On Deadly Ground (Dan & Chloe Book 2)

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On Deadly Ground (Dan & Chloe Book 2) Page 11

by Flamank, Nathan L.

  ‘I’m talking to a dead man,’ Dan interrupted.

  There were several seconds of silence followed by the sound of laughter.

  ‘You know how many times I’ve heard that line? And how many times it scared me? A lot, and not once. Hell boy, so you got the better of Dallas and some of my boys out on the prairie, they meant nothing to me.’

  ‘I hope you have plenty more for me to play with,’ Dan stated. He finished the remainder of his beer and paced the kitchen.

  ‘You’re dead! Your wife is dead! I’m gonna burn your land to ashes.’

  ‘Well, what are you waiting for?’ Dan asked.

  Baxter must have sensed the cold, clinical calm in Dan’s voice, he didn’t reply for several seconds.

  ‘I don’t scare easily boy, you don’t scare me.’

  Yeah, he’s afraid, Dan thought to himself, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth.

  ‘I should scare you Mister Baxter. Right now, if I were you, I’d be shitting myself.’


  ‘So you know my name? What did you do to get Dallas to talk?’

  The bravado was back in Baxter’s voice.

  Dan smiled again.

  ‘I pulled his guts out through the hole I put in him.’


  A little longer this time.

  ‘You killed my nephew,’ Baxter said, there was finally some genuine anger and fire in the man’s voice.

  ‘Technically my wife shot him, blew the fuckwit clean in half. He started this by trying to kill us. I don’t like people who try to kill me.’

  ‘So what? You think I’m gonna fucking run back to Boston with my tail between my legs?’

  ‘I hope not, really I do. But it makes no difference to me, run and I’ll just come after you and kill you. Stay and fight, well I’ll also kill you, but you stay it ends with your corpse at my feet. Run and I’ll come after everyone you hold close to your heart. I’ll butcher you and your entire family, including any distant relatives that you didn’t even realise you had. I’ll kill them all and I’ll relish every fucking minute of it.’

  ‘Now wait a fucking minute,’ Baxter yelled down the phone. ‘You can’t threaten me, do you know who I am?’

  Dan laughed and there was nothing but dead things inside it.

  ‘Do you know who I am? I’m your walking nightmare.’

  ‘Listen up…’

  Dan disconnected the call, he smashed the cell phone against the granite work-top sending shards of plastic across the kitchen.

  ‘Now we wait,’ Dan said to the empty kitchen.



  Chloe was dreaming and it was a good dream, the sort of dream she loved to have. The kind of dream that always ended with her waking up in bed next to Dan, her orgasm still crashing through her. She would just lie there next to Dan’s sleeping body until she had finished coming, then she would duck beneath the sheets and take Dan’s soft cock in to her warm mouth. Soon the dream would become a reality.

  In this dream Chloe was wearing what she called her “naughty school-girl”. Short pleated skirt (the one in this dream was a chequered black and red and was so short that any “teacher” would be corrupted), a white blouse, unbuttoned but secured beneath her breasts in a tight knot. She wasn’t wearing any underwear and her hard nipples were visible against the blouse. Over-the-knee socks and tight pigtails finished off her look and on her feet were a pair of black six inch heels, more suited to a stripper than a schoolgirl.

  But hey this is my dream.

  She looked at her hands, her arms were spread across a desk and her wrists were bound with skipping-ropes to the far corners of the desk. Chloe pulled at her bindings, there was no give.

  I’m well and truly tied up.

  Chloe tried to move her feet but quickly realised that each ankle was tied securely to a leg of the desk. She settled in to the dream and she could now feel the cold wood of the desk’s surface pressing against her exposed belly.

  Chloe looked back over her right shoulder and instantly her juices began to flow. Her cunt was dripping, her thighs were soaked. She saw the look on Dan’s face - it was a look of pure hunger, of pure need and of pure desire.

  Chloe licked her lips and smiled back at Dan’s nakedness, his cock grew hard. She was desperate for all nine inches.

  ‘Fuck me,’ she said and Dan smiled. He raised his hand from behind his back and Chloe groaned in anticipation at the sight of the cane.

  Dan slapped the thin cane against the palm of his left hand; the “snapping” sound of the cane connecting with the flesh of his palm caused Chloe to tremble.

  ‘You’ve been a bad girl.’

  ‘Very bad sir.’

  ‘You need to be punished.’

  ‘Yes, yes I do, I need to be reprimanded.’

  ‘You’re a naughty, dirty slut,’ Dan said.

  He stopped behind her and Chloe watched the cane swish through the air. She cried out as the thin strip of cane connected with the exposed flesh of her ass. The searing pain was astronomical, the stinging sensation coursed through her and she cried out.

  Dan let the cane fly again and Chloe shuddered as the cane connected again with her buttocks.

  ‘Fuck! That fucking stings!’

  ‘You need to be punished.’

  Chloe felt tears in her eyes but she nodded her head, her breathing had grown faster and she could feel an orgasm lurking somewhere close by.

  Jesus, this is so damn wrong as to be so fucking right!

  The whip-like cane connected with the back of her thighs, she cried out three more times as the cane performed a trio of stinging slaps to the soft flesh of her ass and thighs.

  ‘Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!’

  Dan moved closer between her stretched open legs. He gently stroked the thin red welts that the cane had left on her exposed ass. Chloe trembled at his loving touch, she blinked away her tears and smiled back at him.

  ‘I’ll be a good little girl in future sir, I promise.’

  Dan dropped the cane and his hands began to knead and caress her buttocks. She could feel his fingers and thumbs tantalisingly close to her puckered anus and the folds of her soaking wet cunt.

  ‘We know you will,’ Dan said. Chloe frowned back at him.


  Dan nodded his head indicating beyond her. Chloe turned her head and looked up. Dan smiled down at her.

  Chloe gasped and looked back at the Dan behind her.

  ‘Two Dans? Oh I’m liking this dream,’ Chloe said.

  Chloe looked back at the Dan in front of her and she moaned as the second Dan took her face in his hands. She smiled up at him and opened her mouth.

  This new Dan pushed his huge, hard cock towards her face and Chloe couldn’t believe how big this second Dan was. His colossal cock filled her mouth and soon she was struggling to breathe. He kept pushing forwards until she was almost gagging. He started to fuck her mouth and Chloe moaned around her mouthful of cock.

  The Dan behind her took her hard and deep in the ass.

  Oh God, oh God, oh God, Jesus this is something else, I feel so used, like a receptacle for them. Haha them, it’s just Dan. Jesus, oh God, I’m coming, I’m coming. This is fucked up. God his cock is so huge, my mouth is stretched, Jesus I can feel his glans right down my throat. My ass, fuck me, Dan’s cock is huge, fuck, fuck, fuck!

  The thoughts just tumbled through Chloe, words tripping over one another in a stampede of emotions.

  I’m being “spit-roasted” by the man I love, oh fuck, oh fuck, my, oh that’s it I’m coming again!

  Chloe was breathing heavily through her nostrils, every inhalation and exhalation flaring her nostrils and her eyes were wide with the sheer force of the pleasure that Dan was imposing on her. She could feel Dan’s hands gripping her buttocks as his colossal cock stretched her ass painfully. She could feel Dan’s hands on her throat as he fucked her mouth.

  Chloe totally lost it when both Dans
cried out. They both started to come. Chloe was coming hard. She swallowed mouthful after mouthful of Dan’s semen and her ass began to fill with even more of his seed.

  Chloe couldn’t believe how long the two cocks kept spewing forth their thick, creamy loads. She gasped when Dan finally pulled his cock from her mouth, he gripped the thickness of his cock and his come splattered across her face.

  Chloe’s face was soon covered in a thick coating of Dan’s cream. Chloe blinked the semen from her eyes, he continued to unload directly in to her face.

  She felt herself coming again.

  The cock in her ass continued to spew forth thick, creamy strings of spunk. Chloe cried out as her orgasm intensified. She tilted her face up to Dan as he continued to coat her face.

  I’m a come covered slut! Jesus there is so much, my hair, shit it’s all over me, it’s never going to stop, I’m going to be drowning in the stuff before too long, this is so fucking incredible, what a dream, what a dream, oh God!

  ‘Fuck me harder!’ Chloe cried out.

  Did I really just say that?

  ‘Shove it back in my mouth baby, I want more!’

  What the Hell am I doing?

  Her thoughts were swallowed up as Dan’s cock thrust between her come-smeared lips and then she was having to swallow as Dan’s semen flooded her mouth.

  Chloe swallowed mouthful after mouthful.

  Faster and faster she swallowed.

  Faster, faster, faster.

  Chloe was gasping as the tides of come kept surging down her throat.

  Faster, faster, faster.

  Chloe started to panic. There was no way that she could keep up with the torrential flow of semen.

  Faster, faster, faster, faster.

  It was never-ending.

  Chloe’s ability to breathe was abandoning her.

  There’s just too much of the stuff!

  Faster, faster, faster.

  The deluge was too much and she knew that she was going to drown in it.

  Chloe struggled to find air, to catch a breath but it was impossible.

  The darkness fell over her and she screamed her despair.



  ‘Dan’s in trouble,’ Chloe said.

  Chloe’s eyes flew open and she tried to sit up in the hospital bed. She cried out as the pain hit her and she remembered where she was.

  ‘Jesus Chloe, you scared the shit of me,’ Tile said. He got up from his chair and walked across the small hospital room to her bed. He looked down at her.

  ‘I can get a nurse for you.’

  Chloe shook her head, it hurt, and she bit her bottom lip until the pain dropped to a more manageable level.

  ‘No, you have to help me get out of here.’

  ‘No way Chloe, Dan made it clear what I was here for, to look over you.’

  Tile lowered the sawn-off shotgun and put a reassuring hand on Chloe’s arm. She looked so weak but he could see fire burning in her eyes.

  ‘Listen to me Tile, Dan is in danger. If we don’t get to him soon he’s going to be killed. Now, fucking help me up.’

  ‘It’s not gonna happen Chloe, you’re in no condition to be going anywhere.’

  Chloe’s left hand snapped out from the bed and she snatched the sawn-off shotgun from Tile’s grasp.

  He was stunned by how fast she had managed to disarm him.

  Chloe turned the shotgun on him.

  ‘I don’t want to shoot you Tile but I will if you don’t man the fuck up and help me.’

  The shotgun dropped from her fingers and clattered to the tiled floor.

  ‘Fuck!’ Chloe gasped as a fresh wave of pain crashed over her.

  Tile crouched down and picked up the sawn-off, he straightened up and looked down at Chloe. He could see sweat beading on her forehead as she fought the pain.

  Tile shook his head.

  What the fuck is it with these fucking English people?

  Tile put the shotgun down on the edge of the bed and helped Chloe to slowly sit up.

  ‘You’re fucking crazy,’ Tile said. There was admiration in his voice.

  Chloe slowly swung her legs around to the edge of the bed. Chloe’s hospital gown slipped from her shoulders exposing her breasts to Tile.

  Tile’s mouth dropped open.

  ‘Yeah, I have tits, come on Tile. You’ll be seeing a hell of a lot more of me in a minute so get used to it.’

  Tile couldn’t help it and he laughed.

  ‘Damn, you’re something else, so how do you want to do this?’ he asked. He tried to keep his eyes away from Chloe’s naked breasts but he couldn’t, he failed miserably.

  I mean, fuck, I’ve seen some tits in my time, but fuck me those are amazing.

  ‘What did they do with my clothes?’

  ‘Huh, sorry? What?’

  Chloe chuckled painfully, ‘Tile, you’ll be seeing my cunt in a minute, can we please get over it?’

  Tile snapped his eyes up to Chloe’s face. She could see that he had gone a shade of red that she hadn’t seen outside of a Ferrari showroom and she smiled.

  ‘I need my clothes Tile.’

  ‘Right, hang on.’

  Tile opened various cupboards and a wardrobe but he couldn’t find any of Chloe’s clothes.

  ‘I can’t see them anywhere.’

  ‘What do you have on under that shirt?’

  ‘Huh, what?’

  ‘Your shirt.’

  ‘Right, yes, hang on.’

  Tile unbuttoned his fleeced shirt and slipped it off, he was wearing a t-shirt beneath it. Chloe could see several scars on his exposed shoulders.

  We all have our histories, Chloe thought.

  Tile handed her his shirt. Chloe dropped it next to her on the bed.

  ‘Help me out of this fucking gown. Shit, hang on,’ she said.

  Chloe pulled the IV needle from the back of her hand. She winced at the pain, she pulled off several monitoring patches. Chloe knew they had only minutes before a nurse or doctor came running, the machine’s alarm would alert them.

  Chloe and Tile managed to remove the gown and Chloe even managed a small smile when she saw Tile’s eyes alight on her naked crotch.

  ‘Told you you’d get to see everything, when this is all over you can look to your heart’s content, but right now we really need to get the fuck out of here.’

  Tile helped Chloe to put on his shirt.

  ‘What’s the plan?’ Tile asked as he buttoned the front of the shirt for her. A part of him was saddened when her breasts vanished beneath the shirt, the rest of him was greatly relieved.

  Damn, she really is the sexiest creature my tired old eyes have ever seen.

  Chloe patted his hand reassuringly and told him her plan.



  Hours before Chloe was startled awake in the hospital bed (with images of Dan’s spurting cock still fresh in her mind) Dan had prepared for the events that he knew were closing on him.

  After destroying the phone he had headed out to the paddock, he had called out to Weiser. In the darkness the animal’s eyes burned like meteors as the horse appeared from the deeper depths of the night.

  Dan had climbed up on to Weiser’s bare back and in the darkness, guided only by the stars he had gathered the last of their horses. He corralled them far to the north-west where he knew they would be safe and after riding back to the ranch house he had ordered Weiser to return to his friends.

  ‘Look out for them old friend, now go.’ Weiser had stamped his hooves and then he had reared up on to his hind legs before taking off in to the night.

  Dan had checked on the mare in the stables and she appeared comfortable and judging by her size and the way her belly hanged low Dan knew the foal would be with them very soon.

  Dan then activated the stables’ security system. Reinforced metal shutters came down and the air conditioning system kicked in, he managed to get out just before the last shutter clos
ed the building down. He felt a lot better in the knowledge that regardless of what happened over the next few hours that the mare would be safe.

  Dan had returned to the house and he had headed immediately to the arsenal and gathered what he felt he would need. He’d filled a heavy-duty plumber’s bag with weapons. He’d carried this down to the porch, he’d also slipped on one of the customised bullet-proof vests.

  From the kitchen he fetched a couple of beers and carried these out to the porch, lastly he picked up two small plastic boxes, both of which looked like transmitters. Once he was happy that he had everything he would need he activated the ranch house’s security system.

  He sat down on the porch steps, at his back he could hear shutters slipping in to place over exposed windows: the ranch was now ready and able to withstand any kind of assault.

  Dan spent an hour loading various weapons. He slipped on a twin shoulder rig and he holstered the pair of Glocks. He finished one beer and then he started to prep the powerful rifle that he had removed from the arsenal.

  It was a sniper’s rifle (it was very similar to the one he had once used in Australia, which felt like a lifetime ago) with the ability to hit and decimate a target up to a mile and a half away.

  Not for the first time Dan thought about man’s innate desire to create more and more powerful ways in which to destroy his enemy.

  The rifle had been customised to take a twenty round magazine and after checking that it was oiled to perfection he rested it barrel-up against the side of a chair (the scope was clear of the chair, he had no wish to knock the scope’s settings).

  Dan could see that the sky to the west was turning a dark red and he knew that in another hour it would be dawn. He scanned towards the sloping hills and the woodland covered ridge to the north.

  Dan expected Baxter to come by road but if the man had any sense he would send some men in over the ridge creating a two pronged attack. It made no difference to Dan how Baxter intended to attack, he’d spent the last three years preparing and planning for situations like this.

  Dan sipped his second beer and as he waited he was reminded of a Shakespearian quote that had always stuck with him.


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