Parker: A Reed Security Romance

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Parker: A Reed Security Romance Page 11

by Giulia Lagomarsino

  “Why not just hand this over to the authorities?” Hunter asked. “If what you’re saying is true, they would be able to dig deeper and faster than we can.”

  “I wouldn’t recommend that,” Blake answered, taking all of us by surprise. “What? An anonymous source sent me that information on Cortez’s accounts and the moment I showed it to my boss, he shut me down and then had me fired. I wouldn’t trust any of them right now.”

  “Alright, so we find a way to sneak in, and then what? How the hell do we even know what to look for?”

  Knight sighed in frustration. “We’re still digging through the files Blake retrieved from the senator’s house. What we really need is for someone to go in undercover and then get to one of the main servers so I can tap into their system. Then I could do more research from here without putting anyone at risk.”

  I snorted in amusement. “Just tap into their servers.” I laughed a little more. “At a bioengineering company, where they probably have the same level of security as the White House.”

  “I didn’t say it would be easy,” Knight sighed. “Look, I would go in myself-”

  “Not a chance in hell,” Cap interrupted, making me wonder why exactly he didn’t want Knight to go in there. Blake noticed too. There was definitely something we weren’t being told, and I suspected that it had to do with who Knight really was, but right now, that was all speculation. Knight had neither confirmed nor denied any of my conclusions.

  Chapter Thirteen


  After checking out the training center, which even I had to admit rivaled anything the FBI had, I made my way to the panic room with Storm, who had grumbled the whole way about having to give a guided tour to the newbies. Parker didn’t really seem to care all that much, as long as he didn’t have to drive anywhere else tonight. I couldn’t say I blamed him. He looked pretty exhausted, not that he would actually admit that.

  As he walked in front of me, I couldn’t help but admire the way his arms flexed and his back muscles shifted under his shirt. It was damn sexy, but what really had me drooling was the way his ass looked in those jeans. His thighs were thick, and though I never thought that would be a look I would go for, I had seen his thighs already, and they were muscled and sexy.

  I heard a throat clear and pulled my gaze from Parker’s ass to Storm, who was smirking at me. We had stopped and I hadn’t even noticed. And now both of them were grinning at me. I shrugged. Whatever, I wasn’t ashamed to be caught staring. Parker already knew I was attracted to him. Hell, I’d fucked him after meeting him only once.

  “Anyway, as I was saying, you have to have a code to get in here, but since neither of you are members of Reed Security, I’m afraid once you’re in, you’re locked in unless you have someone with you that can get you out.”

  “Are you sure you have enough room for us?” Parker asked.

  Storm smirked and unlocked the door, shoving it open to reveal what could only be described as a mansion underground. The place was huge from what I was seeing. Hallways went off in all directions off the main room that we were standing in. This place must have been built with all the members of Reed Security in mind.

  “Down this way,” Storm nodded to the first hallway on the right. “Down here is the kitchen and the main living room. If you wander around, you’ll see a few different common areas where you can hang out.” He waved his hand to the left as we stepped into an opening, showing us a large kitchen. My mouth dropped in amazement. Not that I would ever use it if I didn’t have to, but it was still impressive. “Susan does most of the cooking, and usually has something in the fridge to eat.”

  “So, how many people actually live down here?” I asked.

  “As of right now, Jessica and I, Coop, Becky, and Kayla, and Susan and her husband Robert. At one time, most of us lived down here. This was designed for emergency situations, but after some trouble a couple of years ago, most of us moved in here until we could expand the property and build houses inside the new boundaries.”

  “It’s like you live in a military barracks,” Parker muttered.

  “That’s not how we think of it. Maybe to some it seems that way, but the whole point of this is to keep each other safe. We’ve had a few run-ins that have put us in danger. The building itself has been attacked twice, so we’re continually reinforcing to make sure that doesn’t happen ever again.”

  We walked down another hall and Storm pointed to the first door. “This is you,” he said to Parker. “And this one’s yours,” he said, moving down the hall to the next door. “Jessica and I are a few doors down. Just holler if you need something.”

  He turned and headed down the hall, but we hadn’t even gotten keys for our rooms. “Hey!” I shouted after him. “How are we supposed to lock the doors?”

  He spun around and grinned. “Why? Are you planning on doing something later that you don’t want anyone to see?”

  I flushed bright red at the implication, but Parker just looked confused, which didn’t surprise me since he didn’t have to live through our sexual escapade.

  “Don’t worry. We all knock first,” he grinned as he turned back and walked away.

  “Am I missing something?” Parker asked.

  “Yeah, you missed everyone walking in on your ginormous cock last night.”

  He shrugged, not really caring at all. “What’s the big deal? All guys have them. It’s not like none of you have seen a cock before.”

  “What’s the big deal? Lindsey and Vanessa walked in on me hovering over your body, trying to stop the bleeding as your giant cock was blowing in the breeze.”

  He rolled his eyes at me. “I think you’re exaggerating. We were indoors. It couldn’t have been blowing in the breeze.”

  “Doesn’t it bother you at all that all those people were staring at you?” I screeched.

  “Not really,” he said in a bored tone.


  “What do you want me to do? I can’t go back in time. I mean, it’s not like I would stand in front of everyone with my shorts down, but they saw it and it’s over. Besides, it’s just a cock.”

  “That,” I said, pointing at his groin, “is not just a cock. That thing is a living, breathing beast that almost tore me in half.”

  “So…I’m not sure where you’re going with this. Is that you trying to take another shot at the beast or are you trying to tell me that you never want me near you again?”

  “I wasn’t- that wasn’t-” I spluttered, trying to figure out exactly what I was trying to say. On the one hand, I didn’t want his cock anywhere near me again. Even if it was the best I’d ever had, I was scared to death that someone would walk in on us again, and I just didn’t think I could live through that a second time. On the other hand, I really, really wanted to feel him inside me again. It had been amazing, no matter how much I tried to deny it.

  He crossed his arms over his chest and patiently waited for an answer. “You weren’t what?”

  “It wasn’t an invitation,” I finished.

  “Oh,” he nodded. “Well, that’s cool. If you change your mind, you know where I am.”

  He opened the door to his room and walked through as if he didn’t give a shit whether or not I followed. As if he didn’t feel the same sexual tension that I did. Didn’t he care at all about what happened between us? I mean, I knew it was just sex, but it was explosive sex that left me needing more like my life depended on it. I was half pissed and half turned on. And to make matters worse, I couldn’t decide what I wanted.

  Grunting my frustrations, I spun and headed into my room, slamming the door behind me. Someone had gone and collected my things from Lindsey’s bed and breakfast and stashed them in here. Everything was neatly organized in my bag, as if I hadn’t touched it at all since I packed it.

  I went and took a shower, determined to scrub Parker from my memory, but once I got in the shower, all I could think about were Parker’s hands on me. It was stupid. We hadn’t even really had anyt
hing between us last night. It was hard and fast, and there was hardly a chance to even find out what each other liked in bed. I sort of figured that he liked to be in control, based on the way he slammed me up against the wall. Then again, that could have been passion. I also knew that he really liked to take his women hard.

  I scrubbed at my hair, irritated that I was even replaying the events of last night when I should be thinking about getting some sleep so I could figure out where I went from here. I could help Knight with this case, but then what would happen to me? Maybe I could take some time off to fuck Parker.

  I grunted and slammed the water off, then snatched a towel off the towel bar and stomped toward my door. This was so irritating. There was no way I was going to get Parker out of my head by taking a shower. He said if I wanted him, I knew where he was. Maybe I just needed to see if I could work him out of my system. I stormed down the hall to his door and knocked twice before flinging his door open. I heard the shower running and walked straight in, not bothering to ask if I was welcome.

  When I slid the curtain back and saw his well-defined back, my anger leached out of me and desire took the front seat. “Holy shit.”

  “Come for another round, little hellion? I see you already got started on your shower,” he said, nodding to the shampoo dripping from my hair.

  I was speechless as I stood in front of him. I wanted him so bad and my nipples were agreeing with me wholeheartedly. His eyes darkened as they trailed down my body, searing through me and lighting me on fire. I moaned as he gripped his cock, watching in horror as it thickened to an uncomfortable size. Second thoughts drifted through me momentarily as I considered whether or not taking him was really a good idea. His fingers slipped into the top of my towel where I had placed the knot and slowly undid it. I could have grabbed onto it. I should have stopped him. Instead, I stood there as my towel slipped from around my breasts and fell to the floor.

  I stood naked in front of him as he resumed stroking his monstrous cock. I bit my lip as he picked up speed. My heart rate kicked into high gear as my vagina started pulsing with need. Oh, God. My vagina was going to have a heart attack. I took a step forward, thinking maybe I would get just a little closer, but the minute I moved my foot, his hand fisted my hair and dragged me into the shower with him. He crushed his lips to mine and slipped his tongue inside. His cock pressed against my stomach, begging to find my vagina. Oh, God. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold out.

  He spun me around and shoved me up against the wall. The spray from the water drenched my hair, sending bubbles slipping down my skin. His rough hands gripped my hips as he rocked against me, and then trailed up, just barely brushing against my breasts. I ached for him to touch them, grab them, do something to ease the ache I felt inside. His mouth slid to my throat and his teeth scraped down my neck, leaving a hot trail behind from his tongue. I was on the verge of combusting.

  “Do you want my cock?” he whispered against my throat, licking me lightly as his thumb finally touched my nipple. It was just a graze, but it sent electric zaps through my system, short-circuiting my brain. I pushed my chest out, hoping to get just one more touch from him.

  He slid his thumb lightly over my nipple again, brushing it back and forth and fucking grinning at me when I moaned like a whore. What was this man turning me into? He leaned in, kissing my throat and chuckling at the fact that he was playing my body like a fiddle. The vibrations from his voice sent my vagina into overload, and when he squeezed my nipple slightly, I started coming hard and praising God for giving me a man who knew how to play my body.

  As my body crashed hard from my orgasm and my senses came back to me, I realized that Parker was literally holding me up against the shower wall. His tongue traced circles on my neck, soothing me as shivers overtook my body. It had never felt so right to be in a man’s arms. Then again, I’d never had a man like Parker that could make my body react to him so strongly. His lips caressed mine lightly before he stepped back and shoved me gently under the water, rinsing the last of the shampoo out of my hair. I stared up at him, still unable to think clearly, other than to recognize that there was something really damn special between the two of us.

  The water shut off and he grinned as he stepped out and handed me a towel. I swallowed hard, then flicked my eyes down to his erection that was pressing against his towel as he wrapped it around his waist.

  “What about you?” I asked stupidly.

  His grin was wicked as he tucked a knot in his towel. “I think that might be a bad idea, considering I just got stitched up again. I swallowed hard as my eyes dropped to the bandage that was now wet. Just because he was injured didn’t mean that I couldn’t give him pleasure. I opened my mouth, testing how wide it would open, wondering if his cock would fit inside. And just like that, I had to find out. I wanted to feel his hard length in my mouth, sliding inside me and down my throat.

  My eyes flicked to his as I reached forward and unknotted his towel, just as he had done to me. His hand snapped out and caught my wrist, almost like he was warning me off, but I didn’t care. Now that I was thinking about it, I had to know what he tasted like, what it was like to feel him in my mouth. He must have read it in my eyes because he released my wrist and allowed me to finish with his towel.

  Slowly, I sank down to my knees and took in the monster up close and personal. It was so much bigger than I remembered, and that was only what I remembered of the length. I swallowed hard as I took in the thickness of him. I wasn’t even sure I would be able to grip him in my hand. The man was seriously hung like a horse. He flexed and his cock jerked, bobbing up and down in front of me, like he was telling me to get on with it.

  I flicked my tongue out, just barely tasting his hard length. His hips jerked forward, pressing the head of his cock firmly against my lips. I sucked him into my lips, having to work my jaw harder than I ever had before to fit him inside. I could only get him slightly inside my mouth before my gag reflexes kicked in, demanding that I back off. I didn’t want to, but I also didn’t want to ruin this by throwing up on him.

  His fingers slid through my hair, gripping onto a clump of hair at the back of my head. I felt his sharp intake of breath rumble through him. The vibrations sent chills through me and urged me to try and take more of him. He groaned and fisted my hair harder. I felt so dirty, kneeling down for him and worshiping his cock like this. But if there was ever a cock to be worshiped, it was this one. I looked up at him, trying to gauge his reactions as I sucked him in deeper. His head was tossed back and his lips were parted slightly, letting out just small puffs of air.

  As I slowly slid my lips from his cock, I took in the lines of muscle that ran over his abs and down to his cock. My fingers slid over them, taking in every last inch of him. I slid my hands around to his ass, groaning when I felt the hard muscles inside and gripped him tighter to me, pushing his cock even deeper. Before I knew it, I was sucking him hard and fast, taking everything I wanted from him. His hips jerked, but he was leaving most of the work up to me. When he glanced down at me, his eyes burned into me, begging me to make him come. I wrapped my hand around the base of his cock and squeezed before I started jerking him off.

  His breathing picked up until his eyes started fluttering and his hips started jerking of their own accord. He was telling me with his eyes to back off if I didn’t want to swallow his cum, but I couldn’t. I wanted to swallow every last drop and feel his thick arousal coating my throat. I moaned as he shot off inside me and finally released the grip he had on my hair.

  I wasn’t sure why, but I felt embarrassed as I stood. I had enjoyed that way more than I ever had before. In fact, I was pretty sure every time I had done it before now, I had just been practicing for when I got a real cock in my mouth. He grinned wickedly at me and jerked his head for the bathroom door.

  “Come on. You can help me change my bandage.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  Well, shit. Blake was nothing like I expected
. When I left her outside my door, I really thought she would just stay away. She was a strong woman, and didn’t seem at all the type that would come begging for my dick. When she opened my shower curtain and stared me down, I could feel the lust pouring off her. It was fucking incredible, but after she gave me a blow job, she turned into this embarrassed chick, and I saw exactly where this was going. I’m not gonna lie, I was a little disappointed that the strong, confident woman I thought stood before me was actually one of those women that wanted more. I could see it all over her face. She wanted to know what this meant, where it was going. I was about to set that straight now. It wasn’t going anywhere.

  I handed her the small med kit that Hunter had given me so I could replace my bandages. I watched as she bit her lip with a small smile and inwardly groaned. I was going to have to kick her out. She had that look like she was going to take care of me and make sure that I was healing properly, which was ironic since she was the one that injured me.

  “Lay back,” she grinned, pushing lightly on my shoulder. I did as she asked, mostly so I could get this shit over with. I just wanted her gone so I could go to sleep. She quickly pulled off the bandage and checked me over, then replaced it with a new one.

  I sat up and grinned at her. “Thanks, baby.” I got up and pulled her to her feet, kissing her hard. “Thanks for the orgasm. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Her face turned first to confusion and then anger. Shit.

  “Thanks for the orgasm?” She stepped back, scoffing at me as she shook her head. “I can’t believe you.”

  “Hey, you came to my door.”

  “Because you invited me.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, it wasn’t an invitation for marriage.”

  “I wasn’t asking for that, asshole.”

  “Then what were you expecting?”

  “How about something more than a thank you and you’re excused?”


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