ROMANCE: Mr. Mystery: (New Adult Bad Boy Romance) (Contemporary Mystery Short Stories)

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ROMANCE: Mr. Mystery: (New Adult Bad Boy Romance) (Contemporary Mystery Short Stories) Page 130

by Viva Fox

  She had never really experienced one herself, but she had heard other girls in the town talk and most seemed rather unimpressed by the men and boys in the village. She couldn’t imagine how those girls would gossip about this one. Maura shook their voices from her head and began just as he had begun.

  Maura leaned down and began to kiss his dick, which began to pulse and throb with each kiss, his dick getting harder with each peck. After a few kisses Alistair was fully erect and Maura let go of his hands and began to search it with her hands and tongue. She began to lick and flick at the tip of his dick, imitating what he had done with her clit and listened as he moaned with each light touch.

  With one hand she cupped his balls and allowed them to gently roll in her hand. She looked up to see his back arching and his hands grasping at the bed roll that they were laying out on. She smiled and continued to work his balls as her tongue teased his tip. One hand reached out and he began to stroke his shaft as she licked his head.

  She looked up at him and met his gaze and without saying a word she allowed him to guide her. His free hand reached out and slipped his fingers between her curls and brought her lips down onto his dick. She opened her mouth and throat wide as he stroked his shaft while gently guiding her to suck and lick the head of his cock. Maura continued to fondle his balls as he moaned her name.

  After a few minutes of doing this, his hands grabbing at her hair and breasts while she took his dick deeper and deeper into her mouth she felt him shifting under her. In a blindingly fast motion he flipped her so that she was on her back and he was on top of her. His eyes were piercing as he thrust forward, sliding himself inside her.

  Maura threw her head back and moaned as his dick throbbed and pulsated inside her. Her body was immediately covered in goosebumps as he continued to thrust. She moaned with each pulse and she felt her body spasm after a few moments. She grabbed at his back and felt her nails scratching him as he twisted and thrusted.

  Maura felt him beginning to shudder as well and with one final thrust they both spasmed together and she felt his muscles seemingly go limp under her arms and they collapsed together into a tangle of sweat, sex, and sleep.


  They were woken from their post-sex revere by a shot that came from the direction of the twins that stood on the edge of the tree line. Alistair once again swore under his breath as he put on his clothes and leaned over, kissing Maura. He turned back away towards the flap of the tent and shouts out at his brothers.

  “What is it? What could you possibly need us to do?” There was a brief pause, and a gruff voice shouted out from the distance.

  “An army approaches. Or would you rather sleep through that?” Alistair stared at Maura with an unimpressed look on his face and opened the flap, grabbing his chainmail off the ground. He pulled it over his head and snagged a piece of armor off the ground and shouted back at the twin that answered him.

  “How many do you see?” There was a pause and he continued to put on armor piece by piece. Maura had slipped back into her clothes and was helping him with a few of the straps and harnesses as he slung his belt with his sword around his waist.

  “Probably close to one hundred. Nothing we can’t handle. No cavalry or archers from what we can see. We sent a raven to King Henry alerting him that there was most likely going to be a fight in which King George would be present, so I’m certain he’ll be bringing someone along shortly. Maura let out a light gasp when he alerted them to their numbers, but Alistair merely shrugged at her.

  “It’ll be just like the time we took down that Duke. It was the three of us as well as few extra men who we hadn’t known for very long. It took a day, but we came out on top in the end.” Maura didn’t know what to say, so she asked the first question on her mind.

  “But what happened to those other two?” Alistair stood for a second and thought about it. As he answered, he drew his sword and began making his way towards the twins.

  “I believe they took over that land when we won actually. The twins weren’t much for settling down back then.”


  After about ten minutes the forces have moved much closer and had begun to circle in on the three Black Hawks. Maura had stayed back towards camp, but could still see as the army made their way towards her saviors and the love of her life. She waited with baited breath as the initial wave of soldiers rushed in.

  She looked up before the charge hit to see, atop the hill and his horse, King George. He had ridden down with the men and was clearly there to bolster morale. She had assumed, although she could only imagine what kinds of threats he was using to get these men to charge to their inevitable slaughter.

  That was when she heard the screams. Maura quickly looked over to see the twins and Alistair with their backs turned towards each other hacking and slashing into the sea of men that flooded in towards them. She watched in horror as countless men fell to their blades. A few swords or axes got close to cutting or harming the Black Hawks, but when one would dodge there was another that would strike in his place.

  This went on for what seemed like hours as the Black Hawks shifted their position so that, even around the dead bodies, they still had area to move and evade as was necessary. She sat and watched with wide eyes as the swords of her valiant knights slowly seemed to weigh heavier and heavier, each swing was slower than the last, even though the torrential downpour of soldiers didn’t seem to slow down.

  The waves broke though, when King George began to make his advance towards the men. The sea of death and destruction parted before him until he was nearly upon Alistair and the twins. Maura watched as Alistair looked up and saw him approaching and he swung his sword a few times to back away the attacking men and he shouted in his direction.

  “I’ll kill every man you send my way, just let me make her an honest woman and let us leave.” The soldiers sat in anticipation, glad that there had been some sort of parley between the two forces. King George sat atop his steed and responded.

  “There will be no such future for you, I’m sorry.” He held up his hand and a series of archers appeared on the hilltop. Alistair and the twins looked at them and then Alistair looked back towards Maura. She could not make out what he was saying, but she knew that he must be saying that he loved her. She responded in kind then closed her eyes. “Kill them.”

  King George lowered his hand and instead of arrows falling from the skies, the archers fell on the hilltop, dead. George waited a beat and then spun his horse around irritated. However, his tune quickly changed when he saw that another mounted knight, and small army stood atop the hill. Both of the twins began to cheer loudly and back away towards the edge of the trees once more. Alistair was the one that spoke.

  “Alas, George, it would appear like we get away again. I’d ask you to say hello to my mother, but you’re not going where she is.” Alistair held up an open hand and clenched his fist closed, just as Maura had seen him doing in the tent. A volley of arrows flew through the sky from the hilltop as the few remaining soldiers tried to scatter. Each of them was pelted with a number of arrows and fell to the ground.

  Alistair and the twins made it back to the forest in time and watched as the arrows pierced through King George’s armor and he fell to the ground, crushed under the weight of his own horse. They walked forward through the field that was now littered with arrows on top of the dead bodies and were greeted by King Henry as he rode down the hillside. Both of the twins kneeled as he approached and even Alistair seemed to show him respect.

  “My knights have won me yet another kingdom. What could you want this time, you already have too much gold to spend.” King Henry’s voiced boomed over the field and Maura heard every word of it as she walked towards the field herself. Alistair looked at the twins, both of whom nodded.

  “We wish that you respect the dying wish of the late King George.” Maura gasped, confused as to what Alistair could possibly mean. King Henry also looked at him with a puzzled look on his face. “You s
ee, your Highness, his last decree was the Maura would be his wife and queen.” He turned and motioned for her to step forward. “There is an entire township that heard his decree and would vouch in the favor of the new queen.” The twins nodded in agreement.

  “So, you would have it that this woman take the throne?” King Henry’s expression had changed from one of confusion, to pure excitement. Alistair slide his arm behind her back and held her in close.

  “I’m already a knight, I know the court well enough. I could advise her.” He turned to his brothers, “and we already have the King’s Guard begun as well.” He looked back up towards King Henry. “It is the only option that makes sense.” King Henry turned his horse around and began to walk away, but turned and looked over his shoulder.

  “All hail the Queen,” he exclaimed. Then, in a terrific cry the soldiers on the hill all began to chant, “All hail the Queen.” And thus, the rule of Queen Maura began.


  Highlander’s Conquest

  Clara was many things. For one, she was the most beautiful of all the women that had ever been born into her clan. She had a shock of raven black hair and emerald eyes that could soften even the hardest of highland barbarians. She spun tales and sung songs at all of the gatherings, and was pined after by nearly every man, married or not. But, above all else, she was the daughter of her clan’s chief.

  She knew from a young age that this would hold a number of responsibilities, namely that she would be married off to either maintain peace or to end war. However, that was not her dream. Her dream was that one day she would meet a man that she could choose for herself. A man whose shoulders seemed liked they could hold the weight of the world, but had hands gentle enough to embrace and maintain the life that lived on it.

  That was not in her stars though, as the only men that were ever brought before her and her father were men whose beards seemed to hold remnants of every meal that they had for the last year with breath so strong that the ale actually improved it. Each and every one of them stared at her with ravenous attention. Their eyes seemed to peer through her dress to her young, supple skin. Her breasts were like mountains they all wanted to climb and claim as their own.

  Her father was a good, fair man and noticed that in these men, and while he knew that there were politics involved he also never wanted his daughter to become a sexual prize for one of these boorish men. So, for each and every man that stepped forward and spoke of plans to unite their clans but would not show his daughter respect, he would deny their deal. She was not as innocent as her father would imagine though.

  Years before there had been a travelling trader that came through their land. He had long brown hair and his face was covered with stubble that was soft, not rough, to the touch. He spoke with a slight accent from a land she had never been and upon witnessing her beauty he gave her a gift. A golden necklace with a precious stone that hung from it. She gave him a gift in return. One that she still dreamt of and longed to recreate.

  She had told the man to meet her in the nearby woods, a spot she frequented so it would not seem strange for her to wander in that direction, at nightfall. He did as he was told and was rewarded handsomely. As soon as she saw him she began to undress, her breasts exposed to the moonlight. He arrived and immediately began helping her finish, tearing off her clothes as quickly as he could. His hands were rough and calloused, but she didn’t mind as they navigated their way over her body. He reached down and grabbed her ass, his fingers slid between her butt cheeks and playfully toyed with her asshole.

  She deftly unfastened his pants and pulled out his manhood, already hard. Clara stroked it gingerly as the man groaned softly. She bent over at the waist, his hands still grabbed at her ass, and she began to lick his cock. He moaned and slapped her ass, causing her to jump slightly. With a short giggle she continued, the dick slid in and out of her mouth, her black hair shaking with each thrust.

  The man stopped focusing on her butt and reached down, holding her hair behind her head as she worked. With one hand under throat he began to thrust now, his dick sliding further and further down her throat. Clara changed positions and kneeled on the mossy ground, moaning gently as he continued to thrust.

  After a moment or two he pulled out. Clara let out a small gasp and wiped away some spittle from her chin as the man removed his pants completely and motioned for her to lay down. She did as she was told and laid on her back, her legs open, eager with anticipation.

  The man slid between her legs and shoved himself inside her. She let out a scream, but quickly covered her mouth to muffle it. The traveler did not seem phased though and began to rhythmically thrust his hips into her. She began to moan loudly, her pussy nearly dripping at this point. Her legs were wrapped around his waist and her arms clutched at the back of his shirt as he pounded faster and more aggressively.

  Clara let out a gasp with every thrust and could feel her skin tingle with the impending orgasm. With a collective shudder they both began to slow down, Clara pulled the man in close and they kissed, his beard brushed her face delicately. He pulled his dick out slowly and stood up, helping Clara to her feet. They dressed in silence and returned to her village, where she once again became the virgin bride-to-be.

  So, after a day of sitting on the throne with her father, the eyes of countless drunk Scots having nearly burned through to her undergarments, she decided to take a walk to find someplace quiet to dream of the man again. She had always loved nature and felt that it also loved her in return. There were countless times that young deer or wild foxes would stop and stand in near admiration and respect for her. A number of times she was lucky enough to get close enough to touch them, their fur was nearly as soft and luscious as her own hair.

  Clara thought about that as she walked along and was so distracted that after about ten minutes she looked up and realized she didn’t know where she was. She panicked for a moment and spun around trying to find some kind of landmark that she would recognize. After frantically searching, she came up with nothing. She even lost what direction she had come from. She fell to the ground and leaned up against a fallen tree, her face in her hands as she began to cry. A voice came booming from behind her. And it didn’t sound friendly.


  She turned around slowly and came face to face with a grizzled looking man. Long scars interrupted his scraggled beard and greasy black hair was matted to the back of his neck. From what Clara could tell he was beginning to bald but kept his hair long in the back for some reason. Even in this high intensity situation she wanted to ask him why.

  “What’s a pretty little minx like you doing out this deep in our forest, missy,” the voice growled. She took a moment and looked beyond him. She found herself being surrounded by three large man, two of them were skin and bones but the man in front of her was a portly fellow. He was clearly in charge of the group. Or at least the food supply.

  “I seemed to have made a wrong turn and have gotten a bit lost. I wouldn’t mind some directions,” she said this as confidently as possible, but her voice cracked slightly. The two scrawny men lengthened their strides and blocked her two end of the path that she was currently on. The forest was densely wooded in this area and with this dress she knew that she wouldn’t be able to outrun the two spindly men.

  “Oh, I’m sure we could help with you with directions.” The fat man reached into his belt and pulled out a long dagger. “Where does it seem you need to go?” He took a step forward and held the knife to her throat, the tip pricked her neck slightly, drawing a bead of blood.

  “I need to get back to my village. If I’m not back soon there will be men out looking for me.” She was lying slightly. She had fallen asleep a number of times in the woods, enough times that if she went missing through a night, most people at this point didn’t worry until a day or two has passed.

  “In that case, you might fetch a bounty,” he slid the knife down towards the knots tied on the front of her dress. “Once we’re done with you of
course.” The two other men begin to skulk forward like hyenas. She shoved away the larger man and turned in an attempt to run away, but the two smaller men lunged forward, grabbing her arms. “No need to run,” the larger man grunted, unfastening his pants.

  As he said that, one of the men let out a blood curdling scream and reached down towards his hand where a large gash had appeared. Without anyone noticing, a man in leather armor had dropped in on them and cut the two smaller men down. Both let go of Clara who continued to run off into the woods.

  She broke branches and tore her dress as she ran headlong into the forest, the screams of the men slowly died off and she slowed down, taking a moment to glance behind her for the first time since beginning to run. She looked off into the distance and could not see anything. She swore under her breath. There was no way that one man could take on three bandits she thought. She wished she had stayed and tried to help in some way, but instead she had run. Clara fell to the ground, leaned against a tree, and wept.


  “Why are you crying,” a voice questioned from a few feet away. Clara opened her eyes and saw the man clothed in leather. In an instant she was taken by him. He had long blonde hair that was tied in a braid behind his back, a forest green ribbon had been tied into the braid and his hair gleamed when it caught the light. His eyes were a deeper shade of blue than the ocean and his cheekbones sat high on his face.


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