When It Falls

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When It Falls Page 4

by Jan Stryvant

  "So, any idea what we're supposed to be doing this time?" He asked Clem.

  Clem shook his head and looked at one of the others.

  "Jace, you're supposed to be in charge here. They tell you anything?"

  Jace sighed and shrugged from where he was laying on the floor. The back of these small trucks wasn't very comfortable. You'd think they'd throw down a carpet, or even bolt a couple of chairs to the floor or something. Anything to make it a bit easier on the folks riding back here. But if there was one thing that Jace had learned in his eighteen years as one of the werewolves that was owned by the Sacramento Council of the Ascendants, they really didn't give two shits about their werewolves. Especially not when it came to their comfort.

  You either did the job, or they killed you.

  At least if you did a good job they fed you, and you got laid. Hell, some of the people actually treated them halfway decently.

  But only some.

  Still, he sighed, it beat the alternative.

  "Well, Jace?" Rufus asked again, "They tell you anything?"

  "Apparently there's a bunch of wolves holed up in a building in the middle of town and they killed all of the local chapter in Reno. Now we're off to kill them back."

  Rufus and Clem looked at each other, as the other werewolves in the back of the truck all turned and looked at Jace.


  "That's what they told me," Jace sighed.

  "Wow," Rufus looked around; you never knew when they were snooping on you, so you always had to be careful about what you said. One wrong word and a painful death was a guarantee.

  "How'd they manage that? I mean, why weren't they killed off?"

  "Best I can figure it; they weren't from our council there. I guess they came from another council or something."

  "Then why are they holed up in a building downtown?" Red, one of the other wolves asked.

  Jace sighed and shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe because they don't want anyone to know who's behind it? They didn't tell me."

  "So, just how are we supposed to do this, if they're in a building in the middle of town?" Clem asked.

  "Beats me," Jace said. "But just a warning, we got silver ammo this time. That means lots of jamming and other issues. So be careful not to kill yourself with it."

  Several of the wolves growled at that. Silver ammunition had to be made by hand, and they couldn't do it, because they couldn't easily handle the silver.

  However the people in the council that did make it, really didn't care all that much if they did a good job or not, because they weren't going to be the ones shooting it. So misfires, jams, stovepipes, all sorts of problems could and did happen. And while touching silver was only uncomfortable, if it got beneath your skin, odds were good that you were a goner.

  And during a firefight, if your gun blew up in your hands and threw shards of silver bullets into your face, or your buddy's face, well that could just ruin your whole day.

  They felt the truck slow down, and then a minute later it came to a stop, only this time they heard the engine shut down.

  "Guess we're here," Red said.

  "Yup, I guess. Let's see how long until they let us out."

  Allen leaned back in the seat after he turned the truck off and looked over at Stewart in the passenger's seat.

  "Do you think this'll work?" Stewart asked.

  Allen shrugged, "No idea. But Darrell said that Harris had lit a fire under his ass for us to do something, and to do it now. Apparently some folks higher up the food chain took offense at Harkins and his people getting wiped out like that."

  Stewart shook his head, "You'd think they would have told everyone that a lycan revolt was going on, instead of keeping it to themselves."

  "Yup, you'd think. But let's be honest, the council members don't like to look weak to anybody, especially each other."

  Stewart had to agree with that, Harris, their own leader, was famous for trying to keep things in house as well. Then again, the Sacramento chapter had been pretty successful under Harris' leadership, so apparently had the Reno chapter under Harkins up until this point.

  "Well," Allen said undoing his seatbelt and opening the door, "let's get Matt and Stan and see what they got for us."

  "What about the guys in the back?" Stewart asked.

  Allen shrugged, "What about them?"

  "Shouldn't we let them out or something?"

  "Nah, they'll probably just get in trouble if we do. Besides, it's not hot out, so I don't think anyone will complain about us leaving our dogs in the car," Allen joked.

  Stewart snorted, "I just don't want to screw up and have them unable to fight. I've never been out with one of our strike teams before."

  "Just pay attention to what I do, they all know better than to act up when on a mission."

  "Why's that?"

  "Because if anyone acts up, we'll put 'em down on the spot. But if they behave themselves, we'll lock a couple of the females in their rooms when we get back home. Now come on, let's see what those two came up with."

  Stewart nodded and followed Allen across the parking lot and inside the restaurant they'd stopped at. They'd picked one with a lot of trucks parked around it, so they wouldn't stand out. He was feeling a bit nervous about this; it was his first time out on a mission. Allen, Matt, and Stan had all done this kind of thing before, and while Stewart wasn't keen on the idea of killing a bunch of people, they really were just a bunch of lycans so it wasn't like anyone would care, they were just animals, not people.

  Well, maybe a little more useful than most animals and honestly some of their females were pretty damn cute.

  Stewart smiled at that, they could be pretty wild in bed too. That was why he was here. His father had told him that if he did a good job on this mission, if he showed he knew how to handle lycans without someone watching over him, then his father would buy him one of those foxes from England that were all the rage now for his twenty-first birthday next week.

  He was looking forward to that more than the BMW he'd gotten for this last one.

  "Matt, Stan," Allen said as he and Stewart sat down at the table to join them.

  "Nice to see you guys are on time," Stan said and motioned to the waitress. "Now at least we can have some food before we set out on all of this."

  "Hey," Allen grinned, "I'm always on time, unlike some people," and he glanced over at Matt who just scowled a bit.

  "So, you got the truck we need?"

  Stan nodded, "Yeah, Matt boosted the rig and the driver."

  "The driver?" Steward asked, looking a little surprised.

  "Well, yeah," Matt said, "we're gonna need for the police to find a driver when all is said and done."

  "What if he talks?"

  Matt snorted, "His talking days are over." Matt noticed Stewart's shocked expression. "Hey, Stew, he was only a human, not a mage like the rest of us. They're not really any better than most of our wolves."

  Stewart swallowed quietly and nodded, while he didn't think that way about the mundanes himself, the pathway to his birthday gift was clear, so he wasn't going to complain.

  Besides which, he felt kind of honored to have been allowed to help out. Allen, Matt, and Stan were all a lot older than him, and carried a lot of weight with the council. If he became a regular member of their team, he knew it'd go a long way towards making his father proud of him.

  "So," Stan picked back up, "I figure we'll make one pass by the place just before the sun sets, let Jace and Rufus get a good look at it, then explain the plan to them. They can then tell the others what they gotta do."

  The others all nodded.

  "So, Stew, excited?" Stan asked him.

  Steward nodded, "Yeah, I am. A little worried about making a mistake, I've never been in a firefight before."

  Stan chuckled, "You won't be this time, it's your first so we're not going to stick you in the middle of it. Keep your wits about ya' and remember to not take any lip from the wolves and you'll be fine."r />
  "Thanks, Stan."

  "Don't mention it."

  Look up

  Sean blew out his breath and stretching he leaned back in the chair in his basement lab.

  "How many is that, Dae?" he asked her as he let the last of the excess energy bleed off into the batteries. He preferred to keep them about a quarter charged now and hadn't had to bleed off any energy into the grounding rod since he'd built up twenty-four of the batteries.

  "Five hundred tags and five hundred collars. You really need to stop pushing yourself so hard, Sean. You've been at this nearly all day and only took a few short breaks. You keep this up, and you're gonna make a mistake."

  Sean nodded and standing up he stretched some more and started giving Daelyn the eye. He'd been doing this for over six hours now and really did need to work the kinks out.

  "I need to get that plate enchanted," Sean said walking over to Daelyn.

  "Yeah, well as long as you keep doing this instead of working on it, that's not gonna happen, now is it?" Daelyn said smiling up at him as he wrapped his arms around her, and pressed his naked body into hers.

  Yesterday he'd burned up the wooden chair that he'd been sitting in, so clothing was still very much a hazard while doing this. Not that she minded, she enjoyed the view after all. At least Cali had been down here to help put it out before Sean had gotten burned.

  "I know, I know," Sean grinned. "Trust me; Roxy has been getting on my case about it as well. But everyone needs those tags now, even Sawyer is having trouble keeping up with the demand, and he's still charging as much as Marx will let him."

  "Yes, well after your working yourself until you were too tired to do anything more than eat and sleep yesterday, we've decided to put a limit on just how many of those you're going to do at a time."

  "Oh?" Sean said and bending down he kissed Daelyn, enjoying the softness of her lips and the way her body pressed into his as he did. "And just how are you going to enforce it?" he asked after he'd finished kissing her.

  "How do you think?" Daelyn chuckled and ran her hands down and over that nice well-muscled ass of his. "Lot's of kinky sex and good food!"

  "Oh, I like the sound of that!" Sean laughed and let his own hands start exploring.

  "Un-uh. Not down here. Upstairs, in the bedroom! Jo's already there and I'm sure Rox will be there shortly."

  "Where's Peg?"

  "Probably still asleep, if Jo hasn't woken her up yet, that is."

  Sean scowled, "Why's she sleeping this late?"

  Daelyn snorted and pinched Sean's ass, making him yelp a little in surprise.

  "If you hadn't passed out last night at bedtime, you would have known that she and Sheila went out last night to go take care of some 'personal business' of hers."

  "What?" Sean asked rubbing his butt with one hand as he let Daelyn lead him to the stairs.

  "Aren't you going to get dressed first?" Daelyn asked.

  "Why? I'll just have to get naked again!" Sean grinned. "But where'd she go?"

  Daelyn shrugged, "No idea. You know, the wolf girls are all gonna whistle at you."

  "Then we better move fast, hadn't we?" Sean grinned and sweeping Daelyn up into his arms he ran upstairs to their bedroom.

  Laughing, Sean tossed Daelyn onto the bed, the sounds of the women whistling and hooting at him still echoing from outside of their room.

  "I told you!" Daelyn chuckled.

  "Umm hmm," Sean said as he started in on removing Daelyn's shoes, thankfully she was wearing ones that came off quickly, and she was stripping off her top with a smile as he quickly peeled her out of her pants.

  Jolene came over and started to rub and caress Sean's back as he started to run his own hands as well as his lips over Daelyn's naked body, enjoying the smooth soft flesh with the surprisingly strong muscles underneath. Crawling up onto the bed, he laid on his side, with Daelyn before him, and Jolene behind as he started to kiss Daelyn, while Jolene kissed the back of his neck and started her own explorations along his equally naked body.

  When Sean broke off kissing Daelyn and started to work his way down to that magnificent chest of hers, he could feel Jolene starting to draw off just a little of the essence that she used for her own magic as she continued her way down his back. It wasn't much longer before he could tell that Daelyn was contributing to Jolene's 'feeding' as well. Sean would have to ask Jolene later just what she was doing that her magical reserves were apparently so low, but that could wait.

  Letting one hand dip down to tease at Daelyn's sex, Sean continued to worship her breasts with his lips and tongue, along with teasing nips using his teeth. Meanwhile Daelyn's own hands were equally busy, caressing and stroking his hair with one hand as she reached down to tease him with the other. Jolene's hands were also rather busy down between Sean's legs, as she administered playful little bites of her own to his butt and the backs of his thighs.

  When Sean finally rolled over on top of Daelyn as he moved up to mount her, Jolene's hands guided him in as she started to use her talented fingers on the two of them, along with the skillful application of her own talented mouth.

  Daelyn shivered and Sean groaned as he started to slowly move in and out of Daelyn's heat and lowering his head to hers, he kissed her deeply, his tongue sliding into her mouth to duel with hers as they looked into each other's eyes. Sliding his arms around her, he pulled her closer and breaking their kiss he lowered his lips to her ear and took a moment to tickle her ear with his tongue as Daelyn squirmed and gasped beneath him.

  Breaking off his brief torture of Daelyn's ear, Sean lowered his head to the bed besides hers and panting heavily he began to pick up speed. Daelyn was moaning rather loudly now and was shivering and shaking enough that he had to hold her tight as he thrust harder and deeper, her legs coming up to grab as his hips as she starting to buck her own hips back against him, her fingernails leaving red trails across his sweaty back. All while Jolene continued to tease and torment the two of them with unexpected pleasures, spurring them onward, making both Sean and Daelyn give little surprised gasps as things started to quickly spiral out of control.

  When Sean finally reached his own peak, Daelyn joined him and they both just held each other tightly as they shuddered through their release, taking the time to savor each other as they then caught their breath, enjoying that special moment of sharing the afterglow with someone you love.

  After a couple of minutes, Sean felt a new pair of hands starting to rub along his neck and then run their fingers up through his hair from behind. Giving Daelyn a last kiss, Sean untangled himself from her and slowly rolled onto his back as Roxy came into his arms and started kissing him. Then she shifted to one side and Jolene was there kissing him as well, the two of them switching back and forth taking turns with him and each other.

  Sean all but purred when he felt their hands starting to explore his body and breaking off the kisses, they started to their own little trip down his torso until they came to his sex, which was starting to revive. Using their lips and tongues together, they sped his recovery, and then shifting their bodies around once more, Roxy planted herself firmly over his head, her knees to either side, while Jolene mounted his once again erect shaft and the two of them started to kiss and fondle each other above him.

  Taking the hint, Sean used his own lips on Roxy, his hands reaching up to tease and caress the two of them, as they rode his body. Sean could feel Jolene's draining of their essence increasing and it wasn't long before both of the girls hit their first peak, after which they switched positions and then went right back to loving him as well as each other. When they hit their peaks a second time, they switched again, and then again the third time.

  When Roxy had finally claimed his orgasm, after he'd lost track of how many times they'd switched positions, Sean soon found himself covering Peg from behind while she and Roxy kissed. Sean rode Peg to several rather vocal orgasms before he joined with her, as both Roxy and Jolene teased Peg unrelentingly with their fingers and altern
ated between kissing him and kissing her. Sean noted dimly that Peg definitely hadn't needed much persuading when it came to accepting the attentions of Jolene or Roxy, but then Peg wasn't exactly the shy type when it came to sex.

  When Sean had finished with Peg, he kissed her warmly and then grabbed Daelyn who was looking a little lost and pulled her back over to him, he put her in the same position in which he'd had Peg. He happily started to make love to her, and giving Jolene and Roxy each a wink, they came over and started in slowly on loving Daelyn as well, though not as salaciously perhaps as they had with Peg, both of them knew that Daelyn was much more reserved than Peg.

  When Daelyn started a bit at their joining in, Sean gave her a love bite on the back of the neck, and wrapped an arm around her tightly, pulling her back against him.

  "Relax, Dae," he whispered, "we all love you. We'll be careful."

  Daelyn relaxed slowly under him as neither of the girls did to Daelyn the kinds of things they'd done to each other or to Peg, but their attentions were being enjoyed perhaps just as much. When Sean finally finished inside her, he had a very pleased and exhausted Daelyn panting sweatily beneath him.

  Sean took the time to make love to Jolene then, much more languidly than before, after which he made love to Roxy, and finally Peg. When he'd finished with Peg he rolled onto his back, hot, sweaty, and panting. It was late; Sean wasn't sure exactly what time it was, just that it was dark out and they'd come to bed many hours ago. Apparently the girls really had been just more than a little bit annoyed at his falling into such a deep sleep last night. He'd have to be careful not to overwork himself so heavily again.

  Besides, he felt good. After a workout like that, he couldn't feel anything but good. He loved them, considerably, and there was nothing better then holding them close and making love to them and sharing himself with each of them as they'd shared themselves with him.

  "I got you a few things," Peg said as she rolled over and grabbed a bag beside the bed on the floor and set it on his legs.


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