Akira Rides

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Akira Rides Page 11

by Robyn Wideman


  Akira looked across at her father, mounted on Sky Stalker. He was an impressive sight with robes flowing and billowing behind him. My father, she thought, is handsome. No wonder my mother looks upon him often with that look in her eye. Do I have that look in my eyes when I let my eyes linger on Dimitri? Akira let her thoughts dwell on Dimitri. What would he think if he could see me now? Would he be glad or sad that he trained me to be a warrior? Does he find it hard to not think of me, as hard as I find it, to not think about him, dream what could have been? One day, perhaps it will be Dimitri riding the skies with me. Perhaps I will find more happiness sharing the sky with him rather than sharing his pillow. For by his own admission he will not risk loving a woman.

  A dark spot in the sky ahead of her, caught her eyes, jerking her back from her fanciful thinking. She shielded her eyes from the sun, wishing the sun was behind her instead of ahead. It was a small bird, not a storm vulture in the distance. Akira relaxed slightly. Her guard was up. They were flying over prairies, much like the vast prairies she had crossed to escape her stepfather. She thought about Pegasus, her much loved equine mount. She missed him. She made a mental note to bring him a sack full of carrots when next she would see him. His warmth had sheltered her on cold dark and frightening nights alone. Akira thought Sky Spirit would perhaps win a spot in her heart, for the two females of different species had common beliefs and aspirations, but she knew Pegasus’s spot in her heart, was a forever spot. Suddenly, Akira wondered if her love of Pegasus would ever be used against her again, would it be a weakness? Was not that why she dared not give her heart to Dimitri, why Dimitri dared not give his heart to her? She let out a deep sigh. Yes, it was the reason, and she swore to herself she would not put any one at risk for the sake of love. Love had been a weapon her stepfather had used against her. Threatening to harm those she loved had been efficient. Too much was at stake with the fragile equilibrium of the world as she knew it. Akira looked again towards her father. He too had sacrificed the love he had for her mother, to do his duty, leaving her mother with the man she had been forced to marry. Akira wondered if he ever thought it was worth it, worth the sacrifice of love, to do his duty. Everything that happened was meant to be, for didn’t the past shape me, teach me, strengthen me for what I must do now? She resisted the urge to shout to the skies that which was shouted in her thoughts. “I am Akira, I am warrior.” Her face glowed, fiercely beautiful, determination glittered in eyes as blue as the sky she soared.

  Sky Spirit and Sky Stalker were now flying towards a range of sharply-peaked mountains, that earlier were light-blue silhouettes against the sky when they started out. The green color of the mountainside’s base turned white at the snowcapped peaks, snowcapped peaks so high that the snow had not yet melted with the early summer warmth.

  Like birds, the dragons enjoyed the lift of updrafting air underneath their almost translucent wings, making it easier to fly up and over the mountains. As the sun shone through the dragons’ wing skin, the bone structure and veins inside the wings were clearly visible. Their strong wings had a fragile look to them with sunlight shining through them. Strong and beautiful wings pushed against the wind, cutting their way through the cool air, soaring seemingly effortlessly, through the sky. It would have taken a week to traverse on foot to Sarcene. Akira appreciated that when one could fly as the crow flies, straight and true, on a dragon, precious time was saved. The view was a bonus. Akira sighed. She locked it in her memory.

  Shortly before they approached the inhabited lands on the outlying skirts of Sarcene, Mage Morgan covered the dragons with a cloak of invisibility. The dragons set foot at the base of a hill, rising just enough to block a clear view of the city of Sarcene. The dragons’ presence would remain a secret.

  Akira and her father walked to the top of the hill. Before them lay a beautiful city protected within tall rock walls. The quarry-cut rocks, used to build the walls surrounding the city had a pink tinge to them. Beyond the walls, tall buildings gave evidence that the same rock source provided the building materials for most of the construction behind the walls. The gate to the city was welcomingly open.

  Akira stretched her legs before she spoke. “It is a beautiful city. I shall think of it as the pink city. I fear we may have great difficulty convincing them to leave.”

  The mage pointed to the high thick walls. “They probably have faith that those beautiful high walls will hold back an attack by invaders from other kingdoms. In the past, those walls may have sufficed against the type of warfare, and attacks they were accustomed to. They have no experience with the war machine marching towards them. We must hurry, for it may take more time than I would like to spend convincing them their only hope for survival is to flee, and hope that there will be something to return to later.”

  Father and daughter walked briskly. They walked through farming lands dotted with pinkish-colored rock cottages roofed with pale golden thatching. All in all, all they could see looked peaceful and idyllic. Men working their fields noted their presence. A young shepherd sat watch over a flock of recently shorn sheep. Lambs bounced between ewes lazily nibbling sweet-smelling clover and plucking the golden blooms of dandelions. A few peasants waved as the duo made their way on to a road paved with flat pieces of pink rock embedded in cobblestone. Akira felt like she was walking into a fairy tale city. “This is amazing. There are no signs of poverty here. Even the road leading into the city is like carefully constructed artwork.”

  “Yes, which will make our task of getting them to abandon their beautiful city difficult.” The mage stopped beside a shady tree hugging the roadside. He looked around and seeing no one close, he moved into the shade of the tree. He pulled out his globe. “There is an advisor to King Balboa, who is, unbeknownst in the king’s court, a mage. His name is Froid. I shall ask him to meet us at the great entrance gate.” Morgan rubbed his globe and was soon greeting the face of an older looking mage, with a sparsity of beard, who was obviously by the expression on his face, happily excited to learn of a visit from the famous among mages, Mage Morgan.

  The wrinkled old mage said, “I’m most honored to welcome you to our fair city. What brings you so far from yonder kingdoms?”

  “I bring news of a great peril facing your King Balboa and his loyal citizens,” Mage Morgan said.

  “Oh, my aching bones shake! This is terrible news. I shall hasten to the gates to meet you, Morgan. I hear a sense of urgency in your voice.”

  Akira gave her father a meaningful look, as if to say there is a great urgency, let us be on our way.

  “Thank you, old friend, for time is of the essence,” said Akira’s father, returning the globe to its padded safe place under his robe. He said to Akira, “That was the easy part.”

  When they came to the city gates, Akira noticed armed guards giving Mage Morgan no more than a brief second glance. However, their eyes were appreciatively following Akira. She wondered if they had never seen a female warrior before. She was completely unaware that it was her beauty that caught their eyes, and not her weapons. Her father noticed. He muttered under his breath, “She would have made a powerful siren.” He glowered at one young guard for appraising his daughter so boldly. Akira simply ignored the attention.

  An old wizened man garbed in flowing purple robes, with the same face of the man in the globe, waited inside the gates He was waiting in an ornate open top, expensive looking carriage, decorated in a richness that spoke to Akira of high born status, or a high-status appointment. Apparently, the old mage held a position of power and great status in King Balboa’s court. A servant opened the carriage doors for Akira and her father. They sat on soft velvet cushions. Akira fingered the beautiful soft material appreciatively.

  Now, more curious eyes followed them as the driver took them deeper into the city. To be seen with Froid, gave rise to curiosity, signaling that Akira and Mage Morgan were visitors of great importance. Yes, indeed, there was a great curiosity regarding Advisor Froid’s guests.r />
  Clean streets, a bustle of busy commerce made Akira look around in wonder. She gave a meaningful look to her father that spoke volumes. How would anyone be convinced to leave such a beautiful city? Her heart ached for them. She saw the Sarcenians had much to lose if they abandoned their city, and their lives to lose if they refused to leave. It would be futile to stop the Dark One at their walls. They could possibly slow him down by a few hours. According to her father they stood no chance against the advancing army. Akira looked back at the curious faces. Those faces that smiled, she smiled back at. Soon enough smiles would be in short supply.

  Froid took them straight to a palace in the center of the city. Guards opened gates and doors for him without question. Quickly he ushered them into a great room. The throne at the end of the highly vaulted great room was empty. Ivory statues lined the walls, standing guard between richly colored tapestries. Stained glass panels set between great timber beams let daylight into the great hall. Akira had never seen anything so beautiful. Akira and her father waited as Froid disappeared behind a huge wooden door. The huge door was carved with scenes of hunters and stags. Within minutes King Balboa arrived with his entourage of servants behind him, Froid at his side.

  Akira noted the king was a handsome man. She wondered what kind of man he was. His white robe was handsomely embroidered with an abundance of golden-colored threads. The jeweled crown on his head sat regally on a thick head of shoulder-length hair. Several streaks of silver shining among his curly black locks gave him a distinguished look. His face was clean shaven. He studied his visitors with piercing brown eyes as he settled into his throne. Akira noted no evidence of excesses of food or drink in his appearance. Akira followed the lead of her father and bowed before the handsome king. The king was first to speak.

  “My learned advisor tells me you bring alarming warnings of a great peril.”

  “Yes, my lord. It pains me to bring you news of an imminent attack upon your beautiful city.”

  The king frowned. “Who do you represent, and why should I believe you, other than take my advisor’s word that you are a credible source of information? We are not at war. We know of no enemy that would dare threaten us. What foolish king would march against us?”

  “’Tis not a king that marches against you my lord, or I would find no need to warn you.”

  “Then tell me who would dare such a folly?”

  Mage Morgan looked at the servants. “Perhaps we should talk with fewer ears to listen.” The king was silent for a few seconds. He nodded, dismissing his servants. A guard approached Akira. “Your weapons please.” Akira handed her weapons to the guard without hesitation, for she could use magic for self-protection if needed. The guards were then dismissed to stand outside the doors of the great room.

  “Well then,” said the king, as the doors closed behind the guards, “what is it that necessitates such urgency and great secrecy?”

  “Kalifar, the Dark One to the north, has broken all treaties with all kingdoms in every direction. He has cracked the invisible shield that kept the creatures and beings, that refused to cohabitate with humankind in peace, banished to the far north for. You are not threatened by a neighboring kingdom. Kalifar is a sorcerer with great power and a hunger for even more power. At this moment, your kingdom is in his path.”

  The king sat up straighter on his throne. A frown replaced the calm expression he wore earlier. He was just beginning to comprehend the danger marching steadily for his kingdom and his capitol city. “We have a strong army, three thousand strong. Our walls are high and strong, and we can withstand a long siege.”

  “You don’t have a wall strong enough to withstand the war machines he brings with him, my lord. For he uses black magic to strengthen his weaponry. His evil army is bolstered with ogres. Many of his soldiers are walking dead, with souls following in a dark cloud over them. Your weapons can’t kill them.”

  Akira watched King Balboa’s face tighten. “Have you proof of what you say?”

  Mage Morgan nodded. “I can show you in a vision. I am a white mage.”

  The king, visibly startled to have a mage standing before him, was struggling to believe what he heard. He sighed. “I’ll send for my priests to witness this vision you speak of, this vision you will offer as proof. It would be foolish of me to take you at your word, for mages have used trickery before. Froid, sound the gong to summon my priests.”

  Froid sounded the gong, and soon the guards opened the great doors allowing five hurrying priests to enter the great room. The priest with the tallest conical hat approached his king, and bent down to hear his king’s whisper.

  Akira felt nervous, as the priests huddled and conferred with each other and Froid. Finally, the priest with the tallest hat whispered with the king once more. Akira looked at her father, who looked unconcerned. Her eyes then went back to read the expression of the king’s face. His face gave nothing away. He spoke finally to Mage Morgan. “Show us this vision, mage.”

  Mage Morgan lifted his staff. A white mist formed, looking like a floating loosely edged picture frame. Quickly, the frame filled with more white mist. The priests watched carefully, nodding, and murmuring among themselves. Suddenly in the white mist forms took shape. They could see an army marching forward. The army filled the width of a valley and they could not see to the end of it. Leading the thousands was a man mounted on a huge black stallion wearing a silver breastplate. The horse’s eyes glowed red, as did the eyes of the sorcerer on his back. At each side of the sorcerer walked a giant black leopard like creature. The creatures had fangs that looked like efficient flesh ripping tools.

  “Is this vision trickery?” asked the king, of his priests.

  “No, my lord,” said the high priest. “The vision does not deceive. Your servants of the holy cloth are most satisfied the vision is truth, my lord.”

  Mage Morgan looked satisfied. “Need you see the destruction behind this evil army, or will you trust me that it is most gut-wrenching to view?”

  “What I see now is disturbing enough. You have made your point most effectively and sharply.”

  Mage Morgan dissipated the white mist with a deeply exhaled breath. Akira herself had shuddered at the sight of the Dark One’s Army, while the priests murmured excitedly among themselves. Now, she hoped the king would be receptive to her father’s plan to save the Sarcenians. The king dismissed his priests with just a nod. He turned his undivided attention back to Mage Morgan and his advisor, Froid.

  “We shall prepare to fight immediately. I have asked my priests to send in my war council.”

  “It is too little, too late, King Balboa. Your army will fall before this massive wave of evil. Even I cannot summon enough mage power to protect your kingdom before the beasts will be at your walls.”

  King Balboa inhaled sharply. His nostrils flared. For a moment, Akira thought the clearly agitated king looked ready to argue with her father, then thought better of it.

  “Then we are doomed.” The king stood, as if to leave, then he sat down again. “You wouldn’t bring such dire predictions if you didn’t have a plan to help us, would you, mage?”

  Although her father’s face revealed nothing, Akira knew her father was relieved the king wasn’t arrogantly arguing that his forces could protect his kingdom.

  “I do have a plan,” said Mage Morgan. “But, first I must ask you this. Would you try to hold onto your beautiful city, at the cost of every life that it contains to save that which when they are dead they will never enjoy?” Morgan paused momentarily, letting his words settle. He held his hand up indicating he didn’t want an answer yet. “Or would you be willing to abandon the city, save the lives of your people, in the hope of someday returning and rebuilding?”

  King Balboa put his head in his hands. When he lifted his head, he spoke with a heavy heart. “Do we have time enough to pack up and leave?” Akira studied the king’s face. It was as if he knew what her father was going to say, knew what answer was coming.

“No, you don’t, if you try to bring more than just enough food to get you to safety, you will be caught. You must sacrifice material things. The food you leave behind will help us weaken the army that seeks to destroy you.”

  “How can the abandonment of our reserves of food, and the things we value weaken that evil that would wipe us from the face of the earth?” asked the visibly shaken king. “We should leave no food to feed those that would destroy us.”

  “We will put a slow-acting poison in the food stores left behind. The living soldiers of the Dark Ones army will loot and pillage. Let them enjoy the hastily left food reserves that will appear as if you could not take them with you. If you stand and fight, the Dark One will use all your dead to increase his army and their souls will join that dark cloud you saw floating over the mighty machines of war they drag and push, those mighty weapons that will destroy your walls in days if not hours. Abandoning the city and setting a poison trap will weaken his forces. If they want to claim your city for their own purposes, they might not destroy it, especially if the gates are open.”

  “Run away and live to fight another day,” said Akira. She hesitated when she realized she may have spoken out of turn. She looked to her father. He nodded his approval for her to continue speaking.

  Akira continued, “Your army can join the southern armies and with the combined power of white mages, like my father, we can defeat not only the soldiers and beasts with heartbeats, but defeat the ghost soldiers and free their souls. We must destroy Kalifar or be destroyed.”


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