Shifting Sideways: The Rift

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Shifting Sideways: The Rift Page 7

by Jennah Sharpe

  Charlotte’s mouth was open, her eyes wide.

  Sawyer laughed. “Do you think I’m crazy?”

  “No. After dropping into Newburg and experiencing what I have in the past few days, I’d believe anything you told me. But…uh…dragons?”

  “Remember that dust they dropped on us?”

  “The one that nearly did us in?”

  “That’s the one. It’s made of crushed dragon scale. That crushed powder is one of their primary weapons but David and I have the remedy. A cocktail of raspberries, bitters and plantain seems to counteract the effects. It’s so simple and natural it’s hard to believe but Grandmother left us the recipe in her kitchen books. David gave the drink to both of us when we first arrived.”

  She paused, thinking back to the first night at his home. “So, the paintings?”

  Was that a faint blush? “You saw them?”

  “When I got up that morning. I had a look at them. I thought you were an amazing artist. I still do but I didn’t once imagine you painted from reality.”

  He smiled wickedly. “I can’t wait until I have a chance to paint you.”

  Charlotte blinked, unable to handle all the emotions tumbling through her. “God. Why haven’t you told me all this?”

  “I didn’t want to scare you. I thought last minute would be the best option. I couldn’t have you taking off when you knew nothing of the evil in this world or your place in it.”

  “I have no place in this world.”

  “Ah, but you do, Charlie. We just haven’t figured it out yet.”

  He sounded like he wanted her to stay. Was that possible? She didn’t respond to that directly, unsure what he meant. “So, you expect that tomorrow, we’ll be fighting dragons?”

  “It’s one of our expectations, yes.”

  He didn’t want to tell her that he also expected to die. He wanted to protect her and he’d stay alive as long as he could to ensure she would, but it was unlikely he’d return from Newburg. This was his last night and he wanted nothing more than to spend that time, as he was, with Charlotte, his little traveler. He could even admit he wanted to spend what time left they had together inside her. To take Charlotte to bed would be heaven. It would also be selfish. After tonight, she’d have only the memory of him. If they were lovers when he died, their separation would be all the harder on her. He had to find a way to get her home before his father’s men or the dragons got him. The journal mentioned a locked door, no more than that.

  As he re-read pages of the journal, Charlotte’s hand came to rest on his thigh. He let out a long, slow breath. Nowhere in his plans had he counted on Charlotte wanting him. He gazed down at her dainty hand on his leg. When he looked up, he met her eyes, sultry and hopeful. He knew then he wouldn’t be able to refuse if she offered herself to him.

  Her lips were pink and slightly parted, as if waiting for him. He dropped the journal and his arms pulled her to him. She felt so soft and warm. Not wanting to let her go, he nuzzled her neck, breathing in her fresh, intoxicating scent. In response she pressed against him. Through the light material of her dress, her breasts pressed against his chest. Shit. What he wouldn’t do to have her all to himself. He trailed his hand down the length of her back.

  “Bloody hell, Charlie,” he groaned.


  “We can’t be found here. The men will be back soon. Bring the book. Let’s go.” He took her hand, pulling her to her feet. She followed willingly.

  Sawyer’s room was at the end of the hallway. Once inside, he slid the lock into place.

  “This is my own room. No one will bother us here.” He felt the relief as acutely as she appeared to. If David knew they cared for each other to this extent, he wouldn’t hesitate to use Charlotte as a pawn. He watched as she surveyed the room, trailing her fingers over the thick quilts on his bed.

  That was all the encouragement he needed.

  “Sawyer, I—”

  “Shh, Charlie.”

  Since they’d danced on the pier, he’d been hard as a rock. He’d managed to keep his arousal hidden from her but now he needn’t bother. He pulled her close, finding some relief as he rubbed against her hip. He watched her closely for signs of a negative reaction. Too far gone to worry about rejection, he leaned in to claim her lips. She didn’t protest. Instead, she parted her lips against his, allowing him to explore her mouth. God, she tasted so sweet. He’d never felt the pull of a woman so intensely before. From the moment he’d glimpsed her, standing forlorn and wet on the street, he’d known he wanted to have her beside him. Now, the urge was unbearable. She was so tiny, yet so brave to have followed him thus far. Tonight may be his only chance to feel her beneath him, to feel her writhe simply from his touch.

  Her lithe body molded to his as he deepened the kiss. He fisted his hand in her fair hair, tilting her head for deeper penetration, loosening the braided bun she’d obviously worked hard to perfect in the process. Her tongue danced with his, so much more electrically than he’d ever expected.

  As the kiss slowed from a heated rush to a burning ember, Sawyer noticed cool air on his chest. His shirt was undone. Christ! When had she managed that? His fingers flew to the laces of her dress. She smiled up at him as the dress pooled at her feet, leaving her standing before him in a corset and panties.

  “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful, Charlie.”

  “Is that a line? Because if it is, it’s definitely working.”

  He laughed. “It’s not a line. I’ve though that from the moment I first saw you.”

  She stroked his hair, frowning. “Why didn’t you tell me? We could have saved precious time.”

  “That’s my point,” he said quietly. “You have to leave the first chance you get. You don’t belong in this world. I don’t pretend to know or understand exactly what happened but you are not meant for me. We’ll find that locked door.”

  Her fingers found the waist of his trousers and deftly unsnapped a button. He gasped and closed his eyes as she slipped her hand into his pants.

  “Then why now? What’s changed?” she murmured into the dark hair of his chest.

  He didn’t answer. She traced the dark lines that slithered down the side of his body to wrap around his hip.

  “What’s this?” she asked as she pulled at his waistband, trying to see the entire picture.

  “A tattoo.”

  “I know, but what is it?” She was back to tracing the fanciful, black design with her finger.

  He shivered at her touch. “A dragon. The head begins near my hip. I was young when my father took me to have it done, but I’ve always liked how it looks.”

  “Sort of like a right of passage,” she said.

  “I suppose.”

  “I want to see more,” she breathed.

  She found his cock, wrapped her hand around its girth and pulled out a long stroke. “God, Charlie, I can’t talk when you do that.”

  “Maybe I don’t want you to talk. I don’t want this moment ruined by talk of what can’t be. I just want you. Please.”

  “That is not something I can refuse but if we do this, it means you’re mine. I won’t stand for you to bed another man. Not in my world.”

  “I’ve never wanted another man, Sawyer. Trust me.”

  Trust her? That was the easy part. Letting her go was what he dreaded. Perhaps she was right. There was only now. Why ruin the moment?

  Sawyer lowered Charlotte to his bed, kissing her long neck, her shoulders and the enticing swell of her breasts as they spilled from her corset. His pants slid down to his knees where he kicked them off, following them with his shirt.

  Lacy and white, Charlotte’s panties looked so sexy on her body that he was loath to take them off but he needed to see what lay beneath. The panties felt moist in his hand as he threw them toward his own pile of clothing. All the while, Charlotte kept hold of his hard shaft. If she touched the tip, she would feel the dewy evidence of his urgency.

  She wiggled out of he
r corset and stretched naked under him. Sawyer sucked in his breath at the delicacy awaiting him. Charlotte moistened her lips, beckoning him.

  He replaced her hand with his on his cock and guided it to her damp center. He pressed against her soft folds, relishing the heat that emanated from within her.

  Propping himself up on his elbows, he bent his head to lay a kiss on the pert, pink nipples that graced the tips of her breasts. When he sucked her between his teeth, she bucked against him. He couldn’t wait any longer. Pushing into her, he fought the tight muscles that resisted him.

  He looked at her face. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her teeth clenched.

  “Relax, Charlie. I would never hurt you.”

  She nodded in acknowledgement of his voice. He pushed further and stopped dead at the resistance.

  “Shit, Charlie.”

  “I’m so sorry, Sawyer. I should have said something.”

  “No. Shh. I’m the one who’s sorry. I should have asked.” He laid his cheek against hers, trying to calm his need to ravage her.

  “I thought I’d be able to do this without you knowing.”

  He kissed her eyebrow. “That’s not possible, sweet. But now that I know, we can do this. I said I wouldn’t hurt you but it will hurt this first time.”

  “It’s all right. I knew what to expect in that area.”

  He smiled at her courage. “I’m sorry I swore at you. You just surprised me, that’s all. I love that I’m the first man to truly become a part of you.”

  At his words, he felt her relax under him. “That’s the way, sweet. Just relax.”

  As she breathed deep and smooth, he slid into her, feeling the pop of her barrier. Cradling her head in his hands as he began his slow, gentle strokes, he marveled that she placed her hands on his butt and pressed into the rhythm. She was responding, not fighting against him.

  When she moaned, he quickened his thrusts. Her contractions stroked him until he couldn’t muffle a groan.

  “God, you feel so good.”

  She seemed beyond words. Her eyelids parted to glance up at him but then he felt her fly over the edge. She pulsed against him, losing control of the moment.

  Watching her face, he swelled inside her, his balls clenching against his body. A sheen of sweat beaded on his brow as he growled her name. He convulsed and burst. Her thighs pressed to his hips, she clung to him as he finished his climax.

  Sawyer collapsed to her side, still joined to her body. He listened to her breathing as she calmed and at that moment, he didn’t think there could be a sweeter sound. How was he going to manage when she returned home? He couldn’t expect her to want to stay in his dangerous homeland. But to live without her…the thought constricted his chest.

  Chapter Seven

  Sawyer’s heavy arm rested across Charlotte’s breasts, pinning her beneath him. His top leg crossed over hers. She felt warm and wet between her thighs. Worried she might wake him, she slithered to the side and headed for Sawyer’s ensuite bathroom.

  When she returned Sawyer lay awake, his hands resting under his head. He was beautiful. The answer to why a man as potent and sensual as he was wanted her eluded her. Why couldn’t she have met him in her bookstore?

  Charlotte snuggled against his ribs as she stroked the hair on his chest. “You can’t come back with me, can you?”

  “You know I can’t. I haven’t explained everything to you, but I know you sense that I belong here.”

  “Yes. I do. But please Sawyer, tell me the rest.”

  “My father took the dragon eggs from my grandmother, their keeper. He’s blackmailed the dragons ever since. In essence, they now work for him and in return he allows them to know their eggs will not be harmed. They also allow him bits and pieces from their hoard. He doesn’t know where they keep it, but that doesn’t matter. He has them all under his thumb. He raises the young to be loyal to him and they become his army.” He was surprised the words came so easily to him.

  “The vengeance of tortured mothers taken out on the people of your land.”

  “Exactly.” He kissed her forehead. “And I intend to make sure that torture is not taken out on you. We need to fight tomorrow. To weaken him, and, ideally, to free the eggs. Dragons live for hundreds of years and they hold grudges. Once someone sets the eggs free, it won’t be hard to turn his army.”

  “Sawyer…” She paused, knowing he might not want to answer her. “What were you doing in the city when you found me?”

  He caressed her arm and shifted on the bed. “I was meeting someone.”

  She tilted her head to look at his face. “That’s all you’re going to tell me?”

  “I know I can trust you, Charlie. But if David were to ever find out, I don’t know what would happen. And, he would jeopardize the mission if he knew.”

  She sighed. “It’s all right. You don’t have to tell me.”

  There was a long silence. She felt the tension in his muscles. He was considering the effects of telling her everything. Wanting to know everything about what could happen in the morning, she laid still and quiet.

  “Charlie?” he murmured.


  “My other brother lives in Newburg. He works for our father.”

  “You’ll be fighting him? That’s awful. I’m so sorry. What’s his name?”

  “His name is Gabriel. He’s a good man, Charlie. He just chose the wrong side. He remained loyal to our father, despite the immorality involved. I do commend him for that and now he’s working to right a wrong. He couldn’t give me the precise location of the eggs as he doesn’t have that information but he was willing to tell me what he knows. If David knew where Gabriel was, he’d go to any length to kill him. He would never trust Gabe to give us truthful information.”

  “But you do?”

  “I shouldn’t but yes, I do. I was always close to Gabriel when we were young. If I was forced to guess back then, I would have said it would be David who would turn on us. There’s no rhyme or reason to it. I just have a gut feeling.”

  Sawyer pulled the quilts up to cover Charlotte’s bare shoulder.

  “Sleep, Charlie. No one will bother us tonight. We’ll take tomorrow as it comes.”

  He needed to get Charlotte home. If anything happened to her, life as he knew it would cease. He could endure her living away from him as long as she was healthy. Could he dare hope she’d be happy? She’d have her shop, her father and her friends. With any luck, she’d find the book that brought her to him and destroy it.

  Chapter Eight

  Cold shivers woke Charlotte. She opened her eyes to a dusky dawn filtering through the beveled glass windows of Sawyer’s room. His body kept her warm throughout the night but as she looked around the room, he was nowhere in sight. She pulled the quilts higher and closed her eyes. Today was the day. She both feared and rejoiced the arrival of morning. She was so close to going home and yet so close to losing Sawyer forever.

  She startled when the doorknob turned and pushed open as if a specter hid behind it, pulling the sheet up to her neck. Her heart was in her throat by the time Sawyer’s grin greeted her.

  “God, Sawyer. You scared me.”

  His expression dropped. “I’m sorry. Who were you expecting?”

  “I never know in this house. It’s plain creepy. I’m just glad you weren’t David. He had no problem whatsoever bursting into my room yesterday.”

  Sawyer strode across the room carrying a silver tray loaded with pastries, breads and fruit. He placed it on Charlotte’s lap. Dressed as he always was, in black, hair falling over his left eye, he took her breath away.

  “I can’t apologize enough for my brother. He’s beyond rude and has no concept of a woman’s privacy.”

  “I’m just relieved it was you behind the door.”

  Sawyer sat on the edge of the bed. “This may be the only time I get to bring you breakfast in bed, so eat up.”

  His words set tears burning in her eyes. She didn’t let them spill but she k
new he had noticed when he turned away.

  “The staff washed your clothes,” he said as he walked toward an oaken wardrobe. “They’ll be easier for you to travel in than anything else in this house.”

  She chewed a bite of croissant. “David has staff? That’s great. I’ll be comfortable in my own clothes.”

  “The men are ready to leave when we are. I told them to give us a few minutes. You’ll be ready in time?”

  There was a distance to his voice all of a sudden. It seemed as if the night before never happened. He was pulling away. If he wanted to make their parting easier on her, this wasn’t the way to go about it. She needed his kisses, his embrace, his assurance she was doing the right thing in returning home. But maybe this was what he needed…wanted. Sawyer, don’t leave me yet.

  She was ready when he asked and met him outside at the stables. He was stroking Coyote’s velvet nose when she found him. The stables smelled sweet. The straw was obviously kept fresh. The scent had her revisiting the first time Sawyer kissed her in the woods.

  “He’s looking well,” she said when he looked at her.

  “Yeah. He’s rested and fed with no side effects of the dust. It’s a shame to take him really.”

  “You’re afraid he won’t make it back?”

  “You’ve never seen what a full grown dragon can do to a horse,” he said grimly.

  Charlotte sensed his resignation. Sawyer was certain he would die today. “You know, if you go into battle with that attitude, you will not come back alive.”

  “What’s it matter?” he snapped.

  Okay, now where did that attitude come from? Deciding to leave him alone for now, Charlotte leaned against the railing of the stall until Sawyer was ready for her to mount up behind him. He settled into his worn saddle and pulled her up in much the same manner as when they first met. With a kick of the heels, Coyote was out of the cobbled courtyard and following several other large horses down a narrow road. It wasn’t long before the homes and gardens of Portovenere fell behind them. Stray dogs followed them as far as the stone gates before turning back to familiar territory. Forests rose up on either side with the tall buildings of Newburg looming in the distance.


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