The Landscaper (Working Men Series Book 6)

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The Landscaper (Working Men Series Book 6) Page 3

by Ramona Gray

  We watched as the small brunette turned and headed back to the counter. Halfway there, she tripped over the leg of a chair and fell. She popped back up immediately and nodded to Lily Carson who touched her arm and gave her a worried look. Lily followed her to the counter and ordered a coffee.

  Mia nudged me. “Hey, did you hear that Lily the “Ice Queen” Carson is dating Jack Williams?”

  I nodded and studied Lily who was still waiting at the counter. “Yes. I had dinner with her the other week. She told me she moved in with Jack.”

  “Since when did you two become friends?” Mia asked.

  I shrugged. “I ran into her at the grocery store about two weeks after I moved back. She seemed…different, you know?”

  “Her father was sent to prison and she lost all her money. That changes a girl, I guess.”

  “Did everyone in the town shun her?” I asked.

  “Yeah,” Mia took off the lid of her coffee and blew on the steaming liquid. “I’m sure I told you about it in one of our text or Facebook conversations. Arthur Carson going to prison, Lily losing all of her money, and having to work at Dale’s disgusting bar, was the juiciest gossip this town had in years.”

  “Yeah, you probably did,” I said. “But it was around the time that things got really ugly between Mom and Dad, so, you know.”

  Mia gave me a sympathetic look and squeezed my hand. “Anyway, most of the people in town thought that Lily would move away with her mother, but she stuck around. Allie Dickerson rented out one of her gross trailers to her once the bank took her house, but I think it was just so Sonya and Denise could call her trailer trash.”

  “The three of them are still close?”

  “Yeah, they were beside themselves with glee when Lily’s father went to prison and her life turned to shit. Not that I can blame them, Lily was a real bitch to them in high school.”

  Lily left the counter and headed for the front door. She paused at our table and gave me a tentative smile. “Hi, Isabelle.”

  “Hey, Lily.”

  “Are we still on for coffee next week?”

  I nodded, and Lily smiled at me. “Great, see you then.”

  She left, and Mia grinned at me. “You’re such a bleeding heart.”

  “I am not.”

  “Of course you aren’t.”

  “Lily needs friends and people can change, you know? It isn’t fair to judge a person by what they did in the past.”

  “I know, I was just teasing.” Mia pulled at her t-shirt again where it clung to her round belly. “Hey, did I tell you I joined the gym?”

  “That’s great.” Mia had been self-conscious about her weight as a teenager and still was. “You know you’re beautiful though, right?”

  Mia just shrugged. “I’ll be beautiful when I drop thirty pounds.”

  “No, you’re beautiful now.”

  Mia glanced at her watch. “We’d better go. You have to be to work in half an hour and I told Nana I’d come by this afternoon.”

  “Fine, but this conversation isn’t over, Mia.”

  She wiggled her nose at me, and I slapped her on the butt before following her out of the coffee shop.

  * * *

  “Adopted? By who?” I stared blankly at Thomas, one of my coworkers from the shelter. “But I just dropped him off this morning. He couldn’t have been adopted already.”

  Thomas shrugged and continued to mop the empty kennel. “He was. Some guy came in at noon and put in an adoption application for him.”

  “But,” I had to raise my voice to be heard over the barking of the other dogs, “there’s a twenty-four hour wait once you fill in the application form.”

  Thomas dipped the mop into the bucket. “I guess the guy asked to talk to Linda directly and whatever he said, convinced her to let him take the dog right then.”

  “Who the hell is this guy? Linda wouldn’t break the rules for God himself.”

  Thomas laughed. “It’s the gardener guy, I can’t remember his name, but he’s got a way with the ladies. Linda might be a hundred years old, but she wasn’t immune to him either.”

  “Gardener guy?” A bad feeling was rolling into my stomach. “Where’s Linda now?”

  “Cat room.”

  I stormed out of the kennel and through the lobby to the cat room. I yanked open the door. Linda was sweeping the floor as a dozen or so cats roamed around her feet. Linda was less than five feet tall, weighed ninety pounds soaking wet, and could wrestle a fully-grown, panicking Great Dane to the ground. She was fueled by bourbon and sarcasm and had been the shelter manager for the last twenty-five years. No one knew her exact age, but she had to be pushing seventy at least.

  “Did you adopt that stray dog I brought in this morning to Knox Jameson?”

  “Good afternoon to you too, Isabelle.” Linda stopped sweeping. The moment she stopped moving, a large, orange cat leaped into her arms, knocking the broom out of her hands. Linda held him against her chest and petted his thick fur.

  “Sorry.” I took a deep breath. “Did Knox adopt that stray dog?”


  “But, there’s a twenty-four hour wait to check references and make sure the adopter is serious.”

  Linda set the cat on top of one of the cat scratching trees and picked up the broom again. “Mr. Jameson convinced me he was ready to take the dog now.”

  “What? How?”

  “Well, he did mention that the dog had already spent the night at his home.”

  I blushed furiously, and Linda raised her penciled-in eyebrows at me. “What?”

  “Nothing,” I mumbled.

  “Do you know something about Mr. Jameson that I do not?”

  “No, he’s a good guy, and he loves animals.”

  “Then what’s the problem, Isabelle?”

  “I – there’s no problem.”

  “Good. If you’re done scolding me on my adoption practices, the kennels outside need hosing out.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Chapter Four


  “What are you going to name him?” My mom scratched the dog behind his ears, and he made a woof of happiness before leaning on her.

  “I haven’t decided yet.” I sat down at the kitchen table and took a drink of iced tea. “Any suggestions?”

  “He looks like a Max.” Mom sat next to me, smiling a little when the dog butted his head into her lap. She scratched the top of his head again. “Max could use a bath.”

  “I know. I’m taking him over to the Pampered Paws Grooming after his vet appointment. I just wanted to stop in so you could meet your new grandson.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “It’s not that I don’t love your new dog, but I’m really hoping for human grandchildren at some point.”

  I didn’t reply, and she reached out and squeezed my hand. “Why did you get a dog, honey?”

  “Why wouldn’t I? I like animals and he needed a home.” I refused to look her in the eye.

  “You’ve spent the last fifteen years cutting yourself off from anyone or anything that might need you and -”

  “You know why I’ve done that.”

  “Yes, I do. I don’t agree with it, but I understand. Which is why you suddenly getting a dog makes no sense.”

  “It’s just a dog, Mom,” I said. “It’s no big deal.”

  “Honey, look at me.”

  She squeezed my hand again and I sighed and raised my gaze. I knew what was coming, knew I was about to hear the same speech for what felt like the hundredth time. She needed to say it, even if I never believed her. I had my coping methods and she had hers.

  “Your grandmother was drunk. She fell down the stairs. It was an accident.”

  “I know.”

  “It wasn’t fair of your father and me to ask you to watch over her that day. We shouldn’t have asked that of you, and not a day goes by that I don’t regret it. If I could go back and change it, I would.”

  “I know.”

�You don’t, honey. You say you do, but you won’t allow yourself to get close to anyone. You need to go back to therapy and -”

  “No. I did enough therapy as a teenager, I’m not doing more.”

  “Knox, it was an accident. A terrible, horrible accident that you are not to blame for, despite what he told you. You need to stop punishing yourself and give yourself permission to be close to someone. To find love. Sleeping around with random women and not being in a committed relationship isn’t healthy.”

  “I like my life just the way it is.”

  “Do you? Or do you wish you could be with Isabelle?”

  I spilled some of my iced tea on the table. “What are you talking about?”

  My mother petted the dog’s head. “I know you’re in love with her, Knox. I know you’ve been in love with her for years. She loves you too, I saw it every time she looked at you. She moved back here to be with you. Why are you not with her?”

  “You know why.” My voice was harsh, but my mother didn’t cringe.

  “You’re not going to hurt her.”

  I couldn’t stop the bitter laughter. “Yeah, tell that to Grandma.”

  “Knox -”

  I stood up and made a soft whistle. The dog stretched and followed me to the doorway. “I gotta go, Mom. I need to get the dog to his vet appointment. I love you.”

  Her voice was tinged with sorrow. “I love you too, Knox. So much.”

  * * *

  Isabelle was waiting for me when I got home. I brought Max out of the car, holding tightly to his leash in case he decided to bolt on me, and walked up the steps of the front porch. My need to be buried deep inside Isabelle’s tight little pussy returned in a roaring rush that almost made me lightheaded. She was sitting in the chair closest to the door and Max, his stub of a tail wagging furiously, lunged for her.

  She smiled and petted his big head when he rested it on her lap. She eyed the blue ribbon tied into a bow around his collar. “You smell a lot better, boy.”

  “I took him to Pampered Paws after his vet appointment.” I stood awkwardly, holding the end of Max’s leash and hoping that my erection wasn’t too noticeable.

  “What did the vet say?”

  “He’s too thin, but healthy. I have to take him back in a month to make sure he’s gaining weight.”

  “That’s good.” She rubbed the bridge of his nose.

  “Why did you leave this morning without saying goodbye?”

  “I couldn’t stay.”

  “Was the road even -”

  “It was fine. I want you to bring the dog back to the shelter, Knox.” Isabelle patted Max’s thick neck.

  “What? Why?”

  “I don’t think you’re the right home for him.”

  Hurt flickered through me. “You’re wrong. C’mon, Max.”

  I tugged on the dog’s leash and he followed me obediently into the house. Isabelle was right behind us and I unclipped Max’s leash and ignored her as I talked to the dog.

  “Time for your dinner, big guy.”

  Isabelle glared at me as I put food in Max’s new food dish and set it on the floor. “Just hear me out, Knox.”

  “No. Linda thought I was the right home, she let me adopt him on the spot.”

  “What exactly did you say to her?”

  “I was just my usual charming self. Can I help it if Linda is into hot younger men who know how to work their…hose?”

  I was reverting to the horndog tricks that everyone expected from me. Knox, the guy who didn’t take anything or anyone seriously. The guy who always had a smartass comment for everything. I’d used that persona as a shield for years, and I desperately needed it at the moment. I couldn’t let Isabelle see how she affected me.

  Isabelle rolled her eyes, but I could see the small smile playing on her lips. “Seriously? You flirted with Linda just to get the dog?”

  “I like him, and we bonded last night during the storm.”


  I just shrugged and crossed my arms over my chest before leaning against the counter. “You’re just mad because he likes me better than you.”

  “I am not.” Isabelle gave me a huffy look. “And I’ll have you know that he totally likes me more than you.”

  “Not true.”

  “I was going to adopt him.”

  “Bullshit.” I threw it right back at her. “Like Ash would ever let you have a dog in his house.”

  “I won’t be living with him forever,” Isabelle said. “I’m looking for my own place.”

  “Max isn’t an apartment dog.”

  “I’ll rent a house.”

  “You’re telling me you’re going to rent a house on your part-time shelter job paycheque, and will adopt Max, just so I can’t have him? Seriously, Isabelle?”

  She crossed the kitchen and poked me in the chest. I had to force myself not to cup her hips and pull her up against my erection. Her t-shirt and jeans were covered in dog hair, she must have just finished a shift at the shelter, but she still smelled fucking delicious. I wanted to bury my face in her neck.

  “Why did you adopt him? Since when did you want a dog?”

  “It’ll be nice to have some company in the evening.”

  “You mean the parade of women isn’t enough?”

  I winced, and shame flickered across Isabelle’s face. She pressed her soft hand against my chest. “I’m sorry, Knox. That was a real dick thing to say.”

  I shrugged. “It’s not like I can deny it.”

  She sighed and stepped a little closer. Her hand was still against my chest and just the heat of it was setting my nerve endings on fire. “I’m in no position to judge and I apologize.”

  I slid my arms around her waist and pulled her against me. “Apology accepted.”


  “I just want a hug,” I said, trying not to cringe at how pathetic I sounded. “Hug me and all is forgiven, Isabelle.”

  She smiled a little before standing on her tiptoes and wrapping her arms around my neck. I buried my face in her throat and inhaled deeply. “You smell good.”

  “No, I don’t. I was cleaning out the kennels and bathing some of the shelter dogs. Unless you like the smell of wet dog, you’re just trying to get into my pants again.”

  “In some places, wet dog smell is an aphrodisiac,” I said.

  She laughed, and I refrained from giving her tight ass a squeeze. She patted my back. “I should go.”

  I held her a little tighter, I couldn’t help myself, and she patted my back again before saying, “I need to go. If I don’t, I’ll try and seduce you and you’ve made it clear that -”

  “Do you regret last night? Is that why you left so early this morning?” I searched her face, my stomach dropping at the look on it. “Shit, you do regret it.”

  “I don’t,” she said. “I swear I don’t, I just, maybe, regret parts of it.”

  I tried to release her, and she pressed her firm body against mine. “No, don’t shut down on me, Knox. Listen to what I have to say first.”

  I stared at the floor, and she cupped my face and made me look at her. “I regret how it happened. I regret that it was hard and fast and even though you gave me the best orgasm of my damn life, I wish it had been different.”

  “Different how?” I asked.

  “Honestly, if I had known that it would be the only time I’d be with you, I would have touched you more, would have,” she flushed a little, “finally kissed you.”

  “You’ve kissed me,” I said. “That night in my bedroom -”

  She groaned. “Do not remind me of that night. I’m still humiliated. And we definitely didn’t kiss. More like I got my lips about two inches from your lips before you panicked and pushed me out of the bed.”

  Now it was my turn to groan. “God, I still feel bad about pushing you out of my bed. I’m sorry, baby.”

  She shrugged. “Don’t apologize. I’m sorry for what I did. Climbing into your bed in the middle of the night
was a horrible thing to do to you, and you were right to shove me out of it.”

  I flinched. “I only pushed you away because -”

  “I know why you did it.” A pinched look crossed her face before she smoothed her face into a false smile. “Anyway, can we get away from rehashing the most embarrassing moment of my life, and back to rehashing the second most embarrassing moment of my life?”

  “You don’t have to be embarrassed about last night.”

  “I do. I basically forced you to admit you wanted to screw me.”

  “You didn’t.”

  She just shook her head before sighing. “Anyway, no I don’t regret that I finally found out what it was like to have sex with you, but I wish I hadn’t been so needy for you and I wish I’d taken my time.”

  I didn’t reply, and she smiled at me. “I’d better go now.”

  I cupped her face and stroked my thumb across her cheek. “What if we had one more night?”

  “What do you mean?” She whispered.

  “You think I don’t wish I’d taken my time as well? What if we spent the night together tonight? Just one more night.” I slid my other hand down to her ass and cupped it gently. “One more night to touch, taste,” I bent my head and licked her bottom lip, “kiss.”

  “And fucking?” She said breathlessly.

  I grinned. God, I loved how blunt she was. “Yes, baby, and fucking.”

  She stared at my mouth and I was just about to kiss her, when she said, “I don’t want to make you do something you don’t want to.”

  I pressed my hard cock against her flat belly. “Does it feel like I don’t want this?”

  She studied me. “But just tonight, right? After this, you won’t want anything to do with me.”

  “Isabelle, I -”

  She held up her hand. “Forget I said that. It wasn’t fair of me.”

  I started to release her, and she pressed her slender body against mine. “No, don’t pull away. I want this.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Make me yours. Just for tonight, Knox.”


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