Jimmy's Dreams: Some Dreams Are Nightmares

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Jimmy's Dreams: Some Dreams Are Nightmares Page 8

by Saxon Andrew

  The Dean closed his mouth and stared at Jimmy before saying, “Mr. Caspari, you will be in class from eight in the morning until eleven at night most days. College is a lot more than living in classrooms and labs. You’re throwing away one of the best times in your life. Why are you doing this?”

  Jimmy stared at the Dean in silence for a long moment and then said, “Sir, I’ve set several goals in my life and I’m really afraid there won’t be enough time to achieve them. To make them happen, I must learn as much as possible as quickly as possible.”

  “Are these goals of yours more important than your health, happiness, and wellbeing?”

  “Sir, they are. And while I’m young, I can do more to reach them than when I’m older. I sincerely believe I can do this. I won’t threaten to go to another college if you say no, but I beg you to allow me to make the effort.”

  “Are these goals of yours that important?”

  “They are world changing, Sir.”

  The Dean stared at Jimmy and then lifted his phone. “Gloria, I’m sending a young man to you and I want you to register him in the classes he chooses. You will do this immediately and if the class is full, add one more to it in the system.” He hung up the phone and the Dean looked at Jimmy, “I hope you will be wise and take care of yourself.”

  “I promise I will, Sir.” The Dean nodded and Jimmy left his office and went to the Registrar’s office.

  The woman was shocked at the class load and called the Dean back to confirm that this is what he wanted done. She hung up and said, “You are a first, Mr. Caspari. Are you a masochist or just a glutton for punishment?”

  Jimmy laughed, “Probably a little of both. Thank you for your help.”

  “I hope you feel the same way two weeks from now. I’m not doing you any favors,” Gloria replied.

  “I’ll come by and let you know,” Jimmy said with a smile.

  “Oh, that won’t be necessary. I’ll see when you start dropping some classes. I suspect it won’t take long.”

  Jimmy smiled and left for the campus book store. Classes started in two days and he needed to get a jumpstart on them. By the time he went to his first class he had read every book.

  • • •

  He looked up at the sky above the building and wondered how something so terrible could come out of something so beautiful. He looked across the common and saw students sitting under trees studying or sharing a picnic. They would all be dead one day.

  He entered his classes with a passion and was surprised that the professors and his fellow students were not happy having him around. Here was an eighteen-year old sitting in class with students two years older. The professors resented that this…kid…thought their classes presented no challenge and he would not need much time to learn what was being taught. His reception was…cool.

  He decided quickly that the best policy was to keep his mouth shut and only speak when spoken to. After two weeks, his professors were the first to recognize that they had a student in their classes that was something special. He was a quiet, reserved young man but his initial exams showed he wasn’t missing anything.

  • • •

  Jimmy thought about his life as he watched the people in the common. He still had his dreams and he wondered for a moment why he still called them dreams instead of visions. They first appeared when he was four and only just before morning. It was like his mind needed sleep before he could see them. As he grew older, they would appear anytime at night and they always felt like dreams. By the time he was eight, he would have them pretty much any time during the day even when he was awake. He still had to close his eyes and that was pretty much like sleeping. Dreams was an appropriate term to call them.

  He sighed and knew other things were changing in him. His ability to see something and remember it in detail was getting stronger and he could read a book at a speed that was impossible. He didn’t need to stop and read each page, his mind recorded the page as soon as he saw it. Some researchers called it photographic memory but when he researched the term in the school’s library, what they described was nothing like what he could do. His ability to do this started when he was a child while his mother taught him. It was changing and getting stronger as he aged. It was now getting to where instead of just remembering what he saw, he could relate things that had no connection. And that new-found ability was growing.

  He thought about his mother’s dream and who Ayet could possibly be. He did not doubt what his mother told him the truth. He also knew in his heart she loved him and sought to protect him from what the world could throw at him. He didn’t need someone else to tell him he was different. He saw it every day and knew his mother was right when she made him promise when he was seven years old not to reveal his dreams. Jimmy snorted, that now also included what was happening to his mind. He’d probably end up on a microscope slide if he did.

  Summer was in several of his classes. She was a junior and was an all “A’ student. She learned that Jimmy was taking his Junior year courses fall semester and his Senior year course in the Spring Semester. If he were successful, he would graduate a year ahead of her. Jimmy knew that had to gall her in the worse possible way. She usually sat as far away from him as possible and refused to look at him. Jimmy sighed, that must be how older women acted. She was two years older and, though he didn’t want to think about it, she looked more beautiful every time he saw her.

  Jimmy looked up at the sky again and missed his mother. It didn’t take a genius to see that she was falling in love with Tom. He looked forward to going home during Thanksgiving break.

  He saw a co-ed walking up the path leading to the building and thought for a moment. She was in his advanced physics class…Audrey was her name. She walked up the steps and smiled, “Do you mind if I join you?”

  Jimmy tilted his head, “No.”

  “Hi, my name is…”

  “Audrey,” Jimmy interrupted.

  She smiled, “And you are the famous James Caspari.”


  “Everyone knows about your class load and you have become quite the celebrity once it was determined that you were shredding the curve.”

  Jimmy’s eyebrows came together, “Shredding the curve? What are you talking about?”

  “Well, all the other students in your chemistry class compared their grades and discovered that none of them had made the A plus on the professor’s exam. That meant you had to be the one. To make sure, they compared their test scores again after the next exam and lo and behold, it was none of them again.”

  “Once that was determined, the students in your other classes saw that there was always one A plus on each of their exams as well. So, one plus one equals two. You are the curve shredder.”

  Jimmy shook his head, “I’m not doing this to hurt anyone.”

  Audrey smiled, “You have to remember where you are. Brilliance is something we all appreciate. I think doing as well as you are has removed some of the resentment of your doing it.”

  “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  Audrey shrugged, “I think most of us felt you didn’t belong. You were too young, and hadn’t paid the price to take the major courses. You making the best grades pretty much proved you had every right to make the effort. Anyway, I just wanted to meet you personally and ask if you’re involved with anyone.”

  Jimmy shook his head as it went back, “I don’t have time to be involved with anyone! Relationships take time and that’s something I don’t have!”

  Audrey smiled, “You have weekends and don’t tell me you need them to study. You’re out here sitting on these steps every Saturday and Sunday and it’s pretty clear to me that you don’t feel any pressure to be studying.”

  Jimmy leaned back and stared at her. She was about five-five and was very attractive. She had natural auburn colored hair and her green eyes were bright. Her face was dainty and…perfect. She had on a royal blue sweater and a mid-thigh length blue plaid-skirt over navy blue tights. Audrey
smiled, “I do hope you like what you see.”

  Jimmy blew out a breath, “You’re about two years older than me. As beautiful as you are, you don’t need to be…”

  “Coming on to you?” Audrey interrupted.

  Jimmy nodded, “Yeah…something like that?”

  Audrey shrugged, “I’m in class with you and have you even noticed me?” Jimmy stared at her as she said, “I have dressed every day to make an impression on you and what did I get?” Jimmy stared at her in silence. “Nothing. Not even a second look when I walked away.”

  “How do you know that if you were walking away?” Jimmy asked.

  “I had Katherine watch you to see if you gave me a second look when I walked by you. Nada, nothing, nyet.” Audrey paused and raised her shoulders, “So, if the indirect approach didn’t work, I decided the direct approach might. I knew you came here on weekends and, voila, here I am.”

  “Audrey, you don’t know anything about me. How can you possibly know I might be someone you want to get to know? I could be…too young, immature, or inexperienced for you.”

  Audrey smiled, “Well, that might be true if I hadn’t watched you in class. You go about your business with a focus that is beyond any immature student. I see you are on a mission and I’m rather curious about how you can be so smart and not a geek incapable of normal dialogue.”

  “When have you heard me talking to anyone?”

  “The professor is now starting to ask you about some of the concepts and it’s pretty clear to us he is starting to respect your opinion.” Jimmy tilted his head slightly and Audrey continued, “You don’t speak like you’re reciting something. You talk with clarity, depth, and insights that allow the rest of us to clearly understand some rather difficult concepts. You don’t have an ego.”


  “It might be because you don’t have time to develop one but you are gentle, considerate, and aware of the feelings of other students around you. You offer help when asked and don’t make the one asking feel like they’re an intrusion on your time. I’ve watched you closely and I’m hoping you’ll agree to spend some of your weekend time with me.” Audrey looked down at herself, “Did I dress well enough to tempt you?”

  Jimmy smiled, “You are gorgeous, Audrey, but…”

  “Before you say no! There are no promises or expectations. You can tell me to shove off at any time and I’ll pick up my duffle bag and do it. Please say you will.”

  Jimmy stared at her and shook his head, “You’re serious?”

  “As a laser.”

  “What’s in it for you?”

  “I’ll possibly learn something and I really want to see how your mind…and heart work. I’ll try to keep it challenging for you.”

  Jimmy shrugged, “I think I have enough challenges. Do you think you could keep my mind off school?”

  Audrey smiled, “I believe I can handle that.”

  Jimmy stood up and offered Audrey his hand, “I usually go for Dunkin Coffee about this time.”

  Audrey took his hand as he pulled her to her feet and she smiled, “I personally like the hazel nut, hot coffee with cream and sugar.” Jimmy smiled and stepped off the steps. Audrey put her arm in his and said, “I hear an accent in your voice, where did that come from?”

  “Switzerland. I’m a foreign student.”

  Audrey smiled, “Now that’s interesting. Which place do you like better?”

  Jimmy looked at her and returned her smile, “Until a few moments ago, it was Switzerland.”

  Audrey smiled, “You do know how to turn my head, James.”

  “Call me, Jimmy.” Audrey nodded and kept her arm on his.

  • • •

  The next three months proved to be some of the happiest in Jimmy’s life. Audrey was true to her word and kept him distracted from classes. She taught him things that were…eye opening. She was intelligent, open, and a laugh that was ever present. He decided a week before Thanksgiving break that he would ask her to come home with him to meet his mother.

  He went to his chemistry class and saw Summer standing outside the door. He walked up to her and she said, “See me after class.” She immediately turned and went through the door. Jimmy watched her and she didn’t look at him once. What was going on?

  He stepped out of the class and Summer was waiting, “I really hoped someone else would tell you but it appears no one will.”

  “Tell me what?”

  “You’ve been seeing Audrey and you should know that she announced when she arrived as a freshman that her sole purpose here was to find the most intelligent man in our college to be the father of her baby.”


  Summer nodded with a frown, “It appears she has accomplished her goal.” Summer turned and quickly walked away. Jimmy was in shock. He started running across campus to his next class and wanted to get there before it started to talk with Audrey. As usual, he arrived just as the professor started his lecture. Audrey turned around and smiled at him, immediately noticed his expression and the smile disappeared. She mouthed to him, “What’s wrong?”

  Jimmy mouthed back, “Later.” She nodded and turned around. Jimmy thought about how to approach Audrey and decided that there was one way for him to see if what Summer told him was true. After class, Audrey met him in the hall and said, “What’s wrong?”

  Jimmy forced a smile, “Nothing. I just wanted to ask you a question.”

  Audrey tilted her head, “Go ahead.”

  “I want you to come home with me during Thanksgiving to meet my family. I think we’re getting close enough to start looking toward the future of our relationship.”

  Audrey’s eyes narrowed slightly even though her smile remained, “I have already made plans, Jimmy. I’m sorry.”

  “Well then, what about I invite Mom to come here the weekend after we come back to class to meet you?” Audrey’s smile disappeared and Jimmy lowered his eyes, “You don’t really see me as anything more than a sperm donor, do you?”

  Audrey stared into his eyes and looked away. She shrugged, “Who told you?”

  “That’s not an answer, Audrey.”

  She sighed and looked at him, “We agreed at the beginning that there would be no promises or expectations.”

  Jimmy shook his head, “I did not agree to that.”

  Audrey’s eyes narrowed as she thought back to when they met and she sighed again, “No, you didn’t.”

  Jimmy felt his heart breaking as he said, “There is one thing I agreed on.” Audrey looked up at him. “I think you should pack your duffel bag and shove off.”

  Audrey shook her head, “Jimmy, I will never marry. I’ve seen what it leads to with my own family.”

  “You promised to leave without resistance, Audrey.”

  Audrey stared at him, nodded, and said, “You are the most beautiful man I have ever known.” Then, she turned and walked away. Jimmy kept his composure and turned to go to his next class. He heard the professor’s lecture in the back of his mind but he pretty much sleepwalked though the remainder of the day. He wondered how he didn’t have a dream about this shipwreck coming. He made it through the rest of the week until he left for New York. His mother was incredibly happy to see him and he refused to bring sorrow into their home.

  He fought it until he arrived back at school and the building he loved. He sat in front of it on the steps in drizzling rain and wept for his loss. The rain masked his tears and the poncho covered his head. On Monday, he went to the professor teaching the Advanced Physics class and requested to take the final. The Professor knew what happened and he was not going to cause his best student to possibly choose to leave school due to some bimbo. He gave the final to Jimmy and he completed it during his lecture. He stood up during the lecture and handed the Professor the exam. Then he turned and walked out of the class without looking at Audrey once. The Professor watched him leave and Audrey said, “What was that all about?!”

  The Professor almost told her what he thought
of her but knew that would be unprofessional. “Mr. Caspari has completed the course requirements and has taken the final. He did not need to take it to pass but I suspect he’s done quite well on it. He will no longer be required to come to class. The Professor looked at Audrey and then continued his lecture.

  • • •

  Audrey was waiting outside Jimmy’s last class. The lab had taken longer than normal and Jimmy felt fatigued. He walked out of the door and Audrey rushed up, “Jimmy, can we try this again?”

  Jimmy looked into Audrey’s eyes and she saw what she had done to him. Her tears started as Jimmy sighed and said, “You’ve shown me your true heart. I don’t want to see any more.”

  Jimmy walked around her and Audrey put her head in her hands and wept. He actually loved her. She firmly believed he never would but he did. And she went and threw it all away. She would never be able to repair the damage she saw in his eyes. She ran out of the building and back to the dorm where she beat herself up mentally as she cursed her parents, who never showed her what love really was.

  Chapter Seven

  Jimmy threw himself into his classes and he passed the fall quarter with a perfect 4.0 grade point average. He started taking the Senior courses and the results were pretty much the same. Halfway through the semester, the Dean of MIT’s graduate schools offered him a grant to enter MIT’s graduate program immediately. He accepted and the Dean asked if he would like to skip the remainder of his undergraduate classes and start working directly on his doctorate. Jimmy gladly accepted.


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