The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set) Page 76

by Davis, SJ

  Jasmine gets a serious expression on her face. “Marcus, have you been reading the paper? They found some homeless guy attacked by an animal across town.”

  My heart skips a beat in my chest, shit I forgot to dispose of him. “Uh, no I hadn’t heard. What’s the matter?”

  “Well the paper said they thought maybe it was a serial killer or something.” She wraps her arms around my neck, burying her head.

  “What happened today that you are worrying about serial killer?” I stoke her back, her body shaking in my lap.

  “There was a couple creepy guys at the shop today and when I got home there were flowers on the porch, I assumed from you.” She shivers and takes a deep breath. “The card said 'see you soon', that was it.”

  “Jasmine, you will be okay, I won’t let anything happen to you. Why don’t you come stay with me tonight?”

  “I would like that.” She kisses me and gets up.

  “I will call the driver, you go pack.” I swat her ass sending her skipping to her room.

  Chapter 11

  It’s dark outside when I awake, alone in Marcus’s room. The shades drawn, the clock on the end table read eight o’clock. I get up and slide into jeans and a tank top, taking the elevator down to the club level. I’ve not been down here since I ran out.

  The ominous ding of the doors opening, sets my nerves on edge. The music isn’t on yet, the bar looks innocently inviting. Spying Marcus at the bar with Sam and Thomas, I head that way.

  Marcus turns to me as I approach them, his eyes flash a glowing amber, before it’s gone. I shake my head, clearing the fog from it. I must still be half asleep; people’s eyes don’t glow. The warm smile that graces his handsome face beckons me to him. I lean into him, kissing him. His arms slide around my waist pulling me against the hard planes of his body.

  “Did you sleep well my luv?” Marcus pulls me into his lap.

  “I did. Are you guys setting up to open the club tonight?” I settle onto his lap wrapping my arms around his neck.

  “We are, we were also discussing your scare about the serial killer in town.”

  Marcus eyes Sam and Thomas, they both have unreadable expressions on their faces. Thomas starts wiping down the bar top again and Sam downs her shot.

  “Do you guys know something I don’t?” I look back and forth between those two.

  Sam chokes on her drink, wiping the dribble from her chin. “No Jas, we haven’t figured out anything yet. Marcus was telling us about the strange flowers you got.”

  “I didn’t expect them to be from anyone, but Marcus. It was definitely stalker type material. I just haven’t figured out why I would be a target.” I lay my head on Marcus’s shoulder.

  They all exchange that knowing glance again. I feel like I’m the only one missing part of the story here. I swear Sam’s eyes just flashed, maybe it’s a play on the lighting in here or I’m not awake enough yet. I slide off Marcus’s lap, turning to kiss him.

  “I think I am still tired. I’m going back up to the room, are you coming?” I slide my body against his purring in his ear.

  He grabs my waist pulling me hard against him. “I will be up in ten minutes, hope you aren’t that tired.”

  My body heats at the suggestion, I exaggerate the sway of my hips as I stroll to the elevator. His laughter floating around me cloaking me in warmth and love.

  Back in the room, I strip out of my clothes, and lay in the middle of the bed. I relax into the quiet of the room, letting the worries of stalkers flee from my brain. The duvet on the bed, a soft brushed velvet, tickles against my skin. I trail my hands along my body, the nerves ultra sensitive to my touch. My skin breaks out in goose bumps and my nipples harden. I slide my hand between my legs, my slit dripping with my arousal. I cup my hand over myself, pushing the palm of my hand onto my clit, trying to easy the ache.

  “What are you doing?”

  Marcus’s stern voice jolts me from my lust filled haze. I jerk my hand from my self, laying it beside me on the bed.

  “I, uh, um.” I open my eyes, unable to form a coherent sentence.

  “Are you too eager to wait for me?’ He lifts my hand, sucking my fingers into his mouth.

  The lust in my body blazes from my fingertips to my clit, making it throb in want. I stifle the moan threatening to beak free.

  “Jasmine, don’t hide from me, I want to hear you.” Marcus leans down and nips my ear lobe.

  “Mmmm.” The ragged groan slips past my lips.

  “I want to take you back down to the club tonight.” He flicks his tongue along my neck.

  “Are you sure?” I shudder under his attention.

  “Yes luv, but I just want you to watch. We won’t play tonight. I want you to get more comfortable in that setting.” Marcus nips his way across my jaw, licking at the seam of my lips.

  I obediently open granting him access. He thrusts his tongue inside, consuming me. His hands trail up my sides, to rest under the curve of my breast. The air in my lungs freezes, waiting for his next move. He ends the kiss, rising from the bed. My breath hisses out in disappointment.

  “Come on luv, let’s get you ready.” He pulls me to stand beside the bed. “Stay right here.”

  Marcus walks over the closet, pulling out an array of items. Some I recognize, some I have no idea what they are for. My heart palpitates in my chest, with anticipation. He tosses a handful of items on he bed. He slants his mouth across mine, winding his fingers in my hair. My nipples pucker into tight buds and my slit drips, responding to his touch.

  His thumbs rub across my already sensitive nipples, something cold and hard slides over the end of one. The ensuing pinch, dragging a gasp from my mouth. The sensation of constant pressure trails fire though my body. He tugs at the clamp he place, I sway towards him, my eyes flutter closed. He slides a clamp around my other nipple. My body shudders with desire.

  “Do you like that luv?”

  “Yes Sir.” My body blazes with arousal. My voice takes on a husky lilt.

  Marcus runs his fingers through the wetness at my core, a please expression on his face. He turns me around leaning me on the bed, face down, ass up. The cool lube against my heated ass sends a shiver slithering up my spine. He pushes his finger into my ass, working it in and out past the tight ring of muscles.

  “Relax luv. Deep breath.”

  I take a deep breath, as the hard plastic tip of something presses against my ass. The broad enters me and my nerves fire off a rapid succession of lust through my body. I’m stuffed full, the plastic toy fully seated in my ass. Marcus stands me back up, with a dangerous glint in his eyes. He holds a black box in front of my face, clicking a button. The vibrations rush though my body from my ass to my clit, my muscles pulse around the toy. My legs go weak; I tremble and tumble back onto the bed.

  “Oh my God, Marcus.”

  His laughter swirls through the room. “Do you like that?”

  “Marcus that is cheating.” I attempt to control of my legs to stand up.

  He kisses me hard on the mouth, clicking the vibrations off in my ass. “Lets go to the club.” He grabs my hand and leads me to the elevator, holding me close to him the entire ride down.

  The music is thumping now and the room is packed with people. We go over to one of the booths and he pulls me to sit on his lap, toying with the nipple clamps.

  Sam comes and sits with us, her gaze focused on the golden bells dangling from my nipples. She licks her lips and her blue eyes darken with lust.

  “Aren’t they pretty Sam?” Marcus flicks the bells.

  “Very nice Marcus, she looks lovely all dressed up.”

  He slides me off of his lap onto the booth beside him. “I’m going to go get some drinks, I will be back in a little while.” He winks at Sam. “You girls have fun.”

  “Oh we definitely will.” Sam winks at him, reaching across and tugging the clamp.

  Sam gets up and sits in the booth next to me. Her dark gaze fixated on my tits. She pushes me ba
ck against the wall, her tongue flicking out to lave my hardened nipples. My fingers twine through her hair, pulling her hard against me.

  “Sam,” I hiss through pursed lips.

  Her hands slip down my sides, resting at the juncture of my thighs. She pushes my legs as far apart at the seat allows. Her fingers trail through my wetness, coming to rest of the base of the plug in my ass.

  “What do we have hear?” She taps the plug, sending ripples of need through me.

  “Uh, Marcus thought it would be fun.” As I finish the sentence the vibrations kick on. I cling to Sam’s arm, to ground the waves coursing want through my ass.

  “Oh isn’t that interesting.” She dips her fingers into my core, rubbing up against my g-spot.

  “Oh God, Sam.” My nails bite into her arms.

  Marcus returns with the drinks, an evil grin on his face. The vibrations cease. Sam removes her fingers from me and takes her seat on the other side of the booth.

  Marcus slide in beside me, handing me a glass of wine. “You look like you could use a drink luv.”

  A drink, hell I could use a vat of ice water right now. I’m never going to make it through the night with these two. I take the glass and gulp the wine down, in an attempt to quench the ache.

  “We should take her over to the stage to watch the performance tonight.” Sam’s devilish grin, doing nothing to quell the ache I have now.

  “That’s a lovely idea Sam.” Marcus takes my hand and pulls me out of the booth. My body molds to his as he brings his lips to mine.

  He leads me over to a stage at the edge of the dance floor. He sits in the front row, settling me across his lap. He faces me sideways with my legs dangling over one side of his lap he turns my chin to look at the stage. Sam sits in the chair behind me.

  There is one woman on the stage, tied to a bed. The spotlight on her shadows the rest of the area. Her breasts rising and falling with each gasping breath. The pale skin of her thighs lined with thin red welts. A man stalks form the corner of the shadows, whooshing a cane back and forth. The woman’s breath hisses out of her mouth as he connects the cane across her legs. Her slit glistens in the lights.

  My arousal leaks onto Marcus’s lap. His hard cock pressing into my ass. I squirm on him trying to ease my aching clit. Marcus leans forward running his tongue over my shoulder, just as the vibrations in my ass start again.

  “Ooh.” My head falls back and my eyes fluttered closed.

  “Watch the show luv.” Marcus raises my head back up turning me towards the stage.

  I watch through half lidded eyes, unable to concentrate on the show. My clit pulsating with every wave of vibration that passes through my ass.

  The vibrations stop and I take a deep breath, trying to relax. The woman on the stage is pleading with the man, as he thrusts his fingers into her pussy. Her juices run down her thighs. The man smacks her swollen pussy and she comes quaking and screaming. He rubs continues to rub her clit, sending her careening into another ear piercing orgasm.

  “Do you think you would like to do that?” Marcus nips my shoulder drawing my attention back to him.

  “If it would please you, I will try.”

  “Come on girls, I think it’s time to head back upstairs.” He picks me up and motions for Sam to follow.

  Marcus holds me all the way up to the room. I’m having a hard to focusing, my mind racing a mile a minute. Girls, he said, Sam is coming up with us. I’ve no idea what to expect to happen. Am I ready for something like this? I’ve been with Sam and Marcus separately but I’ve never done anything like this.

  Marcus lays me in the center of the bed and Sam climbs in on my right, She curls her body up against mine. The cool leather of her outfit brushing against my skin. The bed dips as Marcus climbs in on my left.

  “Are you okay luv?” He strokes his hand along my thigh.

  “I think so, I’ve never, um, this is new.” I shudder as Sam’s tongue flicks across my nipple.

  “We don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” Sam turns my head to look at her. I see the loneliness swimming in her clear blue eyes.

  “It’s okay, I uh, I don’t mind.” My body breaks out in goose bumps, as Marcus turns the vibrations on in my ass again.

  Marcus pulls the satin blindfold out of the nightstand. “Tonight, I just want you to feel.” He wraps the fabric around my eyes.

  I sink into the darkness, every other sense heightened. The sweet smell of Sam’s perfume tickles my nose. The warm lick of a tongue on my left ear. A gentle brush of a hand on my clit. My hips jerk up seeking more contact. The soft chuckle that pours from Marcus.

  “Roll over luv and spread your legs.” His voice full of demand.

  I abide his command, lying on my stomach with my legs spread. A hand blazes a trail of want down my back, tapping on the vibrating plug. Two fingers dip into my dripping core.

  “Oh God.” My legs tremble and my belly flutters.

  A tug on my hair raises my head from the bed, legs come around my shoulders. Marcus inches his cock into my slick channel. It stuffs me full with the vibrating plug still in my ass. The nerves in my ass and pussy fire off in tandem driving me to the edge.

  “Not yet luv.” Marcus pulls out of my channel and slides back in.

  Marcus pushes my head forward, the scent of Sam’s arousal filling my nose. Her wetness coats my lips, sticking out my tongues I lap at her core. Her legs shake by my head, hands twine in my hair pulling me harder against her. Marcus pumps in and out of my pussy. The vibrating plug set on a pulsate rhythm sending waves of sensation through my ass.

  “No coming luv, not until Sam get’s there first,” Marcus whispers behind me.

  I’m right on the edge, ready to barrel into bliss. I suck her clit into my mouth, biting the hardened nub. Her breath comes out in pants, tickling the hair on my face. Her legs squeeze my shoulder, as her body tightens towards her release. She yanks hard on my hair grinding into me, as her wetness coats my face. A moan breaks from her throat as her legs quake with ecstasy.

  “Good girl. Come for me Jasmine.” Marcus jabs his cock hard into my dripping pussy.

  “Oh fuck.” My body drops over the edge of the cliff.

  Sweat trickles down my forehead, as the waves of orgasm rack my body. My pussy clenching and sucking on his cock. My ass gripping onto the plug. Marcus’s fingers bite into my hips, slamming me hard against him. His cock swells, pumping his hot cum deep in my core.

  Marcus slides out of me and removes the plug, my body clenches at the empty feeling. Sam slips from under my head. Someone removes the blindfold, I stare up into loving amber eyes. His smile warm and inviting. I reach for him, kissing him with all the love I feel. Then I turn and snuggle into the pillow on the bed, as exhaustion claims me.

  Chapter 12

  Sam and I stalk out of the club to the ghetto side of town. Sam won’t let me go hunting alone since I left the body last week. We land silently in the dark alley I’ve claimed as my hunting ground. The rain, stirs up the smell of death and decay. The sopping wet trash, remnants of yesterday, laying discarded with the baggies and needles. The junkies still hang out in this alley even after the dead body of one of their own was found, nothing deterring them from getting that next high.

  There are two quick heartbeats fluttering in the shadows. I motion Sam to follow me. The sounds of flesh slapping and moans assault my ears as we walk closer. The sight of the bone skinny woman pressed against the crumbling brick building, with her dealer pounding into her, sickens me. Have these people no sense of shame, of self worth. Selling everything they are, or have, for five minutes of high.

  “You take the girl, I want the dealer.” I turn to Sam her blue eyes glowing with the same rage I feel.

  She nods, stalking further into the shadows. I walk into the dim light filtering though the cracked and stained windows. The dealer turns to face me, his blissful face morphing into one of rage.

  Sam leaps out of the shadows and grabs the woman from
the wall, jerking her off the dealers prick. I lunge slamming his body into the wall that is now empty. Sam’s fangs slide seamlessly into the sluts neck, silencing her utter of surprise. I gouge the man in the throat ripping away chunks of flesh, tearing into the soft skin of his neck. His cries gurgle out of his throat, while his quickening heart pumps his blood faster into my mouth. His tastes of sin, death, and despair. The warm coppery blood slips down my throat sating the beast within.

  “Geez Marcus, messy much.” Sam drags the lifeless hooker through the stagnant mud puddles.

  “Damn it Sam, I can’t keep going on like this, being this close to Jasmine and not having her is driving me mad.” I grab dealer man by his shirt dragging him behind me.

  “Let’s dump these bodies, then go check out that new girl in town. The one that has Anthony in an uproar.” She leaps into the air, effortlessly hauling up her prey.

  We burn the bodies out in the woods next to the edge of the pack lands. Heading back into town we stalk around the house of the new girl. The house is run down, with an old clunker car parked out front. There are sheets hanging on the windows, acting as curtains. The slim silhouette of a woman passes by the windows, walking from room to room.

  “Smells like a shifter, wolf I’m betting.” I turn to see Sam’s eyes flash in the darkness.

  “Something is off Marcus.”

  “What do you men off, I don’t smell different, but her.” I turn scenting the air, still nothing.

  “The adrenaline pumping off of her isn’t normal. Something is off with her.”

  “Well maybe you and Jasmine can come out this week and say hi. Get to know her, see if she will let you two in.”

  “Come on Marcus the sun will be up soon. We need to head back, and you need to figure out how to claim your woman.” She punches me in the arm and volts into the air, leaving me standing alone in the shadows.

  I jump into the air leaving the scent of wolf behind. I need to get my own love life under control before I try to help anyone else.


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