The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set) Page 34

by Davis, SJ

  She stifled a scream, and scrambled back onto the table, suddenly afraid he'd kill her as well.

  "Dagon was a demon." Each word was heavy with anger as it plummeted from his lips. "Clive was ... unfortunate."

  "I'm sorry." Lilieve didn't know what else to say.

  "Enough running. You're not very good at it anyway. A blind man could have followed your trail, Darcy."

  "I'm not Darcy anymore. I'm Lilieve now."

  "Appropriate." He was getting his breath back. "No more running, Lilieve. You must know, by now, we are meant for each other. I've tasted eternity, drunk it from your body. Will you deny it to me now?"

  He dropped the sword, kicked Clive's head out of the way, and grabbed her shoulders. The kiss was crushing, and the scent of blood and apples a twisted aphrodisiac. Lilieve climbed Grigori like a tree, and then lowered herself onto his still erect cock. He didn't resist. Rather, he pulled her onto the pool table, with him on his back, and drove his dick father into her.

  "Fuck me, Grigori." She'd never begged before, but she would now, if she had to. He needed no further invitation. He pulled back slowly, and thrust back in.

  "You. Are. Mine." Every word was paired with his thrust, and followed by her moan.

  "Don't stop." She cried out, bucking on top of him.

  He brought her to the very edge of cumming, and then froze, his cock buried in her pussy.

  "You have a choice to make, Lilieve. Heaven or Hell? Will you redeem me or condemn me, my sweet?"

  She pulled her hips back and resumed the rhythm for him. He tried to stop her, but her power was charged again, and she was determined. He could not resist her now.

  "Choose." He begged. "Choose!"

  He was close now. She could feel it in the pounding of the blood through his glorious cock.

  "Lilieve?" It was a plea.

  So close. She paused with the head of his cock barely in her.

  "Go to Hell." She whispered, and then kissed his lips. "Take me with you."

  She drove herself onto him, and they screamed together as they came.


  By Nicolette Grey

  Chapter 1.

  The man who called himself God backed his black Yukon into the alley and shut off the engine. It was dark behind the pharmacy, with the adjacent buildings locked tight for the night. He pulled his collar up and walked back to the street, shoulders hunched against the cold. It was empty, just as he’d known it would be.

  This part of the city, far from the hustle and bustle of the waterfront, was comprised mostly of dingy shops and supply houses that closed up early. There were no restaurants nearby to attract customers nor were there many residential buildings. It was a neighborhood that was dying a long slow death as the waterfront prospered and non-tourist based commerce moved from the edges of the city to its suburbs.

  Overhead, the streetlights gave a feeble glow. The only true light on the block came from the pharmacy itself, a brick-fronted building with a green-striped awning that, like the rest of the neighborhood, had seen better days. The God crossed to the opposite curb and ducked into the shadowed doorway of a hardware store. Pulling on his gloves, he reined in his growing impatience and waited.

  Goshen’s Drugs closed at nine-thirty on Saturdays and the on-duty pharmacist was punctual. Two minutes later, as his watch ticked the half hour, she appeared in the front of the store. The God watched her through the grime-spattered window as she flipped the Open sign over and shut off the outside light. Then, she removed her apron and turned away. His fingers tingled as her hands moved to the small of her back. She looked tired; probably was at this hour. Still, she was thorough. She dusted the articles in the window before methodically walking down each corridor, stopping to check behind the standing displays and inside the bathroom before she headed to the back of the store.

  With the woman’s disappearance, The God retraced his steps. Entering the alley, he stopped at the Yukon to retrieve a cup of coffee before approaching the pharmacy’s rear entrance. The tingling in his fingers expanded, coursing down his arms in waves, making control difficult. He relaxed his features into practiced calm as he rapped against the door. There was no need to break into the building; he knew she was expecting him. A moment later, the knob twisted and the door swung silently inward. Without invitation, he stepped inside.

  “Hello, love,” he said, thrusting the cup of hot coffee toward her.

  She smiled up at him, a red halo of curls framing her pale face. Thin, with angular features and light blue eyes, she was a classic beauty, made all the more so, he thought, for her lack of the knowledge.

  “Thanks for coming to pick me up,” she said, taking the cup. “My car should be ready on Monday. Wait here a minute and I’ll shut off the camera so you can come in. I just need a couple more minutes to close the register.”

  The God bent to kiss her cheek. “No worries, love. Take your time.”

  He didn’t release her immediately, gratified when she lingered in his embrace. When she finally pulled away, she was blushing.

  “The camera,” she said, tucking a stray curl behind her ear.

  “Of course,” he said, dropping his arms.

  She left him in the doorway and hurried across the room. A moment later, the security camera disabled, she returned. “Wait here,” she said, taking his hand and leading him into the body of the building. “I’ll be right back.”

  Settling his lanky frame against the wall, The God watched her take a long sip of coffee before resuming her end of the night duties. Cup in hand, she moved behind the counter with deft efficiency, shutting down the computer and filing prescriptions into their appropriate folders. He admired that about her, her efficiency. It was something he’d enjoy relieving her of.

  “Did you have a good day?” she asked as she wiped the glass countertop clean.

  “Brilliant,” he said. “How about you?”

  She sighed as she threw the rag away, removed the cash drawer from the register, and took another sip of coffee. “It was okay. Kind of slow.”

  With her auburn hair tucked back, the gold stars she wore in her ears were plainly visible. Around her neck a crescent moon sparkled as it caught the overhead lights. Both the pendant and the earrings were recent gifts he’d bestowed upon her to celebrate their burgeoning relationship. He was pleased that she’d chosen to wear them today. It was fitting, he thought, considering the circumstances.

  “I have a feeling this place isn’t long for the world,” she continued. “Everyone seems to be using the big pharmacies these days. CVS and Walgreen’s. Rite Aid.”

  He crossed the room to stand behind her, resting gloved hands on her shoulders. “Don’t worry, Aurora, not everyone will abandon you. There’s such a thing as loyalty, you know.”

  “I hope you’re right,” she said. Her tone doubtful, she slumped against him as he rubbed her neck. “You have no idea how good that feels.”

  His hands moved lower, to her shoulders and back, settling at last on her breasts. Shaking her head, she shrugged from his embrace. “Let me finish up so we can get out of here. I just have to put the cash drawer in the safe and shut off the lights. Then we can go.”

  He pulled her back and kissed her hair. It smelled like Pantene, her shampoo of choice. “Your place or mine?”

  “My landlords are home,” she said. “They got back last night.”

  “Mine, then.”

  He eased her into the corner, hands continuing their exploration, his right index finger on the flat of her belly and left tracing the curve of her waist. When he reached her buttocks, he pulled her hips toward him, pushing his erection against her thigh.


  “Shhh.” He placed her hand on his crotch and unbuttoned her blouse, silencing her protests with his lips.

  “What if someone comes?” she whispered, pushing him away. “I could get fired.”

  He shook his head and unclasped her bra. When he took her left n
ipple into his mouth it hardened against his tongue.

  “Relax, Aurora. No one’s coming. The door’s locked and the front light’s off. You disabled the camera. No one will ever know.”


  “But what?” He pulled her against him and kissed her again.

  “We shouldn’t.”

  Her objections died abruptly as he hiked her skirt up and removed one black glove, probing the soft folds of skin beneath the elastic of her panties.

  “Sure I can’t convince you?”

  She bit her lower lip. He could see the indecision in her eyes fade away with the movement of his fingers. Grabbing his hand, she led him to the rear of the room and worked his belt open, dropping his pants and boxers to his ankles. “Your coat,” she said, running her hands beneath his shirt.

  “I don’t need to take my coat off to make love to you,” he whispered.

  Easing her onto the desk, he removed her panties and parted her legs. Her body shuddered as his hand returned to her pelvis.

  “Does it feel good?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Are you ready?”

  She nodded. The crescent moon flashed between her breasts as she squeezed his cock and guided him inside her.

  “Are you sure?”


  “I love you,” he said, hesitating.

  “I love you, too,” she whispered, pulling him close.

  They were the perfect words at the perfect moment; words she’d previously left unsaid. Below him, she smiled and her eyes closed. He pinned her wrists to the desk and did as she asked, claiming her body for his own.

  Seduction accomplished, the God retrieved the syringe from his coat pocket and waited, timing the rest of his agenda to her climax. It didn’t take long. A minute later, her body bucked and she cried out. Caught in the intensity of orgasm, she barely flinched as he dispensed the drug into her hamstring. He knew from experience that it would work quickly. He continued to move within her, waiting for it to take effect.

  Two minutes later, her left leg slipped away. She raised one hand and grasped his waist then let it fall to her side. Beneath his hands, her body went slack as he gave a final thrust of release.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, kissing her forehead.

  She shook her head as her right leg fell. “I feel kind of…funny.”

  “Funny? Funny, like how?”

  “Heavy,” she said. “Tired.”

  “Can you feel this?” he asked, stroking the flat of her stomach.

  Her body quivered. “Yes.”

  His hands moved to her hips. He cupped her groin in his palm. “This?”

  She nodded, her expression confused. “I…I don’t...What’s happening, Ares? What’s wrong with me?”

  He smiled and pushed a stray curl from her cheek. “Succinylcholine love,” he said. “Trade name, Quelicin. It’s a muscle relaxant, but you probably know that.”

  “Quelicin?” she repeated, her eyes widening.

  “That’s the one. I injected it into your leg.”

  “You drugged me?”

  He nodded. “Just a little.”

  She blinked once and her gaze sharpened. Lifting one arm, she pushed against him. In her weakened state, the move was ineffectual. “Why?”

  The God shrugged. “Why not?”

  “I don’t understand.” Her words emerged garbled as the drug worked within her, paralyzing her muscles.

  “You’re not supposed to,” he answered. “Yet.”

  He stroked her body as his heartbeat slowed and his breathing regulated. Her eyes remained open, wide and terrified. When he checked her pulse it was slow but strong. Lifting one of her hands, he held it aloft and let it drop. It hit her chest with a thud and remained there, unmoving.

  “That wasn’t so bad, was it, love?” he said, running his hands through her tangled locks.

  She didn’t answer. Tears in her eyes overflowed. He wiped them away as he picked up the syringe and gathered her things.

  “Time to go,” he said, pulling up his pants.

  From his coat, he retrieved a length of rope, a rag, and a roll of duct tape; from the pharmacy shelves, a bottle of disinfectant. Working quickly, he trussed her hands behind her back and bound her legs at the ankles. Then he jammed the rag into her mouth and taped it securely into place.

  After a quick glance outside, he hoisted her over his shoulder and deposited her limp body onto the floor of the Yukon’s backseat. “Be good,” he said, covering her prone form with a blanket and turning back to the pharmacy.

  The cash drawer was where she’d left it beside the safe on the floor. The God emptied it of bills and overturned the coins. Quarters, dimes, pennies, and nickels rolled across the linoleum in haphazard fashion while he wiped the desktop clean with bleach solution. Pocketing the soiled towel, he reached for the candy display and added it to the mess before entering the back room to raid the pharmaceuticals.

  Aurora kept a well-organized stockroom. It was easy to find what he wanted. He emptied the anti-anxiety drugs and muscle relaxants first - Tricyclic Antidepressants, Monoamine Oxidase, and Benzodiazepine - placing the bottles, one by one, into a paper shopping bag before moving on to the painkillers. Codeine, Methadone, and Oxycodone went into a second bag along with the stronger sedatives: Clonazepam, Phenobarbital, Diazepam, and Lorazepam. Contraceptives and feminine hygiene products took up a third bag with syringes and intravenous equipment filling a fourth. Everything else he rejected, opening bottles and scattering the unwanted pills across the floor with the coins and candy. When he was finished, the area behind the counter was in shambles.

  Back at his car, he pulled a man’s flannel shirt from the front seat. Popping off one button, he returned inside and tossed it into the wreckage before turning off the remaining lights and pulling the door shut behind him. When he checked his watch it was only 10:15; the entire episode had taken just over 45 minutes. Humming quietly, he backed from the alley and turned onto the street. There was only one thing left to do.

  Three miles and six minutes later, he pulled into Barrett’s Garage. Locked but unguarded, Aurora’s red Hyundai sat in the far corner of the parking lot where she’d left it that morning. A ticket number hanging from the rear view mirror identified its order of work; the receipt on the front seat signified its readiness for pick-up. Using her spare keys, The God opened the door, pocketed the ticket number and receipt, and tossed the shirt into the back. Sorting through his makeshift drugstore, he found the bottle of OxyContin and shoved two pills into the crack of the driver’s seat. Satisfied, he left the door unlocked with her keys in the ignition and retreated.

  From the garage to the interstate was less than a mile. He entered the highway, careful to keep his speed down as he headed north. Two exits later, he left the main road and headed west, away from the city.

  As the lights of Portland faded in his rear view mirror, The God relaxed. The riskiest part of his plan was over. Ten miles away, down a lonely country road, the farmhouse was ready and waiting. He’d moved in only that morning after spending two weeks working on the conversion of the basement. Now, it was fully equipped and stocked, ready to receive its newest guest.

  He’d found, through the years, that his women were like dogs: they were better kept in pairs. Thus, Aurora Nixon, 24, pharmacist, most recently of Portland and formerly of Bangor, Maine would join her predecessor, Bridget Mulroney, a nurse he’d taken in Middlebury, Vermont 6 months before. His lovely Celtic Goddess had been failing lately but now she’d have a companion to renew her hope. Renewed hope usually rekindled his interest. For a while, anyway.

  “Aurora,” he said, enjoying the sound of his latest lover’s name as it rolled off his tongue. “My Aurora…the Goddess of the Dawn.”

  Chapter 2

  Selene Walker could hear Lenny shouting from the street. She turned up the pier toward The Black Swan, stepping aside as a young woman barreled past. Beneath her feet, the headwaters of M
oosehead Lake lapped against the pilings, driven by a warm west wind. Pushing the side door open to the familiar tinkle of the bell, she entered the bar and looked around.

  “Judy?” The voice came from low, behind the long slab of cherry that was the room’s focal point.

  Lena walked to the edge and peered over. Two buckets sat on the floor filled with melting ice. The broken remnants of a glass lay in the sink. “That’s a hell of a way to start the shift, Annie,” she said.

  The woman behind the bar looked up quickly. Her frown disappeared. She sprang to her feet, wiped her hands on a towel, and spread her arms wide. “Come here, you! You’re early!”

  Lena reached to embrace her best friend. “Broke a glass in the ice, huh?”

  “That was the new girl. Her very first Bloody Mary. Some luck, huh? I guess I should have told her to use the scoop.”

  Lena laughed. “I thought that was self-explanatory.”

  “You know how it is around here,” Annie said, tucking her shoulder length blonde hair into a ponytail. “The gene pool isn’t too high in April with all the decent prospects still in school.” Scooping the last of the contaminated ice from the well, she wiped the inside clean with paper towels. “Len left two new buckets over by the end. Pass them in to me, will you?”

  Lena hoisted the first one over the end of the bar. Annie grabbed it, poured it into the well, and returned for the second.

  “Is Judy still here or did Lenny scare her off for good?”

  “Long gone,” Lena said. “I passed her on the dock. She was headed for the hills.”

  “Shit,” Annie muttered. “I wish he’d curb his temper once in a while. It’s impossible to get good help these days with him chasing off all the prospects.”

  Lena shrugged. “He’s never been one to waste words when it comes to bozo moves.”

  The double doors to the kitchen swung shut behind a squat man in his sixties who entered the bar slowly, a third bucket of ice gripped in both hands. “Do I hear trash-talk out here?”


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