Mr. Fixit

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Mr. Fixit Page 31

by Lauren Landish

  I laugh, not offended at all. The fact is, Jake's handsome. He's more than handsome to me; he's been my dream guy since I was a sophomore in high school and he transferred in and immediately captured the attention of every girl at Jean LaFitte High School. “And you know I wouldn't hate you if you did. He's sexy.”

  “Speaking of sexy, you're looking like the world's sexiest cheerleader right now,” Amy says, tickling my exposed stomach. “Damn girl, what have you been doing?”

  “I've been working out a little harder than usual to look good for this,” I reply, laughing while feeling slightly self-conscious. Cheering my head off for Jake, taking the extra time to make sure I look my hottest tonight... and I don't know if Jake even knows my fucking name. “You know, just in case.”

  Amy shakes her head, huffing. “Seriously Cassie, why are you so obsessed with that asshole? Huh? Close to four years of crushing on him, and you've what, maybe talked once? Love yourself, girl. You're smart, you're funny, and tonight, you're hot as hell. Really though, I've thought you were hot as hell five minutes after meeting you, and I'm not hitting on you when I say that. But if Mr. Soon-To-Be-Starting-Quarterback doesn't want you... fuck it, go find someone who does. I know you're not suffering for guys who want you.”

  “No... I mean, it's different from high school,” I admit. And it's true. Ever since walking onto campus and literally running into Amy the first day, college has been different. I'm not the nerdy girl who only gets approached for help on chem labs or math homework anymore, the girl who went to senior prom alone because nobody thought to ask me. Around LSU, there are enough people who get me, who understand me that I feel comfortable and happy. And yeah, I'm getting guys interested in me. Some really good-looking guys, too. So why am I still into him, when he's into everyone but me? Just... “I guess I still need to work Jake out of my system.”

  “You know what's good for getting that out of your system?” Amy says, smiling. “About eight inches of fun, inserted wherever you want to put it.”

  “You haven't...” I start to ask before shaking my head. “Never mind, of course you have.”

  “Damn right I have! And I'm going to again tonight. If you ever want hints, you know who to ask,” Amy says, giving me a kiss on the cheek and giggling when she sees she's left a mark. I go to wipe it off, and she grabs my wrist. “Leave it, it makes you even hotter. Now come on, sourpuss. Let's go fucking party!”

  Chapter 2


  “Yo, Jake!”

  I turn around, the brown paper package under my right arm crinkling as I see Luke Brownhold coming across the lot. He's one of the practice squad guys, and even though he's dressed only once in his three years on the LSU Tigers, he's popular, mainly because he's just a funny guy. Five minutes with him, and you feel like you're going to start laughing. Well, that and he's got an accent that makes you swear he just walked out of the bayou itself even though he's from Mississippi.

  Thankfully, Coach cut practice short today. It's the middle of the week, and he knows what LSU does for Halloween. Even though Luke and I are the only guys on the team to get invites to the Hendersons' infamous annual party, that doesn't mean a lot of crazy shit's not going to go down tonight for the rest of the Tigers.

  “Hey Luke, what're you up to?”

  Luke grins, shaking his head. “Already got my mind on tonight. Is that your costume?”

  “Yeah, just picked it up from the shop,” I reply. “What about you, what are you going as?”

  Luke's grin spread as he adjusts his backpack, sliding it back onto his shoulder. “Same as last year. A ghost. Costume's cheap as fuck, takes me about five minutes to get ready, and the best part is... I don't wear a damn thing underneath the sheet.”

  I stop, then laugh, shaking my head. “I can see the advantage. And is it helpful?”

  “You ain't been to any of these Halloween parties yet, that's right. Let me fill you in--if you can't get laid tonight, something's wrong with you. Seriously, that whole property turns into something out of a porno by midnight usually. The whole goddamn second floor is practically outfitted with stuff for people to fuck on, beds, cushions, whatever. The big room in the middle turns into a fucking orgy most of the time I've heard. If you want your privacy, you go to one of the smaller rooms, or out to the old servants' quarters, they're okay, too. Or fuck it, last year I had a girl sucking my cock right there on the dance floor.”

  “Guess that makes the sheet especially helpful,” I joke, and Luke nods. “So what you're saying is...”

  “Go in with enough jimmy hats to make sure you can totally get your freak the fuck on,” Luke finishes. “So what's in the package anyway, what're you going as?”

  “Figured a classic, it's a vampire costume,” I reply. “Nice and easy, not too much brainpower needed for it, I need that for class. Getting my ass kicked in math right now.”

  “No need to worry about that tonight, Jake. So what type of vampire are you going as, Edward or Dracula?”

  I respond by punching Luke in the shoulder, laughing. “Give me some respect! You think I want to be that Transylvanian dick or that sparkly metrosexual fuck? I'm going as a badass vampire. Lestat, motherfucker!”

  “This is Louisiana, he's a good choice,” Luke acknowledges. “All right, I gotta get going. See you at the party.”

  I head back to my dorm room, unwrapping my costume and getting changed. The reason I had to actually buy this fucking thing instead of just renting something basic from the costume shop is my body. Frankly, it's both a gift and a curse being six foot three, two twenty-five and built the way I am. On one hand, even as far back as sophomore year in high school, when I moved to Baton Rouge with my parents, I've been blessed athletically. I walked onto campus and snagged the job as starting quarterback of the football team and the hottest cheerleader as my girlfriend almost within the same week. Pretty much the same thing's happened here at LSU, or at least I'm on my way. I've got my choice of girls who want to fuck me senseless, and while I'm not starting quarterback yet, unless I break something, I'm sure to have the starting slot next year. Some of the pundits and boosters are even saying I've got a good chance at making the pros if I keep it up.

  If my grades hold up is what they should say. That's one thing that's been a lot harder in college. I'm not as smart as I looked like coming out of high school, and when you add in thirty hours a week of football practice, video sessions, weight room sessions, and everything else, I'm hurting when it comes to my classes. Coach has talked with me once already this semester, and the hard part's coming up, with finals almost overlapping with any bowl game we get to.

  “Ain't nothing but a thang,” I say in a mock Louisiana twang, pulling my costume on. It's not cheap clothing either, although I'm not used to the frilly shirt with vest, supposedly like they wore back in the 1800s. The pants aren't that different from what I wear for football though, so I guess I'm kinda used to what the guy at the costume shop called breeches. Fuck it, with my longer brown hair streaked with blond, the entire look works, and I slide my vampire fangs in, pleased with the result. They're porcelain, not cheap fucking plastic, and I can leave them in all night if I want. I check myself out in the mirror, leering. “I want to suck your... blood.”

  I go down to my car and follow the directions out to the Henderson plantation house, impressed by what I see. When someone had told me it was old-school Southern, I thought they were joking, but holy fuck. The sun's going down, but the magnolia trees willows covered in moss give it a sense of grandeur, like I'm driving my car out of the modern world and back into something different, something more powerful and private. The house itself looks like it's about a hundred yards long from end to end, but that can't be right, although there's at least ten windows on the second floor, each of them looking like maybe they're showing a different room. I park where everyone else is lining up and hope I don't get boxed in, although something tells me I'll probably be here long enough that it won't be an issue.

sp; I climb the steps to the main door, where I see the Professor Henderson I have a class with standing, greeting people as they enter. He's dressed in a tuxedo and mask, and I think he's the Phantom of the Opera, the mask looks vaguely familiar. I've got him for English Lit, and I think he's into that sort of thing. He's not a stuck-up prick like a lot of the teachers, but he's definitely the book-loving type. I don't know much about his brother, I think he teaches Mechanical Engineering? From what I've heard you'd never know they were brothers since their personalities are so different.

  “Ah, Mr. Axton,” Professor Henderson greets me, his low voice rumbling. I swear he sounds different tonight somehow. Maybe it's the costume, but he sounds... stronger, more here than he ever does in class. “A pleasure that you made it.”

  “Thank you, Professor. Uh... nice costume,” I reply, looking into the foyer. I see waiters with trays stacked with champagne flutes. I'm used to only beer and keg stands, this is going to be new. “Wow, you went all out.”

  “There is magic in the night, Jake,” Professor Henderson says in a low voice, following my gaze. “None more than Halloween. It's a night to celebrate that magic, to celebrate the chance to be whatever we want to be, to... well, excuse me for going on and on, but it's a powerful night. On this night, you can be anyone you want to be. That's a very powerful thing. Some would even say magical. Then again, anyone who would come as Lestat should understand the power of the night. Enjoy, and celebrate.”

  “Thanks, Professor,” I reply, going inside. It's like stepping into a fantasy world with all types of people in different costumes. Of course there's your standard characters, I see two Batmans, thankfully from different eras, a Frankenstein, a werewolf... well, I guess I count as standard too since I'm a vampire. I see quite a few generic costumes, there's Luke in his ghost sheet with hairy ankles poking out underneath the hem, I see a girl dressed as a nurse who's so hot she could start hearts with just a shake of her ass... all types.

  “Sir, most of the attendees are in the main ballroom,” one of the waiters says softly while handing me a glass of champagne. “The music is in there.”

  I toss back the champagne, shocked at how strong it is. I thought champagne was supposed to be weaker than piss? I hand the glass back to the waiter, reminding myself to watch it, I don't want to end up whiskey-dicked or puking over the side railing of this place. Puking doesn't embarrass me, and I've puked plenty of times before from drinking, but it just wouldn't seem right here. “Thanks.”

  “Enjoy, sir.”

  I follow the music to the main ballroom, which is huge, easily thirty yards long and taking up a big chunk of the first floor. The overhead chandelier's lights have been dimmed, so it takes me a moment to notice the DJ set up on the far side of the room. He's doing the vampire bit too, but he's an over-the-top cheesy Dracula, with white face paint, slicked-back hair, and a cheap satin cape. Still, his DJ skills are okay, the music's good without being too loud.

  “Hey Jake! Glad to see you made it!” Luke says, coming up behind me. “Check it out, check it out, check it out!”

  I am checking it out, and I can see why Luke said this place turns into an orgy. Whatever your taste, it looks like there's someone here for you. The girls range from skinny little 'spinners' as some of the guys on the football team call them, all the way up to thick and curvy. Every single one of them is hot though.

  “Fuck, man, it's like an all-you-can-eat buffet,” I muse, a smile spreading on my face. “Shit, I'm...”

  My words trail off as I see her. She's never known how I feel about her. Cassie Barnett. I've known who she is since moving to Baton Rouge. We went to the same high school together, and I've had a thing for her since then. I saw her on the second day of classes, pulling her books out of her locker right next to Mrs. Griffin's science class, and I would have said something then, except that I had company with me. One of the other guys from the football team, and my new girlfriend Tara, a cheerleader were both hanging around. Still, I never forgot Cassie that day, or any day since, really. Tall for a girl, with long honey blonde hair and big blue eyes, I couldn't believe when I found out we ran in completely different circles.

  She was a nerd, basically. I was a jock. I walked onto campus, got that starting quarterback role, and from then on that meant I had to only date cheerleaders like Tara, or girls the cheerleaders would have approved of. It wasn't that bad I guess, I mean there was always another one in line if I wanted to dump the one I was with, but still... I never had the guts to just go over and talk to Cassie.

  So she was a nerd, and I was a jock. Still, there were moments, like when she was at football games, taking photos for the school paper, I swore she looked cute. She had an intense type of cuteness I guess is the best way to put it, but I never made my move. Still, I watched her even as I dated the cheerleaders, and sometimes I swore I caught her looking at me, too. I never had the guts to do anything about it though, I was too caught up in the bullshit social rules that dictated life at Jean LaFitte High.

  But tonight... holy fucking hell. She's not just cute, she's liquid magma hot. Thigh-high stockings with red leg warmers, a dark blue skirt and crop top... she turns, and the costume hits me in the face. She's Juliet, from Lollipop Chainsaw. Total cheeseball game, but I played the hell out of it last year, and Cassie's got the costume almost totally perfect, right down to the color of the laces on her shoes. She's not carrying a chainsaw, but she's got a lollipop tucked into the wristband on her right wrist, and she's smiling, talking to some girl who looks like she's out of the Munsters or maybe The Addams Family.

  “Hey, Jake! Earth to Jake!” Luke says, jostling my arm. “What, all the blood run from your head to your dick already?”

  I blink, startled, and turn to Luke, shaking my head. “Sorry man, I saw someone from my English Lit class. She looks a lot different than normal.”

  Luke nods, his head turning when I see Cassie drop something on the floor, bending over to pick it up. Oh. My. God. She's wearing a thong, and my cock jumps in my pants as I see a flash of her lightly tanned skin before her hand reaches back and smooths her skirt over her perfect ass. I can hear Luke whistling in appreciation. “Whee doggie, I ain't ever seen a cheerleader look that good. Can't be bending over like that, she's going to get a dick in that pooper if she ain't careful...”

  Someone else laughs evilly, and I'm instantly pissed. I hadn't even realized someone else had joined us. Hey assholes, don't talk about Cassie like that! She's classy, she's sexy, and while she's showing off a little, she's better than any of you dickheads!

  “I'm gonna have to try that out,” the other guy says, who I see is dressed like Captain America. Before he can do anything though I step forward, putting my hand in his chest and pushing back lightly.

  “The fuck you are. You two go find someone else. She's mine,” I growl, Luke grabbing Captain America by the arm when he tries something. Luke knows I'm good for more than throwing touchdowns. I can lay a fucking beatdown out if I have to. I did it during summer ball earning my stripes working with the special teamers. Luke whispers in Captain America's ear, and they walk away, leaving me be.

  I turn around, seeing that Cassie's moved on, and my eyes dart around in a panic. Where'd she go? I gotta find her, where the fuck did she go?

  Chapter 3


  I see him before he sees me, I got here about fifteen minutes ago. Amy's out in the foyer, checking out the 'playrooms' upstairs while I get comfortable in the ballroom. The place is gigantic, but the chandeliers overhead give just enough light that it doesn't feel like a rave. I sip at my champagne, glad I know how powerful this stuff can be. A lot of people around campus don't believe it, but most bubbly, especially the good stuff, is stronger than the cheap beer most students drink before games or whatever. And Professor Henderson, he's not sparing any expense for this party, this is the good stuff. I mean, there's beer and kegs here as well, but all drinks being free, I'm gonna go with the good champagne for now.

>   “Whooo darling, you are looking h-a-w-t-t hot!” Nina Lemmon says with her perfect English accent as she comes up. She's another one of my friends, and we have calculus together. She's dressed up as Morticia Addams, which totally fits her skin tone, as she's the sort of girl who can't go out in the sun without sunblock unless she wants to risk turning lobster red. I have no idea why a girl from the suburbs of London who already graduated from a British university would risk coming to Baton Rouge for postgrad work, but she says she loves the culture. Whatever. It's a trip to listen to her mix Southern slang with her English accent, and I know a lot of guys like just listening to her talk. “You've got to be cruising tonight!”

  “Aren't we all?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. “You're looking good, Nina.”

  “Why thank you, although I suspect most of the men are looking more at you than me,” Nina replies with a musical chuckle. “It's what I get for going far too literal in my first American Halloween costume.”

  “What do you mean? You're going to have just as many guys looking at you as me,” I reassure her. “I mean, I'm just...”

  “Before you go on with your self-deprecating comment, padball player behind you,” Nina jokes. She knows that in the football crazy South, calling football 'padball' or 'handegg' is running the risk of angering people. She doesn't really care, which I can respect. “The quarterback, even.”

  I glance behind me, swallowing the dryness in my throat as I see Jake come in, dressed as a nearly perfect Lestat, even before he opens his mouth and his fangs gleam in the light. Some guy dressed as a ghost comes up and starts talking to him, and I turn back to Nina. “Yep, it's Jake.”


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