On Deadly Ground (Dan & Chloe Book 2)

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On Deadly Ground (Dan & Chloe Book 2) Page 4

by Flamank, Nathan L.



  Chloe stood at the floor-to-ceiling bedroom windows, they overlooked the stables and she could see Dan down there talking to his horse.

  Chloe finished drying her breasts with a towel and she turned away from the windows.

  She looked at the large king-size bed that was situated dead centre in the middle of the expansive bedroom and smiled. She loved this room almost as much as the “lighthouse”. The floor was pine, she had sanded and varnished the whole room herself. As she walked across the room she could feel the smoothness of the highly buffed flooring beneath her bare feet. Chloe stopped at the foot of the bed and smiled once again at the clothes that Dan had laid out for her.

  Chloe sat on the edge of the bed, the cool silk sheets caressing her nakedness. She picked up the black suspender belt that Dan had laid out for her and she quickly fastened it around her waist; it looked good against the tanned surface of her flesh.

  As Chloe continued to get dressed she thought about this evening and the look that she had seen on Dan’s face when he had thought she wasn’t looking at him. She shivered at the memory, the burning in her husband’s eyes, there was something bothering him and Chloe didn’t know what to do about it.

  For now, all she could do was offer Dan a night of unbridled passion. She tugged on the black knickers that he had chosen for her and she caught sight of the whip coiled around one of the bed’s head posts. Chloe bit her bottom lip as she wondered what her husband had in store for her.

  Chloe picked up the matching black bra. She eyed the black PVC zippered dress that was hanging by a hook on one of the four massive oak columns that ran up through the floor from the ground level. Each post was in a corner of the massive bedroom and to Chloe they looked like carved trees, each column rose out of the floorboards and disappeared in to the ceiling overhead.

  Chloe slipped her left hand in to the cups of her bra adjusting her breasts until they felt comfortable. She tightened the bra’s straps until her breasts were pushed tight together creating a cleavage that she knew would have Dan salivating. Not for the first time Chloe wondered what it was about tits that turned men in to zombies.

  Flash ‘em some flesh and they would be led to the very gates of hell. Chloe chuckled, I mean, every second person on the planet has them.

  Chloe squeezed her large and rounded breasts and she smiled at the thought of Dan’s zombie-like obedience.

  ‘Men, so easy to manipulate,’ Chloe said aloud to the empty room.

  Chloe picked up the glossy black stockings that Dan wanted her to wear. She raised her left foot on to the edge of the bed and slipped the stocking over her toes, her fingers pooled the stocking at her toes and she pushed her foot in to the stocking, she slowly worked the glimmering sheath up her calf and over her knee. Chloe stood up and smoothed the stocking up her thigh, she quickly attached the two suspender straps to the patterned lace work of the stocking’s top before repeating the process with her other leg.

  Chloe fiddled with the straps and suspender belt and padded in her stockinged feet over to the large windows once again. She unlatched the locks and pushed the windows open; the windows swung out on well-oiled hinges and a cool breeze swept in to the room.

  Chloe could smell the various wild flowers that grew in abundance all over their land, mixed in with the floral scent was the smell of the horses and she closed her eyes and enjoyed the moment. The cool breeze felt comforting against her almost naked body and she inhaled the richness of the night before walking over to the column where her dress was hanging up.

  Chloe snagged the PVC dress from the hook and unzipped the front, she slid her arms in to the short sleeves and closed the two sides of the dress together. Chloe fed the zipper’s teeth in to zipper before slowly starting to zip the front of her dress.

  The PVC dress was tight and her slight, petite frame only emphasised her heaving breasts. She left a good five inches unzipped so that her immense cleavage would be visible from a mile away.

  Chloe returned to the bed and flicked the lid from the shoe box that Dan had left out for her. Chloe shook her head and chuckled as she picked up the left thigh boot.

  She heard Weiser chuffing and clutching the boot to her side Chloe moved to the open windows. She looked down towards the paddock and saw that Dan had climbed on to the back of the horse, without a saddle or reins and Chloe hoped that Dan knew what he was playing at.

  Chloe watched as Dan gently dug his heels in to the sides of Weiser and the horse moved off. Chloe remained where she was until both horse and rider disappeared in to the darkness. She could no longer see Dan but she could hear the sounds of Weiser’s hooves as Dan urged the horse firstly in to a trot and then in to a full blown gallop.

  Chloe flashed back on their time in Australia and she cursed loudly as realisation dawned on her. She crossed quickly to the bed and sat down, she pulled on each thigh boot and zipped her legs in to them.

  Chloe stood up, the five inch stiletto heels were not easy to walk in but she quickly mastered it as she walked back to the open windows. Chloe had to adjust the tops of the boots so that they came to rest on her thighs just below her stocking tops and she wiggled her body and the PVC dress settled very high on her thighs (it was so short that it barely covered her crotch).

  Chloe stepped out on to the reinforced flat roof of the porch. She stood with her legs parted, she planted her hands on her hips and she stood there waiting for Dan to materialise out of the darkness.

  Enough light spilled out from the bedroom at her back that when, five long minutes later she finally saw Dan, she knew that when he looked up at her he would see what she was wearing and that she was waiting for him, she needed him to come inside before things got too out of control.

  Chloe could see the breath exploding from Weiser’s nostrils, plumes of white, as the magnificent beast settled near the fence. Dan patted the horse’s neck and rubbed Weiser’s ears before glancing up towards Chloe. Even from across the expanse of the yard Chloe could see the smile spread across her husband’s emotionally tortured face. Dan raised his right hand and waved.

  ‘I’m on my way,’ he called out.

  ‘Hurry up,’ Chloe called back before walking back in to the bedroom.

  She left him with one last glimpse of her ass before she disappeared inside and moments later Dan could hear music swelling out through the open bedroom windows.

  Chloe was playing one of her Britney Spears albums and Dan chuckled before sliding down from Weiser’s back.

  Dan climbed over the fence and fetched Weiser an apple from the stable. He returned to the fence and offered Weiser his reward. Weiser quickly made the apple disappear. Dan clicked his fingers and the horse took off across the paddock.

  Dan headed for the ranch and he quickly ran through in his head the conversation he was about to have with Chloe. Dan closed the front door behind him and he kicked his cowboy boots off, he left them by the front door.

  Dan had no idea how Chloe would react to what he was about to tell her but he knew that she had to hear what he was thinking; the outcome would affect them both.


  Dan stepped out from beneath the powerful jets of hot water, he switched the shower off and swept the glass panel back on its wheeled braces. Stepping out of the large shower he snatched a towel from the rail and patted the towel against his face.

  He moved over to the large mirror mounted on the wall and he looked at his reflection. His eyes quickly located the various scars that covered his body, scars that were a testament to more dangerous times.

  Dan’s gaze settled on one in particular, he traced his fingers over the puckered surface of the scar tissue, a mark of brotherly hatred, and he flashed back to that moment in England when he had killed his only sibling. Despite the intervening years the memory was still painful.

  Dan turned from the mirror and in doing so he turned his back on his past once more.

  Chloe had snuck in to the large bat
hroom, and in her heels that was no easy trick. She was standing next to the doorway leaning back against the slated wall, her left foot up against the wall so that her left knee was pointing in to the room. Her stance offered Dan a view that indicated of the pleasures to come.

  Despite his melancholic thoughts the sight of Chloe dressed the way she was had an instant reaction on him and his cock flooded with blood and his erection stood straight out, pointing wantingly at Chloe.

  Dan finished drying his body and let the towel drop to his feet.

  ‘Well, are you just gonna look at me, or are you going to put that cock to good use?’ Chloe asked, she licked her lips suggestively and batted her eyelashes.

  Dan smiled but he didn’t make a move towards her. He cleared his throat and said, ‘I have to talk to you.’

  Chloe shook her head from side to side, her electric pink hair swishing around her face. The blue of her eyes sparkled beneath the bathroom’s lights and Dan saw her flash of anger, it came and went in a split second but it had been there.

  ‘No Dan, not tonight, not “Date-Night”. If you love me baby tell me in the morning, but tonight, let’s not think about what needs to be done. Please?’

  Dan smiled and nodded his head in acquiescence; it was the least he could do, giving Chloe this night, giving him this night.

  ‘Okay slut, tomorrow.’

  Chloe smiled.


  The game had begun and Chloe felt an instantaneous flooding of wetness between her legs. She loved it when Dan called her a slut, she also liked it when he called her a whore, his whore, and she knew this to be true. When it came to Dan she really was a dirty fucking whore and there was nothing that she wouldn’t do to please him.

  Nothing. At. All.

  Dan waved Chloe back to the bedroom and Chloe obliged him. She made a big deal of it by accentuating every step, hip-to-hip, one step directly in front of the other and at the bed she stopped. She leaned over and gripped the foot-board pushing her PVC-clad ass up and back. Chloe arched her back pushing her breasts down towards the silk sheets and she looked back over her shoulder and grinned at Dan.

  ‘So what’s first baby?’

  Dan smiled and Chloe saw his eyes flash to the bullwhip hanging from one of the bed’s corner posts.

  ‘You wouldn’t,’ Chloe said. She had been slapped and spanked by Dan but the concept of having her ass ripped to pieces by the bullwhip didn’t sit too high on her personal list of things she wanted to try.

  ‘Don’t you fucking move slut,’ Dan said. His voice was full of authority and Chloe felt a shiver shoot through her.

  Ah Jesus God help me, Chloe thought to herself as she followed Dan’s progress around the bed.

  Dan stopped at the bedpost and uncoiled the whip.

  ‘Who are you supposed to be? Indiana Jones?’ Chloe said in a sarcastic tone, hoping that she could embarrass Dan in to changing his mind.

  Dan returned to the foot of the bed and stepped up behind Chloe. Chloe twisted her body so that she could still see him and Dan smiled at her.

  ‘You love me?’

  Chloe bit her bottom lip, she was scared but she nodded her head without a second’s pause.

  ‘You know I do.’

  ‘You trust me?’

  Chloe swallowed hard before nodding her head once again.

  Dan let the bullwhip uncoil between his loose fingers before he tightened his grip on the leather handle. Chloe watched from over her shoulder as Dan snapped the whip out to his side.

  Chloe jumped at the loud audible crack that the whip made when it reached its length.

  ‘Jesus fuck!’ Chloe squealed, ‘I almost wet myself, when did you get so good with that thing?’

  Dan’s free hand, his left, pushed the short PVC dress up over Chloe’s raised ass. He slowly started to caress her buttocks through the lacy knickers that she had on. His fingers snaked along the curves of her buttocks. Chloe felt his fingertips tug lightly at her suspender straps before he resumed caressing her buttocks.

  Dan flicked his right hand again and once again the whip flashed outwards and the crack once again made Chloe jump. She realised that she was breathing heavily, she really didn’t know what was going through her husband’s mind, but if he thought that her ass could take a lashing from that bullwhip…

  Well, fuck, I told him he could do anything to me and I’m not gonna break my word now.

  She just hoped her ass was up to the task.

  Dan’s hand left her ass and Chloe watched as he walked away from her. He stopped when roughly eight feet separated them. Chloe couldn’t help herself and she started to laugh, her laughter was full of anxiety and nerves.

  ‘Baby, I’m not sure about...’

  Chloe didn’t get the chance to finish her sentence.

  Dan raised his right arm and in one smooth practised move he cocked and let rip with the bullwhip. The whip shot forwards faster than her eye could see and the crack of the whip followed a split second later.

  Chloe yelped and stood straight, her hands came free of the bed and she grabbed her ass, she was ready to cry out in pain. She felt her ass and after a split-second realised that there was no pain, no stinging, no nothing.

  What the hell?

  ‘Slut, resume the position.’

  Chloe did as Dan commanded and as she pushed her ass back, raising it towards Dan, she realised that her cunt was soaking wet.

  I’m scared but damn am I turned on or what?

  Her thoughts were interrupted once again by the cracking of the whip and again she reflexively jumped straight up and grabbed her ass. Again, the pain that she had expected, did not materialise. Chloe rubbed at her ass through her knickers wondering if the sting of the whip would suddenly sneak up on her.

  Perhaps it’s numbed my ass and the pain’ll come when it’s all over.

  ‘Ah shit,’ she said in a whisper.

  ‘Turn around and face me,’ Dan’s words snapped her from her inner monologue and on unsteady legs she turned to face Dan.

  ‘Unzip your dress. Take it off. Slowly.’

  This is more like it, Chloe thought as she slowly began to unzip the dress.

  ‘Slower,’ Dan instructed and Chloe’s fingers unzipped the front of the PVC dress one metallic tooth at a time.

  Dan was now stroking his huge, hard cock with his left hand and Chloe moaned as she watched him stretch his foreskin back over his swollen glans. His cock’s thickness and length held her transfixed as Dan continued to slowly masturbate.

  ‘That is so not fair,’ Chloe said.

  Chloe yelped as Dan’s right hand shot out and the whip flew and cracked. She could feel the passing of the whip’s cracker next to her ear.

  ‘Fuck me Dan!’ Chloe cursed.

  ‘I will, just shut up and do what I damn well told you.’

  Chloe could have come on the spot, the commanding tone in Dan’s voice made her feel like she was back in school being reprimanded by her teacher for talking in class.

  ‘Yes,’ she managed.

  ‘Yes what?’

  ‘Y-yes Master.’

  ‘That’s right, and what are you?’

  Chloe swallowed and smiled.

  ‘A whore.’

  ‘Who’s whore?’

  ‘Your whore.’


  Chloe finally finished unzipping the dress and Dan told her to drop it to the floor.

  Chloe obeyed.

  Dan stroked his cock and squeezed his hard shaft and smiled at Chloe.

  ‘You want this?’ he asked, playfully waving his cock in his hand.

  Chloe’s eyes were glued to his cock and she nodded her head.

  ‘You know I do.’

  She watched as Dan stretched his foreskin back as far as he could, the glans of his colossal cock throbbing a darker purple and Chloe licked her lips.

  ‘I love your cock,’ she said. And she meant it, some men, including Dan were obsessed with breasts or asses and Chloe
totally got it. She fully understood how a body part could so entrap one’s mind. Dan’s cock was magnificent and she regularly told him so, usually just before she took his cock deep in to her mouth.

  Standing in front of him, thinking about the last time she had deep-throated him, she couldn’t help it and she felt herself about to orgasm. Her body began to tremble as she continued to watch Dan’s hand gliding along the smoothness of his shaft.

  Chloe had once measured his cock for the fun of it: nine inches in length and seven inches in circumference. Every time he filled one of her holes his cock would stretch her and right now she really needed to experience that stretching sensation.

  The whip cracked bringing Chloe back to the moment and once again she braced herself for pain. She looked down to try and spot where the whip had connected with her flesh, surely it would leave a mark on her flesh somewhere, but she couldn’t see a single mark.

  The whip cracked again and this time Chloe actually saw what happened. The end of the whip (which Dan had once informed her was called a cracker) connected with the suspender strap on her left thigh. The very tip of the whip catching the clasp that held her stocking in place and that was when it all dawned on her and Chloe lowered her hands to her thighs. Her fingers quickly located where the suspender straps should have been secured to her stocking tops.

  ‘Holy fuck baby,’ Chloe said in awe as her fingers found that each strap had been severed and now she could feel her stockings slowly beginning to lose some of their grip on her thighs.

  ‘Shit!’ Chloe added.

  She looked up from her thighs just as a crack sounded and she felt the right bra strap on her shoulder come away. Chloe turned her head to look.


  Her left bra strap was suddenly hanging free.


  Chloe actually saw the tip of the cracker snap the thin strip of material between the cups of her bra and the bra, now ruined, fell from her upper body.

  Chloe’s large, full, rounded breasts spilled free and Chloe was not in the least bit surprised to see that her nipples were huge, engorged and as hard as she had ever known them to be.


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