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Soul Corrupted

Page 19

by Lisa Gail Green

  “Josh, keeping me in the dark hurt and it didn’t stop me from finding out about Noah’s decision, either. And yes, I get it now. It was his decision. And maybe I keep making too many excuses for you, too, because I don’t want to see the truth. Maybe you are only capable of taking the easy way out.”

  Ouch. I suck in a breath like she punched me in the gut. She may as well have.

  Tears well in her eyes and I instantly forgive her. She’s right. I do avoid the hard choices. Maybe if I hadn’t, I would have seen a better way with Lucy, or helped her save Noah before he became the Antichrist, or never have lost Grace at all.

  “Josh, I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt you, either, but I need you to understand. I have to do this, even if it doesn’t work. It’s my only chance to save my brother. Holding me back will only make things worse. It will mean an eternity of pain and regret. Please.”

  There is so much passion in her voice, and we’re so close together I can feel her breath on my cheek. I’m unable to stand another moment with even a millimeter of space between us. I grab her and press my lips to hers. She melts into me and I pull her close so there’s no space between us. Then there’s nothing in the world but us. Even as the golden light surrounds us, I can’t stop kissing her, touching the skin of her lower back beneath her sweater, feeling her hair tickle my other hand as I press her head ever closer.

  My kiss only grows more fervent at we materialize back in Heaven. I don’t want it to end. I’m afraid of what’s about to happen.


  Mr. Griffith waits while we slowly disentangle. Grace is so beautiful I can’t take my eyes off of her—golden curls wild, face flushed, breathing fast. She doesn’t stop looking at me, either, even as Mr. Griffith steps between us.

  “Why, Grace?” he asks, pain lacing his words.

  She stands tall, gaze still locked on me. “I had to go. And I’m glad I did.”

  “I will not change the rules, even for you, even under the circumstances. But, Grace, you do not belong in Hell. I don’t understand why you would do this.”

  Grace finally looks at him. “Then you know nothing about love, Mr. Griffith. Because I love my brother unconditionally. And excuse my language, but maybe your rules are fucked up, Michael.”


  “Maybe they are. But I cannot change them.”

  Grace looks as shocked as I feel.

  Mr. Griffith bends down and kisses the top of her head. “Good-bye, Grace.”

  Grace’s eyes snap back to mine as she begins to glow. Fear swims in her eyes.

  “No!” I scream, reaching for her, but she’s gone, and I drop to the ground and sob. I don’t care anymore who sees me or how manly I look. I’ve lost her again. Every moment with Lucifer is insufferable and that’s where I’ve let her go.

  “Josh,” Mr. Griffith’s gentle voice cuts in what feels like ages later. I didn’t even realize he was still here.

  I push myself back to my feet, rubbing at my face with my fists. “You didn’t have to do that.” I’m shaking.

  “I did. I know you want to be with her. I know you love her. But she knew the consequences. And now, it’s only a matter time before the Antichrist brings Lucifer’s reign to Earth and I must focus on preparing Heaven. I expect you to behave as an Angel, Josh, no matter how difficult it is. I’m going to need you to fill Shona in on what’s happened. She’ll have to start training more greeters…”

  I stand tall, at my full height, and meet Mr. Griffith’s gaze. I used to be scared of him, and then I grew to trust him. Now I pity him. Grace was right. He really doesn’t get what it means to be human.

  I have to tense every muscle to avoid my inclination to scream sense into him. It won’t do any good for anyone. Grace wants me up here for a reason and that’s what I plan to focus on.

  I will find a way to help her save Noah. And then I will find a way to save her.

  Chapter 38


  The bubble deposits me at the coffeehouse. I find a fair amount of money in my pocket, so I order a latte and take a seat to wait while trying to control the quaking in my hands. I knew I’d be thrown from Heaven. I made the decision consciously, but the reality is still setting in. I’m barely a sip into my coffee when the bells on the door jingle and I look up to see him walk in.

  Lucifer’s the same as I remember: tall, confident, with salt-and-pepper hair and a tan. He’s wearing an expensive suit and is immaculately groomed, kind of like a fancy car salesman or an ambulance-chasing lawyer. I snigger at my thought as he pulls out a chair to join me.

  “Amused?” he asks, with a grin. “Glad to see you in good spirits, my dear.”

  “Are you?” I ask, casually sipping my drink. At least I hope it looks casual. “I thought you might be upset. That’s how you looked last time we were together. Just to clear the air, though, sorry to have left. I had no idea I was going back to Heaven.”

  “Blood under the bridge,” he says, grinning even wider.

  I gulp some more coffee.

  “So you found the rules upstairs to be too suffocating, yes?” he asks, leaning forward like I’m the only thing in the world he’s interested in.

  “You could say that.” I remember standing on stage in the North Farmington High auditorium while he gave me a choice: join him as a Demon or accept an eternity of torture. He didn’t like my choice then, but this time he’s lucky—there’s something I want and I’m ready to bargain.

  “Exactly. You know, that’s also what started me on the road to Hell, so to speak. I questioned everything The Man Himself decided. He may have created me, but that doesn’t mean I can’t think for myself. I guess you could say I have daddy issues. Like a certain ex-demon we both know.”

  “You got your revenge,” I say, swirling my cup. “I’m not welcome back in Heaven.”

  “Yes. You’re mine now. But see, that’s the thing,” he says, leaning in. “You’re only half of what I need. I want the set, Grace. I captured the queen, yes, but I need the king now, or I may just have a stalemate.”

  “Funny, I feel more like a pawn than a queen.”

  Lucifer laughs. “I like you, Grace. You’ll make a fine Demon.”

  My stomach turns and I push away my coffee.

  “Your first job is to seduce Josh. You still love him, yes?”

  “Yes—but you seem to be missing something. I haven’t agreed to be a Demon.”

  “Excuse me?” Lucifer’s eyes light dangerously. “Don’t test me, Grace.”

  “Last time you offered me something in return. Visitation with my family. I want something else this time.”

  “You want something?”

  I cower back, but force out my words. I have to be strong. “I want a guarantee that I’ll have free access to my brother.”

  Lucifer’s friendly face melds into one so hard and full of hate, blue flames spark in the blood-red background of his eyes. I shudder, but try to hold my ground. If he’s upset, then I’m on the right track. “No more Mr. Nice Devil. You turned down your one shot last time. You do what I say now, Grace. You’re mine.”

  “I didn’t do what Michael Griffith said. Now I’m here. What happens if I don’t do what you say?” I challenge.

  I wish I hadn’t. Searing pain slices through my chest, stealing my breath and folding me over onto the table. My vision blanks and my head buzzes and swells inside until I think my eyes will pop. Then I’m left breathing hard, leaning on the table, the buzz of conversation louder than I remember.

  “Or worse. That’s just an example.” Lucifer snags my coffee and drinks, licking his lips when he’s done.

  “No,” I say, bracing myself for the next onslaught.

  “What did you say?” Lucifer asks, as though he actually misheard me.

  “I said no, I won’t do it. I won’t be a Demon. Not unless you agree to my terms. You can torture me all you want. You’ll find I’m not the typical soul you can manipulate.”

  My voice is strong,
but truthfully, I don’t know if I can handle it. Now that I know what Josh went through firsthand I feel silly having assumed he had much of a choice. It was far more horrible than I’d ever imagined, but I have to do this.

  Lucifer cocks his head to the side, sizing me up. “You will never have free access to Noah.”

  I hold back a gasp and Lucifer smiles as he sends one more blinding shot of pain through my chest.

  “But, oh, you will visit your brother…only you’ll wish you hadn’t. You see, I always win. I warn you, Grace, you’ll think Keira’s a puppy in comparison when I’m done with you.”

  The idea terrifies me, but I can’t picture ever becoming that horrible, even after a hundred years of torture. I’ve barely had the thought before more unendurable pain pulls me to the table. I can’t breath. I can’t see.

  “So you are my Demon, yes?”

  The pain vanishes after what feels like an eternity and Lucifer waits, sipping on my coffee.

  I nod.

  “That wasn’t so hard, was it? Now, Demon Grace, let’s try this again. Your first job is to what?” He leans forward across the table, placing a hand on mine. Fire spreads up my arm. I writhe, trying to free myself, but his grip is iron.

  “Seduce Josh,” I hiss, and he lets go.

  “Good. And you will complete this task with what?”

  I swallow, unable to take any more as I rub my blistered wrist. How is it no one else in the coffee shop has so much as glanced at us?

  Lucifer’s eyes light with more unmistakable, blue flame, and I cower.

  “Enthusiasm?” I guess. I’m filled with humiliation for having given in to the pain so easily.

  The flames flicker out and he relaxes back in his seat with a chuckle. “Nice word choice.”

  My blisters fade into nothing and he drains my cup.

  “Go get me another,” he says, holding out the paper cup and shaking it in my face. “I like this flavor. Oh, and don’t pay for it this time.”

  I swallow back the tears threatening to fall and snatch the cup as I stand to obey. He grabs my wrist again, and though I feel no burning, my heart beats double-time.

  “It’s respectful to answer when I give you a command. And I thought you knew manners.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Don’t call me ‘sir.’ It makes me feel old.” He lets go. “Call me Lucifer. Or Boss—I like that one. I’m so glad we had this chat, Grace. I feel like we truly understand each other now.”

  Chapter 39


  I anxiously pace the length of Lucifer’s throne room. If he comes back empty-handed, then I managed to convince Grace to stay in Heaven—but it also means I’ll be punished. The thought doesn’t scare me as much as it used to. I always survive.

  “Keira!” Lucifer calls with a jubilant voice and I turn slowly, afraid of what I’ll find.

  Behind Lucifer stands Grace. Not the Grace I know, but some red-eyed, slumped version of her. She’s dressed far too much like me, with a low-cut, frilly, ivory blouse and an obscenely short, flowery skirt. It’s clear Lucifer gave it to her to showcase her Mary Sue personality while making her feel like a slut—and for the first time in a long time I feel no fear or loathing, but pure anger toward the Boss. Do I really care about Grace’s feelings? Danger signs flash in my head and I push away the emotions as best I can while I stand before Lucifer. What the Hell is wrong with me?

  “I believe you’ve met,” Lucifer says, guiding Grace toward me with an arm around her shoulder. She cringes, but steps forward.

  “Where’s Josh?” I ask. Surely he followed his one true love back to Hell.

  “He will be joining us soon,” Lucifer says calmly, but I see the fire in his eyes. He’s angry, so he must know what I’ve done. I’m suddenly furious at Grace for becoming a Demon. If she hadn’t, the Boss’ punishment would be tolerable.

  “In fact, that’s our dear, little Grace’s first assignment as a Demon. She’s going to seduce the love of her life and we can finally be one big, happy family. Isn’t that right, dear?”

  “Yes, Boss,” Grace mutters.

  “Off you go, then,” Lucifer says and Grace disappears as he waves a hand over her.

  “And as for you, dear, dear Keira.”

  I back away and nearly trip over the ottoman, certain he knows I’ve betrayed him. “You seem to have almost everything you want. Congratulations, Boss.”

  “Why, thank you,” Lucifer says, back to his calm demeanor. “Come here, please.”

  I obey immediately.

  “I see your finger is healed,” Lucifer says, leaning in and filling my nostrils with the scent of sickeningly sweet cologne.

  I nod, unable to speak.

  “Grace told me quite a lot. The girl is quite a talker with enough convincing. She filled me in on a very interesting little detail about you and Noah. I hardly believe it to be true, but then you were crying when I found you in the cemetery. I’d like to assume it was a lie and you said it to convince her you’re on her side. But just in case, I think it would be better if you stay away from our Antichrist indefinitely.”

  I swallow hard. “Of course, Lucifer. He means nothing to me,” I say, but inside my mind is spinning.

  If Grace is going to seduce Josh, then there’ll be no one left upstairs to help Noah. And Lucifer’s forbid me from seeing him again. Ever.

  For the first time in my life, prayer is my only option. Too bad I can’t set foot in a church.

  I am one screwed Demon.

  Chapter 40


  I wish I could see into Hell with the screen in my room. But when I try all I get are meaningless, spinning colors.

  I need a plan. I have to be smart about this for once, and not go rushing in until I know what I’m doing. One thing is crystal clear: Mr. Griffith won’t help. I thought he’d find a way to fix things, but after five straight minutes of begging he would only say he wants to focus on finding and training new greeters to deal with the coming influx of souls. I refuse to give up though. There has to be a way to save Grace and Noah. There’s always a loophole. They said no one had ever gone from Hell to Heaven before, but I managed it. And if I can do that, I can do this.

  So, first step: I need to stop acting like old Demon Josh. No more taking the easy way out. No more avoiding the hard stuff. Every fiber in my being wants to rush down and beat the crap out of Lucifer, but not only is that impossible, it’s Demon Josh’s way of thinking. If I’m going to save Grace, it isn’t going to be through brute force.

  I’m going to have to learn to behave like an Angel.

  I lean back into the overstuffed seat and absentmindedly stroke Tommy Two’s warm body. What would Grace do? She’d scoff and tell me to relax and be myself. To let other people help and share the burden. To start paying attention to their ideas and let people in. The thought makes me smile.

  I could use some help, but Mr. Griffith’s out. So who’s left that I can trust?

  “See you in a bit, boy,” I tell Tommy Two, who whimpers in response.

  I head through the star-filled halls with one destination in mind: Shona’s door. I hesitate before knocking, though. Opening up to someone else—someone besides Grace—isn’t easy, even now. Let other people help, I remind myself. Hopefully she’ll agree and won’t slam the door in my face.

  The door opens and Shona peers out, brows raised above her glasses in a silent question. I take a deep breath.

  “What do you know about the end of the world?”

  Dying for more Josh and Grace?

  Don’t make a deal with the Devil.

  Preorder the third and final installment today!

  Soul Conquered

  Of Demons and Angels

  Book #3




  It takes so many people to make a book and I’ve been fortunate enough to have some amazing input and aid on this one. Thank you to my incredible editor,
Samantha Streger, for all her time and patience, and for somehow syncing with my thoughts and completely understanding my characters. Thank you to my amazing agent, Melissa Nasson, for her enthusiasm and encouragement. Thank you to all the people at FFF for their support and hard work, including Caroline Breed, Jane Arbogast, and Kayla Overbey. And thank you to James Frey for creating such an amazing company and taking a chance on new and slightly “out of the box” writers like myself.

  I’d also like to thank my friends and fellow writers, Martina Boone, Leslie Rose, Julie Musil, Katharyn Sinelli, and Sarah Skilton for all their moral and technical support. Big hugs to all! To Shona Loeb, without whom I could barely function, let alone find time to write a book, as well as Harrison, Allie, Miya, Myer, and Annabel, my creative crew.

  But most importantly, thank you to all of my readers because you are the ones who take my words and make them real.

  About the Author

  Lisa Gail Green lives with her husband the rocket scientist and their three junior mad scientists in Southern California. She writes books so she can have an excuse to live in the fantasy world in her head.

  Enter Lisa’s fantasy here:

  Facebook: /Author-Lisa-GailGreen

  Twitter: @lisagailgreen

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  Full Fathom Five Digital is an imprint of Full Fathom Five

  Soul Corrupted

  Copyright © 2015 by Lisa Gail Green

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this text may be used or reproduced in any form, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in review, without written permission from the publisher.

  For information visit Full Fathom Five Digital, a division of Full Fathom Five LLC, at

  Cover design by Fiona Jayde

  ISBN 978-1-63370-073-4

  First Edition


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