Parker: A Reed Security Romance

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Parker: A Reed Security Romance Page 15

by Giulia Lagomarsino

“Look, he needed work and took a job with the wrong guy. We were able to get him to help us.”

  “So, he’s working with you now?”

  Alec and Florrie exchanged a look that just pissed me off. They knew something, but they didn’t want to tell me. “As nice as it is to watch these smoldering looks you keep shooting each other, I would rather get on with my day, so whatever it is that you’re keeping from me, just tell me what it is and we’ll move on.”

  “We don’t actually know that much about him,” Florrie supplied. “He doesn’t work with us because he’s not allowed to carry a weapon. He was a dishonorable discharge from the military.”

  I felt like I had been hit. I actually stumbled back a step in shock because what she was saying was really fucking bad. A dishonorable discharge was only handed out for really bad shit like murder and assault. Oh God, had I slept with a murderer? I could see it. I mean, guys snapped all the time in the military. Some couldn’t handle the pressure of their jobs and shit happened. Maybe that’s what happened with Parker, but that didn’t really ring true with what I knew about him. He seemed like a very level-headed man, and I couldn’t see him just snapping one day, unless he was provoked.

  “What…” I cleared my throat, trying to work some moisture back into it. “Why was he discharged?”

  “We don’t know,” Alec said sympathetically. “But if Knight asked him to help, I have to believe that he knows something the rest of us don’t. And he would never bring someone here that was dangerous. Despite all of Knight’s faults, he’s a very good judge of character.”

  God, I felt like that was a whole other barrel of secrets that was being kept from me, and I wasn’t so sure that I wanted to know at this point. I was already in way too much trouble for the decisions that I had made in the past week. Once the FBI found me, they would throw my ass in prison, and I was pretty damn sure that I wouldn’t be getting any of my rights looked after. If I was attached to someone with a DD, that would make my case even worse. My only chance of getting out of this without being crucified would be to find out what was really going on, and unfortunately, I needed Reed Security. I made more progress with them on my side than if I was trying to figure this out on my own. Hell, I’d probably still be staring at the same damn papers and trying to figure out what it all meant. So, I needed to stick with these guys, but I also needed to work on distancing myself from Parker. Since he didn’t technically work for Reed Security, that shouldn’t be too hard.

  “I have to go,” I said, turning on my heel and rushing away. Except, I only got about five feet away before I realized that I needed one of these two to let me back into the panic room. “Uh, can one of you take me back to the panic room?”

  “I’ll do it,” Florrie offered, walking my way. We walked in silence the rest of the way through the tunnel, but she stopped me outside the panic room door. “You know, I trust Knight with my life. If he brought Parker in on this, it was either that he really needed him or he knows something about Parker. If you want to know what this is all about, you’re going to have to talk to Parker. Knight doesn’t share secrets, but he does protect those that he cares about.”

  “So, you’re saying that he cares about Parker?”

  “No,” she shook her head. “I’m saying that he cares about everyone here. If Parker was dangerous, there’s no way that Knight would have let him step foot in this facility.”

  “Look, I get that, but I’m in enough trouble as it is. If I do something and Parker’s involved-”

  “You’re suddenly in trouble?” she asked, quirking her head to the side. “I’m confused by you.”


  “You’re a straight shooter. Everything about your profile screams that you do things by the book. One the other hand, there’s not a single thing that you wouldn’t be willing to sacrifice to get to the truth. Hence, you getting fired from your job and stealing from the FBI. I get it. You’re a justice crusader. It’s admirable; pretty awesome even. But now you find out Parker, who had a DD, is working with you and suddenly you’re worried about how that will look. And this is without knowing the facts behind his discharge and also knowing that Knight would never allow him on the property if he was dangerous. So, I’m confused as to how your moral compass works.”

  My jaw dropped as I tried to think of how to explain it, but then I realized that she was right. I was judging Parker without bothering to talk to him, and I was suddenly concerned with working with him after I put myself in the position to be sent to prison. Yeah, I was pretty fucked up.

  “Point taken.”

  She smirked at me and then placed her hand on the scanner to get into the panic room. She didn’t follow me, and I was relieved since I didn’t really want her to sit here and hound me about this anymore. I needed to talk to Parker, and then I needed to get my head on straight about him. I couldn’t sleep with him again until I knew what was going on. As hot as he was, I also knew myself, and if he was guilty of the crimes that got him a DD, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to be with him.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I flopped down on my bed after taking my shower, and pulled out the file that Knight had given me about Blake. I still hadn’t made the decision about whether or not I was going to read it. Part of me was very intrigued, but the other part of me couldn’t invade her privacy in that way. And it shouldn’t really matter either. Blake and I were nothing. It didn’t matter if she liked me or if she was a good person. It didn’t matter what happened in the past or even what she did now. We were doing this job together, and then we were done.

  I tapped the folder and stood, stepping away from it. I couldn’t do it. It was an invasion of privacy and I would be pissed if someone went digging through my past. A knock on the door drew my attention away from the file, and I quickly answered it, hoping that it was Knight here to tell me that he had something for us to go on.

  When I swung the door open and saw Blake standing there, I couldn’t help the grin that split my lips. “Did you come back for seconds? Wait, no, by now it’s thirds? Fourths. I guess that depends if you consider me fingering you as sex.”

  She glared at me and shoved past me into the room. “You’re such a pig.”

  “And yet here you stand in my room.”

  She walked over by the bed and stopped, staring down at the file that laid on top. I watched intently as she slowly picked up the file, wondering what her reaction would be. She flipped it open and then snapped it shut, turning to face me. “Doing a little light reading?”

  “I was considering it.”


  She was pissed. She did a great job of hiding it, but I could tell by the subtle twitch of her right eye and the way she was holding herself. I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back against the wall, trying to show her that I was calm and cool over all this.

  “And I decided that if you wanted to tell me, you would.”

  “You expect me to believe that?”

  I shrugged. “Either you do or you don’t. I’m not here to make you feel better about anything. Knight says that you’re good and I should trust you.”

  “Why would he need you to trust me?” she asked curiously. The way she was looking at me, she wanted to ask me something else. She shifted slightly, showing her unease at the territory we were headed into. She was nervous about something, but if she really was clean like Knight said, then she wouldn’t be nervous talking about this. No, she was nervous because Knight said that I could trust her, which meant that she knew about me, and now she was trying to figure out how to ask me about it.

  “Fuck, who told you?”

  She shoved her hair behind her ear and cleared her throat uncomfortably. She was great about hiding her emotions about herself, but when confronted about this, she sucked. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Really?” I asked, pushing off the wall and stalking toward her. “So, you don’t know about my DD from the military?” />
  She took a step back and then another as I continued to prowl toward her. She was getting nervous, most likely because she knew what would get a person discharged, and right now, she was trying to decide which it was. She was wondering if she had fucked a murderer or a sexual predator. She had to know that I wasn’t a deserter. I wouldn’t be working in this field if I was. And I was trying to find out about a possible crime with a senator’s accounts that looked corrupt. Fraud was off the table. No, she was worried that it was the first two.

  “I don’t know anything about that,” she said, continuing to back up until she was right up against the wall.

  I moved into her space, crowing her body with my larger frame. I knew she could take me down. She’d already proved that a number of times. But if she was really that fucking worried about me, it would show in the next thirty seconds. I placed my hands on the wall on either side of her head and I pressed my body into hers, waiting for her to show me if she was afraid.

  “What do you want to know?” I growled.

  “Like I said-”

  “What do you want to know?” I shouted. She flinched slightly, but didn’t push me away. Her instincts were telling her that I wouldn’t hurt her, and they would be correct.

  “Why were you discharged?”

  “I was court-martialed,” I answered matter-of-factly.

  “For what?”


  “Did you do it?”

  I huffed out a laugh and brought my finger to her cheek, running it down her neck, then resting against her collarbone. I slowly lifted my eyes to meet hers. I didn’t want to have to say it. I wanted her to just know. I was tired of proving myself to people. I needed someone to just look at me and know that I was a good person. As I stared into her eyes, I pleaded with her to tell me what she was thinking, to draw her own conclusions based on what she already knew.

  My eyes shifted to her throat as she swallowed hard and stared at my mouth. I wanted to bite that plump lip of hers and bury myself inside her body again, but I wouldn’t be doing anything like that ever again unless I was one hundred percent sure that she knew I would never do what I was accused of.

  “You tell me,” I finally said.

  She took a deep breath and nodded. “Okay, you don’t give me any creepy vibes. You seem like a genuinely good person, other than your horrible decision-making skills after you fuck a woman. Plus, you’re working for a reputable company filled with former military. I don’t see any of them working with you if they felt you disgraced the uniform, even though none of them seem to know why you were discharged. Everyone here seems to trust Knight’s judgement, even if they don’t always like what he does. They all know that you have a DD, yet none of them are kicking you out of here. So, if they all go along with Knight bringing you in, that tells me that they’re willing to wait this out and work with you. And if they’re all willing to give you a chance, then I’m willing to also.”

  I wanted to take the win and run with it, but it wasn’t enough. I needed for her to believe in me, and not based on what other people thought or what they were doing. For some reason, it really only mattered to me if she believed me.

  “What do you believe?” I asked quietly.

  She licked her lips and shifted toward me slightly. Her hand came up to rest on my chest as she finally lifted those gorgeous eyes and looked me dead on.

  “I know that there’s no way you raped that woman. I don’t know the details of what happened, but I don’t need to. I haven’t known you for long, but you’ve never made me feel in any way like that’s something you could do. Even when I’ve kicked your ass, you’ve never come at me. I mean, you fought back, but you went easy on me. If you were a rapist, you would use your power against me.” She shook her head slightly. “No, you didn’t do it.”

  I crushed my lips to hers, not even waiting a second for her to catch her breath. The steel wall that I had been building in my chest was breaking apart at her confession. For the first time in a long fucking time, I felt like there might actually be a chance that I could have a normal life again. I could finally breathe, just by hearing one person say that they knew me well enough to know that was something I could never do.

  I slid my hands under her ass and picked her up, carrying her over to the bed. As badly as I wanted to fuck her right now, I also wanted something different for once. Ever since I was discharged, I fucked women hard and fast. I was never gentle and I was never the lover I could be. I took out my anger over what happened on the women I bedded, like they were all paying a penance for the woman that screwed me over. But that had all changed. With just one simple admission from Blake, I no longer felt the need to hate fuck her.

  She pulled me down on top of her, kissing me with as much passion as she always did, but when she pulled at my zipper, I leaned away from her, shaking my head slowly. She looked confused for a second, but as my eyes trailed over her beautiful body and my hands slowly slid down her, she relaxed into my touch.

  Bending down, I slid her shirt forward with my nose, kissing her belly button and slowly sliding my tongue along her skin. She shuddered as I left wet kisses on her tummy, sliding up her body until I reached those beautiful breasts that I had yet to spend any time with. I had missed out on so much with her already, not really wanting to pay attention to her and get attached in any way, but now that I had her underneath me and I finally had my head out of my ass, I was taking in every inch of her perfect body. Her breast perfectly filled my hand as I cupped it and ran my thumb across her nipple, the fabric of her bra rubbing against her sensitive flesh.

  I slid my tongue up her body, licking at the salt of her delicate skin on her neck and up to those pretty lips. I gasped in air, kissing her as I slowly ground my body against hers, rocking my cock against her pretty pussy. Tremors raced through her body as I kissed her, sliding my hand under her back to reach her bra clasp. She rolled over, pushing me to my back as I unhooked her bra and watched as she slowly pulled her t-shirt over her head. Her bra straps slid down her arms and she tossed it off the bed. I itched to touch her, to feel the weight of her gorgeous tits in my hands.

  She rocked her body against mine, throwing her head back as she worked herself over me. My cock was straining to get to her, needing to feel her wet heat that I could feel building through my pants. She braced her hands on my chest as she used my body to get herself off. It was so fucking sexy watching those tits bounce with every movement.

  I sat up, wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close to me as I sucked one nipple into my mouth. Her moans as she rocked against me drove me fucking crazy. I wanted her naked so I could touch that pretty pussy. I needed to taste her, and I hadn’t wanted to taste a woman in a really fucking long time. I rolled her back over and slid down her body, pulling her pants off as I went. Her legs spread wide for me immediately, letting me know she wanted this as much as I did. I slid my tongue up her legs, feeling chills race down my spine as the air filled with her intoxicating scent.

  The first taste was something I would never forget. I knew right then that I would become addicted to her. I couldn’t be gentle after that first taste. I needed her like a starving man. I licked up her pussy juices and shoved my tongue inside her, feasting on her with a hunger I didn’t know was in me. I had never wanted a woman like this before. She was different. I felt crazed as I attacked her pussy, eating her up and licking every last drop that she gave me. I sucked her nub into my mouth and held down her legs as she thrashed beneath me, begging for mercy from my assault. Her body trembled as her orgasm pushed through her, filling my mouth with that sweet flavor.

  I had never felt so fucking hard in my life. Watching her come undone from my touch, from my mouth on her, drove me fucking crazy. And as badly as I wanted to sink my cock into her, I wanted to keep fucking her with my mouth until she was worn out and begging for mercy. I nudged at her pussy again with my nose and grinned when she moaned, running her fingers through my hair. I parted her lips and slo
wly slid in two fingers, stretching her pussy as I pumped in and out of her. I could feel her body still contracting every once in a while from her last orgasm. She was sensitive right now, and pulling my next orgasm from her would be fun.

  I yanked her to the foot of the bed and knelt down, pulling her hips up as I lifted her legs above my shoulders. There she was, spread out at eye level for me, perfect for feasting on that pussy. I was just about to move in again when something wicked flashed in my mind. I slowly licked her pussy, pulling her clit into my mouth as I slid a finger inside her. Pumping in and out, I made sure I got her nice and wet before sliding my finger down to her second hole. I felt her body tense as I ran my finger over the hole. She started to sit up, but I pressed on her stomach with my other hand, holding her down as I flicked my tongue repeatedly over her clit.

  Her whole body was shaking with need. With every flick of my tongue, I ran my finger harder over the tight ring of muscle, pressing to enter her with every circle. She started bucking against my mouth, urging me to make her come. I slid my finger inside her, groaning at how tight she was. God, if I could just slip my cock in there, I would come instantly.

  “Parker,” she growled.

  “Hmm?” I murmured as I sucked her harder into my mouth.

  “I need you to fuck me.”

  “I am,” I chuckled.

  I felt her take my hair in her other hand and then she was pulling me tight against her, smothering my face in her pussy. It was so fucking sexy. Her legs jerked and closed around my head as she screamed out, bucking her cunt against my face. Her pants filled the room as she came down from her second orgasm. I quickly rid myself of my clothes, and then I was over her, sliding inside her in one long thrust.

  She cried out, instantly wrapping her legs around my waist and pulling me in as close to her as I could be. I couldn’t wait any longer. I couldn’t go slow with her anymore. I had cherished her body, but now I wanted to fuck her. I pulled out and slammed back inside, feeling like my whole fucking world was shattering just from the feel of her clenching me tight in her body. My hips pistoned against her as I fucked her with a need so strong that I thought I would break. I could barely hear past the rushing in my ears as my orgasm built deep inside me. I could feel the tightening and then saw a blinding light as I came hard with a few more frantic thrusts.


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