying not to giggle.

  “Babe, I hope you’re joking. Your house isn’t even as girly as that shit.”

  “I know.” I said through my laughter. “I’m teasing, but it could do with a few touches of colour.”

  “Like I said, whatever you like. We’ll bring your furniture over here too. We’ll find the room for it.”

  “I can bring my table and chairs, the memories of my mum are stronger than the bad ones, but I don’t need anything else.”

  “That’s settled then. We need to sleep now baby. You’ve hardly had any and we have a big day tomorrow what with moving you in here and kicking your sister into touch.”

  “You’re right.” I kissed his chest over his heart.

  James kissed my forehead, and I closed my eyes in bliss.

  “Night, James.”

  “Sweet dreams baby.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Waking up in James’ arms was my new favourite thing. I don’t know how I ever lived without him. I lay still breathing in his scent loving how masculine and sexy he was. If someone had told me six months ago that I’d be in a relationship with James, a guy who’d quickly become everything to me I would have laughed my ass off. All guys were assholes right? Well, I was wrong. I’ll be the first to admit it. I may have believed myself in love with Mike, but I see now I’d deluded myself, I’d wanted a family because I’d missed my parents and that put a lot of pressure on me and on Mike. He may have cheated on me, but some of what he said was right. I was always busy with Ruby or work; I worked so hard to keep her in check so my parents would be proud which meant I didn’t work on my relationship with Mike as much as I should have. It doesn’t excuse what he did, but it wasn’t entirely his fault. He more than made up for what he did by trying to protect me from Sketch.

  My eyes opened when James shifted over me.

  “Morning,” He whispered as he leaned over to press a kiss to my lips.

  “Morning,” I smiled against his lips.

  “If I woke up every morning with you in my arms I still don’t think I’d ever get used to it.”

  After leaving me speechless he kissed me so perfectly it took me a minute to catch my breath.

  “Wow. We should start every day like that.” I said breathlessly.

  “Babe that wouldn’t be a hardship, trust me.”

  My insides fluttered. What a perfect man and he was all mine. I slid over to the end of the bed and climbed out; when I looked over my shoulder, I caught James staring at my bum.

  I grinned. “The sooner we get ready the sooner we can see Ruby and I can set the ground rules. I’m going to let her stay at the house until she finds herself a job and somewhere to live.”

  He sighed. “I knew you’d do that. You know she doesn’t deserve it don’t you?”

  “It doesn’t matter; this way I can keep my eye on her while still keeping my distance. I’d never ask if she could stay here because I know you wouldn’t want that so this is the next best thing.”

  “Too right I wouldn’t. I don’t want her anywhere near you, but it’s your choice and I’ll respect it. Just know I’m not happy about it and every time you’re with her I’m going to be there.”

  Hmm considering he likes to have his own way all the time he was giving in easily. “Thanks for not making a big deal out of it. Sarah will do that enough for the both of you.”

  He nodded. “That’s why I’m backing off. I figure you don’t need two of us giving you hassle.”

  “Thanks.” I mock scowled at him. I knew Sarah was going to have a fit when I told her, but it was my choice. She’ll have to get over it because I’m not budging. Ruby needs an incentive to change and if I left her alone, she’d just slide back into the messes she’s used to making.

  James climbed out of bed and tapped my bum as he walked past. “Go shower and I’ll put the coffee on.”

  I walked naked into the en-suite totally aware that James was watching me and not caring. My insecurities about my body were still there, but with James they took a back seat. He thought I was beautiful which made me feel beautiful.

  I tied my hair up and showered quickly dressing in my skinny jeans and red blouse. I hurriedly put some mascara on and my lip gloss and brushed my hair through leaving it down.

  After a last look at myself I headed out for coffee, I was just pouring a cup when there was a knock at the door. I’d heard the shower go on so I knew James
was in there. Looking through the peephole I saw Matt standing there.

  “Matt.” I greeted him as soon as I’d unlocked the door. He looked upset.

  “Is everything ok?”

  “You’d better sit down Scarlett.” I followed him over to the sofa in the living room and sat down next to him. He took my hand in his and I started to shake, something was definitely wrong. Something I wasn’t going to like. Before I could ask he spoke.

  “I went to see Ruby this morning to go over her statement.”

  “Ok,” The hospital would have rung if something had have happened to her, wouldn’t they?

  “She told me everything up to you being kidnapped. All that I said yesterday she confirmed and she gave a statement against Sketch. As she didn’t sell the weed, we can’t arrest her and there isn’t any proof, she had it anyway just Sketch’s word so she’s not in any trouble with us. I know you won’t press charges for what she did to your house either.” He searched my face before he carried on.

  “I had to leave the room to take a call. I was gone maybe ten minutes and when I got back she’d left.”

  “Left?” I questioned.

  He nodded. “This was on the bed.” He pulled an envelope out of his pocket. I stared at the writing and saw my name in Ruby’s handwriting. “She’d asked the nurse for a pen and paper last night telling her it was time for her to grow up.”

  “Grow up,” I repeated. It’s pretty much what I’d said to James last night about her.

  “How is running away growing up?” I snapped.

  “She must have a plan, honey. You need to the read the letter.”

  “I don’t think I want to,” I whispered. Would this ever end? James came and sat down on my other side his hair wet. He took the envelope from Matt and pushed it into my free hand.

  “You can do it Scarlett. You’re strong. Take a deep breath and open it.”

  I nodded. “I can do this,” I whispered. No matter what she has written I’d deal with it. I’m not alone now. But was she? I took a deep breath and released my death grip on Matt’s hand.


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