Spectra: A Paranormal Romance Novel

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Spectra: A Paranormal Romance Novel Page 13

by Ebony Olson

  I touched his face, ceasing my body movement so he would meet my eyes. “What do you need, Bay? Let me in, take what it is you need right now.”

  Bay pulled my mouth to his, dropping his shields enough for that tropical heat wave to sweep through me. My body reacted immediately to his desire. He threw me onto my back and started a hard and fast fuck, his moans growing with each thrust, his control on his shielding slipping. I reached into myself as the heat became unbearable, finding my shield and imagining pulling it gently across my chest. This time, it moved, stretching like a balloon slowly being filled with air. It made the heat bearable.

  It wasn't a large shield, but I managed to stretch it across my chest entirely before it became rigid. I focused on holding it there for as long as I could. Bay's mouth captured mine, his thrusts increasing speed, his moans filling the room. I wrapped my legs around his arse, and an entirely new sound emerged as he slid even deeper into me.

  He kissed me hard and fast then threw his head back and roared as his body spasmed, the feeling of which brought me to the edge of my own climax. The sensation of nearly coming jarred my focus and the shield shrank away again, leaving me bathing in the heat of Bay's power as he stilled himself above me. I could feel his cock still pulsating inside me as his mouth captured mine again and he kissed me long and hard.

  He went to pull away from me, but I stopped him and showed him the correct way to pull away and remove the condom so he didn't cause spillage. He took himself off to the bathroom, and I grabbed the nightdress Gina left on the end of the bed, pulling it on before climbing into Bay's bed. I heard the shower start, but that was about all.

  Several hours later, I stirred as I felt Bay slip into the bed, rolling me onto my back and climbing between my thighs. He kissed me, waiting for me to react fully to his kisses before he let his mouth wander to my exposed breast. He took my hand and placed it around his rock-hard erection, letting me feel the fresh condom already in place.

  “Can I?” he murmured before his mouth closed over my nipple and drew my own moans into the room.


  He pushed into me, the same need riding him as earlier, but I could feel he held a little more control this time. He kept his shield in place, which I was grateful for. I didn't want him to fall back to that each time. His lips pinched my throat as his moans rose to the crescendo. I turned my head, forcing his face away from my neck in time before he lost control, and he bit into the pillow above my shoulder.

  He swept a hand through my hair as his body settled and kissed me gently before pulling away, not needing any help this time. I rolled over and went back to sleep, only to repeat it all again as the light in the room lightened, lasting longer each time. All I could think of as I fell asleep in his arms after the third time was how we needed to have a serious talk about foreplay. It wasn't my legs I was worried about being sore in the morning.


  I wanted her again, but she needed to rest more. As the clock ticked over to midday, I slipped from the bed, pulled on my tracksuit pants and t-shirt, and went out for a run. Luke was in the kitchen along with Selena when I came back in and went to fix myself some breakfast.

  “Oh my God, I love that smell,” Selena purred getting up from the breakfast bar and pouring a fresh glass of milk.

  “Sweaty male?” Luke smiled, a spark in his eye because we both knew what smell she was talking about.

  “Sex. Lots and lots of just-had-sex smell. Did you let the girl have any rest, boss?” Selena smirked as she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge.

  “Did you want me to take her home now or are you keeping her?” Luke teased.

  “How is Anna?”

  Both of them sobered. “Still critical. Calin called while you were out to give us an update.” Luke stood straight.

  I nodded. “You should both shower before anyone else wakes. Calin won't handle infidelity right now.” Both of them went rigid, and I gave them my usual version of a smile. “I'm not the only one smelling of sex this morning.”

  Selena swallowed, handing both the milk and water to me. “She'll need one or both of these.”

  I winked at her and took them with me as I climbed the stairs. It didn't bother me that Luke and Selena took the stress and grief of last night out on each other, but I didn't want it creating in-house problems with Calin. He was grieving right now, which made him much more likely to overreact to something, like his newest wife finding comfort in another man's arms.

  I expected Spectra to still be in bed asleep, but instead she stood at the window looking out at the snow-covered grounds. The little nightdress Gina had lent Spectra was too big for her, so one of the straps hung down her left arm, just making the entire sight of her even sexier. My body reacted instantly to the sight of her. Collecting myself, I shut the bedroom door, not bothering to be quiet, which startled her into turning around.

  The fallen strap was exposing all but the nipple of her left breast. I remembered finding that nipple exposed last night and the feel of its tiny hard nib between my lips as I sucked it, and the way she moaned. Spectra's eyes watched me with caution, but when I kept staring at her, she looked over herself and pulled the strap back up to cover as much as the nightdress allowed.

  I cleared my throat and stepped towards her. “I brought you a drink. I wasn't sure which one you'd prefer.”

  She smiled shyly, taking the milk and turning back to the window. “That's a lot of snow cover. It must have snowed through the night.”

  “The roads are still passable.” I placed the bottle of water on the small table between the windows.

  Spectra's shoulders tensed. She finished her milk and turned to face me, placing the glass on the table. “I'll gather my stuff and get out of your way.”

  She stepped forward and I took her hand, stopping her. “Or...” I pulled her across in front of me and caressed her slender neck. “You could stay another night with me.”

  Her eyes fluttered closed as I gripped her hip through the flimsy nightdress. “What about Calin's wife? Shouldn't you be mourning her?”

  “While his other wife is fighting for her life, they will focus on her chance to live, so the grieving will wait.” I slid the straps of the nightdress from her shoulders, watching it pool around her hips.

  “And work?” she murmured as I cupped her firm breast in my hand and kissed over her neck.

  “I'm declaring a snow day, which I intend to spend in bed, with you.”

  I kissed her hard, pushing her back against the window frame so I could pin her with my body. Her hands ran up my torso, and I could feel the electricity in their wake as she lifted my shirt over my head. She kissed across my chest, her fingers scooping the drawstring for my pants out and undoing it. I loved the feel of her pressed against me, how smooth her pale back was under my hands.

  Her luscious mouth closed over my nipple, and I threaded my hand into her hair, holding her close, trying to resist just taking her. Because that's what I wanted, to press her against the window jamb and thrust into her until the aching throb in my pants was sated. Her fingers slid down to my hips, pushing my pants down as she lowered herself to her knees in front of me. Just the sight of her on her knees before me, eyes glassy with desire, mouth slightly open as she took my erection in her hand, massaging my balls with her other, made me nearly lose my control.

  My eyes went wide as she pulled my cock parallel and put the tip of it to her lips. She licked over the head, and I felt my balls tighten in response. As she slid me into her mouth, my knees went weak and I caught myself heavily on the wall, my other hand tangling in her beautiful black locks. I started to thrust into her mouth, but Spectra caught my hips and held them, moving herself slowly, every damned flick of her tongue controlled and done with the intention to drive me to my breaking point.

  The first time I pulsed in her mouth, she gave me another teasing lick and kissed her way back to standing. When she was standing before me, we st
ood looking at each other for a moment and then she walked away. I blinked, confused, and then turned to see what happened. Spectra walked to the bed, shimmied her hips so the nightdress fell to the floor, and climbed back beneath the covers. I stood there, unsure what to do. After a moment, I heard Spectra sigh in frustration. She threw the blanket back far enough on one side in invitation while keeping herself covered.

  I think I would have blushed at my stupidity if it were possible. I was in the bed within a heartbeat, pulling her naked flesh against mine, electricity buzzing beneath my skin wherever she touched me. I ran my hands over her body, feeling every inch of her as our bodies melded to each other. Neither of us were rushing it this time, we had what was left of the day and night to come, and so for the next hour, I kissed my way over her entire body.

  I loved the way she reacted when I sucked her breasts, and then when I slid two fingers inside her, intending to do it long enough just to get her ready for me. I found a spot that made her stretch her body out beneath me and thrust her breast up into my sucking mouth. Her response made me curious. I started stroking that one spot over and over. Spectra squirmed beneath me, her hands alternatively clutching at the bed head and threading through my hair.

  Spectra was struggling to breathe, her moans music to my ears. I was becoming so much more aroused seeing her come undone at my hands. After several minutes, Spectra slid her hand down to join mine, took my thumb, and placed it in a particular spot, circling it around. I took the hint and continued to stroke her while massaging this spot. Spectra's moans grew louder; her body grew tight around my fingers. I lowered my mouth again and assailed her nipple. She cried out, throwing her head back, her body shuddering as her orgasm rode her.

  While her body relaxed, I withdrew my fingers and pulled her mouth to mine. I climbed between her thighs. As I sheathed myself inside her and started building to my own climax, I cursed myself. I knew what Alexander warned was true. I wasn't going to be able to walk away from her. I felt Spectra's body react again as I neared climax. She grew tighter around me, her nails scraping across my back. I pulsed inside her and she threw her head back, biting her lip as she came again. I gritted my teeth to resist tasting her pleasure and went with her, through the doors of heaven, knowing I was dragging her into hell.

  I held her to me longer this time, not wanting to break the contact between us. It was Spectra who reached between us, holding the condom in place and pulling me from her before she rolled out of bed and moved to the window. I went into the bathroom to dispose of the cautionary measure and then joined her at the window, wrapping her in my arms.

  “What is it?” I asked, feeling the tension in her body.

  “The other wife.” Spectra's voice was filled with sadness.


  Spectra turned, burying her head against my chest. “Not anymore.”

  I didn't ask how she knew. The first thing I learned about Spectra, she wasn't what she seemed. The knock at the study connecting door a moment later only confirmed it. Spectra moved her body slightly, ensuring mine covered hers. “What is it, Luke?”

  Luke opened the door, stepping in but keeping his distance. “Anna has lost the battle to live. Calin is on his way home. I know you are finding yourself again this weekend, but I believe this is a time for family only.”

  I started shaking my head, my arms wrapping tighter around Spectra. She placed her hand on my chest and looked up at me, eyes so much older than her face led you to believe.

  “He's right, Bay. Be with your family now. You know where to find me when this has passed.” She touched my cheek and lifted her face to mine. One delicate kiss was all she allowed me. “Take me home, please?”

  I didn't want to. I never wanted to let her go. I sighed heavily and looked over my shoulder to Luke. He stood serenely, but there was a look of respect on his face for Spectra. “I'll be back in a few minutes.” I dropped my shields and felt Spectra's nails grasp my arms in pain as I stepped into the ether and emerged into her attic room in the convent. She whimpered, and I realized what I'd done. Her knees gave out from under her, and she clung to me as I snapped my shields back into place.

  I looked down at her, worried, her eyes filled with pain, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Spectra, I'm so sorry. I'd seen Alexander do it with you and thought you must have been able to handle it.”

  She swallowed, and I could see her struggling for her voice. “I can,” she rasped, then her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell to the floor, unconscious.

  “Spectra!” I knelt next to her, checking her pulse. It was rapid, but as I held my hand to her skin, it stuttered and started to slow. Her breathing eased and evened out again. That's when I realized she'd hyperventilated.

  I picked her up and placed her on her bed, covering her so she wouldn't be cold. I kissed her goodbye and stepped back to my bedroom. Luke was waiting, shock on his face when I looked at him.

  “Is she still alive?” His voice cracked, as if he was trying not to yell at me.

  “She is. Unconscious, but alive.”

  “When I suggested taking her home, I meant I'd drive her. Not to try and get rid of her permanently. You could have killed her exposing her to that much power.”

  “I had to, Luke.”

  “Why?” Luke asked, exasperated.

  “Because there is no way I could watch her hop in a car and drive away from me.”



  I saw the feet come into my peripheral vision, basic black shoes that made my boots look fancy. Not that I was wearing any shoes currently. Just one of Alexander's old heavy metal shirts and my stained black leggings. Perfect cleaning garb. I knelt back, using my forearm to push the loose strands of hair from my face before meeting the elderly nun's eyes.

  “Spectra, there's a man at the front door asking for you,” Sister Patricia whispered as if she was scandalized.

  “Thanks, Sister,” I sighed, throwing the scrubbing brush back in the bucket, wiping my hands dry on a towel before grabbing my black shawl and leaving the upstairs bathroom. I wasn't expecting any clients. Mercury would be at work, and I never heard from Alexander during the week unless he was desperate. It was Wednesday morning. Early Wednesday morning at that. Nothing exciting happened on Wednesdays. I made my way down the two floors to the front door. I opened it and found Luke, his dark suit a stark contrast to the snow-covered grounds behind him. I stepped onto the doormat, hoping it would stop me getting too cold.

  Luke looked me over and cocked a brow. “Ah, now I get it. You're Cinderella.” Fog puffed out his mouth in the cold.

  “It's called chores and penance, asshole. What do you want?” I grumbled, not in the mood. I could feel one of my migraines coming on. I pressed my hand to my head and applied pressure. “Sorry, I didn't mean to be...”

  “How long has the headache been there?” Luke asked, concerned.

  “I get migraines occasionally, I'll be fine. What are you doing here other than causing controversy?” I pointedly looked to the window where three of the sisters were peering out.

  Luke smiled and winked at them. Some of them, old enough to be his mother, blushed and smiled shyly. I rolled my eyes. “You left this behind the other night.” Luke held out a bulky garment bag. “The boss had your dress dry-cleaned for you or I would have bought it back yesterday. You'll find everything in there: jacket, shoes, purse, phone.”

  I took the bag, “Thank you. How's Calin and his wives?”

  Luke blinked, as if surprised I'd asked. “Grateful for what you did for Gina.”

  “That's not what I meant.”

  “But it's important.” Luke watched me for a minute. “He wants to see you again.” I nodded, figuring that was coming. “It's just, as much as he'd love to take you out in public and spoil you, there is a certain man in your life who will cause trouble about it.”

  I grimaced, rubbing my temple. “Well, there are plenty of places
in this city Alexander wouldn't be caught dead in. Tell Bay to meet me Friday night at the usual place, and make sure he leaves the suit behind.”

  Luke looked at me, concerned, gave a half bow, straightened, gave the peering nuns another wink, and sauntered off into the crisp early morning. I wondered if Bay was in the car waiting for him.

  I walked back upstairs and dumped the garment bag on my bed before finishing my chores. By lunchtime, my migraine was kicking into overdrive. I made my way over to the church. Usually, a well-focused session of prayer helped. But, an hour later, I folded myself on the floor of the lady's chapel and started crying with the pain.

  “Spectra?” Father Mathew pulled me into his arms, his cold hands feeling wonderful, especially the one across my forehead to hold my head.

  “Migraine,” I sobbed.

  “Worse than normal?” he asked tenderly. I whimpered. “Let's go.” He picked me up in his arms and carried me easily from the church. “Robert, can you drive us to the hospital please?”

  I started to freak out. Father Mathew held me effortlessly. He looked to be in his late forties, and his clothes covered his physique well, but his face belied his true age and his strength was typical of a celestial half-breed. Father Mathew slid into the passenger seat of Robert Mulley's pick-up truck, keeping me restrained.

  “Please, Father?” I begged. I hated hospitals with a passion.

  “Shh, Spectra. You're burning up, and Mercury is on duty. I won't let anyone take you out of my sight.”

  To the morgue. That's what he meant. He wouldn't let me wake up agonizingly in a morgue again.

  “She really hates hospitals, doesn't she?” Robert asked quietly. I felt Mathew nod and just hold me tighter.

  The car stopped, and Mathew opened the door and slid out. “Thanks, Robert. Don't wait, it could be awhile.”


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