The Prince Charming Search

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The Prince Charming Search Page 2

by Amanda Kay

  If the Lukas family took over, they had vile plans to rid the society that Raiden’s family had built of any half breed and anyone not willing to denounce half breeds. Their extermination list was long but at the top were Raiden and his dad. Raiden knew they weren’t going to make things easy on him. If he found someone they would stop at nothing to destroy the relationship. Raiden was going to have to tread carefully in order to keep it.


  To the world,

  So yeah, this completely sucks, my parents are divorcing after twenty-five years together. I mean, how does something that has been solid for twenty-five years just fall apart like that and so quickly too. One second all was great the next second I was being called to their house for a family meeting that began with the news of the divorce. However, that wasn’t the worst thing that happened to me in the past month, nope not even close to the worst thing.

  “Hi Jordan, you’re early, sweetie I’m almost ready.” Tai said answering the door for her fiancé. They were getting married in four months and she was over the moon.

  “Tai, I came early because we need to talk.” The sound in his voice alerted her and she paused from the rest of her routine to stare at him.

  “What’s wrong, Jordan?” She questioned and everything thing inside her began turning. She was going to be sick.

  “I don’t think we should get married in four months.” Dear God, she was going to throw up. He was not doing this, not now. She had been planning their wedding for the last six months. He wasn’t doing this, it wasn’t happening.

  “You want to postpone the wedding?” she asked, and he shook his head.

  “No Tai, not postpone. I don’t think we should get married at all.” Damn it! Who was the other woman? She knew he had to have one. She wasn’t dumb, he was canceling the wedding now, only four months out. How long had they been sneaking around behind her back? Her anger was growing which was good because it was pushing the gut crushing pain down that she was feeling. They had been engaged for six months, they had been together two years. Why now? How? What was going on?

  “What’s her name, Jordan?” she hissed loudly.

  “There isn’t anyone else, Tai. I just am not feeling us anymore,” he said casually. Damn it, how can he be so calm? Not to mention the bullshit pouring out of his mouth was just aggravating. Well screw him!

  “Whatever! Get the hell out, Jordan!” she yelled, pissed wasn’t the word for her emotions right now. She couldn’t believe this was happening just a few hours after her parents told her they were divorcing.

  He was at the door, but before exiting he turned back around. Shit, why couldn’t he just leave? She was crushed. What more was he going to throw at her? “I need the ring back, Tai.” WHAT?

  That made her lose any self-control she had remaining. She twisted the ring off her hand and chucked it at him. ”There, now get the fuck out!”

  Yeah, so world, that was my life for the last month. My parents’ divorce is almost finalized and Jordan completely crushed me. And then to top it off, when I was down he basically kicked me when he wanted the ring back. I just couldn’t take it anymore so I got a six month visa and I am off to a foreign country with money I had saved up in my bank account. It won’t last me terribly long, but I plan on finding a job and just exploring. I might not stay in one place too long. I plan on hopping around. I really just want an escape, a chance to get lost while finding myself. So now I am just waiting on my plane to board. I’m not looking for much except adventure. Wish me luck, world.


  “Hello, beautiful.” She glanced up at him and shook her head.

  “You must be Raiden?” she chuckled. Oh damn, Gloria got to her already. He was going to kill her.

  “Yes, I’m Raiden and you are?” he said ignoring the humorous glint in her eyes. Because if he didn’t he was going to embarrass himself in front of her before he even got her name.

  “I’m Tai.” She smiled. It was a gorgeous smile.

  “You’re not from around here are you, Tai?” he spoke rocking on his heels. Checking her hand for a ring.

  “Nope, was just going to find a hotel.” She let out a small laugh. Her eyes diverted from him. Damn, he wanted to continue to look into her chocolate colored eyes.

  As the word hotel tumbled out of her beautiful mouth, he instantly had a plan of attack. It was dumb, but he didn’t care. He wanted to be near her so he could get to know her and allow her to get to know him. He hoped she could fall in love with him, and not just the man he showed everyone else, but the vampire too. If she gave him a chance he would show her the world. A world he just knew she deserved. Someone had hurt her and she was on a journey now to find herself. He could see that emotion written all over her face. He wanted to help her in the adventure. He was hoping she would allow that.

  “Well, Tai,...the hotel isn’t the greatest, the rooms are cramped and a bit overpriced, but if you’re up for it, we have plenty of space. It would be just like staying in a hotel, only free.” He smiled and shrugged and she laughed before looking up at him shaking her head.

  “I was warned about you, Raiden. I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” The gleam in her eye told him she was considering it even though she tried turning him down. It was time for a different tactic. He wasn’t taking no for an answer.

  “You look tired, Tai, stay the night and I’ll take you to the hotel myself tomorrow and get you settled.

  Her eyes flashed with several different emotions she was trying to not want to take him up on his offer, but he could tell her practical side the one that tells you to not stay with strangers was losing big time. Raiden just waited full of arrogance, something he would have to knock off if he stood a chance.


  She was seriously considering his offer. One look at him and she pretty much forgot everything mystery woman said. However, he was still a stranger and she was still in a strange place. But his dark eyes were speaking to her. She didn’t want a relationship, but for some reason she thought he might be worth risking her heart again. How crazy was that? One night. What was it going to hurt? At the very least it would give her a small connection in town, which wouldn’t be a bad thing considering she was going to need a job soon. As crazy as it was, and as dumb as it sounded, she was going to take the sultry over confident Raiden up on his offer.

  “You’re right, I am tired. Rest now, hotel tomorrow.” She smiled up at him and he returned her smile with one of his own. One that made her weak in the knees so it was good thing she was still sitting.

  He extended his hand to her and as if she had known him forever, she took it. The minute her hand touched his, she felt a bolt of lightning shimmy up her spine, she locked eyes with him and could see he had felt the same thing. She tried to tell herself again there was no such thing as Prince Charming, but staring into those dark emotional eyes, she found herself warring with the inner her.

  As he went to lead her into the house he paused. Oh God, he was about to tell her he was only kidding or worse, tell her in order to stay for free she would have to sleep with him. She sucked down the gulp she felt coming. His eyes flashed to her rental car. “Yours?” He asked rather simply.

  “It’s a rental, but yes, mine,” she answered meekly. He nodded.

  “I will send someone out for it and have them bring in your stuff.” She nodded she didn’t know what to say. She immediately felt a little guilty for thinking the first thoughts she had. She didn’t know Raiden at all but she was taking the word of a mystery woman instead of learning for herself. He watched her closely as the thoughts raced in her head.

  For some reason he then brought his hand to her cheek. She had to admit, it felt great and comforting. She hadn’t felt like that with Jordan in a while, if she were to be totally honest with herself. “Tai, I don’t know what Gloria said, but I have an idea. I promise I’m capable of being a gentleman for the right woman.” His eyes filled with an emotion she had never seen in any guy and she expelled a bre

  She gave a weak smile, “Don’t mean to burst your bubble, but not on the market right now.” She watched his eyes flash with a question and he decided to put him out of his misery. “I’m single, just not looking.”

  He led her hand and hand towards the house without another word. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking. She wondered for far longer than she probably should have what he was thinking about. She had to admit, as out of character as this was for her staying with a stranger in a strange house, she liked the idea of the adventure it may hold. And hell, if the outside of the house said anything about the inside, there was plenty of space. Secretly though she was hoping not too much. Goodness, what was she doing? She was only staying for a night, but maybe he would extend the offer. ‘Oh my God, Tai, stop it. You don’t know this guy. One night, hotel tomorrow.’ She scolded herself.

  They finally stopped at a door on the second floor and he dropped her hand. She didn’t like that all, she immediately missed the touch of his hand. How was he already affecting her like this?

  “Your room, Tai.” He stepped aside and she took in the room. It was amazing she couldn’t allow him to let her stay here for free, even for a night.

  “You don’t have a smaller room, hell, a broom closet?” she joked, she hoped he wouldn’t stick her in a broom closet. His eyes brightened as he left out a soft chuckle.

  “Tai, this is your room, make yourself comfortable. Stay as long as want, it’s no problem.” He was being serious and Tai felt her words catch in her throat.

  “Thank you.” He nodded and kissed her cheek.

  “You’re welcome. I’m going to go make sure your stuff makes it to you. Take it easy, rest. I’ll take care of everything else.” She nodded and stepped further into the room.

  He was being amazingly sweet for someone she had just met; it made her both uncomfortable and overjoyed. She needed to write, she needed to clear her thoughts, and writing in her journal the last month was the way she had been able to accomplish that.

  To the world,

  So where to begin. How about the mysterious Raiden, that I was warned to stay away from, invited me to stay in his exquisite home for free and I couldn’t say no. He held my hand all the way to the room he is allowing me to stay in. I can’t help it, I loved his touch and then he kissed my cheek and I wanted to turn my mouth to him. What am I supposed to do? Jordan completely crushed me, I don’t know if I’m ready for that kind of risk again. Maybe we can be friends and just see what happens. I can live with that, I think. Anyhow world, I don’t even know if I’ll take him up on his offer to stay, I’ll probably go to the hotel in the morning. It wouldn’t be fair to take advantage of his kindness. One night, world. In the morning I’ll be back on my adventure and in a hotel.



  As he was going towards the door to move her rental car into the drive behind the gate and get her belongings from it, he ran right into his dad. He wasn’t even watching where he was going because he was thinking about Tai. Thinking about how he was going to convince her to give him a chance. He could tell by the way she said she wasn’t looking for a relationship that she had been hurt by someone, and that made him angry. Who in their right mind would willingly let her go? She was gorgeous. But then he realized that she didn’t seem to think she was beautiful. But she was.

  “Sorry dad, didn’t see you.” Raiden shrugged.

  “We have company.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Yes, we do. I’m going to do right by her, dad, I want her to be the one. I feel she is the one,” Raiden pleaded.

  “Okay son, then we will have to make that happen, but Raiden, I’m only giving you five months.” Raiden was confused he and his dad had only recently decided on three months now he was being given five.

  “Five?” His dad smiled at his question.

  “One must have ample time to build a solid foundation. There is already a lot against you, I don’t want time to be too much of a factor.” Raiden was overjoyed because he knew that his dad could see the euphoria in his eyes, he knew his dad could tell he was being honest about wanting to make this girl his.

  He left his dad and continued on his mission. He was going to make her feel comfortable, make her feel at home so she would stay. He knocked on her door when he had gotten her stuff out of the car.

  “Just a minute.” He heard call from inside the room so he patiently waited for the door to open. When it did, he smiled and she flushed crimson red shutting the door in his face.

  She had answered the door in a towel. Well at least she was doing what he wanted and making herself comfortable. “There is a robe in closet, Tai, you can use for now.” She nodded and shut the door.

  He stood on the other side of the door and waited for her to slip on the robe and answer the door again. When she finally did she smiled and stepped aside to let him in. He wheeled in her suitcase and saw a perplexed look come across her face.

  “Thought you said you were going to have someone do that?” She smiled. He laughed.

  “I thought I was someone, hmm....if I’m not, it’s news to me.” With that phrase she burst into laughter. It was a sound he could get used to.

  “A beautiful laugh for a beautiful girl.” She stopped laughing and stared at him for what felt like hours before shaking her head.

  “That’s nice of you to say but I know it’s not true.” The sadness he had seen only flashes off returned and stayed and he didn’t like it all.

  “Tai, why don’t you think you’re pretty?” She shook him off instead of answering his question and he didn’t want to push her. He just nodded and turned to leave the room. She was tired she needed her rest.

  “Raiden, wait,” her voice stopped him in his tracks. He chanced looking at her again, the sadness remained but he could see she was trying to force it away.

  “Yes, Tai.” He wanted to leave he could tell the day was starting to become too much for her and he didn’t want her to feel pressure from him especially.

  “Thank you for everything.” She was being genuine and she flashed him a small meek smile and he couldn’t control his actions.

  He walked to her and slid his hand into her hair. Her breath picked up and he could tell she was terrified of his next move. Frankly, so was he but he didn’t let it hold him back. From the moment he saw her from his bedroom window, he thought about this moment. He just didn’t think it would be so soon. He couldn’t hold back any longer his wanted to taste those cherry red lips of hers. He did just that. He bent down and pressed his lips to hers and when they connected he felt an energy swarming around him that he had never felt when kissing a girl and he had kissed plenty. She truly was special.


  When his lips touched hers, she was stunned. She didn’t move against him at first and he didn’t push his lips, just stayed firmly against hers. Then before she could fully grasp the situation, her tongue began tasting the seam of his lips and they parted for her instantly. When his tongue began to wrap itself around hers, she moved with him in a fluid motion. As the kiss deepened she knew she should pull back, but her body was telling her HELL NO! Her knees hit the bed she lost her balance and their kiss broke. She looked up at him as they both caught their breaths.

  “I’m sorry, Tai.” She nodded just as she thought she wouldn’t live up to his standards at least she knew that now. She wouldn’t have to wonder if she would be broken in the end, he was letting her know now that she wasn’t his type, and she suspected that after what left his house this morning. She watched as the look in his eyes changed, they came into focus as if they could sear into her and read her thoughts.

  He fiercely shook his head and knelt before her. His hands came to her cheeks and his thumbs caressed them. “That’s not what I apologized for. Kissing you was something I wanted to do and it was amazing. In fact, I want to kiss you again, but Tai I know that something must’ve recently happened in relationship for you. I knew that the minute you said you weren’t look
ing. It’s all over your face, your body language, the way you’re carrying yourself. Make no mistake, the minute I laid eyes on you this morning from my window, I knew you were my one. I don’t know how, I just did. But I won’t push you.” She felt the tears fill her eyes. She barely knew him but he could bring out every single emotion in her, and that had to be worth something, right? She was scared to death though. Her heart had only recently been ripped to shreds by Jordan and she wasn’t sure if she could handle putting her heart back on the line. She was at a crossroads and didn’t know which way to turn.

  She took a breath, “Raiden, can we just see what happens? Slow and steady, I don’t know if I can put my heart out there right now. If you want a chance, Raiden, you have to let me find my own way.” He leaned in and placed a light kiss on her lips.

  He pulled back but only enough to mutter against them, “I can do that. I want to build something lasting that requires give and take and I can do that for you, Tai, absolutely.” He smiled at her one last time before standing to leave, “Get settled and rest, I know you’re tired. I’ll come get for you dinner.” She just silently nodded at him and he left the room closing the door behind him.

  She collapsed back onto the bed, her feet hanging off the side and her arm flung over her eyes. What had just happened? She had told him he could have a chance but he had to let her find her own way in their relationship. Her head was a cluttered mess so she reached across the bed for her journal, more than anything she need to write and now.

  To the world,

  Wow, where do I start? Raiden is turning out to be an amazing guy. Gloria, I think that was what Raiden said her name was, clearly had wanted more than the night of sex he gave her. Did that make him a jackass? Yeah, maybe so. I however, can’t deny he hasn’t been anything but decent to me, even apologizing when he thought he had pushed me too far, too fast with that kiss. And holy hell, world, let’s talk about that kiss. I was with Jordan for two years and never once did I feel anything remotely close to what I felt when I was kissing Raiden. It was like he set my body, my mind, and my heart on fire. I was so caught up in the kiss I didn’t even realize we had moved backwards till the back of my knees hit the bed and I fell onto it. I still don’t know what to do, but I am grateful that Raiden seems to understand my need to find my own way. He wants a relationship but he is going to give me my freedom as well. It almost seemed like I was going to get to control our relationship progression. I can’t help but feel some pressure though to make some decisions quick and I’m not sure why I feel like that. Maybe it is a vibe Raiden is giving off; maybe it’s that we seem so connected to each other even though we are strangers. I’m confused, world. I do know one thing though, and that is I want to get to know him better and I want to try. That’s something I didn’t think I’d be ready to explore for a while. Jordan not only ended our engagement, he dug the knife deep into my heart when he had asked for the ring back. I know I’m going to have to explain this to Raiden so he understands completely where my head is at. I’ll get it figured out sooner rather than later hopefully, for now I think I’m just going to go with the flow and see what happens.


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