The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set) Page 100

by Davis, SJ

  He shook his head. In their haste to get to Vegas, not only did they not pack, but they also didn't account for the fact that they would have two cars. Luck, or in this case, his parents, stepped in and arranged for a vintage car to be delivered to a customer. In exchange the driver would bring back Lauren's car.

  "All right. In five hours we should be back in L.A." Russell pointed forward and put his arm around Lauren. "We're ready."

  He left the car in park and strummed his fingers on the steering wheel. After countless road trips with the two of them he knew they were still far away from actual take off, this was all part of the launch sequence.

  Lauren opened her purse and stuck her head inside, no doubt checking for the hundredth time that she had everything. He watched her take out her phone and then put it back, find a lip gloss, and locate a pack of gum. Lauren never chewed gum, but she always had some. "Do you want any gum?"

  “Do I need gum?” Russell held his hand out.

  Okay this was a deviation from the normal gum question. The gum question had not come up yet since they became a trouple. Normally Russell smacked his lips together and held his hand out.

  “Let me check.” Lauren leaned over and gave him a kiss, finishing with sucking on his lower lip. “You’re delicious.”

  Well, normally after Russell took the gum then he would get a piece also. However, this wasn’t the piece he was after and he tapped her.

  She turned around to him and held up the gum package.

  He shook his head and raised his eyebrows.

  “Oh.” She licked her lips and leaned in, giving him a matching kiss to Russell’s complete with a little tongue twirl and a lip suck. “Delicious as well.”

  “You’re delectable.” He gave her an extra peck and stopped. They did need to drive home, and then they could continue their taste test. He glanced over at the Valet, the young dude gave him a wink. Yeah, he knew it was hot.

  “Well, now I really want to get home.” Russell tapped the dashboard.

  No, not quite yet. The gum exchange may have taken them for a bit of a turn, but there were still a few more parts to their ritual. He put his hands at ten and two to pretend like he was going to drive forward and give it about another second before she realized she was thirsty. While he could have said something on the way out, he needed to get a second alone.

  “Uh oh.” Lauren continued to dig through her purse.

  “What’s wrong?” Russell put his head in her bag with her.

  “I think we forgot drinks.” She lifted her head and pouted.

  He kept his mouth shut. Now he only needed to have Russell offer to get them and mention what would inevitably happen with too much liquid to get them both out of the car.

  “If we drink too much then we’ll have to stop on the way.” Russell frowned.

  For a man who hated to stop on a road trip, Russell was the first one to call a time out.

  Lauren bit her lip. “Russell.” Her tone was that of a child who needed to admit they ate the entire jar of cookies.

  “Oh man, we haven’t even moved an inch. We are totally off schedule.” He opened the car door. “I may as well get the drinks.”

  “You’re chariot will wait here.” Jason turned off the car and both Russell and Lauren left. He wasn’t sure what schedule they were on except having to get home at some point today, but Russell loved to plan. Of course, now he had what he wanted, at least five minutes of alone time, and he dug his phone out of his pocket and did something he was sure both his bedmates would be proud of, and checked his email.

  He scrolled through the ads, the jokes his mother left him, and past the safety articles his father forwarded to find one from Steve and the one he waited for.

  Not ready to face the real email, he opened the email from Steve.

  This was a group email. Steve knew how to market himself. Gone were the days where an artist’s work spoke for itself, now they had to become social media experts.

  His jaw tightened as he scanned the email describing his excellent showing and inviting him to his next event. Steve was moving up in the world, out of the galleries in the valley and right into Hollywood. After all the particulars, Steve included quotes from the reviews of his last show.

  He pressed his lips together. If Lauren were here, she would read it with Russell and tell him not to worry about, but it was time he faced it.

  It was time he faced a lot of things.

  He skimmed the raving reviews and focused on the last one.

  On short notice, Steve turned out a sophisticated and timely showing. His is a true talent built on what he loves – Catherine Dumar.

  He started the car and turned on the air conditioning. Unlike automobiles of today, the noise took over the car, and he only wished it would silence his thoughts. No, he wasn't vain enough to think Catherine the Terrible was thinking of him when she wrote that review, but she may as well aimed a dagger right at his chest.

  With a quick glance around to make sure he was still alone, he took a breath clicked the email he both waited for and loathed.


  I'm glad you decided to take my suggestion and take some contract work. Here is your first assignment. You will find all the particulars in the attached document. You will do wonderful. Call me if you have any questions, and please email me back confirmation that you got this.


  He wanted to trash the email. Pretend he didn't receive it and never do any art for hire. He wondered what Catherine Dumar would say about the book cover, or what her review would be if he showed her what he was really sketching lately.

  His thumb hovered over the delete button.

  The car door opened.

  "Did you miss us?" Lauren stuck her head in the car and held out a bottle of water for him.

  "Absolutely." He took the water and Lauren got inside.

  "Here." Russell sat down with a bag from the hotel gift shop and tossed a candy bar at him.

  "Gracias." He should have seen the candy bar coming.

  "Don't say we don't take care of you." Russell slammed the door. "Let's get this show on the road. Time to make things happen."

  Yes, time to make things happen.

  He put his foot on the brake, but before putting the car in gear, he tapped a quick message on his phone.

  Got the assignment, I will have it to you by the deadline. Jason.

  "Let's go." He hit send and put the car in gear.

  Chapter Nineteen

  "Sinclair party of three." With Lauren's hand in his, Russell made his way through the crowd and gave his name to the Maître d'.

  She moved closer to him.

  He interlaced their fingers as they followed the man in the suit to the booth he requested when he made the reservation. "I assume the restaurant is to your liking?"

  "I love this place." Lauren kept hold of him and slid into the booth, giving him a kiss as they sat. "What's the occasion?"

  Yes, he knew this was her favorite place one normally reserved for celebrating birthdays and other life events. Located west of Beverly Hills, this Italian Bistro wasn't the latest go-to place, it had been the place for years, and would probably remain that way for many years to come. Unlike the more trendy locales known more for their fancy drinks, designed interior atmospheres, and paparazzi, this restaurant was famous for its scaloppini, red leather booths, and true Hollywood royalty.

  Before Jason took his spot on her other side, he leaned over to the man. "Please make sure they bring us the bottle of champagne I ordered. It's under Morgan." He lifted his eyebrows at them.

  In the decades of knowing this man, Russell never knew Jason to make reservations let alone call ahead for anything. Apparently they both wanted to make Lauren feel special tonight.

  "Of course, sir." The man nodded. "I already have it chilling."

  "Champagne?" Lauren reached for Jason. "What's the occasion?"

  He scooted over and took her hand as well. "You love champagne."
br />   Lauren's smile outshined the candle on the table and she gave Jason a matching kiss to his. Everything was falling into place. It was one thing to go out in Vegas where anything went, but he needed to make sure they all did something here on their home turf. This week was much calmer than the weeks before. Everyone worked hard, and it was as if they all found their groove.

  Russell wondered if the Maître d' would do or say anything, but he only handed out the menus and motioned for a waiter.

  Another man rushed over with the champagne and glasses, uncorking the bottle and pouring the drinks.

  "Well since this is the Sinclair party, why don't you do the honors?" Jason scooted closer to Lauren and lifted his glass.

  A challenge hung in between Jason's words, floated among the bubbles in the champagne. Fine, Russell would play the game until Jason gave up whatever bothered him. Tonight was about Lauren and he lifted his glass, pausing to determine an appropriate toast in their situation. Did he clink her glass and tell her he could hardly wait to watch his best friend make love to her tonight, or he could hardly wait to see what new configuration they would try tonight? Maybe this was why Jason wanted him to propose the toast. "To us."

  Jason shook his head, but his sentiment must have worked for Lauren because she straightened up in her seat and tapped her glass against theirs.

  "To us." She put the glass to her lips.

  "To us." Jason chimed in and leaned over. "I can hardly wait to watch Russell make love to you tonight."

  He put his arm around Lauren and prepared himself for Lauren to scowl at Jason.

  Instead, she took a sip of her drink. "And I can hardly wait for Russell to watch us."

  "I'll drink to that." Jason downed his champagne.

  No wonder they both had to have her. "You can count me in." Russell drank as well.

  "So, you never told me the occasion." Lauren faced him.

  For the first time since this started, he had the answer. "Is there anything wrong a little romance?" Yes, it was smarmy, but she deserved a little smarm, and romance. He reached into his blazer pocket and held out the box he had been saving for her since before Vegas.

  At the sight of the lime green box and purple ribbon she gasped and put her hand to her chest. "Russell." Her cheeks turned bright red.

  "It's for you." He balanced the box in his hand.

  "Can I open it?" As if she were handling a fragile, priceless piece of glass, she took the box and placed it in front of her.

  "No, I only got you the box." He winked at her, getting in a little flirting.

  With a laugh she touched his cheek, untied the ribbon and glanced at him.

  He nodded.

  She lifted lid and with only what he would call reverence, plucked the keychain out of the box, cradling it in her palm. "Russell."

  In one million years he would never understand why a black leather letter J with orange stitching would cause Lauren to gaze at him as if he just handed her one of his vital organs, though the trinket probably cost as much. Obviously Jason didn't understand either because he kept tilting his head as if seeing the small keepsake from a different angle would change things.

  "I love it." She held it up first to him and then to Jason like a grand crystal ready to catch the light. "I just love it. Look at it."

  Jason gave it another head tilt. "Awesome."

  She turned back to him. "Am I allowed to kiss you in the middle of the restaurant?"

  "You kissed me before." He played a little hard to get, but moved closer.

  "I want to kiss you, Russell." She put the keychain back in the box.

  No more inhibition, not if he wanted this. "I want to be kissed."

  She wrapped her arm around his neck and pressed her lips to his, taking the lead and opening her mouth. Their tongues tangled together and the sweet tang of the champagne combined with her lip gloss creating a delicacy better than any dish at this restaurant.

  For a moment he lost himself. He curled his arm around her waist and went to deepen the kiss, when she pulled back, giving him a final lower lip suck before staring into his eyes.

  No, he and Jason may never understand the keychain, but the glow radiating off Lauren made the bauble worth every dollar, and maybe an organ or two. If her kiss was any indication, they were both going to get it good tonight. Bonus. "I'm glad you like it."

  "There are a lot of things I like." She moved her gaze down to his lap.

  "It's all yours." Two could play the sexual innuendo game.

  "Don't think I forgot you." Jason moved her hair aside and leaned in.

  She put her hand on his upper thigh but turned to Jason. "I don't know if I can handle all these presents."

  Russell put his hand over hers. "Yes, you can." No matter the gift, Lauren always appreciated it and loved receiving it. On another note, once more his best friend seemed to enter into some sort of competition when it came to showing some attention to their girl.

  Jason handed her a square envelope, the type only artists or artistic types used.

  She folded back the flap on the envelope and pulled out a sketch. "This is amazing."

  Unlike a keychain only girls understood, anyone could appreciate his drawing of three intertwined hearts, two blue ones with a pink one in the middle against a geometric black and white background. "Beautiful." Russell nodded.

  "I thought you could add it to the collection you keep in your wallet." Jason helped her put it back in the envelope.

  She tilted her head at him. "I want to kiss Jason now."

  Her breathy tone caused Russell to arch his back. He needed to get used to this, and damn it he wanted her to kiss Jason, if nothing more than to give his buddy the same boner he was now sporting, but if this were a competition, he bet his was bigger. "Then I think you should."

  "I think you should, too." Jason tapped her.

  She licked her lips, and gave Jason a matching kiss to the one he received earlier.

  Russell took a quick peek around the restaurant. Yes, a few people were glancing in their direction, but it wasn't as if they had a giant arrow pointing at them. One man nodded and a woman smiled at him.

  Rather than smiling back, or giving the man a thumb up, he put his hand in Lauren's hair.

  When she finished her kiss and pulled back, Jason moaned, and tried to get more, but she smiled, and wiped the last remnants of her gloss off his lips.

  Jason glanced at him, and he nodded as they both spoke the secret language of unfulfilled hard-ons, one thing they could agree on tonight.

  "I don't have anything to give the two of you. I was waiting for the holidays." She pursed out her lower lip.

  Jason poured them all some more champagne. "Before we get to the good stuff we have to make it through Thanksgiving."

  Now it was Russell's turn to groan, more like grunt, and down his drink. They had their tradition, Thanksgiving with his parents, and the day after Thanksgiving with Jason's. Only Lauren didn't bitch through the entire ordeal.

  "Russell, how do you want to handle your parents?" Lauren's tone turned from fun and flirty to serious.

  It didn't take a rocket scientist to know why she asked him this question and not Jason. If tonight turned into the competition Jason wanted to create, his best friend would win the parent department in a landslide. All his life he wanted to be a Morgan. Jason's parents were…eccentric.

  Again he scanned the restaurant and then at Lauren and Jason considering her question and envisioning walking in with the two of them in this situation. He refused to ever torture Lauren with a repeat performance of the party from hell. "This is our life." He took the initiative and pulled her in for a light kiss.

  "I say we get back to the subject of what Lauren can give us right now." Jason slid her glass toward her.

  "Well, I suppose I have to think of a way to thank the two of you for such an amazing and romantic date." In one slow motion, she lifted her glass and ran her tongue around the rim. "Champagne makes me incredibly horny."r />
  "This present is working for me." Russell put his napkin over his lap.

  "I'm liking it." Jason poured his champagne into her glass.

  She gulped her drink down. "I don't know if I can outdo this."

  "I think I can outdo it." Jason focused on Russell and lifted his empty glass toward him.

  Interesting. At last, Jason made the formal challenge. The man may as well have thrown down a white glove. Since returning from Vegas he noticed a change in his friend, but this dinner solidified his suspicion. He hit his glass against Jason's. "Game on."


  "Let's go to my room." Jason pushed her up against the hallway wall and with one last swipe of his lips across hers, got down on his knees.

  Her head hit the drywall, and she opened her eyes. Rather than boxes, tonight their clothes paved a trail from the door to the hallway where they encountered their first roadblock.

  "We will go to my room, I'm set up for it." Russell rushed to them, skidding in front of her and shoving Jason out of the way. He took her by the hips and kissed her stomach. "I'm going to start my dessert here, and finish in my bed."

  Jason caught himself on the wall, moving over and prodding Russell to one side of her. "My bed is where tonight's festivities are happening." He leaned over, kissing her waist and nibbling on her hip and working his way lower.

  For the first time since they left the restaurant her men quieted down. The two of them seemed to be jockeying for position with her from the second she finished her tiramisu. As they drove home, both men took the time to kiss her and sneak a hand up her dress. However, their background of bickering about the most mundane things, from who would drive to who would make breakfast, kept her from any enjoyment.

  They returned home and the beautiful coordinated dance the three of them usually possessed disappeared in favor of both men rushing to rid themselves and her of their clothes, and make it to the bedroom. The only question was which room? Did it matter?

  With the stalemate in the hallway, they seemed to calm down, almost recapturing their groove. Now she remembered her resolve to make the most of each moment with them no matter what happened, and she relaxed against the wall.


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