Fighting Destiny (Westin Pack Book 2)

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Fighting Destiny (Westin Pack Book 2) Page 12

by Julie Trettel

  Chase was waiting on my back porch.

  "Go home," I said, after shifting and walking past him into the house.

  "You're not just going to leave, right?"

  "Chase, you're young, you don't understand. I failed to protect to my mate. I don't deserve her. Your alpha has issued my banishment. I have no choice but to leave."

  "Without even fighting for her?"

  I cringed.

  "I didn't mean that, and no one else sees what happened as your failure to protect her. Dude, you saved my sister."

  I shook my head. "Doesn't matter."

  "Where will you go?" He sounded genuinely concerned.

  "I don't know." I hadn't let that part sink in yet. I truly had nowhere to go.

  "Will your dad take you back?"

  I shook my head no. The kid was clearly getting upset. "Don't worry about me. I'm a survivor. I'll figure something out." I hugged him. "You should go."

  He had tears in his eyes and his head down as he left. "You have my number if you need anything. I don't care what Kyle says about it. You need anything, you call."

  I nodded, feeling overwhelmed with emotions.

  "Take care, Pat."

  Then he was gone and I was more alone than I'd ever been in my entire life.


  Chapter 17

  I hadn't meant to fall asleep when I had gone to lay down after talking with Kyle. Going over the details and confessing what a coward I had been hadn't been easy. He seemed so pissed by the time I was done that I had retreated to the safety of my room. Once I lay down, exhaustion overtook me.

  Waking to a dark room and an empty bed had flared my anxiety. I reached for Patrick, but he wasn't there. My heart had sunk and fear had taken over. I breathed deeply in, then out. In and out, willing my heart rate to slow. It had been the first time I'd woken without Patrick since the rescue. The amount of need I had for him kind of freaked me out, yet confusingly I found comfort in it, too.

  Knowing he'd be worried, I got up and went to look for my mate. I smiled and shook my head. It hadn't escaped me how somewhere in the last twenty-four hours he had gone from the man I'd refused to recognize, to my mate.

  "Hey, Lil," I said cheerily.

  "Uh, hey," she responded, sounding confused.

  Chase glared at me.

  "What's up with you?" I asked him.

  "He has nowhere to go, E. Did you even stop to think about that?"

  Liam walked in, shaking his head. "Got big brother to do your dirty work, eh? You know, I can't even look at you right now." He started to leave then turned around. "Like it or not, he is your one true mate. Why doesn't that mean anything to you?"

  Chase followed him from the room, still glaring at me. My stomach flipped, and I felt like I might throw up. What had happened?

  "Lil, where's Patrick?"

  "I dunno, E. He may still be at the cottage. He was packing when Chase left. Kyle gave him twenty-four hours. He was really pissed when he stormed out. Clothes-shredded-on-the-front-porch pissed."

  He wasn't the only one pissed. "Where's Kyle?" I asked through gritted teeth.

  Lily's eyes widened as she pointed down the hall to his office. I stormed off in that direction, not stopping to knock, as I threw the door open and barged in.

  "How dare you!" I yelled, barely registering that the Pack Council was all present.

  "Elise, calm down. We're in a meeting. We can discuss later."

  "Later," I snorted, "like twenty-four hours later when my mate has already been evicted. Have you lost your mind? He's my mate!"

  By this point I was shaking in anger and had drawn the attention of everyone in the house. I hated that tears started streaming down my face. I had never felt so betrayed in all my life. I turned and pushed through my family, who had gathered at my outburst. Kyle caught up to me just outside the house.

  "Elise, wait." He grabbed my arm and I turned and growled at him. He threw his hands up in surrender. "Your actions showed you didn't want him. We almost lost you because of him. I'm only trying to protect you. He's my friend. Do you really think this was an easy decision for me?"

  "It wasn't your decision to make, Kyle! And you will take it back. Do you hear me? You take it back. You cannot ban my mate."

  He actually grinned at me. "That's twice now you've called him your mate."

  "Shut up. What if he's already gone, Kyle? What am I going to do?"

  "Just tell me what to do, E."

  I turned on him, still angry and betrayed. "Stay out of my personal life." I stomped out of the house and headed straight for my car.

  I was an emotional mess driving over to Patrick's. I had successfully avoided the place since his arrival, even before Kelsey moved out. Now I just prayed I would find him there.

  I finally breathed in relief when I pulled up and saw his car still in the driveway. I wasn't too late. I could even begin to let myself think of how much it meant to me. I jumped out of the car, unsure if I even turned the engine off, and sprinted up the front steps, immediately banging on the door.

  It felt like an eternity before he opened the door. His eyes looked hollow and miserable. It broke my heart and I threw myself into him, wrapping my arms around his waist and breathing in his delicious scent.

  "Don't leave me."

  Though his arms were still down at his sides, his body shook beneath my arms, and then ever so slowly, he wrapped his tight around me. We stood there holding on to each other like a lifeline until a voice cleared behind us. I hadn't heard him arrive, but I knew it was Kyle. I didn't even try to hide the growl of warning that erupted from me as I turned and shielded my mate from him.

  Kelsey stood behind him with her arms crossed. She didn't look happy and I briefly wondered if she was angry at me for yelling at Kyle. He looked at his mate and she stared at him, determinedly nodding our way. Kyle's head hung, reminding me of when he'd gotten into trouble as a little boy.

  "I'm sorry, Patrick. I was upset and may have overreacted. I was honestly just trying to protect my sister, who clearly reminded me, my family, and the entire Pack Council, that she is a grown woman capable of making certain decisions for herself. Your eviction has been suspended indefinitely. I will not make that mistake again," he said, more to me than Patrick. Then he went back to addressing my mate, who was still standing behind me. "You are welcome in Westin territory for as long as Elise wants you here."

  I didn't turn to see Patrick's reaction, but he must have accepted the apology, because Kyle nodded and walked back to his car with Kelsey fussing quietly the whole way.

  I shut the door and turned to face Patrick. His face was full of wonder as he stared at me.

  "You fought for me." He said it with awe, as if a fact. "Why? I mean, you've made it clear you don't want me as a mate. Why would you do that?"

  I shrugged, not knowing how to explain. Feeling braver than I was, I stood on my tippy toes so our eyes were level, and grabbed his shirt in my fists. Meeting his eyes, I told him, "You are my mate. My one true mate. I may be scared and try to fight it, but I don't deny that fact. I don't deserve you, not the other way around."

  I'm not sure how it happened, but the next coherent memory was of me passionately kissing Patrick O'Connell. It wasn't supposed to be that way. I had made it clear to us both that we could never be together. Hadn't I?

  A groan of disappointment escaped me as his lips left mine and trailed across my cheek and down my neck. At the base of my neck where it met the top of my shoulder, he paused and nuzzled into it, kissing the place where his bite should mark me. He blew his scent on me, causing shivers to run through my body.

  I felt my teeth elongate in anticipation. The reality came crashing in on me and I threw my head back to look at him, then boldly brought his lips back to mine.

  His hands gripped my ass, pulling me closer to him. I could feel exactly how much my mate needed me, physically. I wasn't ready to give him everything, but this I could do. This, I wanted to do.

bsp; I kissed him harder, deepening it as I explored his mouth. My wolf was unusually quiet and content in his arms. When he lifted me for better access, I wrapped my legs around his waist, locking my ankles. This helped steady us, but also brought us more intimately close. Very intimately close. I could feel him pulsating beneath me and I was more ready than I knew possible to take things to the next level.

  His lips never left mine as he carried me down the hall to his bedroom. I would have been okay if he had just taken me right there up against the wall, fast and frenzied, but I knew Patrick well enough to know that he was going to take his time and make our first experience together memorable.

  He gently laid me on the bed and looked at me like I was fragile enough to break. My breath hitched when he took off his shirt and tossed it to the ground. I had seen Patrick naked before, but this time was different, and truthfully, I didn't think it would be possible to ever tire of that view.

  His predatory gaze had goosebumps popping along my skin. I had never seen anyone look so fierce, yet when he finally touched me it was with the gentlest of hands that warmed me inside and out. He peeled away each layer of my clothing as I allowed him to take full control. I could see the wolf in his eyes, just below the surface, and understood he needed to feel that control.

  His skilled hands wound their way up my body and it felt like I was truly being touched for the first time in my life. New and exciting, and right. I fought back a growl at the realization that this was a man who knew his way around a woman's body. Pushing those negative thoughts away, I gave in to his touch and just felt.

  Before our bodies joined at last, he had sent me spiraling over the edge, twice. I wasn't sure I could handle another, but as he settled above me, and we were one, at last, a new sort of frenzy began. I had never felt so free. My body was on fire and the mating call beckoned to me. If there had been any doubts he was my one true mate, they were put to rest in that moment.

  We moved in complete syncopation. My heart pounded in my chest as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. I pushed him harder, demanding more. I didn't know there was anything more, but as I began to climb again, I feared I might plunge into darkness, but the sensation that took over made me feel like I was floating on a cloud.

  His body quivered in my arms with irregular breathing matching my own. His eyes locked with mine and I pushed back the need to heed the mating call. His head slowly lowered to mine in the softest kiss that stole my breath. He didn't say a word as he rolled to his side and pulled me close to him.

  My head rested on his chest, still heaving from our lovemaking. In the past this would have been the point where I'd be heading for the door as fast as I could, but I could not think of anywhere else I'd rather be. My eyes felt heavy and I slowly drifted into sleep.

  I'm not sure how long I slept, but it was dark outside when I finally opened my eyes. I was surrounded by Patrick's delicious scent. Planting a kiss on the light patch of hair scattered across his chest, I stretched, surprised to find my body heavy and my muscles sore. I groaned.

  Patrick stiffened in my arms. “Are you okay?”

  I didn't look up at him, but nodded my head yes. I wasn't quite ready to face him.

  “Are we okay?” he asked, hesitantly.

  That made me look up into his bright-blue eyes. They were cautious, but hopeful. I studied him for a while, watching him squirm at my scrutiny before smiling. “Never better.”

  “Thank God,” he said, before his mouth descended on me again.

  I smiled through his kisses, not ready to elevate things again. We needed to talk. I needed to talk. I had never been a pillow talk kind of girl before. Heck, I had never stayed after sex in the past. This was all new territory. I didn't like feeling out of my element, yet I couldn't make myself leave.

  “I'm sorry about earlier,” I confessed.

  “What happened?” he asked. “Kyle was pretty upset when he told me to leave. I'm still a little confused about it.”

  “He wanted to know what had happened. He was really pissed after hearing it. He asked me what happened between us. I told him nothing, but I had mentioned that I was upset and trying to leave you when I was kidnapped. I think he took it the wrong way. I was furious when I found out he had banished you from Westin territory. I don't think I've ever been that mad in my life, and I'm not exactly known for having a mild temper.”

  He chuckled. “Thank you for straightening it out with Kyle. I'm not sure I've ever felt so lost, knowing you'd never want me, knowing my father would not take me back into pack. I wasn't sure where I'd have gone or what I'd have done, if you hadn't stepped in when you did.”

  He sounded so lost and broken. It hurt my heart. “You'll always have a home here,” I told him, and I meant ever word. “Always.”

  He smiled, but it was a sad smile.


  Chapter 18

  How can the same day be your worst and your greatest? Elise was telling me that I would always have a home here in Westin, but I had felt her stiffen in my arms and pull away when I had gotten near her neck, where every part of my being craved to mark her and complete our mating bond. She had given her body to me, but she was still not ready to give me her heart. I didn't think she was aware of the fact that she already owned mine.

  If I had had any doubts before, they had been laid to rest when I opened that door and saw the fury and fire in her eyes. At first I had thought it was directed at me, but my heart had nearly burst with happiness to find all that passion was directed for me. She had fought for me. She had fought for us, even if she didn't seem to realize it, because without her, Kyle was right, there was no reason for me to remain in his territory.

  I wanted to believe that she would come around, that we'd complete our mating bond. I could wait and give her some time. Being with her had shown me that a lifetime with her would be worth whatever frustrations and rejections necessary until she was ready. For the first time, I had hope in a future together, but I would have to channel patience I didn't feel I had when dealing with my mate.

  Something that had been weighing on me lately was the thought of what I was going to do with my life. I had always been groomed to someday be an alpha, or die trying. That took a lot of work, and I had started to learn the ways of the pack and had been put to work at a very young age. Since coming to San Marco, I hadn't done anything but chase after my mate. It had consumed me. When I wasn't looking for her, I was sulking or wasting time each day just hanging out with Chase and Liam, and occasionally Kyle. I'd have to do something, be able to support us even, if this was going to work.

  “What are you thinking about?” Elise asked me.

  I hadn't realized I had spaced out in my own head. “I was just contemplating what I'm going to do now.”

  “What? What do you mean?” she asked, sounding a little freaked out by my confession.

  I rubbed her back in a soothing circle. “Well, if I'm going to stay in Westin territory indefinitely, I've got to come up with a plan for something to actually do for a living.” I didn't like confessing to my mate that I had no valuable skills to provide for her. “My whole life I've been groomed to be Alpha.” I gave her a weak smile. “Not exactly an available job around here, and I've never really considered any other options.”

  “I hadn't thought about it like that,” she said softly. “You've given up so much to be here.”

  “Hey,” I said, raising her chin so she would meet my eyes. “You are worth it. I'll figure something out. I'm not entirely without skills, and I'll find some way to support us. I don't want you worrying about it.”

  She gave me an evil grin. “I'm Vice President of Human Resources at Westin Foundation. I can find you a job, or”—she hesitated and her grin grew bigger—“I can just be your sugar mama.”

  Her comment was so shocking I was momentarily put off, then it was like all the stress that had been building released in a laugh. She joined in and it felt so good and right just laughing with her. I knew we'd make
it through anything. I just needed her to realize it, too.

  “You'd be my sugar mama?” I asked her seriously. When she said things like that, it only encouraged my hope.

  “Yeah, least till ya figure out what you want.”

  My eyes burned with desire. “I know exactly what I want.”

  She wiggled awkwardly under the power of my words and I captured her mouth with mine before she had a chance to protest. She was the best thing I ever tasted, and like a man in the desert stumbling upon water, I didn't think I could possibly ever get enough of her, especially now that I had had her.

  The phone rang, interrupting my conquest. I groaned as she pushed away to check her cell.

  “Don't answer it,” I protested weakly, not wanting to return to reality. I liked the little bubble of us we had created that afternoon. As if a sign depicting just how long we'd stayed in that bubble, my stomach growled loudly. She giggled as she answered her phone. I took a second to check mine for the time and was surprised to find it was nearing dinner. I hadn't eaten all day. I knew, no matter how much I wanted to, I couldn't survive on Elise alone.

  Not bothering to dress, I rolled out of bed and headed to the kitchen as I heard her say, “Yes, Lily, it's fine . . . Of course, I had Kyle fix things. He shouldn't have interfered with my life to begin with . . . I'm at Patrick's . . . What? Tell them to stay away. We're, uh, talking . . .” She blushed, causing a deep rumble of laughter to erupt from me, shortly followed by a pillow smacking against my back.

  I didn't think anything could wipe the smile from my face as I reached my kitchen and began checking the press for food. I cringed, realizing I was going to have to go shopping. I couldn't have my mate starving because I didn't like going to the shops for the messages.

  With a thud my clothes landed at my feet. I looked up and saw Elise fully dressed and standing in the doorway. My eyebrow raised in inquiry. She gave me an apologetic look.

  “My siblings are on their way. All of them. I'm sorry. My family can be a little protective and they want to make sure I'm okay.”


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