Mr. Fixit

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Mr. Fixit Page 24

by Lauren Landish

  “Mind if I have a seat?” asks a voice. I look up into a pale but handsome face.

  “Not at all,” I say politely.

  He sits down beside me and grins, his eyes piercing into me. For some reason, my flesh crawls at his look. It’s just a bit off, even if he is hot.

  “So where you from?” His voice has a nasal, whiny tone it, and I regret telling him to have a seat.

  Somewhere you’re not, I want to say, and hopefully will never be. The words are on my lips, but I’m not comfortable being rude.

  “Summerfield,” I say diplomatically. Come on, it’s been ten months. I should give the guy a chance. Maybe he’s just nervous and he’s actually sweet.

  He arches an eyebrow. “Summerfield, huh? Where’s that?”

  I wave my hands nondescriptly. “Off somewhere on the coast.”

  He chuckles. “It’s like that, huh?” He nods at the waiter. “Can I have a Bud Light for my lady friend here?”

  “You don’t have to buy me a drink,” I try to protest. I hate beer.

  “I insist” he says firmly, grinning at me. “A beautiful girl like you shouldn’t be sitting here alone without a beer.”

  “Is he the one?” Hannah whispers sarcastically in my ear. I could just kill her. The guy saddled next to her doesn’t give me the creeps and remind me of Draco Malfoy.

  I mouth No, giving her an outraged look.

  “Remember what you said. Unleash the Rox!” she jokes.

  More like I’m thinking of unleashing The Rock to come lay the smackdown on this dude’s ass if he doesn’t take a hint.

  The beer comes, and Mr. Weird tries to talk me up some more. “So, what do you do?”

  “Office stuff, nothing cool,” I reply, trying to politely let the guy know I’m not interested. “You’d be bored.”

  But he’s not having it. “Oh, every job seems boring when you’re doing it,” he says, fiddling with his drink. “Hey, try the beer. It’s pretty good.”

  “Not just yet. I don’t want to have to run to the ladies’ room all night,” I reply. Actually, hitting up the ladies’ room might be a good idea. It’d get me away from this guy.

  “Oh, I get that. But come on, what could one beer hurt? Hey, if you need to pee, I’ll escort you to the guy’s room. Nobody’ll say anything.”

  Seriously? Now I don’t feel bad. My gut feeling was right. This dude is a creep. As the music changes, I mutter under my breath, “Somebody please fucking save me.”

  Chapter 2

  Jake - One Hour Ago

  “This is gonna be epic,” Nathan Scott, my childhood friend and business partner, boasts as the limo we’re in rounds the corner. He’s seated across from me, dressed sharp as a tack for our big night.

  “All the cards have lined up for us,” he continues. “We’ve got a great local band and an assload of local celebrities. We even got that girl who’s got like two million Instagram followers because of her ass. That ass and Club Jasmine are going to be in front of two million people by the end of the night. I’m telling you, we’ve got everything.” Nathan claps his hands and rubs them together. “This is going to be huge, Jake. Huge!”

  I shift again in my cushioned seat, messing with the cufflink of my shirt. I can’t deny the excitement in Nathan’s words, but I know you can do all the right things and still have a business fail. So I’m not getting my hopes up too much yet.

  The nightclub was his idea, developed right about the time the rumors started about Graham Holdings, the company I work for, buying out Franklin Consolidated. I’d been reluctant to invest at first. But when Nathan laid out the numbers, I was sold. “I’ll believe it when I see it,” I say.

  “Damn, man, can you be any more excited?” Nathan says, peering at me with a scowl. “This is a big day for us.”

  It’s not that I’m not excited, and I usually consider myself calm and collected under pressure, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sweating bullets. We poured a lot of money in this thing. In fact, I poured everything I’ve saved into this.

  I need this to succeed.

  Especially when I have Sophie depending on me to take care of her, I think to myself. Sophie’s my sixteen-year-old sister who was orphaned six years ago when our parents were taken in a car accident.

  She wanted to come with me tonight. Of course, she knew she couldn’t since she’s underage. “You can let me in. I don’t even need a fake ID,” she’d said, bouncing up and down and trying to look her cutest. Maybe that works when she wants me to let her buy a new skirt on my credit card, but this isn’t the same thing.

  Still, it makes me smile. I’d done the same shit when I was younger, but I’m not going to let her break off into bad habits.

  “See it?” Nathan asks as I’m still silent in my thoughts, his Bronx accent coming on full as he pulls my mind back to the limo. “The fuck? It’s all right in front of you. We got the whole fucking world at our feet.”

  Nathan's lucky that he works independently because he curses like a sailor.

  I adjust my collar, rolling my neck. I’m not in a full-on tux, but I’m in a designer suit that I bought just for the club. It’s a slightly brighter blue than I’d wear for my day job with a pristine white dress shirt and metallic red tie. Nathan insisted I wear something that ‘pops’. “I was just saying there’s a still lot of work to do, that’s all.”

  It’s easy for Nathan to feel more nonchalant about the whole project. He’s a stockbroker who’s gotten rich with other people’s money, whereas I’ve had to work for mine. My grandfather lent me a name and a legacy that got me into a good school, but Mom’s love of Dad meant a middle-class life. Climbing the corporate ladder has been grueling. I’ve busted my ass and more than once pulled eighteen-hour days to make sure that I’m in a place of power. I’m going to be the Regional President for the Franklin Consolidated subsidiary, and I plan to do great things with the role.

  Still, I’ve got responsibilities, Sophie being the chief one. The five million I sank into this club could set her up for life. Could being the operative word. “We have a long way to go,” I say.

  “And I have every confidence we’ll make back every red cent,” Nathan says. “You do too. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have signed on.”

  It's hard to argue. I knew this was a risk, but I don’t mind that. I’ve always been guided by my instincts, and when something looks good, I go for it.

  I shrug. “You’re right. It’s just a helluva few days—our grand opening and this merger. I start in my new position on Monday.”

  “Oh, what’s up with that?”

  “I’m being sent to kick a little ass for an underperforming unit.” To say it’s been underperforming is a mild way of putting it. “I’ve been told to cut the fat or burn the place down if I have to. I’m not looking forward to being ‘that’ guy. I know some of the in-house employees are going to hate me.”

  “Oh, well. Fuck ‘em is what I’d say,” Nathan says. “You do you.”

  “Too bad I love my job,” I say. “They might hate me for a little while because I’m new, but trust me, they’re gonna respect me by next quarter. Those who are left.”

  “If you say so,” Nathan says. “Glad I don’t have to do that shit. Making money with other people's money is my specialty. I don’t have to work on someone’s job. Which is why you should be jumping for this club to succeed. If it goes right, you can retire off all the Benjamins we bank.”

  I chuckle. “That’s the plan,” I say, not wanting to tell him what I’m thinking. Truth is, I don’t think I’ll be satisfied even if this does turn into a huge income generating machine. I can’t imagine just retiring right now. I work too much to even imagine what that would be like.

  “Speaking of which,” Nathan says as the limo rolls up to the sidewalk of the club. There’s a good amount of press, and even a few of the VIPs are gathered outside the club. I’m as impressed by it during the day as I know it’s going to look once the sun goes down. It was one of the things
I insisted on, that our club looked as classy during the day as it will at night.

  The crowd applauds as I get out. I shake hands with our local boxing champ and pose with him for a few publicity shots on the red carpet as the crowd builds. Cameras flash, and as the sun touches the horizon behind the club, it’s a certified throng.

  Nathan and I both adjust our suits, and I wave as we mount the platform in front of the fountain. Nathan pauses, giving me a wink. “It’s show time!”

  I know we look strange. I tower over Nathan at six foot three while he’s a modest five foot six. The cameras are flashing in our faces as soon as we’re ready, press calling our names and people in the crowd already chanting for the club.

  Our staff strings the big red ribbon across the stairs leading up to the entrance, and I swear that I feel like I’m at a Hollywood premier. When Nathan brings over the special scissors that we’re supposed to use for the ceremony, really just painted up hedge clippers, the camera flashes are nearly blinding. I lift my hand, taking the wireless mic from Nathan.

  “Thank you all for coming,” I start. “I’m not going to say that we’re as important as opening a new wing at the university hospital. But I’m proud of the work our team has done, and I’m looking forward to enjoying a few hours relaxing here. Thank you again.”

  There’s polite applause, and I take one arm of the clippers while Nathan takes the other.

  A cheer goes up from the crowd as Nathan and I slice through the ribbon, and the two of us lead the VIPs up the stairs and through the doors. It’s been awhile since I’ve been here. I’ve been so busy setting up my place here in town and getting things settled with my transition to Franklin Consolidated. But seeing it like this, I have to give it to the architects. The place is a dream, with the perfect blend of classic touches that I like along with cutting-edge lighting and styling. It’s going to be a unique club for a very long time.

  I check out the bar and the stage, then head to the VIP section overlooking the club just as the doormen start letting in the regular customers.

  “This club is amazing,” one of the first women through the doors says to Nathan as she comes up to where we are. She’s going around and checking everything out I guess.

  By the look in Nathan’s eyes, I don’t think he’d be opposed to taking her home tonight. “Thank you. My partner here helped, of course. But all the heavy lifting was on me,” he says to her.

  I smirk. Nathan’s going to take the credit, huh? “Well, I let you do the heavy lifting since you’re closer to the floor. Less distance to move.”

  The girl chuckles, but Nathan’s undeterred. “You know what they say, big things come in small packages. And you’re right, having three legs to stand on helps.”

  I have to chuckle. Nathan is an outrageous flirt, and it works. The girl’s eyes flicker down to his crotch before she smiles. Nathan pats the seat on the couch next to him, and she sits down, making me shake my head. He’s going to have a fun night.

  “Champagne, sir,” the waitress says, handing me a glass. She’s wearing a form-fitting blouse, a damn near painted-on skirt, and is even some wearing some thick-rimmed glasses, totally playing up the naughty professional vibe of the night. But she’s as professional as can be, just like we instructed all of our employees.

  It was one of the things I insisted on. While I know Nathan would love to sample what some of the girls could offer him, I won’t allow it on my watch. I want to set an example for Sophie, and that means showing her that I can treat my employees with respect. I can be a gentleman. And I want my employees acting with respect too.

  “So how much do you think we’ll clear tonight?” I ask, getting down to business. One of the local celebs comes up, shaking hands. I return the favor, sending over a bottle of Kristal as thanks for coming by.

  “You send more bottles like that? We might break even,” Nathan laughs. “We’re doing just fine, man. I’ll check with the manager before we leave tonight. He’ll get me an estimate. But remember, tonight isn’t about turning profit. It’s about getting rep. We get rep now, and we make bank later.”

  We chat for another forty-five minutes or so, and I’m amazed as the club fills up. There’s no way the folks still outside are getting in for hours unless they’ve got a reservation.

  “Great turnout!” Nathan crows, loving the flow of people still coming through the doors. It’s fun, and best of all, authentic.

  “It is,” I murmur. I have to say even I’m impressed. “It’s a weight off my chest . . .”

  My voice trails off as I see her walk in. She stands out in the crowd of mostly whites and blacks in a fire engine red dress that hugs her body like it was custom made for her. Long brown hair frames her angelic face, and while I’m too far away to see her eyes, her lips are perfect. The way her cheekbones are shaped, she looks like . . . “An Angel.”

  “What?” Nathan asks, but I barely hear him as I watch her breathlessly. She goes over to the bar with a girl who’s obviously her friend or wingman, and a thread of anger courses through my head as I see some guy come up on her. I grip my glass harder as I see him laying on the moves, even though she doesn’t seem too into it.

  Nathan waves his hand in front of my face. “Yo, Jake, are you listening to me?”

  I blink rapidly, shaking my head as I turn back to him. “Huh?”

  “I said this place is going to change our lives.”

  “Hold that thought,” I say, my eyes and my mind on one thing only. I toss back the rest of my glass and get to my feet, heading for the stairs. As I leave the VIP area, I’m not thinking about Nathan, or money, or even how well our grand opening is going to turn out tonight. All I can see is the angel in a red dress.

  Want to read the rest? Get Heartstopper HERE.

  Preview: Stud Muffin

  Lauren Landish


  A Year Ago...

  The chimes of wedding bells are like a golden symphony to my ears. If I ever have a wedding, I want it to be as beautiful as this one, I think to myself. The stunning hall on the edge of the sea, the whole place bedecked in white and gold—it’s like a true fairytale wedding. I smile as I watch my best friend, Roxy Price—excuse me, Roxy Stone—having a blast with her new husband, Jake. They are just too cute together. I might have been wrong about them at first. I was too caught up in stupid office politics shit, but looking at them now, I know the truth. They’re perfect, made for each other. It makes me want to reach for my camera.

  “Now Mary Jo, I don’t give a single fuck about what the doctors say. If I want to get out there and show these kids a thing or two about how to rodeo on the dance floor, then I’m going to do it!” Roxy’s grandmother, Ivy Jo, says. “You know, it was these hips that got you into the world!”

  I laugh as I wistfully take in the dynamics of Roxy’s family. They’re foul-mouthed, even more than Roxy, and Ivy Jo, in particular, has zero filter on expressing her opinions. I love them all, and I wish I had more people like them in my life.

  My skin pricks when I feel eyes on me and turn my head. The man looking at me leaves my heart skipping in my chest as I take in his magnificence. The feeling of his sea-green eyes feasting on me has my blood rushing through my veins, and I feel myself flush, smiling without even thinking.

  God, he’s fucking handsome. I almost feel like he’s familiar. Something about him . . . he looks like someone I know. I can’t really focus, though, as he smiles at me, the kind of smile that says he takes what he wants. There isn’t a question of yes or no because nobody says no to him. The way he’s looking at me, my body is already tingling, and I feel like I might just give in to him now if he asks.

  He keeps throwing looks at me, and I try to look away, not letting on to what he’s doing to me. The music changes, and I’m pretending to be preoccupied with Roxy’s joyous twerking in her wedding dress when I hear a deep voice behind me.

  “Hello, lovely lady.” I nearly swoon at the sound of his voice. It seems to reach right
through my ear and to my stomach, where I feel a tight ball of desire form. I swear his voice is smooth like honey. I want to drown in it.

  I turn around and my heart flares. He’s even more gorgeous close up, and I recognize him. He’s related to Roxy’s brother-in-law, Oliver. They’ve got the same eyes.

  “H–hello,” I reply, aghast as I stammer. What the fuck, Hannah? Since when do I get tongue-tied over a man? They’ve always been easy as 1-2-3. Pop the hip, bite the lip, and I control the dick. But this one takes my breath away.

  He gives me a cocky smirk as if he knows every little uncertainty running through my head. His eyes seem to pierce me straight to the heart, and I feel my fingers start to tremble. “I don’t think I need to tell you this because it’s obvious, but you’re fucking gorgeous.”

  Damn, it’s corny, but someone bring the fire hose already. This man is burning me up and he hasn’t even taken off his shirt yet. I duck my head. “Thank you,” I say in a sweet voice. If Roxy saw me acting like this, she’d swear up and down I’d gone senile at an early age.

  “What’s your name, gorgeous?” he asks, sipping at a flute of champagne.

  “Hannah. Yours?”

  “Anthony. But people call me Tony.”

  As soon as he says it, I remember Mindy mentioning that they’d invited Oliver’s brother. I remember she told me a little about him, but right now I’m too lost in his dark hair, startling green eyes, and lean, chiseled jawline.

  “I like that name,” I say softly, sarcastic comments flying out of my head as fast as they appear. I just can’t seem to make a joke about ‘Tony Steele’ in the power of those eyes.

  “Do you?” he murmurs, drawing in close. I can feel the heat emanating from his body, and the magnetic pull of his personality draws me a step closer, to the point I have to fight the urge to run my hand over his chest. I want him. God, after watching Roxy get her man, I fucking need him.

  With an ironic twist that I can’t deny seems to show that the Almighty is sensing my needs, a fast dance song comes on. Cascada . . . okay, not bad.


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