Shattered Hearts

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Shattered Hearts Page 2

by Coral McCallum

  Next, he grabbed his battered leather book bag and passed it to Melody.

  “Can you please put that in the dining room? Careful with it. My laptop’s in it. Don’t drop it.”

  By the time the kids scampered back down the front steps, Jake had hauled his two suitcases and his holdall out of the truck and dumped his worn leather jacket on top.

  “Jesse, you take my jacket,” he suggested. “Miss M, can you lift the holdall?”

  The little girl tried then shook her head, “Too heavy.”

  “Ok. Grab the handle on the red case. Try hauling that one in,” said Jake as he hefted the holdall onto his shoulder. He grabbed the larger silver case and followed the kids into the house, shouting “Bedroom!” as he went down the hall.

  With his luggage abandoned in the middle of the bedroom floor, Jake thanked them for their help, adding that he’d fetch his guitars himself.

  “Want to help!” protested Jesse shrilly.

  “Can you count them for me if I bring them in?” asked Jake, unsure as to how high his son could count.

  Jesse nodded.

  “Great. Go wait in the lounge. Count them as I load them in.”

  By the time Jake had the truck empty, there were two piles of guitar cases in the lounge plus three guitars on the couch.

  “How many did you count, buddy?” he asked Jesse.


  “Miss M, you count them. See how many you count in,” suggested Jake. “There should be ten.”

  With a serious look on her face, Melody counted the cases on the floor and the three on the couch.

  “Eight,” she replied. “You’ve lost two.”

  “You sure?” teased Jake. “That’s two more than your brother counted.”

  “He can only count to six,” stated Melody bluntly. “There’s eight boxes.”

  “Not ten?”

  “No. Eight.”

  “Clever girl,” praised Jake, hoisting both kids into his arms for a group hug. “Uncle Grey has the other two. Want to go see him later and pick them up?”

  “Yes!” squealed both kids at once.

  “Ok,” laughed Jake. “You guys go and play till I jump in the shower. Then, after haircuts and ice cream, we’ll go and see Grey and Kola.”

  Rehoboth was busy noted Jake as he drove into the centre of town. It was early in the season for the place to be so jampacked mid-week but Lori had said they had been enjoying a mini-heatwave so he guessed that had attracted an influx of visitors. The barbers that he went to was beside Danny’s tattoo parlour and, as he parked the truck behind the building, he debated dropping in to see the tattooist then decided against it. Mentally, he made a note to come back later in the week when the kids weren’t with him.

  The barber’s shop door was wedged open when Jake and the kids came round. There were two people waiting in line ahead of them.

  “Hi, Jake!” called out Kristy when she saw him reflected in the mirror. “Long time no see!”

  “Been away,” he replied with a wink as he took a seat on the bench.

  Looking anxious, Jesse scrambled onto his knee and cuddled into his chest.

  “What’s up, buddy?” checked Jake softly as he hugged his son.

  “No haircut,” Jesse whimpered tearfully.

  “No haircut, no ice cream,” replied Jake calmly. “Up to you.”

  “Want ice cream.”

  “Well, if you want an ice cream, you need to get a haircut,” stated Jake. “No arguments.”

  Eventually, Kristy was ready for them and called Jake over.

  “Can you give this young man a trim first?”

  “No haircut!” wailed Jesse painfully.

  “Yes haircut,” countered Jake firmly. “You want an ice cream, right?”

  The little boy nodded as two big tears rolled down his cheeks.

  “Then sit nicely and let Kristy trim that hair.”

  Reluctantly, the little boy sat on the booster cushion that the hairdresser put down on the chair. It only took her a few minutes to trim his white-blonde hair.

  “Do you want me to shave it in at the back for him?”

  “Please,” said Jake, unsure if Lori would have said yes or no. “Make the most of his patience.”

  The second that the towel was removed from his shoulders, Jesse leapt down from the seat.

  “Scratchy,” he complained as he rubbed furiously as his neck.

  “Give me a second,” said Kristy with a warm smile. “Let me grab my magic brush.”

  She produced a soft brush from the shelf under the mirror in front of the chair and started to brush the stray hairs away from the little boy’s tanned neck.

  “Tickles!” giggled Jesse, jumping up and down.

  “Right, you’re done,” she declared. “Now, sit back on the bench till I deal with your daddy’s hair.”

  As he sat down in the barber’s chair, Jake said, “Thanks for that. Poor kid hates getting his hair cut.”

  “All part of the job,” replied Kristy. “Now, when did you last get this hair trimmed?”

  “Been a while,” admitted Jake. “Last fall maybe? Last summer?”

  “How much am I cutting off?”

  “Start with six inches,” suggested Jake, feeling his own stomach tighten with nerves. “And don’t tell my kids that I hate this as much as they do.”

  “Your secret’s safe,” whispered Kristy, smiling at the nervous rock star in front of her. “How about I just take it back to your usual length?”

  Jake nodded as he gripped the arms of chair tightly. He cringed as he felt the sharp scissors make their first cut into his thick blonde hair.

  As they left the shop a few minutes later, Melody tugged at his hand.

  “What is it, Miss M?”

  “Can I ask you something, Daddy?”

  “Sure,” he said as they reached the truck

  “Are you scared of Kristy like Jesse is?”

  “Maybe,” admitted Jake, realising he had been rumbled.

  The little girl giggled.

  “Not one more word,” cautioned Jake playfully. “Or no ice cream for you.”

  Still giggling, Melody clambered into the truck and up into her car seat.

  Checking that there were still some quarters in the freezer bag he kept in the glove compartment, Jake headed back towards town. There were no free spaces on the way down towards the bandstand but, just as he made the turn, an SUV backed out of a space up ahead. Gratefully, Jake drove into the spot then asked Melody to fetch him three quarters from the bag, judging that that should buy them enough time for an ice cream and a walk along the boardwalk with it.

  With the house to herself, Lori made a fresh pot of coffee then, mug in hand, made her way through to her workspace. Finding time to focus on her latest commission had been challenging lately and she was relieved that Jake was finally home to help with the kids. She had worked on until after midnight every night for the past three weeks as she had created the detailed scene for the latest After Life album. Like Weigh Station, the British band loved intricate, multi-layer covers that depicted a detailed scene to reflect the mood of the album. This current piece was the third cover she had done for the band and the most adventurous to date.

  Soon she was focused on the design on the board in front of her. The freshly poured coffee sat forgotten on the desk beside her.

  Three rusting, broken down cars sat on Grey’s front lawn alongside his beloved Mustang and his new F150 truck. Musing that some things never changed, Jake pulled into a space on the other side of the driveway between Kola’s Harley Davidson and her SUV. Squeals and yells echoed round from the rear of the house and Jake guessed that Becky must have some friends over.

  Carrying a sleepy Jesse, he headed down the path at the side of the house with Melody skipping along at his side. Since his last visit, Grey had added a pool to his yard. Half a dozen teenage girls were splashing about giggling and screaming amid a sea of inflatable creatures.

cle Jake!” screamed Becky when she spied him.

  “Hi, Becky,” called back Jake. “Having fun?”

  “Sure am,” called back Grey’s older daughter. At almost fourteen, Becky had developed into a very pretty young lady and, as she climbed down the pool ladder in her bikini, Jake felt himself blushing. The little girl that he’d babysat and watched grow up was long gone.

  “Where’s your dad?”

  “Basement,” she replied, grabbing a towel from a nearby chair. “Kola’s in the kitchen. Go on in.”

  Before Jake reached the patio, Kola came out carrying a tray of drinks for the girls. He did a double-take as he noticed the swell of a baby bump under her loose tank top.

  “Jake! Hi!” she called as she set the tray down. “Hi, kids. I never heard you arrive. Want a drink?”

  “Iced tea would be good if you’ve got some,” said Jake, flashing her a smile. “You got something to tell me?”

  Blushing, Kola’s hand went to her rounded stomach, “I didn’t want to tell Grey till he came home. Didn’t want him worrying while you were on the road.”

  “When are you due?”

  “End of September,” revealed Kola with a shy smile. “It’s another girl.”

  “Aunt Kola,” interrupted Melody. “Where’s Linzi and Anna?”

  “Anna’s taking a nap and Linzi’s in the basement with her dad. They’ll be up in a minute,” explained Kola. “Would you guys like a soda or some juice?”

  “Apple juice, please,” answered Melody politely.

  “Jake, what about Jesse?”

  “Same, please,” replied Jake. “And congratulations on the baby.”

  “Thanks. Grab a seat. I’ll be right back.”

  It was Grey who emerged from the house next with four-year-old Linzi tagging along behind him. She was a miniature Kola, same dark brown eyes and thick dark hair. When she saw that Melody and Jesse were there, she squealed with delight then dragged them off down the yard to play on the swing set.

  “Changed days,” mused Jake as Grey pulled over a chair to join him.

  “Yeah,” agreed Silver Lake’s bass player. “And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Did you hear our news?”

  “Kola told me. Congratulations. She’s looking great.”

  “Says she’s tired and feels huge already but she still looks hot to me,” replied Grey grinning.

  “Yeah well you always did have a thing for pregnant women,” joked Jake.

  “Well, when they are as hot as Kola….”

  “You’re delusional, old man,” stated Kola bluntly as she stepped out onto the patio with a fresh tray of drinks. “Take that other tray over to Becky and the girls.”

  “How’s Lori?” continued Kola as she passed a blue solo cup to Jake.

  “Working hard,” he replied as he accepted the cup, noting his was the only blue one on the tray. “Does she know you’re pregnant?”

  “Of course,” laughed Grey’s wife. “She was sworn to secrecy. Both her and Maddy have known for weeks!”

  “The souls of discretion.”

  While the kids played at the far end of the yard, the three adults relaxed and chatted in the late afternoon sunshine. Even the group of teenagers had quietened down and were all sitting on the grass whispering and giggling quietly.

  “You going to see the doc about your voice?” quizzed Grey, noting with concern how hoarse his friend was sounding.

  “If it doesn’t improve over the next few days,” said Jake. “I’m hoping a few days of no singing; no planes and a few gallons of hot honey water will sort it out.”

  “Just be careful with that voice,” cautioned Kola with her usual direct tone. “Would be criminal to damage it.”

  “I’ll be careful,” promised Jake. “Now, I’d better get those kids home for dinner. Where have you hidden my missing ladies, Grey?”

  “In the basement. Come on through.”

  In a stark contrast to the messy yard, Grey’s basement was pristine. The space was divided into two clear halves. One half was dedicated to his tools and workbench; the other half was his music haven. It had been years since Jake had last been in the basement and he smiled when he spotted all the band’s tour posters framed and hung around the walls. While Grey fetched the two guitars, Jake enjoyed a trip down memory lane as he studied the older posters.

  “Where did you find the Surfside one?” he asked as Grey handed him the guitar cases. “That show was the start, wasn’t it? First time Maddy saw us play live.”

  “I always keep one or two,” confessed Grey, gazing up at the framed poster. “Wasn’t that the first show Lori was at too?”

  Jake nodded, “Seems like a lifetime ago now. Ever wish we could go back to that? Small shows? Local shows instead of all the travelling and soulless arenas?”

  “Sometimes,” admitted the band’s bass player. “I don’t miss playing all those damn weddings though!”

  With a laugh, Jake had to agree with him.

  “I’m looking forward to a long summer of no shows, no itineraries, freedom to eat and sleep when we want to and of actually getting to sleep with my wife.”

  “Same here. Three or four months with my girls,” Grey agreed with a grin. “Would be great if we could stretch this out till the end of the year.”

  “Would be a miracle!” conceded Jake wearily. “Right, I’d best make a move. Need to get the kids home. Hoping we can have an early dinner then get them to bed early too.”

  “Same here,” sighed Grey. “Never seems to happen though.”

  “And you wouldn’t have it any other way,” observed Jake.

  In the dark, Jake could hear the waves crashing in on the shore as he sat at the picnic table. They’d eaten dinner outside as a family then he’d played on the beach with the kids as the sun set before Lori called out that it was time for bed. Without argument, both Melody and Jesse had obeyed their mother. With a smile, Jake watched them follow her indoors then, a few minutes later, Melody reappeared to ask him if he’d still be there when she woke up. Hugging her tight, Jake had promised he’d be home all summer.

  Beside him sat the empty mug that had contained his hot honey water and Jake sighed as he felt his throat tight and scratchy. Although he had no desire to sing, a voice deep inside him was wondering if he had pushed his luck too far. Mentally, he made a note to minimise the amount he talked for the next few days.

  “Both sound asleep,” said Lori softly as she stepped out onto the candlelit sun deck. “Think you wore them out.”

  “More like they wore me out,” he said, accepting the beer that she’d brought out with her.

  With a mischievous giggle, Lori commented, “I hope they haven’t worn you out too much, rock star.”

  “Come here, li’l lady.”

  Gently, he pulled her into his lap and drew her close. With a contented sigh, Lori rested her head on his shoulder and whispered, “I’ve missed you.”

  “Me too. That bunk was getting pretty lonely.”

  “So was our bed.”

  “Touché,” he commented.

  Tenderly, he began to kiss her, relishing in the taste of her. Lori’s lips parted and he felt the tip of her tongue run along the inside of his upper lip. Their kisses grew more urgent and demanding. Caressing Lori’s slender neck with light feathery kisses, Jake felt his erection straining against his tightfitting jeans.

  “I want to make love to you,” he whispered as he nibbled her earlobe. “Right here. Now.”

  “Here?” echoed Lori, gazing into his hazel eyes with a smile.

  “Well, we could move to the sun lounger.”

  Before she could reply, Jake scooped his wife up into his arms, carried her across the deck and laid her down on the nearest lounger. Without hesitation, he straddled her and slowly slid her long cotton sundress up over her tanned thighs. He barely noticed the scarring to her thigh as he ran his hands up to reach the thin waistband of her simple white cotton panties. Swiftly, he slid them down, pausing to kiss h
er knees then her ankles and finally her toes as he removed them and tossed them onto the deck. Without taking his eyes off her, Jake repositioned himself and slowly ran his tongue over her hips and along her C-section scar. Beneath him, Lori wriggled as his caresses tickled. Still staring into her bright blue eyes, he slipped his fingers between her legs, finding her moist and ready. His long slender fingers slid inside her and began to stroke her in a slow sensuous rhythm. A low purr-like moan escaped from her lips as she responded to the intimate massage.

  “Make love to me,” she purred into his ear.

  “Patience, li’l lady,” he murmured, his voice soft and husky.

  His fingers moved deeper increasing the tempo of their movements. Teasing her to the point of orgasm was something Jake had fantasised about many times in that dark lonely tour bus bunk. Just as she was on the precipice of losing control, he slipped his fingers from her. Fumbling with the button fly on his jeans, he finally managed to get his hand to his hard dick. With little hesitation, he moved over her and thrust deep inside, his strokes immediately hard, fast and urgent. An ecstasy filled moan escaped from Lori’s lips as Jake continued to thrust deep into her depths. Just as he felt his release ready to come, he felt Lori’s orgasm explode around him.

  “Oh, rockstar,” she gasped with a long sigh of satisfied contentment.

  “I love you,” whispered Jake as he slowly withdrew from her. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I could tell,” replied Lori with a little giggle.

  “It’s been too long, li’l lady,” he sighed. “Way too long.”

  “Let’s refresh your memory then,” suggested his wife with a mischievous grin. “But let’s refresh it in bed.”

  Smiling, Jake allowed himself to be led indoors, their beers left long forgotten on the picnic table.

  Sunshine flooding into the room and a strange warm wriggling sensation roused Jake from sleep next morning. For the first few seconds he was unsure as to where he was then remembered he was home. Beside him, Lori lay on her side sound asleep. Between them a small tousled blonde head appeared from under the sheet as Jesse forced his way up the bed.


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