The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set) Page 20

by Davis, SJ

  She left the man standing there who turned back to me and shook his head.

  “Well, you fucked up this time,” he said as he approached me and lifted my head and leaned in to see my dilated and glazed over look.

  “What the fuck are they giving you now?” he whispered as the door opened and Sam stepped in. He looked at him and then to me.

  “Can I help you?” he asked. Mr. Lanely stood up and straightened his suit jacket.

  “I am Vanessa’s lawyer and represent her family.”

  “From what I understand she has no family left.”

  “Well,” he said as he glanced at me. “She has a brother, her only living relative and he is concerned with her welfare.”

  “Really? Vanessa has never said a word about a brother.”

  “You speak to her?” he asked. Sam looked to me and raised my wrist, checking my pulse.

  “I do, she is not always like this.”

  “What is she like then?”

  Sam hesitated and then looked to me.

  “Ask her yourself,” he said as he jabbed a needle into my arm. It only took moments before I was fully awake. I screamed like a wounded beast as my lawyer stepped back and cautiously watched me start to move in my chair. I was still tied in restraints. I lifted my head and took a breath and blinked a few times as Sam leaned down and moved my hair out of my face and grinned at me.

  “Hello you crazy bitch,” he whispered and I smiled at him.

  “Hi you cunt,” I said and he laughed.

  “Well?” he said as he stood up and waved his hand at me.

  “She is awake, ask her what you want.”

  “Vanessa?” he said as he stepped towards me and I looked at him and recognized nothing about him.

  “So, I have a brother? What a fucking surprise. Tell me how and when that shit happened,” I said and he looked to Sam who grinned.

  “She cusses a lot, you get used to it.”

  I laughed. “Don’t explain me, fuck that. You either get me or fuck off.”

  Mr. Lanely walked up to me and cleared his throat.

  “Do you understand how serious this is?”

  I cleared my throat and moved slightly making the chair under me creak. I shook my head.

  “I know this creaking makes me fucking crazy and I love cock…” I said and he blinked at me.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Cock, I love to fuck. I would do much more of it if I did not have all of this shit going on.”

  He laughed and shook his head, writing shit down on his clipboard.

  “Make sure you get the word “cock”. Add in sucking and maybe a lick or two.”

  “Vanessa, I am here to help you.”

  I leaned back and looked up at the white ceiling and the fucking fluorescent lighting.

  “Well, candles would be nice and some romantic music,” I said.


  “And a fucking vibrator, my hand gets tired.”

  Sam laughed and then covered his mouth up and stopped as Mr. Lanely looked at him.

  “So sex is your motivator then.”

  I looked him over.

  “You want to fuck?” I asked him and Sam through up his hands.

  “Okay…listen Mr. Lanely,” he said as he led him to the door, “give her some time, she has been in shock therapy and a lot has happened in the last three days. Come back Monday and I bet she will just chitty chat with none of this foreplay.”

  He glanced at me and I blew a kiss at him and he left as Sam shut the door and looked back to me.

  “You just crack me up.”

  “Thanks,” I said as he rolled me to the bed and then started to straighten the chair out, something handy to allow them to move a patient from the chair to the bed without undoing the restraints. I cleared my throat and watched him.

  “I seriously need a good fucking, you think maybe you could help me out Sam?” he stopped and looked at me.

  “Me? Well first of all I love the dick and secondly you do not have a great track record with those you fuck,” he said.

  “I like you a lot Sam, I would not hurt you.”


  “Please?” I asked him and he sighed as he laid me out on the bed.

  “I love bondage as much as the next bitch but this would be like rape.”

  “Undo my restraints,” I said and he stood up and rubbed his neck.

  “You must me shitting me,” he said. I shook my head ‘no’.

  “Sam, I promise you, if I get weird in anyway just jab me with the needle, quickly.”

  “You are kidding,” he said.

  “I am not. I want to fuck, I need a cock in me, even a gay one. Just pretend I am a guy.”

  “It’s not that Vanessa.”

  “Oh,” I said as I looked away from him.

  “It’s just…”

  “I get it, I am damaged. I know,” I said to him.

  “Well besides that, you fucking eat people Vanessa, it makes it hard to get hard.”

  “I won’t…I won’t eat you I promise.”

  He laughed. “That is the craziest shit anyone has said to me while trying to get me to fuck them.”

  “I promise I will not, I just need to fuck,” I whispered and he looked me over and sighed.

  “Vanessa,” he said and I felt the prick of the needle and I know “Motherfucker” came out of my mouth a few times before I once again felt myself tumbling back into the abyss of true memory.


  I awoke and birds were singing. I sat up and my head felt light and a slight dizziness tried to consume me momentarily but I fought it back by closing my eyes and wishing it to leave me. It always works. I have had my share of dizzy and confusion. I slipped my feet off of the bed and walked to my door, pulled it open and immediately heard laughter in the house. It echoed slightly and I recognized it, it was Hunter’s voice, how could I not know it. I knew everything about him, knew every movement, every reaction to things. I followed the noise down the hallway and to the top of our large steps. I stood there and gazed down upon Hunter and that girl, Kate and my Father. He tapped Hunter on the shoulder and shook his hand as Kate smiled and then I started to walk and Kate looked up at me. At first she grinned, I swear that she did, and then she suddenly screamed and it pierced the air and hurt my ears. I stopped and held onto the banister as Hunter and my Father looked to me and the horror on their faces told me something was not right, something I could not understand until I held my hands up and saw the blood everywhere. It was on my white nightgown, my hands and on my face. I looked like a wretched nightmare as I stood there and did not know what to say or do. My Father ran to me and grabbed me, shaking me a bit and checking me over as if I may be harmed but I did not feel strange in anyway. In fact I felt totally fine, as if I had never been better in my life. My father leaned in and hugged me, and that is when it happened. I felt the teeth elongate in my mouth and I bit him, tearing away his throat and spitting it out to get to the blood that spewed from the gaping hole I had created. I did not think of him as a Father, in fact we had never been close in anyway other than name, so tearing into him almost seemed natural, like a child looking for a meal from its parent. He provided it in abundance. The blood flow slowed, as did his heart, and he fell at my feet. I stood up, swallowing with ecstasy at first and then the fact settled into me as to what I had done. Hunter shook his head and ran towards me, shouting…but it looked slow and not at all normal, then he stopped as he was grabbed from behind. Kate bit into his neck and tore at him as I had done to my Father. I looked down as my vision sharpened. Hunter’s eyes began to roll into his head. I jumped and knocked her away from him, he fell and slid across the floor, moaning. She stood up slowly with his fresh blood dripping from her lips.

  “You will obey,” she said to me and I felt a slight pain in my temple but it did not stick, as I would assume she thought it would.

  I tilted my head and stared her down.

  “Vanessa, I am your ma
ster. You will obey me.”

  “Master of what?” I asked her.

  “Of you…I am a queen, of vampires, and you will obey me.”

  “Vampires?” I said as I looked at my hands.

  “Yes…I bit you last night, I made love to you and you swore your allegiance to me.”

  “Sorry, I don’t remember that,” I said and she screamed as I lunged at her and bit into her, making an utter mess of things as I bit her over and over again. I had her to the brink of being drained when I sat up and watched her slowly raise her hand to me.

  “I will do your bidding,” she whispered and I liked that for some reason. Her submission to me seemed like a triumph. I stood up and looked back at Hunter, whose heart was slowing down.

  “How do I save him?” I asked her, and she looked to him and then back to me.

  “He must feed from you, you must bite him and then he feeds of you and you will master him.”

  “I don’t want to master him, I just need him to live.”

  “It does not work that way,” she said as she tried to sit up.

  I ran to him and rolled him onto my lap. I lifted his wrist and bit into him as he cried out softly and drank of him, not allowing the insanity of what was happening to really sink in. All I knew is he was dying and it could not be. I could not allow him to die, never. So I pulled my teeth from him and tore into my own wrist and forced it to his lips. He refused me at first, but I insisted.

  “Hunter…if you do not do this you will die, right here, right now,” I said.

  He looked to me with almost hatred in his eyes and for a moment I felt it. I felt as if he was trying his best to break from me as he had tried to before I fainted. Before he said we would not be together…

  He drank, and then drank some more and as it started to ache I felt him growing stronger and the waves of ecstasy took over. I cried out as I came for the first time without him even inside of me. I then looked down and smiled at him as his skin paled and his teeth elongated. He opened his eyes, black at first and then they marbled into what I remember now…


  I sat up and screamed as the memory of him burned into my mind and that look on his face, the one that told me I had just cursed him forever…

  “Well…this is quite a fucking mess you have here,” he said and I looked up to see Hunter leaning against my wall in my room. I looked to my right and saw Sam slumped against the wall with an obvious bite to the throat and blood on his uniform.

  “Hunter?” I said as my voice cracked and he nodded to me and walked to my bed, leaning down and kissing my hand. Then he placed it to his cheek.

  “Yes, love,” he said to me. I hugged him so hard he almost fell over. I felt tears welling up and had no idea how I could control this feeling, this knowledge I had collected that I had to assume was true.

  “I remember now,” I said as I leaned back and he touched my face.

  “It is about fucking time Vanessa. I mean this is the 10 time we have given it a go and tried our best to get your head to catch up with reality.”


  “A hundred years Vanessa. We have been playing this game for a hundred years trying to get you to understand who you are and to remember.”

  “I created you,” I said to him and he nodded.

  “You are my master and I do as told,” he said to me as he kissed me so passionately I almost lost everything I had just retrieved in an instant. He pulled from my lips and looked my face over.

  “So I told you to bring me here?” he nodded to me and I shook my head.

  “To make me remember, to fix me.”

  “I became charmed by Katia, it was because of her that I never wrote to you, that I did not come home, she had been a vampire long before us and she finally met her match when she bit you that night. She did not expect for your flaw to be your salvation.”

  “So she killed me?”

  He nodded to me. “And you killed me, but honestly I have never felt more alive than by your side Vanessa,” he said.

  I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him as hard as I could, not wanting to lose him ever again. I let him lift me from the bed, ready to take me from this place.

  “Are you ready to step from darkness to light?” he asked me and I nodded as I grinned.

  “Is that your big line?” I said.

  “My what?”

  “After all of this you ask me that?”

  “Seriously Vanessa, what the fuck? I was trying to be in the moment.”

  “Hunter…I just think that as far as lines go…”

  “Oh my fucking god, Vanessa, honestly you are crazy.”

  I leaned into him and hugged him as he carried me.

  “You love me crazy,” I whispered.

  “Yes…exactly,” he said as he jumped from my window and onto the ground easily.

  I looked back at the large facility and grinned.

  “You are fucked up letting me stay there, that was horror movie shit.”

  “Vanessa, for the love of all things evil, please stop. You fucking asked me to take you there.”

  “What?” I asked him and he stopped and looked at me.

  “Do not tell me you don’t remember.”

  I grinned.

  “You cunt,” he said as he started to walk quickly to the car and placed me in it as he jumped into the driver’s seat and started it up.

  I reached over and pulled out the keys and smiled at him.


  “Backseat now,” I said to him and he shook his head.

  “I am not a whore.”

  I grabbed his cock and squeezed it and he took a breath so unneeded.

  “Perhaps just for a...”

  I flipped him into to backseat and had his shirt torn off and thrown around the car before he could even blink. He looked up at me as I straddled him and grinned.

  “So will you remember how fucking good I am at this now?” he asked me. I slipped his cock up into me and he hissed as I moved my hips on top of him.

  “Shut the fuck up and do me.”

  “Yes master,” he said and I smacked him.

  “Don’t call me that.”

  He flipped me onto the seat and was over me as he grinned.

  “I would do whatever you say whenever you say Vanessa, and not because of a fucking bite to the wrist.”

  It was then that I kissed him as he slid his cock into me and I moaned as he slowly moved in and out of me, being careful to not rush things. I trembled and he smiled at my mouth and watched my expression, that of need and want, all rolled into one.

  “It never gets old,” he said to me and I arched my back.

  “I agree,” I said and he looked at my stomach and laughed.

  “You would think your pussy would be by now….”

  I hit him and he growled at me and I laughed.

  “Fuck you.”

  “Please…” he said as he leaned in, biting into my neck and drinking of me, and took every part of me, taking every last bit of the Vanessa… who had searched for a century for truth, all the while having it right here, right now…in Hunter’s Blood.

  A Perfect Passion

  By Piper Kay

  Published by Hot Ink Press

  An Erotic Imprint of

  Crushing Hearts and Black Butterfly Publishing

  Algonquin, IL 60102

  This Book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, duplicated, hired out, or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s prior written consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

  ©Text Copyright 2013 Piper Kay

  Thanks to the girls in my writers group for all the love and support. I honestly have no idea what I would do without you. A special thanks to Michelle Carnes, Monique Lomino, Nikki Prince, and Kim Carmichael. This story would not be seeing th
e light of day without your support and guidance. And to one special lady, SJ Davis, thanks so much for believing in me. I’ll never be able to thank you enough.

  Chapter One

  After jotting down all the guy’s hours, I pull off my hard hat, and get in my truck. I’m leaving work early, so I can get home to Aaron. It’s our second month anniversary and I want to surprise him. Things have been moving along quickly, but it all seems to be working out half way decent. Well, except the part of Aaron being able to barely hold on to his business. He’s got a construction company, but the competition is fierce, he hasn’t been getting to many contracts lately in this economy, but he’s a fighter and will come out on top, he always does. It’s one of the things that drew me to him.

  Aaron and I met at a party via a mutual friend. The attraction was immediate. He’s a very handsome man, tall like I love, with long sexy legs, a great sense of humor, and a kind heart. One thing led to another and BAM, here we are living together.

  When I bought this house, I did it on the cool. Aaron and I hadn’t talked about living together, but every night one of us was staying at the others place, so this seemed like the logical next step. I had my old house up for sale prior to us meeting, because I needed to be closer to work in downtown Houston. Thing worked out just like a jigsaw puzzle, everything fell into place for us.

  I’d called a local realtor friend and she showed me several houses. This one was perfect. It’s a two-story brick Italian style home with four bedrooms, three baths, a gourmet kitchen, grand formals, custom faux painting and plaster moldings. The master bath comes with his and her separate rooms, custom closets, Lutron lighting, copper gutters, with an incredible pool and spa. It even has a little fountain. It’s a beauty for sure and cost me a pretty penny. I didn’t mind though, I fell in love at first sight.

  Aaron and I had a blast shopping for the furniture. We chose modern leather black and white matching curved sofas, with glass tabletops in the middle and the end tables are topped with European deco lamps. Two leather recliners sit on both sides of the fireplace. Our bedroom is decorated with a Nora contemporary set with an illuminated frost headboard and a matching bench. We made sure to deck out the place with some scattered modern handmade abstract paintings.


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