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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

Page 24

by Davis, SJ

  “What the hell? Get away from me!” My feet scramble to find a grip so I can push myself up straight.

  “Hey you.”

  He leans towards me, but I push him away. The room swirls back into focus. I fell asleep on the couch. What is he doing here? Wait…

  “How the fuck did you get in my house?” I jump up off the couch, and stare at him.

  “The garage door.”

  “Hand it over Aaron, now!”

  “What? Are you trying to tell me we’re done, after the time we spent together? Seriously Damien?”

  I hold out my hand and wave my fingertips towards me, giving him the ‘hand it to me now’ motion. Aaron slams the clicker in my palm. He’s pissed, but I’m beyond that right now.

  “Get your stuff out of my garage, then go.” I cross my arms across my chest.

  “Fine!” Aaron peacocks towards the front door, and then spots it.

  “Who the fuck does this belong too?” He picks up Dax’s jacket off the hook.

  I point at the door. “Leave Aaron.”

  Aw hell! I see the front door knob turn. Dax walks in. His eyebrows pinch in the middle, and his lips thin as he looks down on Aaron. This just turned serious, real quick like.

  “Not until you tell me who this belongs too.”

  Dax towers over Aaron, his hand reaching out for his jacket.

  “This…belongs to me.” Aaron tilts his head up towards Dax.

  “What? Wait, how did you get in here, the door was locked? I tried it from outside.”

  “My key.” He dangles it in the air, giving him a shit-eating grin. “Damien, is everything okay here?”

  “Yes, Aaron came to drop of…”

  “Oh, I remember, he has my garage door remote right?” He gives me a wink, assuring me that he’s got control of the situation.

  “Um…yes, it’s here.” I hold out my hand, showing him.

  “What the hell is going on Damien?” Aaron’s eyes dart back and forth from me to Dax.

  “Don’t see how any of that is your business anymore Aaron, now is it?”

  If looks could kill, I’d be pushing up daisies about now from the look Aaron just gave me.

  “You hypocritical cockfag.” Aaron grits his teeth. “Let me tell you both something you worthless…”

  “Look twatwaffle, you need to get out of Damien’s house, now.”

  Dax places his hand against the small of Aarons back, guiding him towards the door.

  “Take your fucking hands off me.” Aaron, lunges away from him, and throws his hands up in the air.

  Dax ushers him out the door, while I pick my mouth up off the floor. Damn, damn! I didn’t mean for all that to happen, this is not good.

  I follow them outside, taking my stance next to Dax. I’m not even sure what to say. He lights up a smoke. We watch, as Aaron puts two boxes in his truck. He flips us the bird, shredding rubber down the street.

  “Dude, man I’m sorry Damien. I know it wasn’t my place at all to do that, but the man has no right to question you in your own home.”

  “I know. Sorry you walked in on that. I wasn’t planning to let him in the house, but I fell asleep and he came in through the garage door.”

  “Sneaky little bastard, isn’t he?” He elbows me in the side.

  “Like a rattlesnake hidin’ in grass.”

  Dax laughs and we walk back into the house.

  Chapter Eight

  I glace at the clock and it’s almost two o’clock in the afternoon. This morning after Dax and I did our morning kitchen tango dance around each other, followed by our silent coffee conversation, I’d come into my room to shower, and get busy on my IRS files, and now I’m finally finished.

  As I exit the room, smack…straight into Dax. This is the third time now already. Enough! I open my mouth, but he speaks first.

  “How long do you reckon we’re going to do this tap dance around each other?” He puts his hands on his hips.

  “I was beginning to wonder the same thing. I think we need to get past this already.”

  “Let’s go grab a beer.”

  I follow him into the kitchen, and he pulls out two beers. The phone rings, but by the time I get there, they’ve hung up. Caller ID show unknown caller.

  “I apologize for what happened out by the pool the other night. I was way out of line, and I feel like a complete asshole.” I slide out the kitchen chair, and have a seat. “I was half drunk, which is not an excuse, but I went all cockfangled on you, and I’m really sorry. I don’t want to ruin our friendship and I’m afraid I have.” I talk with my hands, and it looks like I’m throwing gang signs or something. I decide to sit on them instead.

  “Cockfangled?” He lights up a smoke, and passes me the pack.

  “Complicated and convoluted. Believe me, I didn’t mean to cross the invisible line of friendship.” I take the lighter off the table and spark up my own.

  “Okay, apology accepted. Can we just ta-talk now Damien? In case you didn’t notice, I wasn’t exactly going ballistic about bein-being touched,” he stutters.

  “I noticed, but Dax, you were pretty buzzed.”

  “The fact re-remains that I didn’t bolt when it happ-ened.” Nonchalantly, he takes a swallow of beer, holding up his finger. “Don’t say anything, and let me get this out p-please.”

  I nod, taking another puff on my smoke.

  “I need to calm down so I q-quit this stuttering crap.” He takes a deep breath. “Okay, sorry. What I’m trying to say is the reason I didn’t turn around and punch you is because it felt good. You felt good.”

  “Whoa. Wait, what?” I take another long drag on my smoke.

  “Listen Damien, I’ve run this wh-whole situation through my mind, over and over, and come to a conclusion.”

  “Okay, I’m listening.” What is he talking about?

  “It felt good and I think I’m okay with that. I’m not sure why, but maybe you can help me sort all this out, there are so many things I’ll be sorting anyway. I’m going to be completely honest with you okay?” He looks at me, and I nod yes. “It’s not the fact that you touched me, or the fact that I en-enjoyed it. That is something I’ll have to figure out or we will. It’s the matter of me having issues with relationships.”

  “You did? I mean you do?” Shit, now I’m having brain stutters. “Let me start over, one thing at a time. You enjoyed me touching you?” I shift in my chair, sitting up straight, and take a swallow of my beer.

  Dax’s hands squirm together, fumbling over each other. He’s nervous, so I reach over to give a friendly, reassuring pat on top of his clasped hands. He opens them quickly, taking my hand. He gives me such a shy grin, but it’s cute. I can feel the twinge in my groin. I never saw this one coming.

  “Tell me, about the issues with relationships.” God, I sound like fucking Dr. Phil.

  “I don’t do them well. I’ve learned that when you let things in, or too close, they get messed up.” He lowers his head to our hands and rests against them.

  “I understand to a certain point. In other words, you’re human.”

  “I wish it was that easy. I keep people at an arms’ length distance for their protection and mine alike.”

  “Are you talking about Marcy?”

  “No not Marcy. That wasn’t a big deal, I figured it was going no-where quick, so I didn’t emotionally attach or anything like that. Have you ever been in love Damien?”

  “Yes, once. Why?”

  “How did you feel about him, didn’t you want to give your all to him? Then feel betrayed at some point, that you did that?”

  “First off, he was a she. I was married once Dax, her name was Nickie. We divorced four years ago. I was married for three. I get being in love. I was head over heels with Nickie, and had my heart broken when she decided she wanted a divorce. Hell thinking about it now still hurts.”

  “I just assumed…”

  “That I have always been gay?” I shake my head side to side and give him a sly

  “Well, yes.” He squirms in his chair.

  “I’m bisexual. There was only one wife, and two men. One lasted about a week, the other was Aaron not lasting much longer. I told you, I've licked the flavors of life.”

  “My first love was a girl named Carrie. It lasted about a year and a half, but I’m still not sure if I’ve gotten past her emotionally.”

  “I’m sorry Dax.” I squeeze his hand tighter.

  “Thank you. The other person, the one thing that hurt worse than anything in my life, is my brother, Dale.”

  “What happened?”

  Dax pulls his hand back from my grip, takes a drink and lights up a smoke. I light another cigarette too and wait until he’s ready to talk. Dax is sizing me up and down in his mind, I feel it.

  “My brother was my best friend. I should have been with him and everything might have been so different.”

  Dax’s face turns red, and he takes several quick draws on the cig, like a chain smoker. After, he inhales a couple long deep breaths. He begins to speak again.

  “We had a thing about going muddin’ down at Spring Creek. We’d always done it, since back when we were in high school, everyone did. One Saturday night, I had a date, and blew him off. Dale, and one of our friends, went to the creek without me.” He inhales a long, hard drag. “They were drinking, everyone did when they went bogging. They crossed down the paths through the woods that led to the creek. When they got there, they saw another four wheel drive, stuck out in the sand barge in the creek. Of course Dale backed up to the guys, hooking up the ‘come-along’ to the dude’s bumper and yanked him out. The guys were happy and appreciative, so they all sat down, and had a couple beers together.”

  With another drag, he snubs his smoke out in the ashtray. “Young, drunk guys do what most drunk guys do, talk shit. Dale got an earful, and he got up and went to untie all the straps then come home. His buddy helped him. Dale never saw it coming, the guy punched our friend, and Dale jumped in to help him. Unable to keep his eye on all of the guys at the same time, one of them hit him. He caught a tire iron across his skull, he was killed instantly.” Dax tears up.

  “Oh God!” What do I even say to something like that?

  “See that's on me, all of me. If I would have only been there, I could have stopped it.” Red-faced, he shakes his head, and flings a tear off of his cheek.

  I reach out to him, using my thumb to dry his tear trail. “You don’t know that though. You might have been killed too.”

  “Maybe, but the end result is still the same…pain and hurt. This is why I don’t do relationships. When I get close to things, they disappear on me one way or another.” He lights another cigarette.

  “Dax, damn dude. I’m so sorry, but you have to see everything’s not always like that though.”

  “I don’t dare get close enough to find out anymore.” He emphasizes his statement by slamming his fist on the table.

  “That’s not fair.” I have to let him know it wasn’t his fault, and it’s not justifiable to blame it on himself. “It’s not fair to you, or too others. You have to get past this Dax, try to deal with it, realize it’s not your fault, and try to move forward in life.

  This is fucking tragic, so painful. I see a side to him way beyond his normal happy-go-lucky self, and I feel bad for him. I don’t know how to help him, or if I even can. I put my cigarette out in the ashtray, and take a sip of beer, hoping that something, anything comes to mind to. Before I can stop myself, the words blurt out.

  “Let me help you, at least let me try.”

  “Help me what?”

  “Learn that everything isn’t always about pain and hurt.”

  I stand to go get another beer, Dax does the same. He’s staring at me, studying me, but for what I’m not sure. I don’t wish harm, and I’m not trying to rush him into anything. He’s obviously figured out for himself that he avoids certain things because of the circumstances he’s been through.

  “Thanks, I appreciate that Damien. I really do. I’ve never really talked to anyone about this stuff, so I’m not sure why I am now, but thanks for listening.”

  Dax pats me on the upper part of my arm, and his hand slides down to my elbow. I stare into his dark blue eyes, and notice the black pupil is dilating. His eyes are soul sucking.

  His fingers begin to squeeze my upper arm, not hard, but in a sensual way. I take a deep breath. My hand in front of me, I touch his stomach. As Dax, massages into my arm, I slide my knuckles across his stomach a bit. Still not sure about what is going on, I wait. I can’t be the one to go first this time.

  Dax slides his hand up my arm to my shoulder, and I slip my hand to the side of his waist. I squeeze slightly, and he inhales a deep breath again. Fingers trickle to my face, and with the back of his finger, he strokes my cheek. I clasp his side tight. We both drop our heads.

  Forehead to forehead, we freeze. As his neck tilts to the side, I pucker. Like iron to a magnet, our necks twist to that special spot, where everything is unknown, but suddenly discovered, and we fit lips together, locking in a rage of passion. Our first grip tightens around his waist, pulling him in close.

  I trace my tongue over his salty lips, parting them. My tongue nudges inside his mouth, licking the inside of his lips. I circle my tongue around to the top of his dipped lips on his mouth and back down, he darts his tongue to mine. I give him tiny flicks to his tongue, we play follow the leader. When I back away a bit, I feel his tongue hungrily force back into my mouth. I suck the tip, as I feel the wetness slither through my pursed lips. Fuckin’ Tease!

  He sucks my bottom lip between his pouty lips. I feel the tug, the wanting and anxiousness. Teeth graze the top of my lip, as he gently sucks such tender nibbles into him. I pull back, looking at him, and giving him a ‘fuck-me-goddamned sideways’ grin! His sultry-seductive eyes melt me.

  Pressing back against him, I delve into his mouth full force, not gently, but hungrily. My tongue thrashes against his, and I lower my hand to his groin.

  Rubbing through the material I can feel him swelling through the denim material. Dax moves his hand to my waist, and stops. I continue kneading him through his jeans, and then back away, waiting. It’s his move now.

  “Are you okay?” I ask because I’m really concerned.


  “Let’s go upstairs.”

  He smiles and closes his eyes. Finally, he nods.

  The phone rings, and Dax grabs it.

  “Hello? Hello?” He holds the phone out to his side in the air and shrugs his shoulders.

  We both look at the caller id…unknown caller. Who keeps calling, bad timing.

  Chapter Nine

  I’ve never played the Fairy Godmother before, the tutor so to speak, I’m just as nervous as Dax is. He’ll be making his debut, his very first homosexual experience. His comfort level is at the top of my list, I’d never try to pressure him into something he didn’t want to try. I’ve been there, and there wasn’t anything nice about it.

  I don’t play the Alpha/Sub routine. There’s nothing wrong with both parties taking turns as Alpha, I find it more appealing, because both lovers get to enjoy all flavors of the rainbow. I sound like a freaking Starburst commercial.

  As we walk past the bar to the living room, there’s a thundering boom outside, and the power zaps. Granger hauls ass up the stairs, I know he’s going under my bed. It sounds like the transformer blew down the street. Great! That’ll take a few hours to get fixed.

  “I need to report this outage, give me a couple minutes.”

  Dax nods and strolls over to the couch. Damn, he sure knows how to pack an ass inside those jeans. Geezus!

  After filing the report, I stroll back into the living room. Dax is standing at the back door, watching the rain come down. I set two beers on the table and come up behind him. He jerks. I didn’t mean to scare him.

  I slip my arms around his waist and snug up on his back. Dax twists to face me. With my fingertips,
I skim over his pouty lips, tracing the outline of his curves, and dips. We both stare into each other’s eyes. As my finger reaches the bottom lip again, I glide into his mouth. His tongue licks around my finger. All I can imagine is Dax on his knees in front of me. My dick is so hard, it could bend steel.

  I pull back and walk over to the couch. Dax follows and sits on my left side. He gives me a catch-sexy smile, as I rotate sideways. I see him perfectly now.

  As his leg bounces up and down nervously, I place my hand on his thigh. We’re stuck in eye-lockdown, neither of us can break it. He radiates heat through the jeans. I part his lips and slip my finger inside his mouth. He curls his tongue around my finger. I pull back but he sucks me back. God, I want to feel him around my cock.

  I lean my head in close to him and my lips caress against his. Instinctively our mouths open a little. I twine my fingers in his hair, and our tongues swipe together in mid-air. God he’s lickable!

  I tilt my head and deliver baby pecks to his neck. My tongue swirls tiny spheres, he moans. I finger walk up his jeans until I get to his package. Grabbing hold, my hand opens and tightens around his crotch, in a pulsating grip. Not too hard or too easy.

  His raging boner strains the zipper in his jeans. That’s a feeling I know all too well. I reach for the button and unfasten them, the zipper is next. I release the beast and move my head back to look at his glistening cock. It’s beautiful, incredible actually. Dax watches everything I’m doing.

  “Are you okay?” I stroke over his cheek with my fingers, offering some kind of re-assurance to him.


  “Still nervous?”

  “Yep, a li-little, but I’ll be all right.”

  Never missing a beat, my hand hugs around his dick. Hungrily, our mouths widened, and I plunge my tongue deep inside of him. I stroke him. Our tongues thrash in foreplay and our heads twist and turn from side to side. I tug on his bottom lip and suck it into my mouth. He moans, and my cock swells in anticipation, even more at the sound of him, it’s like there’s a direct link from his moan straight to my prick. I tug on his jeans, and he raises his ass and helps me wiggle them down his legs, and finally all the way off. He’s smokin’ hot!


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