Soul Awakened: A Paranormal Romance (Fire & Ice Book 2)

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Soul Awakened: A Paranormal Romance (Fire & Ice Book 2) Page 3

by Idella Breen

  “It’s fine.”

  “So, hey, Snow, I was wondering if you had any plans for tonight?”

  The brunette played with the few white strands of her hair. No matter how many times she tried to dye them they would always turn white again. She tucked them behind her ear. Cait didn’t seem to mind the color. Actually, she seemed to love it, but the color made Snow feel like an old woman. She was too young to already have white hair.


  “Oh, sorry. Tonight?”


  An image of an empty and cold apartment flashed in her mind. She really didn’t want to go home. The apartment was too big for just one person. It made her feel even more alone. The brunette had been sleeping over at Gwen’s but she was beginning to feel like she was intruding too much on her kindness. She didn’t fully trust Dian though. Snow had just had too many bad experiences with dark bloods. Even though she was sure that Dian was a blue blood, because she was too perky and bubbly to be evil, she was still hesitant to go somewhere with her alone.

  Dian reached over and brushed her hand along Snow’s arm and smiled at her. Snow suddenly felt herself relax. Dian didn’t seem like a bad person though. She had never done anything to make the brunette feel uncomfortable or scared. Ever since meeting her, the girl had been nothing but nice to her. Snow shrugged.

  “I’m free. What did you have in mind?”

  “I was just thinking we could study for the quiz. I don’t know about you but the professor said way too many names and dates for me to keep track of everything. I was hoping you could help me out.”

  “I’m not sure I’m much better. I spaced out halfway through.”

  Dian smiled. “No problem. I’m sure if we put our heads together we can figure out enough to at least pass the quiz.”

  Snow laughed. “Okay. What time and where?”

  “Are you done with your classes for the day?”

  “Yeah, this was my last class for the day.”

  “Then why don’t we just go to my place from here.”

  “That works for me. I take the bus here anyway. Did you drive?”

  “Yep, my little Honda Civic is pushing a hundred thousand but she’s still going strong.”

  Snow giggled. “Lead the way then.”

  Dian smiled and wrapped her arm around Snow’s. They walked out of the classroom together.


  Snow was on cloud nine. She didn’t know why but she suddenly just felt so safe in Dian’s presence. Even though the woman in question kept shooting her worried looks, she couldn’t find it in herself to worry or question it. Dian just made her feel so safe and she was such a great person that Snow just wanted to do whatever she said. She agreed with everything the woman was saying while they drove to Dian’s apartment.

  The vampire parked and led Snow to the elevator. Dian was twisting her hands nervously and fidgeting as they rode the elevator up to the fifth floor.

  “I like you Snow.”

  Snow giggled and grinned. “I like you too.”

  “I just hope you can find it in yourself to one day forgive me for this.”

  Snow frowned but the good feeling inside her chest didn’t diminish. “You couldn’t do anything to me that I wouldn’t forgive.”

  Dian sighed as the elevator stopped. “I only wish that was the true you saying that. Follow me.”


  Snow followed the vampire down the hallway and waited while the woman opened the door to her apartment. It wasn’t until they entered her living room that the good feeling in her chest suddenly disappeared. The person standing in the center of the room tended to have that effect on her.

  Snow gasped. “You’re supposed to be dead.”


  Aiden grinned when his servant entered the room with the ice child following behind her. The glazed look in the girl’s eyes quickly cleared when she saw him and he took immense pleasure at the pure fear that contorted her delicate features.

  “You’re supposed to be dead.”

  “But alas, I am alive. Did you miss me?”

  Snow shook her head and began backing up only to bump into something solid and feel arms rest heavily on her shoulders. She looked behind her to see a woman with red eyes and a smile that sent a shiver of fear down her spine. She jumped away and moved so that she could keep everyone in her sight

  “Who are you?” The brunette gasped out. The room was suddenly beginning to spin.

  The woman curtsied. “Queen Xena, a pleasure. I’ve always wanted to meet the mortal that killed my husband. I’m a little disappointed. I thought you would be taller.”

  Snow paled and turned to Dian. “What is going on here? You’re with them?”

  “I’m sorry Snow. I had to.”

  “I trusted you. I thought you were my friend. Aren’t you a blue blood?”

  Aiden’s harsh laughter cut off Dian’s reply. “A blue blood she was, that is, until I had my way with her. She’s my personal servant now and how useful she has proven herself to be. Ever wonder why you trusted her so easily?”

  Snow frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  “Ah, another side effect of the power. The person it is being used on will never suspect what is happening.”


  “He’s talking about Dian’s ability dear.” Xena supplied helpfully.

  “A very useful one at that. You see, Dian has the ability to instill absolute loyalty in people. With a glance or a touch you would lay down your life if she asked it of you.”

  Snow turned Dian. “You tricked me?”


  “Enough of that now. Don’t you want to know what I’m going to do with you now that I have you?”

  The brunette jerked to look at the boy that had been a source of nightmares ever since he kidnapped her. “What do you want Aiden?”

  “I want your power.”

  “My power?”

  “You probably don’t even feel it, do you? You’ve awakened! Haven’t you felt it bubbling up inside of you? A feeling of uncontrollable power just waiting to be unleashed? Have you been having trouble controlling your abilities lately?”

  Snow shuddered. She hadn’t mentioned it to anyone but her abilities had been a little bit out of control lately. They tended to appear when she was feeling strong emotions. She had felt lately like something powerful was building up inside of her, she just didn’t know what it was. All she knew was that it scared her.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  He laughed. “The look on your face says different. But don’t worry, I’m here to help.”


  Aiden reached into his pocket and pulled out a sapphire. One identical to the one Xavier had sealed Cait’s soul in. She took a step back. “What are you going to do with that?”

  He grinned. “Don’t worry, I have no need of sealing your soul.”

  Snow sighed in relief.

  “I only want your powers. I’ll deal with your soul in another fashion.”


  She was cut off when Xena suddenly lunged at her. Snow screamed but couldn’t get away and the woman trapped her, holding her arms behind her back. Aiden began chanting so fast that she couldn’t understand the words. She felt the cold power burn in her chest as it began to build. Aiden raised the stone up and waved his arm around wildly before yelling out a word. Everything was quiet and still for a moment and Snow wondered if he had failed.

  Then she felt it. The power burned as it erupted out of her. She screamed and watched as frost covered everything in the room. Blue light was being pulled from her body like tendrils of string. It continued to be pulled out of her until she felt empty. The burning stopped and Xena let go of her. The brunette dropped to the floor with a loud thud.

  She felt cold. Frozen. Aiden laughed. “I have it! The power of the ice child. Now, I shall be the true king of the dark bloods. No one will be able to stand against me an
d all who try will fall to my superior power!”

  Snow looked up and groaned in pain. Aiden turned back to her. “I’m not done with you yet.”

  The brunette tried to crawl away but he stood in front of her stopping her escape. “Too bad your protector left you all alone. She wouldn’t have been able to stop me anyway. I’ll just have to use your power to kill her later.”

  “No!” Snow moaned out. Her head was pounding and her chest felt hollow.

  “You should be more worried about yourself ice child.” Aiden pulled out another stone from his pocket and rolled her over. She couldn’t fight him. Her body felt like lead.

  “I promise this won’t hurt, too much.”

  “What are you doing?” She whispered.

  “Together you are strong but apart you are weak. I’m going to make sure you never see your beloved protector again. Don’t want you two coming after me, after all. This stone is a jet. A black hole so to speak. It will suck your soul from your body and scatter it in the spirit plane. Not even your protecter will be able to find you. Any last words.”

  Snow met his gaze, even as her vision began to dim, and whispered, “We will find you, we will catch you, and we will make sure to kill you this time. I promise you that.”

  Aiden sneered. “I’d like to see you try.” He thrust the jet into her chest and Snow felt a agonizing pull as her soul was ripped from her body and sucked into the stone. She was in darkness, then she was flying, then she was standing still. The only thoughts that filled her mind, as she began to float around in the alien world she found herself in, was, “I must find Cait. I must find my mate.”

  Chapter 3

  Aiden watched and was fascinated, as Snow’s body encased itself in ice. She almost looked beautiful. He smiled and stood turning to Xena. “Is everything ready?” He asked.

  “I have called a gathering of the dark bloods. They are eager to see who would try to claim the throne so soon. You will have to demonstrate enough power to prove your strength to them, or I dare say, they will eat you alive.” Xena giggled and pulled out her metal fan.

  Aiden sneered and placed the sapphire around his neck. He turned to the television in the room and pointed his finger at it. He felt the power in the stone swell, then flow though his body, and a blue light shot out of his finger encasing the televisions in ice. A laugh bubbled up and out of his throat. “No one will stand in my way now.”

  Aiden spun around until he faced Dian. The woman was staring at Snow with what looked like regret. He would have none of that. “Servant!”

  She snapped to attention and met his gaze.

  “Prepare my pawns and knights. We will make a grand display of my newfound power.”

  Dian bowed. “Yes, my king.”

  He turned back to Xena and offered her his arm. “My Queen.”

  She giggled and wrapped her arm around his. Together they walked out of the apartment. Dian stayed behind and kneeled down next to Snow, who looked as if she was only sleeping, but Dian knew she was dead. At least the ice would preserve her body. Dian still had hope that the sin she committed against this girl would be righted. She had no choice but to follow her kings orders, but ever since he turned her against her will, he had made her do so many evil things. When Dian had been a blue blood she had never believed that dark bloods even existed. Now she knew how horrible they were, and to make it worse, she was one.

  Dian traced her hand along the ice coffin and felt a tear slide down her cheek. She wiped it away and gave a small sniffle. Then, she pulled her cellphone from her jacket. She might not have the power to help Snow, but she had the number of someone that could. Snow needed her protector but Dian only had enough time to find the number of the protector’s friend. She punched the digits into her cellphone and the person picked up on the third ring.


  “Remus, Snow is in trouble.”

  “Who is this?”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just so sorry. You just have to come and help her. Call Cait. Call her werewolf and maybe you can all find it in your hearts to forgive me.”

  “I don’t-“

  Dian took a deep breath and cut him off. “You have to find her. Use your nose. Start at the college and follow the wind. That’s all the help I can give you.” She hung up. Giving Snow one last look, Dian mumbled, “Maybe in another life, we could have been friends.”

  The woman sniffled and left the apartment. The door closed with a quiet click.


  Cait would never admit it, but the guards quickly picked up on her mood as she took a bite out of a dark blood, and threw him to the side. She was overflowing with excitement. It was a guilty pleasure, but the werewolf was a fighter, and the wolf had been howling for a chance to sink its teeth into something. As her fangs bit into another body and blood trickled down her throat, she was in her zone.

  The redhead barked orders to the guards and led them through the attempted ambush. The dark bloods had tried to catch them off guard when they arrived, but Cait had anticipated it, and had prepared her soldiers for it, just in case. They were fighting through the small party of dark blood, making a beeline for the small town, where they could regroup behind an electric fence.

  Cait was plowing her way through another wave of dark bloods when it hit her. It was like a blow to her gut. She staggered in her wolf form, and a dark blood attempted to take advantage, but one of the guards, Beck, saved her from injury.

  “Captain, what’s wrong?”

  “No.” She gasped and immediately transformed back into her human form. Naked, and vulnerable to the enemy, her guards surrounded her to protect their captain.


  The werewolf didn’t respond, as she fell to the muddy ground, slick with blood and sweat, and buried her head in her hands.

  She whispered. “Gone? Dead? My-“

  “Cait! You have to fight.” Beck, the tengu, yelled.

  Her soul was hollow. Then it was burning. An anger like none she had ever felt filled her being, and she let her head fall back, as she released an anguished scream. Cait transformed, and tore through the dark bloods, leaving only dead bodies in her wake. Her men struggled to keep up with her, as she ripped vampires apart, and tore through their ranks heedless of the injuries they were inflicting on her person. Her men attempted to help her, but she rampaged, and they feared she might not recognize them in her rage.

  It only took a few minutes, but she had wiped out what was left of the dark bloods small army, and stood among their bodies covered in blood. Her legs shook with the effort it took to stay standing, but even as heavily injured as she was, no one was able to get near without her baring her fangs. It wasn’t until an hour later when she finally collapsed and her men were able to tend to her wounds. Even as the darkness engulfed her vision, the hollow feeling never subsided. She was alone once again. The link with her mate had been severed. Snow was gone.


  Cait woke to the mother of all headaches. She reached her hand up to her head and sat up in bed. Where was she? What had happened? Even as those thoughts flew through her mind, the hollowness filled her, and she felt tears slide down her cheeks as her wolf demanded blood. Whose blood? she had yet to find out, but when she did-

  “Cait, you’re awake.” Gwen’s voice was familiar, and helped ground the redhead, as she looked up to meet the blonde’s eyes.

  “Oh, Cait.” She said and as she ran over to the woman and wrapped her arms around her neck. Cait hugged the smaller woman to her, wishing the hollow feeling would subside long enough for her to get her thoughts in order.

  “What happened? Where’s Snow?” The redhead demanded, once Gwen released her.

  “Calm down Cait-“

  “I need to see her. Now!”

  Gwen met her gaze with her own steady one and stood holding her hand out. “Follow me then.”

  Cait stood and took the offered hand. She would need it to ground her for what she was dreading to see. Gwen led her i
nto the living room. They were in Cait’s apartment. The site that greeted her left her slightly confused, but her heart ached all the same.

  In the middle of the living room was Snow. She was encased in a block of ice that looked very much like a coffin. It was see through, so she was still able to make out the shape of the girl’s body. Cait sank to her knees next to her mate. She couldn’t even hold the girl in her arms. Just to hold her and hug her. Just to feel her. Snow was gone. She knew it to be true but she didn’t want to accept it. How could she have failed her one true love like this? How could she have failed so completely, a second time?

  Cait looked up to meet Remus’s eyes from across the living room. “What happened?” It came out as a whisper.

  “We don’t know, but we suspect this is the doing of a dark blood. When we found her the room smelled of them. We found her like this. I got an anonymous tip that said she was in trouble, but by the time we found her, it was too late. I’m sorry Cait. We should have been watching her more closely. I just didn’t think…I just didn’t think they would attack out in broad daylight like this. I’m just so sorry.”

  “I don’t-“ She gasped and tried to hold back the anguish that threatened to consume her. Her mind was just blank. She couldn’t stop the pain, the hollowness. She felt empty inside even as anger simmered underneath the surface. It was like losing her clan all over again. The same feelings of powerlessness and frustration that were overwhelming in their depth. Gwen sat down next to her and pulled her hand into her lap.

  “Cait, I need you to listen to me. This is important.”

  The redhead looked up and met the blondes eyes.

  “Good. Now I need you to concentrate for a minute.”

  “On what?”

  “On Snow. We don’t know how long ago she…we don’t know how long she’s been like this, but we don’t think it is long. If you can feel her spirit through your connection, then we may be able to help her.”

  Cait’s brows furrowed. “What?”

  Gwen smoothed out the bunched brow with her hand and wiped the tears that were flowing freely down the woman’s face. “Concentrate Cait. Is Snow’s soul still here, or has she entered the Fade?”


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