Jax Mitchell

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Jax Mitchell Page 22

by Jennifer Foor

Once the call ended, I looked at Amber, who seemed to be withdrawn. “Should I buy a new mattress?”

  She shook her head. “That’s not necessary.”

  “I’ll flip it upside down. We’ll start fresh.”

  Amber leaned over and hugged my arm. “I’m not very good with being jealous. I think because I’ve lost so much, I’m used to assuming the worst. As excited as I am to go home with you, I wonder what it will be like if we run into Reese.”

  “You think I can’t handle being close to her?”

  “I have no idea. Time will tell.”

  “Time will only tell you that I have eyes for one woman.”

  I watched her frown turn back into a semi-smile. To make sure she was happy, I took my hand and ran it between her thighs. “What we did last night, I’ve never done with Reese.”

  “I’m sorry. You must think I’m a lunatic. I’m not going to go all stalker on you, Jax. It’s just hard because I know how heart broken you’ve been over her.”

  “Shit, I’d fucking love to be stalked by you. I don’t think you understand the magnitude of my attraction. Now that I’ve seen your love box, there’s no telling how far I’d go for a piece.”

  “Don’t you dare repeat this, but I have a new appreciation for the Jaxinator. The things he was able to do to me last night, let me just tell you, they still have me speechless, and sore.”

  “You let me fuck you in the ass. That’s so hot it makes me want to pull over and take you in the backseat. I can’t remember ever being so horny.”

  “I liked it, but I don’t think I’d want to do it every night.”

  I chuckled. “We’ll save it for special occasions, like days of the week that end in Y.”

  She shoved me and cracked up. “That’s every day, Jax.”


  We joked and teased for the whole ride back to the ranch, but once we were there it occurred to me she’d have to go home. Her car was filled with memories of her childhood, and her deceased sister. Since it was only Saturday, I felt like I was being robbed of our weekend together. After the night we’d had, I couldn’t just let her hop in the car and drive away.

  We no sooner climbed out of the vehicle when I made a quick decision. “I have an idea. Why don’t I follow you home so I can help unload? We can order in, and you can tell me all about the fun times you shared with Meg.”

  Amber approached me and wrapped her arms around my neck. “Or you can help me unload and we can go out.”

  “Like for dinner and dancing?”

  She nodded and played with the back of my hair. “Are you afraid I may out dance you?”

  “Hell, no. I’ve got mad skills. Bring it on, baby.” I lifted her up and carried her over the hood of my car. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled me close. “I like it when you’re feisty.”

  “Well I like it when you challenge me. Remember what happened the last time?”

  I snickered. “Yeah, I also remember how sexy you looked in that little workout outfit. It distracted me.”

  “Seriously? You’re using an excuse now?” She was cracking on me, and I was going to allow it, because she was so cute.

  “Fine, you beat me. I’m still up for it, so long as you’re my partner.”

  Amber tilted her head and slowly came in for a kiss. “I’m all yours, and I’ll even agree to the occasional ass pounding if I still get the passionate side as well.”

  “You’re being greedy now,” I teased. “I’ll let that slide too.”

  After we stood there making out for a few more minutes, we got into each of our cars and I began following her back off of the property.

  Twenty minutes later we were pulling up to her apartment. Before I could climb out I saw someone approaching her. When Amber turned to look in my direction it was apparent she was freaking out. Assuming it was Seth, I hauled ass in her direction. “Is there problem here?” I asked.

  “He was just leaving,” Amber replied.

  The guy looked at both of us, and then back to me, while pointing his finger at Amber. “This bitch is a liar. She had my friend sent to jail all because he didn’t want her pathetic ass. If you’re with her, I’d seriously turn around and run the other way. She’s nothing but trouble.”

  It usually takes a lot to piss me off. At first I’ll stew and let things go, but this guy got under my skin immediately. I shoved him back. “Get the fuck out of my face.”

  “It’s your life she’ll ruin next. If you don’t believe me you should go visit my friend. Better yet, just talk to him when he gets out next month. He’ll fill you in on how she schemes.”

  I pointed toward the parking lot. “I don’t know who the fuck you are, and I don’t really care, but you have two seconds to leave before I beat the living shit out of you.”

  He threw up his hands. “Whatever man, it’s your loss, not mine.” He turned back to face Amber. “Seth says he’ll be seeing you soon.”

  I put my arm over Amber’s shoulder and pulled her close. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded, even though I could tell she was freaked out.

  “Let’s get you upstairs.”

  “What about all of my things?”

  “I’ll handle it. Go inside and clear a space for me to sit everything down. Pull out your delivery menus, and start deciding on what you want to eat.”

  “Jax, about what he said.”

  I stuck my hand in the air. “Don’t worry about it.”

  Amber pouted up the stairs until she disappeared in the building. Once I knew she was out of harm’s way, I started getting the boxes out of the trunk. It took me three trips, but I managed to do it easily. Once I’d entered the apartment and closed the door behind me I could clearly hear Amber was somewhere crying. I followed the sounds, coming to a dead stop at the bathroom door. It was cracked open and I could see her sitting on the toilet. “You okay in there?”

  “I’m fine, Jax.”

  “You sure? If you’re constipated, or loose, it might be my fault.”

  She laughed. “You’re crazy.”

  I finally get the nerve to open the door the rest of the way. In her hands were bunched up tissues. Once I’d knelt down in front of her, I peered up into her baby-blues. “What’s going on?”

  “That was Seth’s best friend. He’s an asshole. Seth sent him to give me a message. Now that he saw you, there’s no telling how they’ll try to ruin my life. You can’t believe them Jax. I’d never make up what happened to me.”

  I rubbed my thumbs on her knees. “Amber, even if he didn’t attack my cousin, I’d still believe you. When we first met you were petrified to be touched. I know we’ve moved fast, but I’ve had to go slow to make sure you didn’t feel threatened. Those actions tell me the truth.”

  She nodded. “I’m so glad you’re here with me. God only knows what he would have said if you hadn’t come.”

  “Come on. Let’s forget about him. If he comes near us I’ll break his neck.”

  “I don’t want you going to jail.” She was even cuter when she worried.

  “I was being overdramatic.” I stood and held out my hand. “Trust me.”

  When her palm touched mine I was already lifting her up. We walked together into the living room, and before I could ask she cuddled her body close to mine on the couch. “I don’t really feel like going out anymore, Jax. Maybe we can do it another night.”

  I crushed the loose hair away from her face so I could see it better. “As long as we’re like this I’m not complaining.”

  After we ordered Chinese, and some pay-per-view, Amber seemed to relax. She got down on the floor and started opening the first box she’d come to. I paused the movie and joined her. She pulled out a scrap book with what appeared to be two blondes on the front, one I recognized as being Amber. “Is that Meg?”

  She traced the picture before handing it to me. “Yeah. People said we looked alike.”

  “I can see the resemblance. She was stunning.”

was doing great. Had I been in her shoes I don’t know if I would have wanted to go through everything with company. I think I’d want to sit and look through mine and Jake’s things by myself.

  “I really miss her, Jax.”

  I felt horrible for her, but couldn’t even think of one witty thing to say. A part of me hurt too, because I knew nothing would bring her sister back. That realization left me longing to find a way to help Amber heal. She was depending on me. Feeling like she needed me made me assume that there was no way I could lose her. All I could do was hope that wouldn’t change. “I don’t know what to say, but I’m here for as long as you need me to be.”

  She kept rooting through the boxes, so I moved a couple to make it easier for her to get into them. We looked at photo albums, and she explained where every photo was taken. She explained the knick knacks, and even the silly outfits that they’d kept from dancing events. After a while it got easier for her. I felt comfortable enough to look through the remaining boxes to see what Amber could keep out and put around her apartment. Then I found something that would change her mood entirely.

  First I found the hook, made of plastic, that stuck onto a hand. After I pulled out the large pirate hat I started to get excited. Inside of it, I found an eye patch, and a folded up sexy dress. Before Amber saw what I’d discovered, I ran into the bathroom. The dress was tight, even after I’d taken off all of my clothes. The eye patch and hat were great, but with a little of her mascara, I made my facial hair more pronounced. Lastly I put the hook on my fist and walked back out into the living room.

  With her back turned to me I had a few seconds to think about how I wanted to approach her. I’d seen that this had been her costume in a set a photos, so she’d definitely get a kick out of it. I gently tapped on her shoulder, causing her to turn around.

  I swung my arm. “Argh! Ahoy, you sexy maiden. I’ve come to commandeer you and take you to my ship.”

  Amber covered her face. Her tears were replaced with laughter. “Oh my god, Jax. You’re wearing my dress.”

  “I’m a bloody pirate. Get your fine ass up and take off yer’ clothes.”

  When she stood up I smacked her ass, causing her to jump and squeal.

  I chased her into the bedroom and on the bed. She backed up as far as she could move, but I was still able to use my hook to tug down her shorts. “Now you’re my captive, and I’m going to have my way.”

  She started kicking her feet. “Not until you take off the dress.”

  I got up on my knees and lifted the costume over my head, revealing my naked body underneath. I pushed the dress and hat off the bed, but left on the hook and eye patch. “Now, where were we?”

  As I narrowed in on Amber’s lower regions, I knew I’d taken her mind off of everything, even if it was temporary. When this wore off I’d think of something else. I had to, because I couldn’t stand to see her hurting, not when she had so much going for her.

  Chapter 33


  Jax spent the whole weekend with me. After my parking lot scare, I refused to go outside alone. We took a trip to the grocery store then came back and continued sorting through the old things I’d gotten from my parent’s home. The whole task was tedious and exhausting, but Jax made it interesting. When he came out in the pirate costume I couldn’t help but enjoy myself for a while. He had a way of doing that to me, distracting me from everything else going on, like my parents, the disturbing visit from Seth’s friend, and even the sad memories of my sister.

  After convincing Jax to stay the night again on Sunday, I was sad to see him wake up early to head back to the ranch. I wasn’t an idiot. We couldn’t hide out in my apartment forever. It was just as important to spend time apart as it was getting to know one another. We’d agreed that we were going to see each other on Wednesday, after my shift at the club. I never expected to see him Monday night sitting in a chair in the audience. Right away I felt uncomfortable, because when Jax was around I couldn’t pretend to be Charisma. Though difficult, I managed to make it through my dance, probably a little more awkwardly than people were used to seeing. As soon as I was finished I stormed off the stage, prepared to give him hell for breaking his promise. He held up a fifty dollar bill in the air as I approached, implying he wanted a lap dance. I looked around before leading him into one of the back booths. When I turned around to speak my mind, he was already pulling me into his arms, making me forget the reason I was upset. His lips were warm and tasted of beer. “Hey, baby.”

  “What are you doing here, Jax? I thought we agreed that you wouldn’t come here.”

  “I didn’t want to, but the Jaxinator-.”

  “Don’t you dare blame your penis.”

  He smiled and sat down. “Fine. At first I thought it would be hot to date a stripper, but tonight I looked around and saw all those old perverts watching you, fucking you in their minds, and I wanted to hurt every one of them.”

  “That’s why you can’t come here. It’s hard enough to get on that stage and pretend I like what I do.”

  “So don’t do it. You can stay with me on the ranch. I have plenty of bedrooms if you need your own space. Without rent you won’t need to work at this shithole.”

  I saw someone walk by the booth and started swaying my body around so I wouldn’t get into trouble. “I’m not talking about this here.”

  Jax spread his legs and started paying attention to my movements. “I should be the only one you’re topless dancing for.” He pretended to pout.

  “You sound jealous, Jax.” I shook my boobs in his face. “You wouldn’t be jealous if someone else pays for this would you?”

  He backed away. “That’s fucked up. Don’t make fun of me.”

  “You wanted to date me knowing what I did for money. You can’t ask me to change, especially when we just started dating.”

  “Fine. I’m coming here every night you work, and I’ll pay for every damn lap dance so that nobody else gets one. Each night when you get done you can give me the cash back to use for your next shift.” He rubbed his hands together like his plan was phenomenal. “Now, shake them titties in my face again. Better yet, lean on over and let me suck them.”

  I didn’t know whether to be angry, sad, or turned on. Since I hated what I did to make money, I could understand where Jax was coming from. Every guy thinks girls that strip are hot until they want to be in a committed relationship. I knew if I wanted to be with Jax, and keep him happy, his plan was only going to work for so long, plus my private dances were what I made the most money off of, so he’d be taking away from the honey pot. As I danced around for my boyfriend, I thought about what I was supposed to do. This wasn’t the life I wanted. It was a temporary fix to get me through school. Since I only had a few months left I wasn’t sure if I was prepared to make such a drastic change.

  “Show me that ass,” he announced, breaking my concentration.

  I bent over, flashing him my G-string under the pleated schoolgirl skirt.

  “Now back up and sit on me.”

  I did as he requested, only to be surprised when his hands were out. If someone saw him, they’d ban him from coming into the club. I ambled over to the curtain and made sure it was fastened shut, before returning back to Jax. I couldn’t have known he’d unzip his shorts and have something out waiting for me to return. “Jax, what are you doing?”

  “I’m horny. I’ve got two choices. I can go out there and watch your co-workers dance all over place topless, or I can be in here with you. As you can see, I’m right where I want to be. Come on back here like you were. Pretend you’re dancing and let me fuck you. Please. I’m having withdraws.”

  I was reluctant until he started rubbing me. Then my thought process was halted.

  I let my ass down on his lap and felt him positioning himself. Before I knew it he was sliding inside of me, reaching up to pinch both of my nipples. I threw my head back, only to feel his lips licking up my neck. He bit my ear lobe and released it. When he let go of my
breasts and grabbed at my hips to be in control of our movements, I reached up and pinched my own hardened tips. In the position we were having sex, Jax’s length was hitting my g-spot. Every time my ass came down on top of him I felt the pressure building up. I leaned back again to be able to kiss him, at the same time my body began to buck and shake. I cried out when my orgasm overwhelmed me, and when our paced finally stopped, we were left in a slow amicable embrace.

  After separating, and finding something to clean myself up with, I returned to the booth to find Jax sitting there with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Don’t do that.”

  “What?” He asked innocently.

  “Act like you weren’t in the wrong. You totally broke the rules.”

  He stuck out his bottom lip. “Don’t be mad. I just wanted to see my girl.” He reached for me, pulling me close to butter me up. Fortunately for him, it was working. I couldn’t resist his charm and he knew it.

  “I’m not mad. We’re just going to need to come to an understanding about my job. Jax, I’m not hooking up with anyone at work. You know my rules. All I want to do is get my hours in and go home. I need you to understand that.”

  “I understand it, but I don’t like it.”

  “Thanks for asking me to move in. I think it’s too soon for now, but if things are still going strong in couple months, and you want me to, I’d be glad to move in together. It would be nice to sleep together every night.”

  “Or not sleep. That would be great too.”

  I shook my head. “You’re ridiculous. I’m trying to be serious.”

  “So am I. I’m a man with needs. I think about sex twenty four hours a day. It’s tough. Sometimes I wake up from bad dreams and nothing can soothe me but to lay on the breasts of my girlfriend until I can close my eyes again.”

  He stood up and pulled me closer by the fabric of my skirt, kissing me lightly on the edge of my cheek. “Do you want to stay the night?” I asked.

  “Does a bear shit in the woods?”

  “And other places I suppose.” I was already closing my eyes and getting turned on again. The spell he had me under was all-consuming.


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