The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set)

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The Naughty Box (9 books in 1 box set) Page 122

by Davis, SJ

  She’d been daydreaming after her work out and hadn’t paid attention to what door she was going into. The gym was perfect for her as it was open late at night and she could make it in after her shift as a waitress at the all night diner across the street. Though tonight hadn’t been a shift night, she’d chosen to go on a day off so she could check the place out. Not that she fancied working out, she loved her full figured body, and she just wanted to tone. Admit it, you’re hoping to see your crush as well. She pushed away such thoughts to focus on getting into the right locker room.

  She heard the door open just as she was about to turn the corner past the lockers she’d been standing by and she froze. No such luck in getting out of there now without being seen so she just moved forward again and figured she’d apologize quickly and leave.

  She came to a quick halt when she saw the very reason she’d wound up going into the wrong area. Cooper Lang, the blue eyed, six foot four sexy devil of a policeman was how. Shit, if she hadn’t been daydreaming about him maybe she would have gone into the right room. She covered her mouth to stop the gasp that was close to escaping. The man in blue looked towards the door which was her exit but didn’t budge. He was always flirting with her when he came into the diner telling her she was the reason he needed the gym. She fed his sweet tooth. She’d laughed and retorted no it was the donuts that he’d been eating that had done that. They’d been flirting for a full year.

  The gym belonged to Cooper, and it was basically the reason she’d met him. He’d come over for a power breakfast to the diner a year ago and she’d been his waitress. He’d told her he’d found a new reason to come to the diner more often and the rest was history.

  Okay she should seriously, seriously get out of there. Tell him the truth, just walk right up and say I’m sorry I made a wrong turn. Then it happened. He began to undo his uniform shirt and she was as lost as she had been when she’d come in there. As soon as he revealed his amazing pectorals and abs she was gone. Her damn brain disconnected and all she could think about was running her hands over his chest and kissing every hard inch.

  This wasn’t her fault; it was her first time in the gym. Speak up and get the hell out. Yes that’s what she’d do. She’d clear her throat and she’d get out of there with as much dignity as she could muster. She peered around the lockers and that’s when the slow burn began in the pit of her stomach edging its way to her clit. Damn. She felt her face heat up from embarrassment and if she were being truthful with herself pure and unadulterated lust.

  He was undressed fully and sitting on a towel on the bench in front of the lockers. Though that wasn’t what had caught her eye. It was the huge erection he was sporting between his legs that was worthy of her awe. He was just as impressive in uniform as he was out of uniform.

  She turned away pressing back against the lockers and closed her eyes. She couldn’t get the image of him out of her mind. Long, thick and she was sure he’d be a perfect fit. It was too late to move now. He was sitting there fully nude. Hopefully he’d make his way to the showers soon and she could escape unnoticed. She squeezed her thighs together trying to stave off the rampant need that began building in her body. She was wearing shorts and a t-shirt and damned if she didn’t feel like she was wrapped tight in tons of clothing.

  Once more she closed her eyes and counted to ten. This had to be one of the best dreams she’d ever had. She had a healthy lust for Cooper Lang so reasoning would show that she’d day dreamed this and she’d wake up in minute all snuggly in her own bed. Granted it would most likely be with the urge to orgasm quite fiercely.

  Why did she feel as if the earth had come off its axis and that her space was being invaded? Slowly she opened her eyes and gave a startled gasp. She was staring into crystalline blue eyes and he had a grin on his face.

  “If I’d known that all the teasing and flirting would pay off so handsomely I’d have done it sooner.”

  “I...I…I’m sorry I actually didn’t mean to come in here. I made a wrong turn. I can leave.” God she was stuttering like an idiot. She dared to glance down and all at once she was disappointed and elated that he’d wrapped a towel around his waist. When she met his gaze again he was smiling sardonically.

  “I think your subconscious has been just as tired about the dancing around we’ve been doing for the last year.” She watched has he placed both hands on either side of her head effectively blocking her in.

  “Cooper…just let me go.” Even her plea sounded dead in the water to her. Damn it, where was her conviction?

  “Why darling? You just got in here.” The lazy drawl of his sent shivers along her spine and couldn’t stop the small whimper that trembled forth.

  “See you want me just as badly as I want you. Admit it baby girl.”

  She groaned as he pressed his face into her neck and took in a long, deep breath as if taking her scent in.

  “What are you doing?”

  “God if you don’t know I’m seriously out of practice.” He nipped her neck and her legs buckled. She would have fallen if he hadn’t caught her swiftly, pressing his towel-clad body to hers. She could feel every inch of him through the barrier of the terry cloth and her shorts. Damn if he didn’t feel as if he belonged there with her like this.

  Her breath caught as she felt him nudge her legs apart inserting one of his own and definitely crowding her space if he hadn’t been before.

  “You don’t take no for an answer do you.”

  “I do when it’s a sincere no and not a please fuck me yes.” Cooper nipped her neck and then licked that very spot as if he were trying to soothe the pain.

  “Coop…we can’t.” She knew her protestation sounded weak even to her own ears.

  “There’s nothing to stop us except you.”

  When she looked into his eyes she was undone and knew that she couldn’t deny him anything. He was right they’d played this dance for too long, to deny the need that was raging through her body was ludicrous.

  “You’re right, there is nothing stopping us with the exception of needing a condom or two.” He moved away from her briefly and snatched up his clothing he’d tossed on to the bench. She watched as a grin spread across his face and he pulled away from her and held out his hand. She took it gladly and allowed him to tug her towards whatever destination he wanted. When he paused in front of the door that held the lone locker within it she grinned.

  “So I take it you know where condoms are?”

  “Yep I do.” He opened the door and pulled her gently into the room shutting it behind him. She heard the soft click of the door and surmised that he’d locked out any possibilities of them being disturbed. The room held more than the one locker she’d seen when she’d first gotten into it, there was a large couch, desk, a small microwave and all the things you’d find in a small office.

  “Hmm, stay here much?” She asked as she settled at the edge of his desk.

  “There are times I crash here after being on a long shift.”

  “This isn’t your typical office.”

  “Nope, just as I’m not your typical cop or gym owner.”

  He let the towel drop and she let her gaze travel over every hard nuance of his body before meeting his baby blues.

  “Tell me the real reason you were undressing in the other locker area, when clearly this is where you’d usually do it?”

  “And let you in on all my little secrets?” He strolled over to the desk and set his uniform on the desk. He picked up his pants and rummaged through a pocket pulling out his wallet. She watched him in silence as he sifted through the contents then pulled out four foil packets. Condoms. Glorious protection. She wasn’t in the least bit offended he had them. In this day and age it was a necessity to be prepared.

  Tossing the wallet down on to his pants he came back around the desk and settled between her thighs. She widened them so that he could fit comfortably. He set the condoms next to her, placing his hand under her chin he lifted her face to his and kissed her de

  Chapter 2

  Fuck. She tasted as he’d always figured she would. Sweet and spicy almost like having the richest chocolate one could then eating a ghost chili that burned deep into your soul. He couldn’t get enough; he licked at her lips, then nipped and tugged with his teeth. Her hands gripped his waist and she’d locked her legs around his. Oh yes, she was his now.

  He pulled away from the kiss and growled softly when she nipped at his lips and brought him closer. When her hands clasped his ass he was lost. She wasn’t just his, he was hers. She thrust her tongue into his mouth and swirled it around and ran it along his teeth. Unable to resist he held on to her tongue sucking on it. His teasing of her stopped abruptly when he hand gripped his raging hard on causing him to part his lips form hers.

  “Damn do you realize how long I’ve wanted your hand there?”

  “Probably just as long as I’ve wanted to put my hand there.” She countered.

  Yeah this girl was definitely a keeper.

  He felt her grip tighten on his cock at the base and then she was slowly stroking him as she stared into his eyes.

  “Is this what you want Coop? My hands on you like this making, you come nice and hard for me?”

  Cooper grunted softly before he found his voice, “Fuck yes it’s exactly what I want. It’s what I’ve wanted for a long time. Jerk me off Dev; make me come so hard I see stars.”

  “Right here right now?” He could hear the teasing in her voice.

  “Oh yes right here, right now.”

  “I think that’s very doable. I want to watch as you come.”

  “That won’t be a problem and once I’ve come, I’m going to fill you and have a nice slow fuck.”

  “Perfection…add to my slow burn.”

  This was what he’d found so appealing about her. She was full of life, sexy and full-figured and not ashamed of anything. She lived life to the fullest. With as much death as he dealt with in his every day job, he welcomed her spirit and zest for life.


  Devona absolutely loved the look on his face as she slowly stroked his cock. He would occasionally lick his lips as he rocked into her hand.

  “I can’t wait to see you come all over your stomach.” She leaned forward and nipped his shoulder then laved it with his tongue.

  “Fuck girl, you have such a naughty mouth. Where’s the sweet waitress that usually helped me with my order?”

  “Oh she’s right here, but right now I don’t think you want sweet.” She cupped his balls with her free hand and squeezed gently.

  He hissed. “Yeah your right, I’ll deal with sweet later and take you out for an early breakfast.”

  She brought her hand up slowly from the base of his cock and played with the head.

  “I’m going to taste you.”

  “You’re not going to hear any arguments from me.”

  She brought her head down and licked her tongue slowly over the weeping tip. Precum. He was salty and delicious and all male. She licked over the head of his cock several more times and groaned when his hands left her body to grip her hair.

  “Suck me baby, suck my cock.”

  She didn’t speak she just let her actions take over. This was her time to have what she wanted and she was going to take it.

  Running her tongue along the head of his cock she teased the underside of the head of his cock and was pleased with the response she received from him as he grunted once more and she heard his breath catch.

  “No more teasing…Devona. I need you.”

  She looked up at him and smiled as he covered her hand that was stroking his cock with his own and widened his stance as he helped her stroke. He was right, no more teasing. She slipped her mouth around his cock and slowly inched down until she had as much of him inside of her mouth that she could take.

  “Ah yes baby, that’s it wrap those luscious lips around my cock. Fuck you’re beautiful.”

  He took over from that point, thrusting into her mouth and she let him, she wanted him to find his rhythm and gain pleasure from her sucking him off. She wanted to see his face, so she glanced up. He had the most intense look on his face and it made her wet knowing she was the cause of such passion and need. He was close she could sense it.

  She began bobbing her head faster she wanted to taste him, having heard him moan several times when she applied a bit more sucking to the head of his cock she concentrated there. The soft growls he emitted spurned her on and soon she was rewarded with her first gush of his hot cream and then it was flowing down her throat and she was swallowing it gladly. She drank from him until there was no more and she felt the tap of his fingers on her cheek. She allowed him to slip from her mouth and she gave him a satisfied grin.

  “Damn baby girl, that was unbelievable.”

  Before she could say anything he was kissing her as his hands worked at removing her shift. She lifted her arms obediently and slid her arms out of the sleeves. The only reason she parted the kiss was so that he could fully remove her shirt. He did so quickly as if it offended him. The next to come off was her bra and his hands replaced the cups of her bra and he squeezed. Arching her back she pushed into his hands loving the rough feel of his calloused skin pressed so close to hers.

  She cried out at the unexpected feel of him nipping at the skin under her breasts. Damn everything felt so good; they were both ravenous for each other.

  “I still have too much on,” she whimpered.

  “Very true, but I want you so bad, we’re gonna make this work.”

  For a moment she was bereft of his contact but when she heard the little foil packet opening and watched him slip the condom onto his still hard dick she was more than ready to see what he was going to do to remedy their situation.

  He spun her around so that she was facing away from him and he did it so fast that she was caught off guard. She gasped and looked back at him. He locked eyes with her and gave her a wicked grin as he pulled down her shorts and panties to her knees and she wiggled them the rest of the way down. Then stepped out of them but staying in the position he’d placed her in. God this was going to be so good, the urgency was like sexual electricity in the air.

  He pushed her legs wider with his foot and then gripped her waist with one strong hand. She shivered. She was finally going to get fucked by her strong, naughty cop. She was so excited her juices were leaking down her legs and yet he still paused.

  “What are you waiting for?” She asked and she heard the eagerness in her own voice.

  “Just admiring the view from here baby. You have such a beautiful ass and pussy. I can’t decide which one I want first.”

  “This isn’t a race. So unless you just want me for today and I’ve been reading the signals wrong we have plenty of time.” She made sure she emphasized the word today. She wanted him for more than that, but she wouldn’t beg him. She waited with baited breath.

  Chapter 3

  “No, this isn’t a race. I want more than just this moment.”

  When his words reached her ears she couldn’t help but smile. “Then please put us both out of our misery and take me, nice and hard.”

  She saw him grip his cock, her hands tightening on the edge of his desk as he surged forward filling her slick inner walls in one deep thrust. They both moaned in unison as he filled her tightness so completely. He stayed still for a few moments and then held her waist with both hands and started to thrust into her slowly at first then faster and faster.

  Soon the room was filled with the sound of flesh hitting against each other. She found that she couldn’t stay still and was pushing back into him as he thrust which caused him to go impossibly deeper and to hit the right spot. Her g-spot.

  “Fuck baby girl you’re so damn wet and tight.”

  “And you’re thick, hard and long, so we’re a perfect fit.” She whimpered as she felt the beginnings of her orgasm. She was slow close to exploding all over that hard cock of his.

  “You’re holding back.” Coo
per leaned forward pressing her down onto the desk as he rolled his hips in a circle.

  “Ohhh…Godddd…” She whined.

  “Nope but close.” He teased and she couldn’t resist tightening her inner walls around him and he hissed softly, giving her, a smack to her ass. The burn from that slapped only increased her pleasure and she found herself crying out for more which he delivered in quick succession. When the spanking stopped she wondered what he’d do next. That wonder was short lived.

  Devona groaned as he slid one of his hands from around her waist and brought it between her thighs and started to stroke her clit. That was all it took to take her over the precipice. His fingers on her clit and his delicious cock set fireworks off in her body and behind her eyes all she saw was stars as she cried out his name. She heard him groan and he bit her shoulder as he bucked into her coming with her. When she was able to think again it was to have him lying against her with his head on her back as they both panted and tried to calm their breathing.

  “You’re wrong you know…” She said lazily.


  “You’re being a god. I think you’re the god of sex.”

  He chuckled, “If that’s the case then you’re definitely the goddess of sex.”

  He pulled out of her and moved away, she turned her head to watch what he was doing before she started to rise. He held up his hand to her.

  “No baby, stay there. I’m going to clean myself up in the bathroom and I’ll be right back.”

  She nodded and stayed as she was, even though it wasn’t a comfortable position she didn’t mind the pampering. He wasn’t gone long and she groaned as he used a towel wet with warm water and wiped her gently. When he was done he slapped her ass and left her once again. She got up on wobbly legs and made her way to plop down on the couch. She laid there for a few moments turning her head to watch him approach the couch. She thought he would sit at the end where here feet were. No, he scooped her up in his arms and settled back on the couch holding her.


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