Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 1 - Purple Blood

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Carinae Sector: 02 - Admiral's Fury - Part 1 - Purple Blood Page 28

by David Buck

  ‘This colony will benefit greatly from the new mining operation in the Arranen system. Our plans for your assistance have been brought forward several weeks due to the latest intelligence we have obtained from the area of space we are sending you. Further details will be provided once your mission has left this star system. You will need to leave tomorrow with two extra tankers. I have established that five additional tankers orbit this planet, and I am not concerned about human limitations relating to the ownership of these ships.’

  Grant stifled a sharp retort as he took in the import of the Maveen’s message. The high ranking probe had favoured the colony with his presence rather than sending just a message. An un-accustomed knot of fear formed in the back of his mind as he realised that the Maveen mission could be highly dangerous. This thought was interrupted as Sam again spluttered out his objections to the presumptuous Maveen probe.

  ‘Your requirements are not the concern of this colony Maveen, for four of the five extra tankers belong to this colony. You will just have to make do with the tankers that Grant’s partnership has been able to already obtain.’

  The sector delegate gave a shrill buzz of irritation that was not lost on the humans, who had now the sense to remain quiet, as the Maveen now spoke in sharp metallic tones that conveyed annoyance.

  ‘Only the two largest and fastest tankers in orbit are required as they are modern and have the ability to sustain the acceleration needed to keep up with the convoy. You will sort this out immediately between yourselves, and I insist you review the colony agreement that led to the settling of this world. Note that I have the authority to revoke your colony permit for New America and you will be compelled to abandon this world.’

  Sam looked like he was going to explode in rage, and Grant had the good sense to only address the Maveen senior probe. He considered quietly that that Maveen had never really been pushed by the humans.

  ‘My last two tankers to yet arrive are even newer and larger that the two largest tankers in orbit. I will deed the exchange of ownership immediately and be prepared to absorb the loss. Though I will need to recover this large loss at some stage otherwise the partnership will be in financial difficulties. I will also need to refuel the Emerald Sky in orbit once we leave, but one of the other smaller tankers can do that.’

  Sam, like all good administrators, had an inbuilt calculator that immediately found Grant’s last comments to be in his favour. He visibly calmed himself and offered a polite bow to the Maveen sector delegate as he acknowledged the offer.

  ‘My apologies for my earlier outburst, and I understand too well the constraints of our permit to settle this colony. I accept the generous offer from Grant and I will get a launch crew to provision the Emerald Sky overnight.’

  The now satisfied administrator offered another short hurried bow to all of them and raced for the nearby office of the landing field supervisor. Gayle gave an anxious glance over at Grant, and he could tell she was worried. He had the good sense to take her in his arms and speak softly.

  ‘We will seek further compensation from the Maveen, and if they are not obliging then I will get my mentor, Captain Narindestat, involved to pressure the Maveen if required…’

  A muted buzz from the Maveen probe broke into their privacy as it spoke only for their benefit.

  ‘There is also one of our utility ships in orbit that is well loaded with titanium, platinum and other metals valuable to your race. I was going to offer the administrator the cargo but your own offer was accepted first. I invite you to accept this cargo as payment for your losses, but I recommend that you take time to sell the cargo to preserve the price of the metals.’

  Grant took his data tablet from his belt and in moments had the inventory of the Maveen utility ship. Gayle softy spoke as she relaxed into his shoulder and looked through the data tablet listing.

  ‘The ship has five hundred tonnes each of platinum and gold, one thousand tonnes of high grade titanium, plus pallets of rare earth metals. I think our financial worries are over…’

  The Maveen sector delegate began to speak again and the human couple paid close attention. Grant was soon breaking into a nervous sweat as he was sure that his earlier premise that the mission for the Maveen could prove deadly was true. The freighter captain continued to listen with very mixed feelings to the patient Maveen probe as work began behind them on the Emerald Sky.


  Emeria froze in alarm as she walked up to the entrance of the Museum of Natural History on Barede. A large reptilian skull showing an impressive array of teeth was on display in the new entrance, and she noted that her first impression had been that the skull belonged to an adult Zronte. Emeria analysed the thought, and on impulse took out her data tablet to make a detailed recording of the skull, obviously of a large Megalania or giant goanna. A polite voice made her turn around and replace her data tablet on her belt.

  ‘Professor Emeria, you honour us with your visit this morning. Surely we can be of assistance to you today?’

  The tall Trader gave the human several metres away a measured smile and a polite half bow, for she valued academics of good standing over the public servant now facing her. Gloria Clarke, the museum director, gave no sign of finding Emeria’s calculated courtesy offensive, as she spoke again.

  ‘No doubt will you find our displays to be interesting, and we have Maveen approval to display all that you see in front of you.’

  Emeria gave Gloria another polite smile from her three metre height as she took in the wealth of exhibits in the foyer, while Gloria droned on behind her about funds to expand the museum. To one side of the museum foyer, a full sized Thylacoleo or marsupial lion, regarded a flat faced kangaroo from the top of an artificial rock wall. Overhead a fixed display of pelicans and magpie geese completed the diorama. She was rescued from the attention of the museum director as her quarry; Professor Suanne Lee, came out of one of the side doors leading off the foyer.

  ‘Professor Emeria, you are fifteen minutes early. You of course know my two research associates, Michael and Simone.’

  Emeria exchanged deeper bows with Suanne and her associates, and was then excused by the museum director, who went off back to her own office near the entrance. She was soon trailing the humans further into the research wing of the museum. Suanne looked behind her and gave a good natured grin as she spoke softly.

  ‘We leave the director to run the place and she is happy to do that and show the exhibits at the door. In return we get left alone to do serious research, of which there is plenty with this world still largely empty of humans.’

  Emeria continued to walk silently for a moment before she replied with her own pithy observation.

  ‘The large skull loosely reminded me of something from long ago and I was surprised. Yet the director only witnessed my recording efforts, not the nuances or rationale behind the endeavour.’

  Suanne looked coolly around at her two associates as she replied.

  ‘Well Professor the giant goanna is not the only large land predator to have existed on our home world. Indeed what you see is only part of the story, as the Earth has had a long story in the history of life.’

  Emeria was baffled by this insight from the human professor, but her native curiosity came to the fore as she realised that she did not know much of the ancient biological history of Earth. Her curt and measured reply caused the humans to look around at each other in considerable consternation.

  ‘Well I am doing a full species analysis of all the major races in this part of the galaxy, and I would ordinarily be seeking access to the Barus Institute for covert research data. However the present galactic political difficulties prevent that from occurring. My particular interest is in the life spans and breeding parameters for alien species. So I now have had to consider alternatives to obtain further insight into my own research. Hopefully by learning more of your home world’s ancient biological history I can still follow a valid research path.’

  Suanne gave anothe
r bow of respect and gave a good natured answer, though she felt both disquiet and confusion with the Trader’s comments.

  ‘Well we did bring along detailed electronic records of ancient biology on Earth, even if the actual physical specimens are unavailable. We also have made models of many of the life forms from our ancient past. Hopefully we can be of assistance to you in your research.’

  Emeria was soon led into a large room that was marked for research only, and she quickly took in the forms of large exhibits lining the walls.

  Suanne took on a well honed lecturing tone as she led Emeria around the room.

  ‘Now by the standards of the galactic races, our home world is extraordinarily rich in the diversity of species. Earth has over six times the diversity of life compared to all the well managed worlds of the Deltas Vass. So we shall start at the beginning professor, with the story of how life began in the oceans of Earth…’


  Professor Robert Seville arched his back as he stood from his desk. The small data blocks recovered from the Trader sneak ship had occupied many hours of further research over the last few months. However the last three hours had seen a surprising diversion occur in space nearby. The preliminary reports coming in from the media had been confirmed by the urgent video call he had just received from Emma Stone. The professor glanced out at the clear Fremantle sky outside the research institute for a moment, as Captain Stone spoke again.

  ‘Robert, our orbital defences engaged the small ship coming in over the South Pole at high speed. Three small proximity mines that your team devised all those years ago detonated and the projected splashdown is in the northern Indian Ocean. We are considering a search for wreckage but possibly nothing large has survived.’

  Robert picked up the remote and activated the large wall screen in his office as he replied to the Earth Defences Captain.

  ‘Emma, I will need to see any footage you can obtain on the alien ship during the intercept as this will tell my team what sort of threat we could be facing. Now our own earlier simulations show that any wreckage will skip across the outer atmosphere, especially given the high speed of the alien ship’s approach. For now I suggest we conduct a quick aerial search of the northern Indian Ocean.’

  Emma was about to reply, but Robert noted with heightened interest that she had dropped the sound on the video call. He watched as she silently spoke through her headset for several moments before the sound was un-muted at his end of the call. Emma was apologetic and more formal as she now replied.

  ‘Sorry for dropping your line, our scout ship has just returned to ED base two I had just obtained footage of the attack on the alien ship. Unfortunately we have no other footage available as our other ships responded at the time to another alarm near the moon.’

  Robert watched in critical silence as the footage was replayed across his video link. The scenes were zoomed in and he noted several key points relating to the alien ship. He was sure that the ship had tumbled and a late braking manoeuvre had been attempted as the initial entrance velocity had fallen away. But he then noted that the ship had bounced across the outer atmosphere in series of heavy impacts before apparently tumbling from the sky in pieces. The professor was now convinced as he spoke to Emma again.

  ‘Well the footage pretty much supports my views, as the alien ship has repeatedly impacted the upper atmosphere with such force that then any crew would have been killed several times over. At one point over the central Indian Ocean the ship appears to suffer major structural failure. Fortunately the wreckage trail is over the ocean and well away from any populated areas. I recommend that the aerial search be done soon as otherwise it could take years to find any wreckage.’

  Emma waited quietly for several more seconds to ensure Robert had stopped speaking before she replied, for she knew from previous experience that he liked to think things through carefully.

  ‘Thanks for the critical opinion Robert, we are in agreement here about your evaluation and will recommend the aerial search by earth side authorities. Now I understand you are coming out to base two on the way to the moon next month after some leave. Please let me know what time you are arriving and we will arrange a briefing for you. Also I would like to know more about your latest research efforts.’

  The last sentence was given with a demure smile, and Robert gave a good natured and lengthy reply to Emma, as he discretely started keying a series of searches into his desktop.

  ‘Well a local film crew want a scientific advisor out at the original Trader landing site next week for yet another re-enactment. I will take out my own notes so I do not lose too much research time, but I also could do with a break. The latest research progresses steadily since our latest Eureka moment and that will be the main reason for my trip later to the fleet production base on the moon. We are planning further surprises for the Jerecab and I will be reviewing the progress of these surprises.’

  Emma remained silent for several moments as the reply crossed to her own office on the orbiting defence base. Robert continued to key further information into his desktop before Emma’s own well natured comments arrived back to him.

  ‘Well Robert, I would suggest you make the most of the fresh air and the sunshine as we do not know how the deep-space expedition is now progressing. The Abrolhos Islands are quite pleasant this time of year, and I will keep you advised if anything eventuates from the air search for the wreckage. Good luck with the review process on the moon, from all accounts we are doing the best we can to defend ourselves.’

  Robert politely thanked Emma for both her call and the invitation to join her with an agreement to stay in touch before the video call finished. The professor found himself looking forward to seeing Emma again, even if it did bring up old memories. He then replayed the intercept footage from their scout ship several times, but he could glean very little additional information from his efforts. Also there was no additional footage available from other military resources in space as they had already been concentrating on the false alarm closer to the moon.

  Robert then evaluated if the timing of this earlier alarm was either by design, or merely just coincidence. His interest was heightened as a quick scan of the incidence logs over the last month showed only the two alarms one after another to be significant. The professor was worried about these alarms, but he was concerned he might be missing something vital elsewhere.

  Robert now looked over at the map of the complete Indian Ocean displayed on his large wall screen. The one hundred year old marine sanctuaries founded in the Southern Oceans by the famed Professor Andre Seli were briefly prominent at the bottom of the map, before he zoomed into the area of interest in the Northern Indian Ocean. In moments he had overlaid the estimated course of the destroyed alien ship and he sat back to think aloud on what it all could mean.

  ‘So after one hundred and fifty years another alien ship arrives at Earth over the Indian Ocean. The ship is cloaked obviously and it is small, so what could possibly be the objectives of the pilot?’

  Robert sat back now with a pen and several pieces of paper. From time to time he would place a page to one side and keep writing after lengthy periods of brooding silence. By habit, he had set the electronic do not disturb notice for his office, as he again took in the wreckage path plotted across the large view screen.


  The story continues in part two, hidden menace …

  Table of Contents

  Admiral’s Fury


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14




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