The Prince Charming Search

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The Prince Charming Search Page 4

by Amanda Kay

  “I might have to fly to wherever you’re from and kick Jordan’s ass,” he said on a chuckle but he was serious.

  “Wow, we haven’t covered that,” she chuckled softly, “Seems like with everything else that has happened that should have come up. Anyhow, I’m from the states, Washington State to be exact.” He smiled at her she was sharing small but important tidbits about her life. He liked that.

  “I’ve never known anywhere but here. Aishan is home, always has been. Can’t imagine living anywhere else.” She nodded at him as she placed some food in her mouth.

  He watched as she finally swallowed a bite of food, as she spoke to him again as he proceeded to eat as well. “It’s very pretty here.” She laughed lightly, “Not that I have really seen much of it.” She smiled widely at him.

  “I’ll take you on a tour tomorrow.” She smiled again at him. It was a smile he loved.


  Her and Raiden ate dinner and chatted about normal stuff. She was back in the room he had designated hers still reeling from the day. Raiden was nothing like she had expected after her random encounter with Gloria this morning. She didn’t doubt he had been a playboy right up until that moment he walked out and introduced himself to her. After that, she saw a man who was trying to put that behind him. A man who truly wanted her to give him a chance. A man who hadn’t done anything to not deserve a chance from her.

  You’re scared, Tai. You don’t want to be crushed again.” She began talking to herself. “You’ll never find love again that way, fool. He’s sweet, he thinks you’re beautiful, his touch and kisses light your whole body on fire. Come on, Tai it hasn’t been long but you need to jump into this.” She walked towards the bed and where she had left her journal.

  To the world,

  So I have made a choice, one that positively scares the hell out of me. I know if I don’t take this chance though, I could possibly lose something great. All good things are a risk anyways and Raiden is a huge risk for me. It means putting my heart on the line again in less time than I anticipated. Do I think he is worth that risk? Yes, I do and only time will tell if I am right. ~Tai

  Her phone rang and she assumed it would her dad. She had called him when she landed, but not since then. Her mom was mad at her for leaving but her dad understood she needed to clear her head. She answered the phone without really studying the caller ID and that was a big mistake.

  “Hello.” She answered.

  “Tai, where are you? Your mom said you left the country.” Jordan? What did he want?

  “Jordan?” she questioned but she knew it was him. She’d never not know his voice.

  “Yes, gorgeous.” Wait. What? He never called her that. What the hell was he trying to play at?

  “Excuse me, Jordan, since you never called me that when we were together you definitely don’t have the right now,” she hissed. She was going to be strong, stand up to him. When he ended things she crumbled. Her only strong moment telling him ‘to get the fuck out, as she proceeded to throw the ring back at him.’ However, now Jordan was going to feel her anger, her hurt, feel every single emotion he left her with.

  “Come on, Tai, hear me out?” What? No, hell no.

  “No, Jordan,” she said flatly. She was done, they were done, and that choice had been his.

  “What’s his name, Tai?” Really? He was asking her that. He had no right to that information.

  “None of your fucking business! You dumped me! You tore me to shreds! And then for shits, you kicked me while I was down by asking for the ring back! You and I are over. O-V-E-R!” She yelled into the phone. She was panting heavily, this wasn’t like her, and it was tearing her apart, but it wasn’t anything less than Jordan deserved.

  “Tai, baby...?” He was beginning to beg and that was it, she clicked the phone off.

  What to do now? She didn’t want to be alone. She was breathing heavy and she could feel the tears falling from her eyes. She exited the room and before she realized what she was doing she was knocking on Raiden’s door.

  “Yes.” She heard him call and she slowly pushed the door opened to a crack and peered in. “Tai?” His questioning tone didn’t bother her. She knew he was just confused because she asked to be alone tonight when she left his room after dinner.

  “Can I come in?” she finally asked.

  He got up off the bed and walked towards the door opening it the rest of the way. His eyes locked with hers and he frowned. She figured he noticed the puffiness from her crying, he wasn’t blind. “Of course you can, Tai.” She entered the room and went the foot of the bed but she didn’t sit and she didn’t turn back to face him.

  She felt his hands wrap around her waist and his chin come to rest on her shoulder. For a brief moment it occurred to her this might be uncomfortable since he was taller than her by a good bit. She felt comfortable though in his arms and she began to relax and come down from her conversation with Jordan. “Can I stay in here with you tonight?” she muttered. Not really sure why that was her solution, but something told her she needed to be with Raiden tonight.

  He didn’t speak he turned her to face him and he stood there silently for what felt like forever studying her. “Jordan called, didn’t he?” She just nodded, “Of course you can stay, Tai, Come on, let’s go to bed.”

  He gingerly led her to the side she had fallen asleep on earlier and she didn’t hesitate to crawl into bed. He went to the door and closed it before turning the light out and joining her in bed. He pulled her close and she felt an instant calming effect wash over her.

  His mouth came to her ear, “It’s going to be okay, sweetheart.”

  She burrowed against his chest, “Don’t break my heart, Raiden. Promise me.”

  His hand slid down her neck and rested against the center of her back. “I won’t, Tai. I promise,” he whispered against her cheek. And with him uttering those words, she was able to close her eyes and finish relaxing so she could sleep.

  Tai was asleep against him and his arms held her close. He couldn’t sleep. He was thinking about the reason she had come back to him tonight. He wasn’t complaining, but Jordan was clearly a fucking bastard. He hurt her, dug the knife in and now what was he doing? Trying to get her back most likely. Well tough shit, he wasn’t getting her back, not now.

  She had made him promise not to break her heart and he knew that had stemmed from her conversation with Jordan. When she came to his room she was tense and she had been crying, her eyes were puffy and her body so stiff he literally felt the tension fade as he wrapped her in his arms. Her ex-fiancé had really done a number on her and now he was making things worse. Tai was his now and he wasn’t going to let Jordan break her anymore.

  The sun started to rise and today she was going to begin to understand that she deserved to be treated like a princess. He carefully broke from her and made sure she was snug in the covers before leaving her for the kitchen. Raiden was going to make breakfast he couldn’t remember the last time he cooked, probably when his mom was alive. She loved big weekend breakfasts and he always helped. His dad, mom, and he always had a close relationship. It seemed like Tai had a close relationship with her parents, too, however, she was hurt by their divorce, he made a mental note over scrambling eggs to talk with her about it.

  “Morning, son.” He heard his dad’s amused voice from behind.

  “Don’t start, dad,” he chuckled back. He was lucky to have the relationship he had with him and he never took it for granted. The same thing went for his mother. Every day with her was a blessing right up until the end.

  “So, when do I actually get to meet the girl, son?” he asked still teasing Raiden, but serious about meeting Tai.

  “Good morning,” a female voice from behind spoke. Both Raiden and his dad turned and there she was, Tai. The one.

  “Good morning, beautiful girl.” Yep that was Raiden’s dad talking and he was happy his dad chose those words. Tai needed to hear them from as many people in her life as possible. However,
the guys in town better not get too close or they were going to witness their own deaths.

  “Good morning, Sir.” Damn she was polite, but Raiden knew his dad and that sir stuff wasn’t going to last.

  “Nope, none of that sir stuff, call me Lee.” Raiden was trying to focus on cooking but he couldn’t he was fixated on Tai.

  “Thank you, Lee, it’s nice to meet you, I’m Tai.” She extended her hand and Raiden watched as his dad pulled her into a hug. Yep, that was his dad. Satisfied with the introduction between them, he refocused on breakfast good thing too because too much longer and he would’ve had to start all over due to burning it.

  He was taking the frying pan off the burner when he felt a hand slip around his waist and a forehead came to rest on the center of his back. He set the pan back down on the stove making sure the burner was off. He turned so he was facing her. His lips brushed her forehead and she gazed up at him with a big beautiful smile on her face. “Did you sleep well?” he asked as he brushed some stray locks behind her ear.

  “I did. Thank you for letting me stay in your room last night. I...ummm...I know that isn’t a usual occurrence for you.” He felt a small wince at her words, but it was true he couldn’t change his past now, only his present and future.

  “Going to change that for you, Tai, only you.” She leaned up and her lips came to his. He wasn’t wasting this moment she had given him. She wanted a kiss so she was going to get the best damn kiss of her life.


  When she had leaned up for the kiss, she was convinced it would be a short one. After all, Lee, Raiden’s dad, was still in the massive kitchen with them. Raiden had other ideas though. His lips pressed to hers, hot and urgent. The force behind it caused her to gasp and his tongue slipped casually inside. He was kissing her with so much passion and her lips and body obeyed every stroke of his tongue, his mouth, as well as his hands that were roaming down her back. Holy hell, she couldn’t breathe, but she didn’t want to either. Her entire body was being engulfed in the flames that were Raiden. This was quite possibly the best damn kiss of her life. His effect on her was monumental and she knew she wasn’t going to find this chemistry again.

  Finally, she needed an actual breath and she pulled from him. She dropped her head to his chest, “Holy hell,” she muttered in between her uneven breaths.

  She could feel the vibration of laughter overtake his body as his arms settled gently around her hips. “Couldn’t have said it better myself, sweetheart.” She gazed up at him, she was happy, over the moon happy. Had she ever been like that with Jordan? The answer was simple and a little heartbreaking, NO. Maybe everything happened for a reason and if that was the case, she was glad for all the random events that led her to this place. She understood now that she was only settling with Jordan.

  “Thank you.” She couldn’t find any other words that seemed right so she was thanking him, again.

  “Stop thanking me, Tai. I’m doing what any guy in my place should do. Make sure you know that you are special.” She couldn’t help but to smile as he turned her loose to go back to the breakfast he was preparing.

  “It smells wonderful, can I help with something?” she asked not stepping too far from him.

  He winked at her, “Yes, sweetheart, you can go sit that sweet little ass of yours at the table.” Ah, there was the playboy, he did still exist.

  She laughed, “Oh good, the playboy is still in there,” she teased. He shot her an amused glare as she sat down at the table he directed her to. Life was looking up. She was going to press forward so she could find herself; find her strength some of which she found last night when she told Jordan off.

  Raiden brought plates of food over and since she was hungry she began to eat. It took her mind off of what had happened with Jordan last night and the fact that he had mentioned he had spoken to her mom. Her mom was livid with her for giving up Jordan. When Tai tried to explain her mother told her to fight. At which point Tai got angry and threw the divorce her parents were going through back in her face. Not Tai’s finest moment. Her dad had understood but her mom shut her out.


  As they ate, he watched her closely. She was thinking about something. Since she was eating as well, he let her ponder whatever it was that had captured her thoughts. He decided on a normal conversation with his dad instead, well actually his dad made that choice Raiden just participated.

  “You have plans today, Raiden?” he asked.

  “Was going to show Tai around today, she didn’t get to see much of Aishan. I sort of kidnapped her.” He laughed and Tai’s amused glare was directed to him. Good, she was paying attention and he had gotten her out of her head.

  “Kidnapped, didn’t really see it that way, playboy,” she laughed and he followed.

  “Good one, Tai,” he said coming around the table and placing a quick chaste kiss on her lips.

  She smiled up at him, “I guess I should go get ready for my tour.” She stood and turned from him but before she was able to get too far away, he reached for her spinning her back towards him.

  “I didn’t thank you for last night.” He watched as confusion registered across her face and her brows furrowed.

  “I didn’t do anything,” she responded quietly.

  “You did a lot, you trusted me, you came to me, allowed me to take care of you, and seriously, Tai, that’s all I want to do for the rest our lives.” He watched as tears pooled in her eyes. He hadn’t meant to make her cry. He immediately started gently brushing them from her cheeks.

  “It’s okay, Raiden, they’re good tears.” She kissed his cheek and turned to leave so she could get ready for their day.

  Raiden cleaned up from breakfast. The staff tried to do it but he shrugged them off. Both he and his dad were laid back. The staff were friends for the most part and they tried to make sure they always knew they were appreciated. After the staff scare with his mom, they monitored closely while still keeping a close relationship, the staff understood the security amp up and never complained.


  She had just gotten to her room when her phone started ringing not wanting to make the same mistake, she checked to see who was calling, ‘mom calling.’ She didn’t want to talk with her, but she needed to, so she answered it. Her mom was trying to push Jordan on Tai ever since she told her about the breakup. She couldn’t understand why Tai walked away without fighting.

  “Hi mom,” she answered flatly.

  “Jordan said he talked you. He told me you cussed him out and hung up.” Seriously? Was she really doing this?

  “Yes, I did. Jordan and I are over and his call was inappropriate.” She was still trying to get her to forgive him. Was her mom being for real?

  “Jordan loves you, sweetie, he and I made our mistakes, but he knows where his heart is now.” What the hell did that mean? Every brain cell in her head started working overtime. ‘Our mistakes?’

  “Mom, what are you saying?” she finally questioned knowing she definitely did not want this answer. If what she thought was true it was just going to be another blow. ‘You’re strong, Tai. You’re beautiful. You can handle this.’ She repeated over and over in her head as she braced for her mother’s words.

  “Look, what happened between Jordan and I was a mistake. We both understand that now. It’s too late for your father and me but you and Jordan can get past this.” She was now hyperventilating. She had asked Jordan what the name of the other woman was and he denied there was one. Her mother, oh my God.

  “Mom, you better shittin’ me!” She bit out. Losing her control quickly.

  “Jordan didn’t tell you?” her mother questioned meekly.

  “Fuck no, mom! You and I are done, for now at least. Goodbye.” She hung up not wanting to hear her mother’s words anymore. Staring at her phone, she knew she had to call her dad.

  Three rings, “Hi baby girl, all okay?”

  “No, it isn’t,” she cried.

  “You know.” It wasn’t a questi

  “When did you know?” she questioned.

  “I just found out who, but I knew she cheated. I’m sorry, baby girl.”

  “Me too, dad. Me too.” She wiped the tears from her eyes.

  “How is the hotel? You got checked in all right?” he asked.

  “Not exactly staying at a hotel.” She paused biting her lip.

  “I don’t understand, baby girl.” His concern laced heavily in his voice.

  “I stopped in a small town because I was tired of driving and there was this beautiful house so I got out, admiring it.” She paused, how did she tell her dad this? “The owner and his son live there together and the son is close to my age they have so much room he invited me to stay and I kind of said yes.” She held her tongue between her teeth and waited.

  “Well maybe he’ll be the one. Keep me informed. And, baby girl, have fun, be free.” She smiled because she could tell he was. He was letting her live. He trusted her to make the right decisions for her and right now that was Raiden.

  “Thank you, dad. I will keep in touch, love you,” she said now feeling a little better.

  “Love you, too, baby girl.” And then the call ended.

  She lay back on the bed. What the hell? Jordan had indeed had an affair, with her mother, no less. How could mother think she would ever take him back after learning that? No way. Not again. A soft series of knocks came to the door. Oh shit! Raiden. They were supposed to go out in town today.

  She jumped off the bed and began looking through her clothes she had hung in the closet for something to wear. “Come in, Raiden,” she called from the walk-in.

  She was in the walk-in closet when he walked in but he wasn’t terribly concerned she wasn’t quite ready yet, that was until she walked out of the closet locked eyes with him before she headed into the bathroom. She didn’t shut the door so he assumed it would be okay to go over there. Standing in the doorframe he watched her frantically brush her hair. He could no longer stand it, something had happened between the time she left the kitchen and this moment right here. He stalled her hand with the brush in it and her eyes leveled onto his. The first thing he noticed was that the sadness was back. She looked positively crushed. He couldn’t take it, he would be on a plane to the States to kick Jordan’s fucking ass if he continued to call her and hurt her.


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