ROMANCE: Mr. Mystery: (New Adult Bad Boy Romance) (Contemporary Mystery Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: Mr. Mystery: (New Adult Bad Boy Romance) (Contemporary Mystery Short Stories) Page 123

by Viva Fox


  “Don’t scream, you fool. It’s me,” Meredith whispered into his ear. He stopped his screaming immediately and she released his mouth. He turned around to face her and they both immediately began to kiss. Only a day had passed since they had last seen each other, but the sexual energy that they both felt for the other was palpable. Their hands tore at the others’ clothing and they quickly made their way towards Victor’s bed. Victor started to unfasten Meredith’s cloak when she stopped him and looked him in the eyes.

  Her eyes were fearful, but she didn’t stop him and he pulled the cloak off her back, revealing a tight fitting black shirt. Her perky breasts filled the shirt well and he began to massage them through the fabric. Meredith moaned passionately and Victor leaned down, kissing her on the neck. She smelled different this time, instead of smelling like sweat and tasting of salt she smelled like fresh lilac and tasted sweet almost. He took a deep breath and he listened to her laugh.

  Her hands had made their way to his shirt and pulled it over his head. He continued to kiss her neck and tease her nipples and her fingers started to create crisscrosses over his back, each nail leaving a slight indention on his skin. He cringed at first, but found that the slight pain was almost erotic. His kisses became faster and he adjusted Meredith under him so that he was able to slide his hands down between her legs.

  Victor spread her legs apart and began to rub himself up against her, his dick growing hard and nearly protruding through the top of his pants. As he grinded against her he noticed that a wet spot was forming through her pants. Meredith moaned loudly and reached up from his back and took handfuls of hair in between her fingers, holding his face close to hers as their bodies became intertwined. He pulled away for a moment and unfastened his own pants, allowing his erect dick to spring out of its confinement. Meredith took the opportunity to do the same and slid out of her own pants, kicking them across the room.

  Victor laid back on top of Meredith and gently inserted himself. Meredith let out a small gasp and her back instinctively arched in pleasure. He began to slowly thrust then, his hips moving in rhythm with her own hips. Each thrust brought them each closer to their climax, their hands grabbing at exposed skin hoping to find some sort of purchase. However, they both ended up taking fist fulls of blankets to hold on to.

  After a few moments of this Victor pulled out and shifted Meredith so that she was laying on her stomach and he spread her ass cheeks apart, using his own legs to keep her legs together as well. Leaning forward he placed his cock back into her pussy. She screamed out his name as he did this, his dick rubbing along her G Spot perfectly. With arms outstretched she grabbed the edges of the bed to stay in place as he began to fuck her harder and harder. Her ass bounced with each pulse until she was moaning with each individual thrust.

  Neither lasted long before Victor could feel himself about to cum. Meredith felt herself nearing at the same moment and reached down and began to rub her clit vigorously to make sure that they came together. Within seconds Meredith’s body shuttered, her muscles tensing up and relaxing again. Victor pulled out once again and Meredith spun around, willing her body to move. Holding his cock in one hand and her face in the other, Victor stroked his dick until thick ropes of cum shot out. Meredith was waiting for it, mouth open and took it all. She then leaned forward and sucked his dick slightly as Victor shuttered, his legs nearly giving out.

  Victor collapsed onto the bed next to Meredith and he reached over, pulling her body close to his. He just wanted to lay with her and wanted their naked bodies to touch for longer than they had last time. So, Victor began to remove the rest of her clothing but she reached up weakly and grabbed his hand, stopping him.

  “We can’t, not now.” Victor sat up and looked at her confused. “The rebellion is attacking tonight. This is our chance to leave.” Victor stood up and crossed the room to the window that Meredith had obviously snuck in through. Staring out through the window he could see a few torches dotting around the town, clearly signaling that there were small groups forming. He turned back towards Meredith who had stood up and had begun to put her pants and cloak back on. “They expect me to kill you.”

  “Well, let’s not do that.” Victor made his way back to the bed where Meredith stood and embraced her. They stood for a few moments and took in the moment. Victor’s mind raced as he weighed his options. He could run away with Meredith and live his life like she had, a vagabond that knew no home or he could stand and fight. Meredith broke away from the embrace and walked towards the window. Swinging her leg through the window frame she extended her hand out towards him.

  He knew that if he stood to fight there was a good chance he would die. However, he would be defending his mother and his family, the only thing that he had ever known. If he walked away he would be throwing everything he had ever worked for away. All of those lesson where he learned how to behave properly in the company of royalty or about the flags and banners of the nearby houses. There would be no purpose for any of that any more. He would have to start from scratch and relearn how to function as a human being, not as royalty.

  However, if he went with Meredith he knew that he would spend whatever time he had left on this world with the only woman he truly loved. He knew that it sounds ridiculous, but it was enough for him. That was enough of a pro to outweigh any pros of staying. So, Victor pulled his pants back up and fastened his belt and took a step forward to his new life as a regular man.


  A Viking’s Mercy

  Mary had always enjoyed the bards and storytellers that would travel into their villages, but these once jolly men were slowly being replaced by ravaged, injured men. They would come into town on horses that were badly wounded, their own wounds worse than those on their animals. Arms in slings and heads wrapped in bandages. They would sit in the meeting halls and recount their tales about horrible defeat.

  These stories had swept across the coast of England and while some disagreed, they all agreed on one thing. Roving bands of savages would pull onto their shores in massive wooden ships not far from civilization. These barbarians would then swarm onto the beaches to rape and pillage anything they came across.

  Mary, like all of the other women in town, would quake at these stories, terrified that their own town was next, but the men in their town seemed so sure of themselves. She didn’t understand how, looking into the faces of these great men who had been cut down, they thought they would fair any better. She had begged her father to reinforce their defenses, but she had always been laughed at and told that it wasn’t her place.

  That is, until one day while she sat on the cliff sides overlooking the ocean. And, on the horizon she saw an unfamiliar sight. She strained her eyes to see what it could possibly be, her eyes had played tricks on her before, but it was unmistakable. Along the horizon, crashing amongst the waves were long wooden ships. They hugged the crashing waves, their sails were raised high, each had a unique crest or symbol that she didn’t recognize as English.

  After a moment she realized that they were turning towards shore. The shore she was sitting on. She stood up and rushed back into the town, her voice and screams carried and drew a crowd, but it was her father who stopped her and calmed her down. His hands held her firmly as she panted and gasped, pointing behind her towards the ocean.

  “What is it, girl? Spit it out,” he exclaimed. She took a moment and collected herself. A small crowd had formed, including a few of the men who had come into the town as a safe haven. With a deep breath she spoke.

  “Vikings.” Her father and the other men laughed, but the men who had narrowly escaped with their lives cautiously made their way towards the cliff sides.

  “Darling, your eyes are playing tricks on you again. Like the time you thought you saw the Kraken. These oceans hold many wonders, but these roving bands of barbarians are just a tale.” He looked over her shoulder at the two men who had just reached the cliff sides. “They’re deserters who wanted a warm pl
ace to sleep for a few days before moving on, nothing more.” As he said this one man fell to his knees and began to weep. The other turned and looked at the crowd that had formed.

  “We’re doomed.” At this, he reached down and tried to console the other man. Mary’s father and the other men in the crowd ran towards the cliffs as Mary stood in her spot. She wanted to feel good about being right, but she only felt terror. Her father and other man turned and ran back towards the town as soon as they realized that she was right.

  Her father stopped in front of her and grabbed her again. She had never seen her father scared before. He was a gruff, bearded man with greying hair, but even under his bushy eyebrows she could tell his eyes were wide with panic. That was when her father unknowingly uttered his last words to his daughter.



  Mary sprinted towards her home, grabbing at her closest friend. Her friend was nearly inconsolable. Mary found her sitting on the side of the path, talking to herself. Mary grabbed her by the hands and pulled her to her feet.

  “I know where to go, come with me.” Her friend fought slightly, but after a moment gave in and followed behind her as they slammed open the door to Mary’s house. She ran through into the back garden and swung open the cellar door. Her friend stood at the open doors and stared at Mary.

  “We’ll be sitting ducks in there, Mary.” Mary let out an exhausted sigh and forced her friend down the steps. “How will we know when they’re gone?” Mary followed her down the steps and closed the door behind them as they walked down the last few steps, their feet reaching dirt.

  “We don’t have a better choice than this. We just need to stay quiet until-” A scream could be heard through the wooden doors. Mary climbed a few steps and peeked out of the crack in the cellar. It was only for a moment but she saw a man, dressed only in a leather shirt, slide an axe from his belt and lodge it into the baker’s son’s back who was attempting to flee.

  She let the door slam shut and grabbed a nearby broom, hoping that it would seal the entrance. Her friend let out a yelp as the screams grew outside. Mary quietly ran down the steps and placed her hand over her friend’s mouth, hoping to muffle her screams. They sat like this for what felt like hours, listening intently as screams began to fade.

  After the screams had completely died down they waited longer still, hoping that these men would merely move on to another neighboring village and leave them alone. Mary’s mind raced immediately to where they could go and what kinds of stories they would tell. But this thought was interrupted by a voice just outside the door.

  “Throck, what about this?” Mary and her friend sat paralyzed with fear as they heard footsteps approach through the mud. What they heard next was the splintering of wood and they were both blinded by a sudden flash of sunlight. Before she knew what was happening Mary was picked up, carried into the sunlight and thrown into the mud. A number of men then started to speak up.

  “Oh, now this one is pretty.”

  “Looks like this is where they were keeping the real treasure.”

  “I knew we sailed an ocean for some reason.”

  “Enough.” Her eyes slowly adjusted to the light and the voices stopped as this new voice boomed above all the others. She looked up out of the mud and stared into the face of the man she would learn is Throck.


  Throck stood at just over six feet. He wasn’t the tallest, nor did he appear to be the strongest, of the men that stood before Mary, but he held an air of importance and gravitas that she had never sensed or seen before. When he spoke, the others listened. That was the kind of power that her father didn’t even seem to hold.

  She had heard so many stories of these vicious savages and how they didn’t listen to any other man. However, here they stood, at attention for this man. This man who was giving her all the attention in the world.

  She looked up at him and into his eyes. They were piercing, with strange coloration that she had never seen before. Whites and blacks mixed in with the light blue. She couldn’t look away, and he didn’t seem to want to break eye-contact with her either. His eyes seemed to peer into her thoughts.

  He had golden hair, dirty with sweat, blood, and mud, but it was beautiful regardless. It was tied in a tight braid that hung down his back slightly. She noted how the sides of his head were shaved and there was some kind of tattoo under the short hair. She had never seen that before, and she thought she would be scared. But she wasn’t.

  He wore a tight fitting leather shirt that appeared to have a form of chainmail under it. Both exemplified his arms, which were covered in dirt and sweat. A wooden shield, chipped and breaking, hung from one arm. Arrow heads from combat were still lodged in between the planks of wood and it was clear that it had saved him from a few different blows by sword or axe before. A steel sword, which seemed incredibly plain and simple for such a warrior, was held loosely in his other hand.

  Mary sat in silence as he slid the sword back into the sheath and he slung his shield over onto his back. He squatted down until their eyes were level. He tilted his head as he stared at her, confusion etched across his face and his eyes narrowed as he stared at her. He finally spoke, but unlike before, he spoke quietly with compassion, as if he didn’t want the others to hear him.

  “Who are you?” Mary sat in silence as she thought about her answer. She didn’t know how they would handle the fact that her father had run the town. “Please, don’t be scared. We don’t plan to kill you.” Even though it wasn’t the most confident she had ever felt, his words helped.

  “I’m Mary, daughter of the town leader.” With this, the man stood, but never broke eye contact. She couldn’t help but feel like those eyes could change to either be piercing or gentle depending on what he wanted.

  “Hello, Mary daughter of the town leader, my name is Throck.” He swept his arm across his men, introducing them. “These are my men that have come from the sea with me. We’re here to take any and all of the treasures that are locked away here.” He held his hand out to Mary. “Will you please take me to them?” She stared up at the hand and tentatively took it.

  Throck lifted her to her feet and braced her. As soon as she had gotten to her feet she felt like her legs were going to give out. However, Throck was there and she felt strong next to him. Her friend sat in silence, quietly shaking and crying in the mud.

  Throck looked at one of the other large men that was in his group and motioned him towards the girl. Mary recognized him as the one she believed that found them in the first place. The man took two giant strides forward a smile plastered on his face, and lifted the girl up and threw her over his shoulder. He walked towards Mary’s house, the other men laughing amongst themselves.

  “What are you doing with her?” Mary turned, as Throck began to lead her away. Her friend didn’t say anything, paralyzed by fear. Throck looked at the panic on Mary’s face as she stared into the eyes of her friend. Throck sighed and motioned again for the man, but this time, it was a motion to set the girl down.

  The man said something in a language Mary did not understand and set the woman down back into the mud. She laid there shaking and sobbing as the man glared at Throck. The other men in the group also began to mutter amongst themselves, again, in a language she didn’t understand. Throck held his hand up. With that, the muttering stopped immediately. He said something in the same language as the large man and they all nodded in agreement.

  He then turned towards Mary and, with one hand on the small of her back, began to lead her towards the center of town again. Mary allowed him to lead her along, scared at the thought of what would have happened without him. And she wondered what was going to happen to her friend now that she was leaving.


  Once in the center of town Throck turned to Mary and held up his hands, indicating for her to stop. She stood and waited for him to speak, he was clearly searching for the correct words. She had to admit, it was impressive that he had learned any of
their language. From the stories she had heard they were all stupid brutes, but she was quickly learning that there was a lot that they did not know about these people.

  “We are here, as I said, for treasure. Gold and jewels. And my men need food and drink.” Throck looked at her and shrugged, almost asking if he had done a good job and gotten it right. “Where would we find those things?” Mary looked around, noticing the bodies of people she had grown up with. The reality of the situation began to set in, both men and women alike were lying dead in the streets.

  Throck reached over and raised her chin so that their eyes were even again. “Don’t focus on those. Focus on me.” Mary could feel herself shaking and felt as if there had just been a cold wind that swept through the village. Throck moved his hand from her chin to her shoulders, his strong, calloused hands braced her and stopped her shaking. She didn’t want to give up their treasures, but at this point it was either that or her life.

  “Gold would most likely be in the church.” She swallowed hard and pointed at a large building with a steeple in the corner of the town. “We don’t have much else in the way of wealth, other than what is there.” Throck nodded along as she continued. “Food and drink could be found in nearly every home. We don’t have one central point for everything.” Throck nodded again as she finished.


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