The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set) Page 81

by Davis, SJ

  “Marcus, why did you kill those men?”

  “They took you away from me. I was angry, but not only that. They had Mia for two weeks. Did you see the shape she was in?” I reach for her hand, stroking my thumb along her knuckles. She doesn’t pull away.

  “Sam and Allya stopped by last night. Sam told me what they did to Mia. Marcus I’m sorry for the loss of your friend, but I don’t understand this war between your kind and the hunters.” Jasmine levels her gaze on me, a look of need and sorrow in her eyes.

  “The hunters believe we are the devil incarnate, set upon the world as a plague. The hunt us to the ends of the earth killing all of us they find.” I take her hand in mine, willing her to understand. “ Yes, we do drink blood and we do kill for it however, most of us prey on the scum of society. Thieves, junkies, and drug dealers cleaning up the streets making them safer for the rest of you.”

  “I see.” Her face masks her emotions. “Can you give me one more day to make this decision?”

  “Yes, my love is eternal.”

  “What did you say?” Jasmine’s heart accelerates, as she stares at me.

  “My love is eternal.”

  Jasmine bites her lip and her eyes dart across my face. Her breathing comes in shallow gasps. She rings her hands together.

  “Is there another question on your mind?” I gently probe for the question she needs to ask. I have an idea of what it could be, but I need her to get it out on her own time.

  “Marcus how many times have we been down this road? I dreamed of you last night. I think the girl was me. I don’t remember those lives, but I felt your sadness, your pain when I died.”

  “I am two hundred years old my love, we have been together four times. I’ve found you every time, but you were never ready to live with me eternally.” She has never recalled our past together before. Destiny is finally intervening on my behalf thank the Gods.

  “I want to be with you eternally.” Her breathing quickens to almost a panicked state. “I want to make this change with you. There are things I can’t leave behind. There is my shop. I need someone to take care of it during the day.” She chews her lip. The worry, furrowing across her brow. “I can still run the internet orders on my own. I really would like someplace I can still grow the herbs and flowers I use to make my poultices.”

  “That won’t be a problem, everyone here is not a vampire, some are shifters, they run the bar for me during the day doing orders or meetings for me.” I take her hand in mine again. These are minor things she worries about. I can take care of all of that for her.” I’m sure we will be able to find a few to run your shop for you during the day. I own a bit of property outside of town too. I could build you a greenhouse with artificial sunlight to grown your herbs in and the house on the property has a huge kitchen for you to make anything you wish. It can be your own little haven for herbs.”

  The look she gives me is pure bliss and lights up her whole face.

  “Marcus I always wanted a greenhouse. I’ve never had the space for one before. That would be amazing.”

  “I will do whatever you want to make you happy my love.” I stand and pull her into my arms.

  “When do you want to turn me? Is it going to hurt?” Jasmine gazes up into my face, her eyes echoing the uncertainty of her voice.

  “I was thinking about turning you tonight, unless you would like to wait some, but the sooner the better. I am barely in control around you now. Since you have agreed I don’t know how long I can hold onto that control.” Taking her hand in mine, I kiss the palm. “No, it won’t hurt, you won’t be any different from yourself now except stronger, faster, your eyes will glow, and fangs will grow. You will wake up hungry, but I won’t let you do it alone. I’ll teach you to hunt, to feed, and I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

  She seems happy with those answers, but she has gone quiet.

  “Have you bitten me before?”

  “Yes, I have and you enjoyed it. I’ve never hurt you my love, you are my heart and soul.”

  “Can we go to your room now?” She lowers her gaze to the floor, her voice so soft if I were human I wouldn’t have heard her.

  “Yes.” I take her hand leading her to the back elevator and take her to my room.

  Chapter 24

  The butterflies decide that now is the best time to dance the polka in my stomach as we ride the elevator up to his suite. I want this, I do, but I’m terrified of change. I hold onto him as a lifeline, crushing myself against his body. He is a warm, solid, and comforting presence next to me. He says nothing as we ride up to his room. When the bell dings are arrival, the doors slide open, he gently ushers me inside. Marcus leads me into the open plan living room sitting me on the leather sofa facing the huge bay window. I never noticed the window before. I wouldn’t think vampires would have windows in their homes, at least not this big.

  “It has ultra violet light filters in the glass. I can see a sunrise if I wish too. The daylight makes us tired and we need to rest. Sunlight can be dangerous to us, so I think calling us to sleep is nature’s way of protecting us. I am old enough that I can fight the drag of sleep if need be.” The melody of his voice washes over me, soothing my fraying nerves. The idea that I can still watch the sunrise is appealing to me. “When you turn you will be very tired at sunrise for a few years yet. You will however at least be able to stay away long enough to watch the sky turn from twilight to pink and yellow before you need to sleep. You can sleep here with me or we can always move to the house on the property outside of town. All of the properties I own have the same glass installed so they are safe houses for all of our kind. The shifters maintain the lands for me. Their packs are safe here too. We work together to keep the human’s from finding out about us.” He paces in front of the window. I think he’s as nervous about this as I am.

  “Marcus, come sit with me.” I pat the couch beside me.

  I need to be close to him, to reaffirm my choice to be here. I want this. I know what I’m getting into nothing else matters as long as we do it together.

  He sits down beside me on the couch and I crawl into his lap. He wraps his strong arms around me and just holds me there. His scent is intoxicating as I inhale the aroma of him from his neck where I bury my head. He is safe, my home. That’s, all I need to know. I kiss his neck feeling his responding growl rumble deep in his chest. No more encouragement needed, I continue my exploration, kissing my way up his neck and across his jawline. I pepper kisses around his mouth before slanting mine across his. He opens to me and I slide my tongue inside tasting the red wine he has been drinking. His grip on me tightens. I feel his cock grow hard under my ass. Marcus runs his hand up my back, grabbing my shoulders to pull me away.

  “Jasmine, are you sure about this?” His eyes searching my face. The need in his voice is my undoing.

  “Yes, Marcus. I am, turn me now, tonight. We’ll figure out the rest later. I need to be with you.” I lean into him, sliding my tongue along his lips. I can’t wait any longer I need him to seal our relationship for all of eternity.

  Marcus picks me up carrying me to the bedroom, laying me on the bed. He strokes my body, as if I am made of china and will shatter beneath him. The things we have done seem not to matter in this moment. He pulls the hem of my tank up my body kissing every inch of skin it reveals, I lean up so he can pull it over my head. He leans down brushing his lips across mine pushing me back onto the bed. He kisses his way down my neck only stopping to lavish attention onto each nipple, turning them into hard peaks before he continues his downward travel across my stomach. He unzips my jeans and slowly peels them from my body. He removes my shoes. I’m completely naked under his molten gaze.

  His eyes are glowing and his fangs are peeking out of his closed lips. He leans down running his hot tongue across my slit. I moan my approval and thrust my hips up seeking more contact. He backs away, not willing to be rushed. He doesn’t restrain me and there is no blindfold. He moves up my body until he lay over m
e. Marcus braces his arms on either side of me head, the muscles in his arms flex, rippling with the effort. He kisses me softly, before slanting his lips over mine deepening the kiss until I can no longer think clearly, lost in the sensations; the taste of him.

  He strips is clothes off without breaking the kiss, his hardened cock rubs my slit, seeking entrance. I open my legs allowing him total access. His entrance is slow and torturous, as he fills me inch by inch. Marcus takes his time in fulfilling the ache in my womb, once fully seated he ends our kiss, looking deep into my eyes, seeing the love and adoration, knowing I’m making the right choice. He pulls his cock almost all the way out and pushes back in. It is a slow love making, one for the history books. I feel the build of orgasm burning a slow fire in my bell, coiling tight, ready to burst forth.

  Marcus keeps me on the edge of the cliff ready to fall, to fly into oblivion with him. He leans back and pulls me into his arms. My legs over his sitting in his lap, he guides my hips onto his cock, reaching deeper into my soul with every thrust. I’m going to come. His eyes flash, and his shaft swells inside of me, his orgasm is upon him too.

  I bare my neck to him, throwing my head back. The prick of his fangs into me, the sudden euphoria from the first pull of my blood into his mouth sends me careening into a mind-blowing orgasm. I shudder and pulse around his cock, each pull of his mouth on my neck sending mini shock waves coursing through my body. His own orgasm overtakes him as his cock pulses and throbs into my pussy filling me with his seed.

  I awake to him feeding me blood from his wrist. I don’t feel any different, but then again, waking to feeding on blood isn’t exactly normal. I’m so hungry. I continue to feast from his wrist. The pungent coppery flavor tastes of mulled wine spiked with cloves. The overwhelming scent of sandalwood and leather fill my brain. . My pussy clenches with the need for him, not just his blood.

  Marcus pulls his wrist away from my lips and wipes my chin of the blood running down it. He smiles at me, a truly happy content smile. I’m his. I turned and we will be together forever. The impact of what we have one finally hits home as he sits there staring at me and I start to cry. Tears stream down my face as I look at him. The man, who made me, wants me for all time. Who will love me like no other. I’m happier in this moment than I have ever been in my whole life.

  I launch myself into his arms, kissing and holding him, I wrap myself around his body. The laugh that rumbles out of his chest is pure ecstasy. He holds me tight kissing me back. We are two souls no longer lost, but found in the arms of each other.

  Chapter 25

  Jasmine has been a vampire for two weeks and tonight, Sam and I are taking her to the streets to go hunting. We have been supplying her blood at the bar until this point, working on her learning her new abilities.

  “Sam are you sure she’s ready?” I pace around the living room of the farmhouse, waiting for Jasmine to come downstairs.

  “Marcus she has been ready. You need to let her learn to hunt properly.”

  “I know Sam. Damn it, I want to protect her.”

  “Well teaching her to hunt is protecting her.” Sam turns to me putting her hands on her hips.

  The rustle at the top of the stairs draws my attention from Sam. Jasmine stands at the top, her dark hair cascading around her shoulders, her brown eyes glowing with hunger. She leaps from the top landing directly in front of me, wrapping her body around me. Her mouth covers mine, as she devours my lips, thrusting her tongue into my mouth. She growls deep in her throat, eliciting a resounding growl from me.

  “I want to go hunting Marcus.” She slithers her body against me, purring her request.

  “Yes my love, we will take you.”

  Sam’s laugh jolts me back to reality, realizing I’ve been conned by my mate.

  “Jasmine you are being very naughty.” I raise my eyebrow, leveling my gaze on her. “ I believe you need a reminder, when we return.”

  “Yes Sir.” Jasmine lowers her gaze to the floor.

  I grasp her chin tilting her head to look at me again. The smirk on her face heightens my arousal. She enjoys submission and loves to ruffle my feathers. “ You my love are a handful.” I grab her hand leading her out the door and into the night.

  The three of us touch down in my favorite alley. There are always low lifes hanging out in this area. Jasmine’s still a bit squeamish about killing.

  “Are you ready?” I turn to her.

  “I got this.” She nods her head.

  Sam and I follow Jasmine into the alley, letting her scent and listen for the prey. She will pick the one tonight on her own. I watch as her head cocks to the side, she hears the heart beat in the back. Jasmine licks her lips, as her fangs grow. Her eyes flit from side to side, searching the darkness. A growl rumbles from her chest as she darts into the back of the alley. Sam and I take off after her. We come to the corner of the buildings. Jas has a man by the throat, holding him in the air, as she taunts him.

  “What’s the matter? You don’t want to smack me around too?” Jasmine shakes the man from side to side.

  He grunts an inaudible answer, as Jasmine squeezes tighter on his windpipe. His face turns a ruddy red. I know the moment she bares her fangs. The pimp’s eyes, grow wide and he pisses himself. Jasmine lunges at him, sinking her fangs into his neck. His legs flail uselessly in the trash around him. Jasmine drops his lifeless body onto the ground, turning to me. Blood dribbles down her chin, she bares her teeth in a smile. Her tongue darts out licking the blood drops from her lips. I take her in my arms, running my tongue along the path of blood from her chin to her lips.

  “I want more Marcus.”

  “Jasmine love, we still need to find two more, you didn’t save any for Sam and I.”

  “I’m sorry, I am so hungry.” She hangs her head.

  “Love, you will never go without. Now come on find Sam and I something to eat.”

  Jasmine bounds off into the night, stalking the alleys for more prey.

  Sam smacks me on the back and chuckles. “ You got your hands full.”

  “You aren’t telling me anything new.” I head out of the alley.

  Jasmine catches three more drug dealers out tonight. She loves the hunt. I have never seen a fledgling vampire hone their skills so quickly. Sam and I dispose of the bodies tonight, since Jas did the tracking. Sam heads over to the club, she has moved into the condo above, now that Jas and I live in the farmhouse.

  Jasmine takes my hand as we enter the house. Her smile, devilish. “What can I do to make you forgive me for earlier? Master.”

  “Are you sure you want to play that game tonight.” I pull her hair, yanking her head back, licking the pulse in her neck.

  “Mmmmm, yes.” She arches against me, moaning.

  I push her to her knees. She slides her hands up my legs, traveling towards the buttons on my pants. Jasmine makes quick work of opening the buttons and slips her hands inside. She wraps her fingers around my shaft. She smiles up at me, mischief sparkling in her eyes. She frees my shaft, licking her lips as it comes into view. She swirls her tongue around the head, working her hand up and down it’s length.

  “Open your mouth love.” I twine my fingers in her hair.

  She obediently opens her mouth and I thrust to the back of her throat. Her eyes fill with tears as she gags, but she doesn’t pull away. I fuck her mouth, in quick hard strokes, using her hair to move her head. She digs her nails into my thighs, raking welts across them. The scent of her arousal surrounds me. My shaft swells in her warm wet mouth. She sucks hard on my cock as I thrust in quick short strokes. I jerk hard on her hair, pulling her towards me, as I bury my cock deep in her throat. My cock pulses as empty my release in her mouth. She looks up at me and smiles, licking the salty drops from her lips.

  “Does that please you? Master.” She stands, purring in my ear.

  “It does my love, but you are going without tonight.” I stroke her hair, stifling a smile at her pouting face. “Come love, the sun will be up soon.�
� I lead her up the stairs to our bedroom.

  “Do I have to go without?” She thrusts her bottom lip out.

  “What do you think?”

  “I know, but you can’t blame me for trying.” She lies down in the bed curling into my arms.

  Chapter 26

  It’s been two months since my changing. I love Marcus more every night. Our days are spent sleeping in each other’s arms. The nights full of hunting and sex. Sam and Allya will be here soon. It’s going to be girl’s night. The first one since our spa day. Marcus has a meeting with Anthony tonight. So the girls are going to hang out.

  “Hey, I’m so glad you gals made it tonight.” I wrap my arms around both women.

  “So where are we setting up this party.” Sam jiggles a cooler.

  “Let’s go upstairs, Marcus has a meeting tonight with Anthony.”

  “Anthony is here?” Allya’s eyes dart around the room.

  “Yeah why?” I grab Allya’s shoulders, forcing her to look at me.

  “Uh, no reason.”

  “Okay then, let’s go upstairs. I have some news.” I grab both their hands and pull them up the steps.

  I drag the woman into the bedroom and slam the door. The excitement threatens to burst from my chest. My heart races pounding out a staccato beat in my chest, and my head spins.

  “Damn woman what has got you all worked up?” Sam dumps the cooler on the floor and sits next to me.

  “We have a wedding to plan.” I hold up my hand showing her the gold and diamond ring. “Marcus gave it to me last night.”

  “That’s great.” Allya grabs me in a crushing hug.

  “Wow, that’s beautiful.” Sam holds my hands studying the ring.

  “So when are you planning the ceremony?” Allya sits on the other side of me.

  “Well I don’t have a date yet, but I’m thinking next month. I want you both to be in it.”


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