Crazy Love - Krista & Chase

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Crazy Love - Krista & Chase Page 23

by Melanie Shawn

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Krista crept into her room, trying to be as quiet as possible. Closing the door behind her, she waited for a moment for her eyes to adjust to the darkness. When they did, she could make out Chase’s sexy, soundly sleeping form in the middle of her bed.

  After the benefit, she’d had to stay and deal with some catering issues. Then the cleaning service had flaked, so she’d organized a makeshift crew out of women in evening gowns and men in black-tie. With everyone chipping in, it hadn’t taken as long as she’d thought it would.

  Chase had stayed around for a while. He’d offered to help numerous times, but since the one task she’d given him had ended in a call to 911, he’d agreed to meet her at home. The incident, which was now being referred to as “the cougar brawl,” happened when two women who were old enough to be Chase’s mother (actually they were both older than Abby!) had started throwing punches and pulling hair over who would collect the tablecloths alongside Chase. They did this all in floor-length gowns. Krista wouldn’t be surprised if it showed up on YouTube. After several promises of the naughty persuasion, Krista had finally convinced him to come back to her house and wait for her. That had been hours ago.

  Moving across the room, she tried not to be disappointed about the fact that Chase was leaving in a few hours and she hadn’t gotten to spend his one night back in town with him. On the bright side, she was really looking forward to climbing into her bed and snuggling up against him. She hoped that even though she had a queen-size bed and the bed they’d shared at his mom’s house had been a twin, he would still wrap his arm around her and pull her against him. In his small childhood bed, they hadn’t really had a choice.

  The week they’d spent together before he’d left for Austin had spoiled her. Every night since he’d left, she’d tossed and turned in her sleep. Several times, she’d reached out for him before she’d really been awake. Obviously he hadn’t been there.

  As glad as she was that Abby was out of the hospital, it did mean that she hadn’t even had Bear beside her as she slept. More than once, Krista had offered to keep Bear at her house until Abby was back on her feet. Abby had thanked her profusely but assured Krista that she was feeling better than ever, which Krista knew was not just lip service. Abby was doing great. She’d redecorated her house and allowed Chase to hire contractors to fix it up. Krista never would have thought that a stroke would end up being a good thing.

  As she sank down on the chair in front of her vanity, she reached behind her neck and unhooked her mom’s beautiful teardrop necklace.

  “That’s your mom’s, isn’t it?”

  Chase’s voice startled her, and in a repeat of earlier in the day, she almost fell off her chair.

  “How long have you been awake?” she asked as she readjusted in her seat.

  “Since you closed the door.”

  “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “I did.”

  She looked at him and shook her head. He grinned, seeming pleased with himself that he’d won that exchange.

  She took off her earrings as her exhausted body began tingling to life with renewed awareness as she felt the heat of Chase’s stare watching her every move.

  “I was so proud of you tonight,” he said, sitting up and moving to the side of her bed.

  “Proud of me?” she asked, looking at him like he must be kidding. “You were the one who performed and brought the whole crowd to their feet. You were amazing.”

  “Yes. Proud of you. There are what, eight other women who were supposed to be running that event? And from what I saw, when the shit hit the fan, you and Amber were the only two who didn’t freak out and got the job done.”

  Amber had been a lifesaver. Honestly, Krista would not have been home before tomorrow afternoon if Amber hadn’t been there. The two of them had worked well together. But it hadn’t been anything special.

  “I just cleaned up messes. That’s all.” Krista stood and crossed to her dresser. After pulling out Chase’s shirt (the one she’d kept since middle school), she slipped off her dress. “It was no big deal.”

  When she reached back to unhook her bra, she realized that she was still wearing her heels, which surprisingly had not been as painful as she’d anticipated. They actually had good arch support. Still arch support or no arch support, she was dying to get out of them.

  “It was a big deal,” Chase said, his eyes following her as she crossed back to the chair. “You handled every situation with class and a level head. It was amazing. Even I wanted to lose it after the cleaning crew didn’t show up, but you just rolled up your sleeves, figured out what needed to be done, and got it done. It was sexy as hell.”

  “Sexy, huh?” she laughed as she sat back down on the chair, being careful not to sit on the edge in case anything spooked her.

  “Yes. Sexy,” Chase rasped, the look in his eye causing a fluttering deep in her belly.

  Krista wanted to get in bed with him and follow up on that fluttering ASAP. Taking steadying breaths she leaned down and began to unbuckle her shoe.

  “Leave them on,” Chase’s gravelly voice commanded.

  She was about to ask why when she remembered his promise in the dressing room. The fluttering feeling in her belly turned to a pulsing ache as her core tightened in anticipation. Krista’s eyes lifted and she watched with bated breath as Chase stood in a fluid commanding motion and stalked across the room. He stopped directly in front of her, his eyes staring down at hers.

  Krista’s head tilted back, unable to break away from his captivating stare. Looming over her, Chase looked overwhelmingly sexy. Dominant. Male.

  Even though her eyes were locked on his she could see his dark gray drawstring sweats which rode low on his waist. There was a large bulge sticking out of them that made her mouth water and drew her gaze lower like a magnet. On her way down, her eyes drank in the lean lines of the strong muscular planes of Chase’s chest and the dips and contours of his rippling abs.

  How he was able to be in this kind of shape while maintaining his career, she had no idea. Krista shivered as her inner walls began pulsing without him even laying a finger on her. Her breaths were coming in shallow pants as her entire body became fiercely heated with desire. Chase’s breaths were also labored as he exhaled loudly through his nose.

  Part of her wanted to reach out, remove his pants, and put his large manhood in her mouth. Krista wanted to feel every intimate ridge of his length as she worked his shaft with her tongue and lips. She was sitting in the perfect position to do just that. But something stopped her. As much as she wanted to make love to him with her mouth another part of her wanted to wait, let him take the lead, and surrender control completely for one night.

  Decisions, decisions. What was a girl to do?

  “Stand up,” he instructed firmly.

  Her entire body clenched with need at his authoritative tone.

  Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner! Decision made.

  Rising slowly, she felt her body quiver with excitement. She lifted her heavy eyelids up, when her gaze peeked out below them and met his, her legs began trembling beneath her. His compelling stare was dark with passion.

  His light amber eyes were fixed on hers as he roughly commanded, “Turn around.”

  Krista’s heart beat erratically in her chest as she did what he’d told her to. Her vision was blurry with passion as she pivoted around, her back facing Chase’s chest.

  Part of her was still warring with letting him take the lead completely, to give her body and it’s responses over to him. Krista liked control. She needed control. She’d already trusted Chase with her heart and had been rewarded with more love than she even knew existed. She was hoping for similar rewards for trusting him implicitly with her body.

  “Do you remember what I promised you?” his deep voice sent a lightening flash of arousal to her sex.

  She nodded, unable to speak at the overwhelming sensations rioting through her. Excitement. Desire. Need

  When her eyes focused again, she realized she could see both of their reflections in the mirror of her vanity table in front of her. The window on the far wall in her room let in enough light that she could see them both clearly. Chase stood behind her, hands at his sides, his large body framing hers.

  Their eyes met in the mirror and he asked in an even tone, “What did I promise you?”

  “Stripping, bending, and burying.” Her voice shook uncontrollably as she spoke.

  Krista knew that Chase was just as turned on as she was. She’d seen the tenting in his sweats and the look in his eyes, and she’d heard his heavy breathing. So how he was able to do so much talking, so calmly, was beyond her grasp of understanding.

  Keeping his eyes trained on hers, she felt his hands move up the slope of her back. A shockwave of tremors radiated through her body. He touched her with a gentle authority as he unhooked her bra and slid the straps off her shoulders. She watched through the mirror as the black lace fell to the ground in front of her, revealing her bare breasts.

  Chase’s jaw ticked. It made her happy to see that she wasn’t the only one being affected by this encounter. He may do a better job of containing what he was feeling but that just made his small tells even more exciting.

  His roughened hands moved down the sides of her body, his large palms skimming over her ribs, dipping in at her waist, and continuing down her hips and thighs, pulling her panties down. She lifted one leg and then the other as he removed her clothes, stripping her bare.

  She could feel his breath down her back as he stood back up behind her, his arms hanging loosely beside him. There was something so thrilling about being totally naked in front of a mirror with Chase watching her through it. A carnal ache settled low in her belly as hot lust whipped through her.

  The anticipation of what was to come was almost too much to bear. She could feel the evidence of how aroused she was and wanted him to feel her wetness, to touch her in her neediest place. She wanted to watch as his talented hand rubbed the delicate flesh between her legs until she came apart against him. She wanted his hands on her. Now.

  As if wishing it into existence, Chase placed his hands over Krista’s hips. But instead of moving them around to her center, as she had hoped, he said, “Bend over.”

  At his words, a shot of arousal (so strong her knees almost buckled under its power) spread through her entire being. Her breaths came in rapid succession as she leaned forward, resting her arms on her vanity table. Feeling dizzy with desire, she laid her head on her hands, which were both fisted in sheer excitement.

  His hands roamed up and down her back. She could feel the power in his fingers and the rough ridges of his calluses against her smooth skin. His attention moved lower, his hands skimming over her rounded cheeks. His fingers kneaded her firm backside, causing her nipples to harden as they rubbed against the cold, glossy surface of the table. With each brush, they became more and more sensitized.

  “Spread your legs,” he gritted out.

  As she parted her legs, a rush of moisture dampened her sex. She heard a male growl of satisfaction as she felt the broad head of Chase’s manhood positioned at her opening. Slowly, applying just enough pressure, he rubbed the crown of his shaft up and down her slick seam. Her sex pulsed against the delicious sensation. He continued masterfully teasing her until she wanted to scream, beg, cry—anything—if he would just finish what he promised and bury himself inside of her.

  Her hands fisted tighter in need, her nails digging into her palms. She was teetering on the verge of breaking and taking the lead when she felt Chase’s hand at the nape of her neck. His fingers wrapped around her hair, and he tugged it with just enough force that it made her cry out with pleasure.

  Krista opened her eyes to find herself staring at her own wanton expression in the mirror. She felt his throbbing erection settle against her ass, one hand still tangled in her hair the other grasping her hip tightly, as he leaned down to her ear and whispered, “I want you looking at me when I bury myself inside you.”

  She shuddered at his provocative words and a sweet shock of bliss exploded between her legs.

  He rose back to a standing position. Her eyes stayed locked on his. His hand left her hip and moved to his shaft as he positioned himself once again at her swollen sex. Krista felt a tantalizing sting at the base of her neck as Chase tightened his grip, moving his other hand back to her hip as he drove into her in one deep thrust, filling her fully.

  She cried out in ecstasy as he pulled out and repeated the motion.

  As she felt herself drifting into a mindless oblivion of pleasure, her last conscious thought was that she was glad she’d let him take the lead. Best. Decision. Ever.

  * * *

  Watching their reflection in the mirror was one of the hottest things Chase had ever seen. It was sexy and raw. A potent aphrodisiac.

  Chase felt his release building with each thrust of his hips. His body filled with a hot rush of need as he worked to keep his strokes measured and even. He could feel Krista’s body contracting around his in tight spasms. He knew that she was just seconds away from going up and over the edge.

  Strands of her hair pulled taut against his fingers as he tightened his grip tangled in her soft locks. He pulsed heavily inside of her as her inner walls milked his rock-hard erection, contracting faster and faster as she reached her peak. Needy sounds escaped Krista’s mouth along with fevered exclamations.

  “Oh God! Yes,” she cried out as her eyes closed and she moved her hands back and gripped his strong thighs, holding onto him with urgency. He continued surging in and out of her as her body clamped tightly around him, staying with her as she rode out her climax to completion.

  After the last pulses finally subsided Krista sighed heavily, her arms falling limp against the round wooden table. Slumping over, she laid her cheek against its cold surface. Untangling his fingers from her hair, Chase ran his hand firmly up and down the slope of her slim back, sensually massaging her as he rolled his hips against hers, one hand gripped her waist keeping her securely in place.

  Krista’s breathing deepened as Chase’s seductive back rub increased in pressure as he moved his hips in rhythmic strokes.

  “Mmm, that feels sooo good,” she said as her eyes fluttered open and she lifted her head to once again meet his lust-filled gaze in the mirror.

  Chase wanted to touch her. Everywhere. This position limited his ability to do that.

  Not wanting to break their intimate contact, even for a moment, Chase bent his knees and sat on the chair directly behind him, guiding Krista down on his lap with him as he sat. Her body was easily manipulated in its sated state. His fingers wrapped around her small waist and pulled her body snugly against his. The small movement tilted her hips back causing his steel shaft to slide even deeper into her tight, silken heat.

  At the increased depth of his erection Krista’s lips parted and her eyes rolled back as she leaned against Chase’s chest. Moving his hands lower, he ran his fingers along her supple thighs. Slowly, his touch grazed up and down her soft skin as he grinded his hips sensually against the softness of her backside, his hard length moving inside her moist sheath. With each small movement he could feel her body stirring back to life.

  His eyes were captivated by the mirror’s reflection of Krista’s breasts as they rose and fell. Her breathing becoming more and more labored with each slow pass of his hands over her body. Dipping his fingers into the moist crevice at the apex between her thighs, he touched her gently. Krista’s body jerked against his as his thumb grazed over her sensitized pleasure nub. Biting down on her lower lip her hands flew up and grasped his upper arms. His hard column of flesh swelled at the feel of her distended bud, slick with her own arousal, beneath his fingertips and the sting of her nails digging into his biceps.

  Needing to feel more of her Chase watched through the mirror as his hands moved along the smooth creaminess of her inner thighs. His heart pounded harder, faster in his ch
est as he spread her legs apart and settled them on the outside of his own. The chair, they were erotically positioned on, was far enough back from the table that he could see, in the mirror, the place where their bodies intimately joined.

  Trailing his fingers back up her silky skin, one hand moved to Krista’s dewy lush center, while the other ran up her body and he cupped her brazenly exposed breast in his palm. His fingers wrapped around her taut pink nipple. Pinching. Massaging. Caressing.

  He felt a rush of warmth cover his groin as his fingers teased both the tips of her breasts and the hood of her sex. Krista’s body began shaking as his own was straining with pent up release.

  “Open your eyes,” his husky command filled the room.

  She did as he asked. The moment she saw their titillating reflection Krista sucked in an audible breath and her inner walls clamped down tightly around his manhood. A flush rose up her chest as she watched Chase touch her between her legs, watched his fingers roll her pebble-hard nipples as his palm enveloped the luscious weight of her breast.

  Krista’s hips began moving faster, pressing her most sensitive spot harder against the pad of his thumb. He continued circling it, then brushing over it as her breathy moans increased in volume.

  Chase felt her legs begin to tremble against his as her feminine walls began fluttering around his hard rod. He held his own release at bay for just a moment so he could watch as Krista fell apart in his arms. Until finally, he felt his body convulse with the sheer force of his climax. He heard a harsh groan of male satisfaction rip from him as he rode out the wild, pulsating waves of sheer ecstasy.

  As he drifted back to consciousness he could hear a ringing sound that he sometimes heard after the band had played huge concert arenas; Krista had literally rocked his world. Her head was resting back against his shoulder. Running his fingers through her hair, damp with perspiration, he kissed her temple softly whispering, “Damn, I love you.”


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