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Spectra: A Paranormal Romance Novel

Page 15

by Ebony Olson

  “The Archs didn't even exist when my grandfather was the apple of the All Father's eye.”

  “No, but it was the Archs who kicked your grandfather's apple out of heaven when his pride instigated the fall.”

  Lucas looked at Bay. “Still better than hooking up with one of the condemned.”

  “Who's hooking up with a condemned?” Mercury sauntered up to our table, a brow quirked over his lapis blues. “Lucas, are you hitting on Mr. Ryder? You should know you're not his type.”

  Lucas scowled, standing up. “Just keeping your seat warm, Merc.” He moved back to the table he shared with another Nephilim.

  Mercury slid into the seat next to me and took my face in his hands. “Any PDOA?” I shook my head. “Good girl.” Mercury kissed me languidly, making a show of it.

  Bay's hand squeezed mine where they were still clasped. I pulled out of the kiss slowly and sat back in my seat. Mercury turned to Bay and held his hand out. “We haven't met formally. Mercury Raphangelis.”

  “Bay Ryder. PDOA?” They shook hands.

  “Public displays of affection.” Mercury put his arm around my shoulders, lowering his voice. “Really, Spec? On my turf?”

  I untangled my hand from Bay’s to pour some of the tea. “I needed somewhere out of the public eye that I wasn't likely to run into Alexander.”

  “I've heard Bay has a lovely remote mansion that's well guarded.” Mercury smiled pointedly at Bay, aware of the others in the restaurant stealing glances.

  “We were actually just determining the definition of our relationship.” Bay's eyes glinted in the light.

  “One night of sex is not a relationship.” I sighed. “Could this conversation become more awkward?”

  “I could ask Alexander to join us?” Mercury teased. I glared at him. Mercury sat back patiently. “Sex doesn't require dinner beforehand, or after, or at all, Spec. If that's all that's happening between you two, then just go to his place when it's to happen and leave it at that. Don't overcomplicate things.”

  “You're not jealous?” Bay observed.

  Mercury settled a hard gaze on Bay. “She's my girlfriend, not my possession. We have a relaxed relationship. Mind you, that's only ever allowed for Alexander before this, but time changes everything.”

  “It's killing me to have your arm around her,” Bay admitted.

  Mercury sighed. “Then what's happening here is more than sex for you and you need to make a decision. Can you let that possessive nature go to enjoy Spectra's body? Her heart and soul are not available to you, so it's her body or nothing.”

  “The rest belongs to you?”

  Mercury shook his head sadly. “I only wish.”

  Bay looked between us then sat back, contemplating. “You're still waiting for Alexander. Despite knowing you'd need to be a direct descendant of an arch to be even close to powerful enough to be with him.” Bay shook his head. “And he will let you hope if it means he can keep you on tap.”

  “It's not like that,” Mercury warned, his hand reaching quickly to grab mine as I went to strike Bay. “You have half the picture, Mr. Ryder.”

  “Then fill the other half in for me.”

  “He's hoping she'll make it,” Mercury admitted.

  “Merc!” I slapped his shoulder.

  Merc took my face in his hands. “You can't expose yourself, Spec, but everyone else in this place knows who your father is except the two of you. It's time that changed, and Bay deserves the right to challenge Alexander if he wants it.”

  “I won't be doing that,” Bay grumbled.

  “She's a balance.” Merc kept his eyes connected with mine.

  Bay became deathly still in my peripheral vision. “That may well be, but that means nothing for...”

  “She's Michael's daughter.”

  Bay stopped and stared. “You're joking?”

  “Michael who?” I demanded, trying to finally discover that missing piece of my life.

  “The Michael, Spec. You are the daughter of the Archangel Michael. The first female Angelis to walk this planet and since you died, you have been balancing a fine line between Angelis and celestial.” Mercury informed quietly.

  “Wednesday?” I breathed.

  Mercury closed his eyes in regret. “As you unlock more of your powers, you push the envelope further. “

  “That's how she can become incorporeal.” Bay was still staring, murmuring in awe. “And how she was able to rip the beast from the predator.”

  Mercury's eyes went wide, then he shook his head and released me. “Jesus, Spec!”

  “I reacted on instinct.” I sank back into the chair, trying to comprehend who my father was. “My mother was seduced by an archangel who pretends to show no interest in humans.”

  “Very few.” Mercury took my tea and drank it as our entree arrived at the table. “I'll have the satay chicken please.” Mercury gave his order to the waiter and waited for privacy to continue. “Only one other Michangelis is walking this planet, so if Michael has been bedding women, he's played it safe to only ever get two pregnant,” Mercury smirked. “Considering how fertile those bastards are.”

  I frowned. “Mathew knew? He's the one who suggested Michaels for my new surname.”

  Mercury nodded. “Mathew knew about you because your mother met Michael in his church.” He chuckled. “Apparently, you were conceived on the altar, how's that for sacrilegious?” When Bay just sat blinking at him, Mercury gave up and turned back to me. “Mathew ensured your mother got a good job and arranged with Henry Williams to take care of you.”

  “Sounds like an arranged marriage.” Bay finally broke free of his shock.

  Mercury shrugged. “The Williams didn't know who her father was or they would have trained Spec up at a young age. I think that she turned out to be a balance surprised them, but they still don't know she's higher order or she'd be married already.”

  “I have to pass the test first,” I whispered.

  Mercury looked at me and brushed his fingers down the side of my face. “The marriage is the test, Spec. You pass, or you die.” Mercury relaxed, watching Bay. “Still not going to challenge?”

  Bay met his eyes, and there was anger there, but a moment later it cleared. “No. I will enjoy her, but I will not start a war for her.”

  Mercury gave a half smile. “Good.”

  Bay looked confused. “You approve?”

  “Of course I do. You've created a suspension. She will be pulled between the two of you now, which means Alexander will lose even more of his grip on her. That keeps her with me, with her own kind, and that I approve of.” Mercury took a spring roll. “Now, should we discuss this arrangement?”



  As we approached Ténèbres, I spotted a familiar car parked on the street. I came to a stop and blew out the annoyance I felt. First Mercury crashed our dinner and discussion. Granted, he was rather pleasant and supportive of my interest in Spectra, but the bombshell he dropped about her father not only impacted Spectra but myself. Spectra was still shell-shocked, and her eyes were slightly wider than normal, pupils unfocused for the rest of dinner.

  Mercury and I negotiated ground rules with barely any input from Spectra at all, and I held the distinct impression I would need to explain what Mercury and I decided on when she returned to the present.

  Spectra paused and looked at me, confused. “What’s wrong?”

  “Alexander is parked up the road, so I expect he's at the club looking for you.”

  Spectra looked up the road, and when she spotted the car, her shoulders sagged. “Tonight is going to be one of those nights, isn't it?” Spectra pulled a silver key out of her pocket and held it up for me to see. “This was meant to be us tonight. It’s the key to the back room at Tommy's.”

  I raised a brow. “You're actually willing to let him watch us?”

  “No. I'm uncomfortable as all hell with the idea, but a bargain wa
s struck.”

  I took the key, taking her hand and pulling her to me at the same time, tucking her body against mine. “I can delay Tommy. What do you need tonight, Spectra? Do you need to go home and have time to yourself? Do you want Alexander? You gave me what I needed last weekend. I'll do the same for you.”

  Spectra looked up the street. “Alexander probably wants to know how my interview went today. I really don't want to discuss it with him,” she sighed. “Take me home?”

  I kissed her hand and turned the corner so that we wouldn't accidentally run into Alexander leaving the club. When we circled our way back to the car, Spectra was biting her lip. I waited till we were in the car and the engine started to turn and look at her.

  “Did you want to talk to me about the interview?”

  Spectra looked at me, sat back in the seat, and gave me a weak smile. “It’s a long drive to your place, I guess it would fill the silence.”

  I blinked when I realized she'd meant my home, that she still wanted to come home with me. I put the car into drive and started winding my way to the freeway.

  “I'm not interviewing with the NSIO till after I graduate, but I was offered two positions from the private sector upon completion. I met the first company this morning, and I'll interview with the second next Wednesday. Alexander wasn't happy I went. He thinks I should just come work with him.”

  I suspected the benefits of having Spectra working in the same building was his focus and not her finding a job. “So how did the interview go?”

  Spectra ghosted a smile. “Good. The company is excited to bring me on. They showed me where I would be working and introduced me to the team I'd be working with. The pay is reasonable for entry-level, and it’s only a fifteen-minute train ride.”

  “You don't want the job they are offering you, though.” Spectra shook her head. “So why don't you want to tell Alexander that?”

  “Because I still want to consider it and don't want to be talked out of it yet.”

  “That's fair enough. Can I ask which companies are headhunting you?”

  “Baulkims was today, and Pendant Security is next week.”

  I felt my eyes widen slightly as the name of my company passed her lips. “Have you researched these companies and looked at your options and who they would usually hire?”

  “Baulkims I know everything about, it's your typical software company. Pendant was a little harder to get information on. They aren't an IT company, the IT is a component of the private security firm by the looks of it. I suspect it will be the same kind of work as the NSIO. Checking people's credentials, fixing operating systems, the usual sort of stuff.”

  I was drumming my fingers on the steering wheel. What the hell was HR thinking approaching a human, because they would have thought she was, to bring into the company?

  “Is something wrong?” Spectra asked, watching my fingers.

  “Just remembered I need to discuss something with Luke when I get home.”

  Spectra pouted. “Oh! Straight away again?”

  I tried to restrain the smile at knowing she didn't want to wait to be with me again.

  “It's not urgent.”

  She smiled and looked back out the window. “How's Calin and his family doing?”

  My fingers stopped drumming. “They are holding it together. The funeral for both women was yesterday.” I looked across at her. “Luke said you were unwell Wednesday when he saw you. You mentioned something about Wednesday to Mercury?”

  I watched Spectra swallow and look out the window. “I get migraines on occasion, usually after I extend my abilities. The one on Wednesday saw me rushed to hospital so Mercury could help me.”

  “Because you pulled the beast from that man to save Gina?” She nodded slowly, and I could see she was angry. “How bad, Spectra?”

  “Mercury had to do something he hated, and I hated that he did it. Even though I know he only did it to save me, I felt violated by it. He's made me promise never to do it again.”

  I swallowed my concern. I wanted to know how she did what she did. I wanted to know if it could be replicated, but at the same time, I'd spent the week trying to work out how to ask her never to do it again. If the Essence found out she could do that, they would take her and force her to be their weapon. Knowing now that it was life threatening for her, well, that just ensured I wouldn't want her doing it ever again.

  “I agree with Mercury. While I'm grateful for you saving Gina, I won't put your life at risk either.”

  “You seemed to get on well with Merc at dinner.” The accusation in her voice made me realize she wasn't as spaced out as I'd assumed.

  “It was good to lay out our interests and ground rules, Spectra. While I'd never consider you a possession, I am possessive, and males do tend to be territorial about women they are sleeping with when that woman means something to them.”

  She met my eyes, wariness swimming in them, and I realized what I'd just admitted. I sighed, pulling off the freeway and into the country roads that led to my estate. “If we'd just had sex that first night, I might never have thought of you again. Your actions forced me to get to know you, Spectra, and now I want you permanently in my life.”

  “But you accept that Alexander will be my primary?”

  “I accept he is your first preference. I'm also aware he's already broken your heart, and, why you may think it's not the case, you are in love with your Angelis. If you marry Alexander, you will need to give the Angelis up, and I don't think you could do that. You marry Mercury, however, and he will still allow you the freedom of lovers. So, from a selfish point of view, I know who I am rooting for.”

  Spectra turned her eyes to the window. “You don't want me to yourself?”

  I considered lying, but I didn't feel right doing that with Spectra. “I do.” I cleared my throat. “But I work closely with Henry and his son. For Alexander to even know we are lovers would jeopardize years of work. I'm not saying you're not worth fighting for, but there are right and wrong times to wage a war, Spectra, and this is not the time to challenge for a woman who still prefers the other man.”

  “He broke my heart to keep me safe.”

  “No, he pushed you away to keep you safe. He broke your heart to live a playboy's life.”

  The rest of the drive was ridden out in silence, with Spectra looking out the window as if lost in the darkness. I pulled into the garage and climbed out of the car, opening her door for her. Part of me liked the fact that she allowed me to. I touched her face and started drawing her mouth to mine. I'd been dying to kiss her all week. She put her hand on my chest and pushed back.

  “Not here.”

  I pulled back, confused why the privacy of my garage wasn't a good place to kiss. Spectra blushed and lowered her eyes shamefully, but with a glint of naughtiness showing in them. That look alone made my cock stand at attention for her, but the words that followed brought the ache of disuse back with a vengeance.

  “I'm in a mood, and I know myself well enough to recognize that if I let you kiss me here, we won't make it out of this garage till at least one, or both of us, are spent.”

  I groaned as my cock throbbed hard, ready to lift her skirt and plow her there and then, but Spectra wasn't that sort of woman. She was old-fashioned in some ways, and there were places to fornicate, and this wasn't one of them in her eyes. I took her hand and pulled her through the house at a light jog, grateful for her practical boots instead of heels. Luke came out of the lounge as we jogged up the stairs. I didn't stop for him but acknowledged him.

  “Evening, Luke. We need to talk tonight, but not right now.”

  Spectra blushed again but smiled as we made the second-floor landing and started the last flight of stairs. Luke gave us a quiet smile, shook his head, and went back to the lounge. I threw my door open with more force than necessary, tugged Spectra inside, and threw her up against the wall as the door rebounded and slammed shut again.

he was pulling her jacket off as my mouth found hers and I kissed her with the ferocity of my need. My shirt and jacket joined hers on the floor to encircle us in black cloth. Her fingers made light work of my belt and fly, and then her hand was gripping me. I moaned as just her hand nearly made me lost. She smiled wickedly. I heard myself growl as I turned her and pushed her against the wall roughly.

  I slid the zip down on her dress, unhooked her bra, and slid my hands around under the material to mold those beautiful breasts of hers to my hands. The first brush of my fingers over her erect nipples made her gasp and throw her head back on my shoulder, exposing her elegant neck to me, her hips pushing back to rub against my groin. I closed my eyes, trying to control myself. Not my hunger, I wasn't tempted to feed from Spectra, I'd never seen her as food. Spectra Michaels was lust first, something more on an emotional level second, but she definitely wasn't food.

  Spectra pulled her arms from her sleeves and then dropped her dress and bra to the floor around her feet. I kissed down her spine, my hands tracing the wonderful curves of her pale body till I was on my knees, where I pulled her panties down those long pale legs. I left the knee-high boots. I loved those boots on her. Pulling her hips back, I separated her cheeks and delved my tongue into her heat.

  The sounds that came from Spectra's mouth were heaven to my ears. While I tasted her, I unzipped her boots before pulling away to remove my own. Spectra turned around, eyes glassy as she leaned against the wall breathless, waiting for me. From my position on bended knee, there was no denying she was angelic. No man could be looking up at her naked beauty from this position and not think it of her.

  I stood slowly, keeping eye contact with her. I pushed my pants over my hips and watched Spectra's eyes flick down to watch as I unrolled rule one. She licked her lips and closed her eyes as if trying to control herself. I didn't want that. I stepped into her quickly, kissing her furiously, pulling her pelvis to mine. I gripped her beautiful arse in my hands and lifted her. Without hesitation she embraced me in her thighs, twining her ankles behind my back.


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