A Nerd to Remember

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A Nerd to Remember Page 4

by Vicki Lewis Thompson

  “Cut.” Tony stood and came over to them. “I’d say Jocelyn has the idea and Garrett needs to work on being more aggressive. Do we need to go through it again? Role playing can be a challenge if you’re not used to it.”

  “We should do it again,” Garrett said. “My problem is that I really like and respect Jocelyn, so it’s tough to say bad things about her.” Especially when he was feeling guilty as hell. Once he’d confessed his sins and she’d yelled at him, he might be better at this.

  “We all like and respect her.” Charlotte came over and laid a hand on his arm. “Jocelyn’s fantastic, but we want her to come off as a sleazy character and you’re the one who’s supposed to recognize that.”


  She squeezed his arm. “Then back to the kitchen we go.”

  He knew from her smile that she’d figured out he was wildly attracted to Jocelyn, but she didn’t ask him about it. Instead she offered some tips on his dialogue. He delivered those lines to the best of his ability, but Tony still wasn’t satisfied.

  By the fifth run-through, Garrett could tell they were all sick of doing it. “Look, I know I’m not perfect yet,” he said, “but let’s call it a night. I’ll handle it better tomorrow. Just looking at Pearson’s smug face will help.”

  “I’m sure it will,” Tony said. “I have faith in you. You’ll come through for us. You always do.”

  “Then I guess we should head out so we can all get some sleep,” Jocelyn said. “Thanks so much for hosting us, Charlotte.”

  “Anytime.” She hugged Jocelyn first and then turned to Garrett. “Don’t worry. We’ll get him.”

  “I know we will.” After a quick smile and hug, he ushered Jocelyn out the door. “That was entirely my fault. I thought I’d be good at this but it turns out I’m not.”

  “You’ll be fine. It takes some getting used to.” After he opened her door she turned to him. “I’m touched that you like me so much that you don’t want to say bad things about me, even when it’s only pretend.”

  “It’s true.”

  “I know.” Putting her hands on his shoulders, she stood on tiptoe and brushed her mouth over his. “Let’s go back to my place. We have some unfinished business.”

  The light touch of her mouth ignited something deep and primitive in him, a feeling so unexpected that it made him dizzy. He wanted her so desperately that he shook with the effort to keep from pulling her into his arms and kissing her with all the fierce longing in his heart. The power of that urge warned him not to give in to it. Not here.

  He helped her into the passenger seat and closed the door before he could change his mind and push her up against the side of his SUV. No telling how far he’d take it, either. With need boiling through him like lava, he wanted her with an intensity he’d never experienced.

  Their Halloween together had been lusty and fun, but he’d moved way beyond that. For all he knew this craving had simmered for years, needing only the velvet touch of her lips to awaken a passion that had turned all his good intentions to ashes. He’d meant to tell her the truth first and take the chance she’d reject him. But his needs were stronger than his conscience. He was no longer willing to take that chance.

  Chapter Four

  Jocelyn had intended to torture Garrett for a lot longer, but after he’d explained why he wasn’t effective at role-playing her enemy, she didn’t have the heart for it anymore. She’d planned to work him into a frenzy of desire and then hit him with what she knew. Then she’d demand explanations for not getting in touch seven years ago and for his secretive behavior this morning.

  Now she wasn’t sure whether those explanations mattered. The air between them pulsed with sexual need and nothing seemed more important than satisfying those needs. She couldn’t think about anything else.

  They didn’t chat as he drove away from Charlotte and Tony’s house. When he pulled up to a red light, she looked at him. If she hadn’t known better, she’d think he was in a towering rage. But she understood why his jaw was set and his big hands were clenched on the steering wheel. Rage had nothing to do with it.

  He glanced across the intersection at a drugstore on the corner. “I’m stopping.”

  “But I have –”

  “Doesn’t matter.” When the light changed he pulled across the intersection and swerved into the parking lot.

  She had to admire a guy who insisted on his own brand instead of taking whatever leftovers a woman had in her cabinet.

  He parked and left his keys in the ignition. “Be right back.”

  Once he was gone, she reached over and switched the ignition to auxiliary power. Then she turned on his music. Until now she’d never appreciated the richness of a symphony like this, but then she’d never heard it while in a state of extreme arousal.

  She turned up the volume and the deep chords vibrated the SUV’s chassis. Her nipples ached for his touch. No one else had ever caressed her with such a devastating combination of tenderness and urgency. She remembered his touch vividly and wanted it again, but oh, how she needed what they’d been denied seven years ago.

  When he emerged from the store, his stride was brisk. She shivered with longing. Hurry, hurry.

  He climbed into the driver’s seat and handed her the small bag. “You turned on the music.”

  “Yes, I did.” She held the bag in her lap. “Now drive before I go crazy.”

  “Watch for cops.” He squeaked the tires leaving the parking lot.

  Surrounded by the music and his virile energy, she scanned the road ahead and checked the side view mirror looking for squad cars while he blatantly broke the speed limit. She had her keys out before he pulled into the last parking space in the visitor area and her door was open before he turned off the engine.

  He was right behind her as she hurried up the stairs and twisted the key in the lock. Once inside, she tossed her purse on the entry table before heading quickly down the hallway toward her bedroom where she’d left one lamp turned on. She made it through the door before he caught up with her and spun her around.

  His glasses were gone, obviously laid aside before he’d followed her into the bedroom. She looked into his eyes and saw the man she’d kissed seven years ago reflected there. She’d missed him more than she’d ever been willing to admit.

  Taking the box of condoms from her, he threw it on the bed. His chest was heaving, but his touch was gentle as he drew her into his arms. An emotion flickered in his gray eyes and he seemed about to say something.

  If he was about to confess, she didn’t want him to. “I need you,” she murmured. Sliding her palms up his muscled chest, she held his gaze as she unbuttoned his shirt. “Now.”

  With a deep groan, he lowered his mouth to hers.

  It was like coming home after being away too long. His mouth was exactly as she remembered, but now he had a silky beard that tickled her chin. It distracted her at first, but then she got his shirt open and could smooth her hands over his warm skin and feel the wild beating of his heart.

  When he cupped her bottom and nestled her against his erection she completely forgot about his beard. She had more important matters on her mind, like unbuckling his belt and unfastening his pants. She slipped her hand inside his briefs and anticipation made her dizzy. When it came to this particular part of his anatomy, she had total recall.

  He gasped and wrenched his mouth from hers. “Careful. I might come.”

  “We have all night.” She reveled in the promise of his hard cock. She’d stroked it, kissed it, taken it deep into her mouth, but she’d never welcomed it between her thighs. She’d never felt his firm thrust and the fullness of him coaxing a shattering orgasm from her quivering body.

  “But this first time . . .” He took hold of her wrist. “Turn me loose. Let me get your clothes off. Let me . . . oh, Jocelyn, I want this to be right.”

  “It will be perfect.” But she did as he asked. His breathing told her he hadn’t been kidding. Seven years of yearning had turned
them both into hand grenades with the pins pulled.

  Her heart thudded rapidly as he hooked his thumbs under the waistband of her leggings and began tugging them down. That’s when she regretted her choice of shoes because they were buckled on and she couldn’t simply kick them off.

  He’d obviously figured that out. “Sit.”

  She did. “I can take them off.”

  “Sure you can.” He crouched next to the bed and glanced up at her, a smile curving his beautiful mouth. “But where’s the fun in that?”

  “I’ll be quicker.”

  “No, you won’t.” He had her shoes unbuckled and off her feet in no time. “I work with tiny wires and tricky connections all the time.” He slowly massaged her feet. “Besides, this buys me time and it turns you on.”

  Her breath caught. He’d learned that about her seven years ago. Had he mentioned it on purpose or by accident? Either way, she’d ignore it. She lay back on the bed with a sigh. “Like I need to be turned on more than I already am.”

  “How do you know? Maybe more is better.” He cupped one foot and rubbed his thumb along her arch while he slipped her pants and panties over the other one. Then he reversed the process.

  She remembered this move, too – him kneeling beside the bed with her knees hooked over his shoulders.

  Leaning down, he placed kisses along her inner thighs.

  “Careful.” Her voice was husky. “I might come.”

  “That’s the plan.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. Those were the words that had convinced her to kiss him seven years ago. She’d been seduced by the ring of intelligence in those words and she was being seduced again.

  The circumstances were completely different. Now she knew who he was. If he decided to walk away again, she could hunt him down. And do what? She had no answer for that question, but at least she wouldn’t be left wondering who had provided her most excellent orgasms.

  He was about to provide another one. She knew that the moment she felt the sweep of his tongue. Just as she had seven years ago, she abandoned herself to the pleasure.

  Grasping her hips, he drew her closer to the edge of the bed, closer to his eager mouth. Until he’d crashed her sorority party, she hadn’t realized how proficient a man could be at this activity. Apparently she’d dealt with guys who hadn’t studied the art of oral sex.

  Inviting Spiderman into her bedroom had been an education. Now he was back, and she was the lucky recipient of all that knowledge. He had a more practiced technique but she didn’t like thinking about how he’d achieved it.

  Ah, but he was good at this. His beard tickled her inner thighs, a new sensation that aroused her even more. He drove her into a delirious state where she flailed on the bed and cried out as waves of delight washed over her. He showed no sign of slowing the pace, so she tunneled her fingers through his dark hair. “That’s enough.” Her words sounded slightly garbled.

  He must have heard her, though, because he kissed his way back to her mouth. He nibbled at it as his warm breath caressed her lips. “Tell me what you want.”

  “Your cock.”

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  “I was hoping you’d agree.”

  He chuckled. “Twist my arm.”

  She almost said the one with the tattoo? Tempted as she was to make a smart aleck remark, she couldn’t see ruining what promised to be a fabulous experience because she was trying to be clever. “I’ll twist whatever part of you I need to if it means you’ll open that box of raincoats.”

  “I will, I promise.” He untied the knot holding her blouse at her waist. “But we both still have too many clothes on.”

  “Since I’m ahead, why don’t you let me work on mine while you take care of yours?”

  “Because I’ve wanted to strip you down ever since you opened your apartment door a few hours ago.” He pushed her tank top up over her bra and unfastened the front catch. “Excellent. I’m in.”

  Despite having her tank top up around her neck and her bra only partly removed, she reveled in the feel of his mouth, tongue and teeth. Cradling her breast in one hand, he swirled his tongue over her erect nipple. Then he raked it with his teeth and finally he began sucking rhythmically.

  She could come that way and she thought maybe he remembered that, too. The more vigorously he sucked, the closer she was to an orgasm. When his other hand slipped between her thighs, she knew for sure he remembered. A firm press of his thumb against her clit and she arched upward, caught in the rainbow world of another climax.

  As she lay drifting on a cloud of sexual satisfaction, he removed the rest of her clothes as if she were a rag doll. She was glad to be rid of the restrictive garments. He communicated best skin to skin. Then he cradled her against his chest as he pulled back the covers and laid her on the sheet.

  Seven years ago he’d given her several orgasms before he’d finally taken off his Spiderman suit so that she could return the favor. Her brain wasn’t at full power right now, but she remembered how sweet he’d been and how grateful. He hadn’t been completing some kind of initiation ritual by getting her into bed. That made no sense now that she knew him better.

  Maybe his buddies, the same ones who had founded BMUS, had dared him to steal a kiss from a sorority girl. She would believe that scenario. The kiss had turned into so much more, but that was her doing. She was the one who’d invited him to her room.

  And now, seven years later, the guy who’d dressed up as Spiderman had taken off his clothes to enjoy a more complete sexual experience with her. This time he’d stopped at the drugstore to buy condoms and he was prepared to make her an even happier woman than she’d been seven years ago. Who was she to complain because he hadn’t revealed his true identity on either occasion?

  Climbing into bed, he moved between her thighs and braced himself on his hands as he looked down at her. “I want this to last forever. It won’t.”

  She cupped his ass and urged him forward. “I’m not expecting miracles. You’ve –” She caught herself. She’d almost said he’d been waiting a long time. Pressing her fingertips into his firm muscles, she absorbed the heat in his eyes. “You’ve been wound very tight.”

  “Yeah.” Holding her gaze, he probed her entrance with the blunt tip of his cock. “You’re so damned beautiful.” He sucked in a breath and thrust deep. The tendons in his neck stood out as he clenched his jaw. “Don’t move.”

  She held very still, but she couldn’t control the tremors building deep within her. Seven years was a long time, but it had been worth the wait. As a logical thinker she hadn’t believed in destiny, but the perfection of this joining could change her mind.

  His eyes darkened and he muttered a curse. His body shook as he drew back and pushed forward – once, twice . . . on the third stroke she surrendered to her climax and he buried his cock to the hilt as he shuddered and gasped out her name.

  The sound of him calling her name in the midst of passion sent shivers of delight through her. Then she realized why. During their first night together she’d had no name. Neither had he.

  She glanced up. He was focused on her with such intensity that she suspected he was memorizing how she looked in this moment. She wouldn’t ever forget how he looked, either, with his tousled hair falling over his damp forehead and his eyes like storm clouds. Touching his cheek, she said his name, because doing it gave her pleasure, too.

  He smiled, which made his eyes crinkle at the corners. “Say it again.”


  He eased down to his forearms and his chest hair brushed her skin. “I never much cared for my name but I like the way you say it.”

  “Why don’t you like it?”

  He drew in a shaky breath. “Take off that last letter and it’s the name of a cramped attic where starving artists live. My mother hates when I tell her that.”

  “I’m sure she does.” She stroked a finger over his beard. “She probably loves the name.”

  “It comes fro
m her family, so that’s the association for her. She showed me a baby name book that says it means hard or bold spear, so that sounded a little better.”

  She laughed. “I’d say it fits you perfectly, both for your job and your . . . personal attributes.”

  A faint pink stained his cheeks. “I suppose it could if I can manage to last a little longer next time.”

  “Are you apologizing?”

  “Well, yeah. I knew my control would be shot but that was ridiculous.”

  “No, it wasn’t.” She cradled his face in both hands and searched his expression. Maybe she was the only one who’d felt that amazing connection, as if they were made for each other. “Speaking for myself, it was the opposite of ridiculous. It was . . . perfect.”

  A soft light grew in his eyes and his throat moved in a slow swallow.

  “Then again, maybe it wasn’t like that for you.”

  His voice was husky. “It was like that for me. Listen, Jocelyn, I –”

  “My bathroom is right through that door.” She didn’t want a confession now and she thought he was about to make one. The time would come when they’d have to talk about their past, but it was becoming increasingly irrelevant to her and she didn’t want to interrupt the mood. “I know you bought a whole box of those things and I wouldn’t mind enjoying a little more perfection. Like I said, we have all night.”

  “Not really. You have to work tomorrow. I don’t want you to end up exhausted all day because of me.”

  “You have to work tomorrow, too. I guess I should be worried about your lack of sleep. Should I send you home?”

  He smiled. “Maybe not quite yet.”

  “Excellent answer.”

  Chapter Five


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