Akira Rides

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Akira Rides Page 2

by Robyn Wideman

  Akira hesitated.

  Mage Morgan sighed. “Akira, may I please try to read your memory. I must have no doubt that the arrow was intended for you.”

  Akira nodded and placed her palms flat against the mage’s hands. Suddenly she felt chilled, felt transported back up the mountain trail. She saw Nels’ face, the back of Pegasus’s mane, saw Pegasus’s ears twitch, felt the break in his stride, felt the small jerk that shifted her seat in the saddle. She remembered the unconscious movement, the almost imperceptible adjustment to keep her balance. She felt a small wind pass her cheek as the almost silent whisper of an arrow reached her ears.

  She suddenly pulled her hands up, breaking contact with Mage Morgan. I don’t want to see Nels fall. Contact broken, the vision shattered like a thin icicle dropping on frozen ground.

  Mage Morgan said, “I know.”

  “Know what,” Akira said.

  “You didn’t want to see Nels fall.”

  Akira gasped. “Did you just read my thoughts?”

  “Yes, but don’t be alarmed. I can only hear your thoughts when we have physical contact, only see through your eyes when I am allowed into your memory.”

  Akira stepped back. “Are you satisfied that I was indeed the intended victim? And why must you have no doubts?”

  “Because we must take drastic actions to protect you from the Dark One. With the failure of his assassin to eliminate you, he will redouble his efforts to kill you.”

  “Oh, just what I need. A madman stepfather, Baron Rolfe, trying to capture me, and do who knows what to me, and now a dark boogey mage, with ogres and assassins at his disposal, wants to kill me!” Akira paused, a disconcerting thought crossed her mind. Her brow wrinkled, “I suppose you are going to tell me ogres are real too!”

  The answer was in his eyes. Akira frowned.

  “We must use drastic measures, powerful spells to unlock your magical potential Akira. I was hesitant on the mountain to suggest such dangerous actions to help you achieve your utmost potential as a mage.”

  “You are too late Morgan.” Akira turned her back to the firelight so only the man in front of her could see her face.

  Mage Morgan was about to argue. The sight of Akira’s eyes glowing red, then brown before turning back to blue stilled his voice momentarily. “Your magic has surfaced! Thank the gods!”

  “My self-imposed lock and key on my magic has been turned. The door has been opened and there is no holding it back. You were right. I do have more powers than I thought. What do we do now Father? This gift, is it a blessing or a curse? It’s a constant agitation, like an itch that can’t be reached.”

  Mage Morgan let out a satisfied sounding breath. “I’m relieved I shall not have to use spells to activate your magic. A blessing or a curse you ask.” The mage paused, perhaps for effect, or perhaps to choose his words carefully. “’Tis both Akira. For those you protect, for those you use your powers to help, it is a blessing. It is also a curse for you, for it brings new enemies that fear what this means in the balance of the undeclared war. A new foe with formidable powers can tip the balance between opposing mage societies. The mages of the White Rose Order strive to keep a tenuous balance in the kingdoms of different beings and creatures, so we can coexist in peace. The power-hungry mages who wish to impose their rule over all, are aligning with the Dark One, Kalifar. We must seek the counsel and protection of my gifted brethren and sisters near the great ocean farther west. Until I find out how Kalifar the Dark One discovered you have magical abilities, it isn’t wise to return to the mountain. I hate to think we have a spy in our midst. More than likely the Dark One used raven eyes to spy on us. I may have to deploy more owls to guard the sky around the mountain top.”

  When Akira gave him a questioning look, her father added. “My friends, the owls, can attack the mystic ravens.”

  Akira digested his words carefully. “But Mother is intending to meet me here. We were to travel together to her homeland. Dimitri offered me his protection from Baron Rolfe.”

  “Baron Rolfe is the least of your worries now, unless he had enlisted second-rate riffraff black mages currying the favor of the Dark Lord. If he has dirty low-ranking mages aiding his pursuit of you, we shall have to be wary. The stupid mages are the most unpredictable. I can wipe the baron out, and any small army he has with him, with one well-timed firestorm weapon.”

  “But what if my half brothers ride with him? We can’t harm them. If they ride with their father, it’s only to protect me from his wrath if he were to catch me. Mother has faith they would do me no harm. She believes they would deliberately lead him away from me.”

  “I hope she is right to place her faith in them. If she is right, we have little to worry about from Baron Rolfe. The Dark One is another matter entirely. We must test and refine your magical abilities, see how we can strengthen them. We must bid your host farewell.”

  “Can you not protect me here. I’m hoping my magic abilities will strengthen me as a warrior, and assist the Order of the White Rose. Dimitri –”

  Mage Morgan cut her off curtly. “Dimitri will want you to be safe. I suspect you have feelings for him of a romantic nature.”

  Akira blushed. “I can’t deny that. Is it obvious to everyone?”

  “Only to those close to you.” The mage’s voice softened. “If it’s any consolation, his attraction to you has been just as obvious.”

  Akira’s expression remained as it was, worried, but her heart leapt in her chest to hear that other’s noticed Dimitri’s interest in herself.

  “And that brings me to the reason I felt compelled to come to you so quickly.” Mage Morgan hesitated, “I wanted to warn you that you may have the ability to draw him to you against his free will.”

  Akira looked puzzled. She looked at her father with disbelieving eyes. “Are you saying he has no choice in the matter. That I have put some spell on him?” Quick anger and hurt reflected from her eyes. She turned away, intending to leave him. “You are wrong! That can’t be.”

  Morgan stepped in her way. “Not intentionally Akira, I say this not to hurt you, but to protect you. If you give your heart to him, you must be sure he loves you of his own free will. Only then do you have a chance at a love given to you, not stolen, a love that endures.”

  “How can it be, that it is not his own will to like me, like me a lot!” Akira’s eyes pinned her father’s gaze.

  “You may have siren abilities. I have watched men struggle with hidden desire for you.”

  “You must be mistaken. You must have been sampling your own potions a little too much. I have put no spell on any man purposefully or accidently. Most men are hateful creatures. Why would I want attention from them? I have worked hard to be fast, be strong, light on my feet, using what you taught me.” Akira frowned. “I’m no enchantress.”

  “Humor me daughter. Look over there.” The mage’s eyes pointed to a young man watching them. “Catch his eyes and think of someone you desire.”

  “But I don’t desire—”

  “Akira, think of Dimitri.”

  “But I can’t think of him like that, standing beside you! You’re a father. Mine.” Akira’s face pinked even more, as she protested.

  Mage Morgan stroked his beard. “Then stand beside your bodyguard and pick a man in the crowd. Think of Dimitri, and beg with your eyes for his touch, his kiss ….” Mage Morgan cleared his throat. “You know,” he waved his hands as if looking for the right words to grab from the air, “and undress him with your eyes or something. I’m just guessing how a siren’s enchantment works. Try, Akira. I will stand by the edge of the trees. If the man you choose comes to you I will stop him before he touches you.”

  “I think I can handle one man, Father. You forget that I trained to fight, to defend myself, right under your nose and with your help.” It was all Akira could do, to not wag her finger at him. “Not that what you ask me to do will work. You’re barking up the wrong tree.” Akira’s eyes turned stormy.

age Morgan’s face softened. “Forgive me. I didn’t mean to imply you couldn’t protect yourself. It seems my new father instincts are over active.”

  Akira glared at him, then her face softened. She would humor her father, prove him wrong. She turned away. She walked back towards the gathering of solemn faces around the cremation fire. A young man’s eyes connected with hers. Akira stood still. She stared. He didn’t look away. Akira gulped, and imagined kissing Dimitri. The young man licked his lips. Akira imagined stroking his arms. The young man’s hand touched his arm where her mind had stroked Dimitri’s image. Akira felt the hairs on her arms stand up. This can’t be happening! It’s just coincidence.

  Akira decided to boldly do a final test. She imagined running her hand from his chest to his groin.

  The young man could not turn away from her gaze. He groaned as his eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and desire.

  Akira felt sick. She paled. The reality of her effect on the young man was like a knife to her heart. Damn the seven hells. It’s possible! A knot tightened in her stomach.

  The young man looked at her again, shaking his head before turning away, clearly puzzled at what had just happened to him. He looked embarrassed, ashamed, confused.

  Mage Morgan, after giving Akira a few moments alone with her thoughts, walked up to his distraught looking daughter. “We have much to learn about your abilities. Perhaps before you give your heart to anyone we should enlist the services of an enchantress.”

  Akira nodded. There was no argument left in her. “When do we leave?”

  “As soon as you tell Dimitri goodbye.” Her father’s eyes reflected a measure of sympathy.

  “And you will get word to Mother that I’m with you?”

  “Yes, I’ll send a messenger to meet her. She can turn back, but I suspect she will hunt for Baron Rolfe and eliminate him as a threat to you and herself. She has her kinsmen with her and her own shaman from her city to deal with the Baron’s mages if they accompany him. I would help her, but she would want me to protect you from the Dark Lord. We will join forces with her and the others when we have strengthened and harnessed whatever powers you have at your disposal.”

  Akira nodded in agreement. “When it is time to wash off the ashes of mourning, I’ll speak to Dimitri.”

  Akira walked away, took her place beside Cronus. Her heart felt heavy. Her thoughts were turbulent. I leave Dimitri within hours. My dreams of being a mighty warrior are in quandary. Perhaps I am destined to be a mage instead of a warrior. An evil mage wants me dead. What next? Oh yes, I might be a siren. I, who have wanted nothing to do with men for most of my life, am bewitching them, calling them to me? Ridiculous! Please be reversible! The fates have a strange sense of humor. I must make certain Dimitri isn’t under some magic I have unwittingly cast. I must not let myself have deep feelings for him until I know his affections are real, and not of my making. If I let him touch me I will waiver. I must think of something else. My head aches.

  Akira focused on the death of her friend and mentor, trading confusion, for the simpler emotion of sorrow. The sorrow provided respite from her turmoil. She stood, grimly beautiful, staring into the flames. Through the flames her eyes searched for, and found, Dimitri. Their gazes locked. Her mind quickly became suspicious. Does he look at me of his own free will? She scolded herself. So much for not thinking about him. Perhaps I’m under his spell. She worried her bottom lip with her teeth. She glanced quickly at her father. He had seen the look she and Dimitri shared across the flames. Was it pity she just saw in her father’s eyes?


  Dimitri raised his goblet high. “To Nels, good friend, mighty warrior … we celebrate your strength, courage, and kind heart.” The crowd cheered. Many drinking vessels raised high. Wine splashed as goblets crashed together. The raising of goblets was accompanied by praises of the fallen warrior’s glory days. As tradition demanded, the mourners lined up before prepared wash basins to remove the dark ashes from their faces. Music, dancing, feasting followed.

  Dimitri watched Mage Morgan thoughtfully pacing the fringe of the celebration of warrior’s life. He noted the impressive stately looking mage didn’t stray far from his daughter’s side although she was shadowed by Cronus for her own protection. Curiosity forced him to make his way through the dancers, past the wooden tables weighed heavily with baked potatoes, jugs of gravy, roast duck, spit-turned roasted pork, and past the musicians. He walked up to Akira and Cronus.

  “Cronus, I’ll take my turn guarding Akira. I’m certain your thirst needs quenching.”

  Cronus replied. “Are you sure you’re fit for duty? I saw your goblet held high many times.” Cronus winked one bushy browed eye at Akira.

  Akira punched his arm. “Go fill your hairy, hollow leg. With my father hovering over me and Dimitri at my side”—Akira paused to give Dimitri a head to toe inspection—“looking not too wobbly from wine, I’ll be fine.”

  Cronus hesitated, “Well if you insist, I shall take my leave.”

  Dimitri just shook his head as his eyes watched Cronus leave, weaving his way through the bodies towards the wine keg. Dimitri turned his eyes to Akira. “I’m sorry I couldn’t come to you sooner.”

  “You had your duties to attend to.” Akira toyed with the hilt of her sword. The promises the ruggedly handsome man before her had made, not so long ago, back on top of the mountain, were still fresh in her mind. He had promised to teach her the pleasures women shared, in a proper bed, not on a barn floor in the straw. She cleared her throat intending to speak, but Dimitri spoke. “On our journey here, you declared your desire to be, not just a warrior, but a great fearless warrior.”

  “I did,” said Akira, “and I do desire to be a fearless warrior.” Akira sighed. “But I failed to prepare myself for the reality of taking lives. Dreams and reality are two different things.”

  “Does the death of Nels deter you from your dream?”

  “No, but seeing a mighty warrior felled by one small deadly arrow, meant for me, has cut deep,” said Akira with a heavy sigh. “Now I fear for my comrades. I need to be fearless. I need to be as fearless as you.”

  Dimitri looked sad. It seemed strange that he would look sad. You should be proud of me for wanting to be fearless, she thought as she stared into his eyes as if searching for something she couldn’t put her finger on.

  “Yes, you need to be fearless if you are going to be a great warrior. You must be free to take dangerous risks, kill without hesitation.”

  “Is that the secret to your remarkable success, Dimitri?” Akira looked over to her father and dismissed him with her eyes. The great mage nodded his understanding. Akira needed time alone with Dimitri. He dropped further back, eyes scanning the horizon, watching every man, woman, and child, for enemies often came in the guise of simple folk.

  Akira’s eyes returned to peruse Dimitri’s face, to memorize his handsome features, while she waited for his answer.

  Dimitri tipped his head towards the mage, a thank you of sorts, for privacy. “Your father didn’t let you out if his sights for long. What draws him here?”

  Akira watched as Dimitri noticed a loosened hair falling across the curve of her cheek. He gently tucked it behind her ear. The tender gesture made her want to reach out and grasp him.

  “The secret to my success was not being afraid to die, to leave someone behind.”

  Akira looked into his soft brown eyes. Was that sadness she saw? Akira asked, “Is that why you have never taken a wife?”

  “Yes, my sweet temptation. I chose to never let love weaken me.”

  Akira swallowed hard. “And that is why you ask me now if I am committed to being a formidable warrior? Before we do something foolish like … liking each other too much?”

  “Yes, we can’t be great fearless warriors if,” he paused, as if choosing his words cautiously, “our feelings and attraction to each other makes us vulnerable.” Dimitri reached for Akira’s hand. “I can’t be the one responsible for holding you ba
ck from your dreams, for making you vulnerable.”

  Akira understood. Her heart sank. “I must choose between these new feelings I have for you, and my dream, that which I thought was my purpose?” Akira sighed at the strange turn of events. “My father believes I need to find how to use, and control, my inherited mage powers. I suspect he will ask me to choose between being a mage or a warrior. Apparently my mediocre halfling ability to be faster than most men in combat isn’t enough to protect me from the Dark Lord.”

  Akira suddenly wished for Dimitri to take her in his arms and influence her choices. “My father wants me to go with him now, to a safe hideaway, so I can learn to use this magic inside of me, this magic coursing through my veins. This unfettered energy is keeping me in a constant state of agitation.”

  “Your father is right to take you away. Until you know your heart’s true desires it’s better we don’t allow the passion between us to ignite.” Dimitri raised her hand to his lips. He pressed a soft warm kiss on the back of her hand. You, and I, have a duty to protect our realms from the Dark Lord’s advances.”

  Akira dropped her stormy blue eyes for fear she could unfairly influence him to desire her above all else. He called me sweet temptation. Have I tempted him unfairly? I mustn’t look at him with longing. He is giving me choices to make. This is what I wanted … choices. Akira took her hand back.

  “I agree,” she said. “Duty must come first. I’ll go with my father, tonight.” Akira tried her hardest to smile, but it wouldn’t come. “I have much to learn before I can make my choices. I’ve rebelled all my life at being told what to do, and now, I suddenly wish to be ordered about by you and my father, so I don’t have to make my own difficult choices.” Akira managed a sad sounding chuckle at the irony. “And then I would hate you both for telling me what to do.” She lifted her head high, squared her shoulders, and impulsively pulled Dimitri’s head down to hers. She closed her eyes as she pressed her lips gently to his cheek. Just as quickly as she had kissed him, she turned on her boot heel and walked away. Her heart protested, but her feet swiftly carried her away to her waiting father.


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