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Jaxson Page 6

by Kris Keldaran

  Jax groaned as his loins stirred to life and he adjusted himself. This was awful! He continued to the next text.

  Kehau: I was thinking of going to the beach later too.

  Jax continued to scroll down further. Bit by bit, she did a fashion show for him, torturing his mind and incredibly horny body with her tantalizing images. By the time he finished reading all of them, Jax had already decided on an ice water bath. Because otherwise I’m going to be up all night, he decided as he tapped out his response. This woman is almost salacious. And to think Sione had been stupid enough to mistreat her! The hell was he thinking? “Oh well” Jax told the empty room. “His loss, my gain.”

  An idea struck him then. Jax knew exactly how to mess with Kehau. A few minutes and a little creativity later, he had twenty-four pictures of himself ready to go. Nothing indecent, but definitely guaranteed to pique her interest. Want to play games, little girl? I’m a master at them. And I’ve got all the time in the world. It was almost 4 p.m. anyways. Close enough for his purposes. Selecting one image, Jax sent it to her. Gotta make sure I get logged into the Wi-Fi at Kikuchi’s place tomorrow for this to work perfectly.

  There was knock at the door. “Hey, hoss,” Xavier said in a casual tone. “There’s some gents here to see you. Mentioned you by name and asked to see you soonest. Pretty please with a cherry on top.” That was one of their brevity codes. Translated, it meant “the visitors brought back up”.

  Jax almost walked out the door without his shirt on. Then he remembered where he was. Best to play this one by the rules. “Xavier, call down to room service, ask for a tea service to be sent up. Make sure there’s enough for our guests.”

  “Roger that.”

  Stepping back to the closet, Jax pulled on a fresh dress shirt and tie as he freshened himself up. Japanese culture had certain rules. If one kept their guests waiting because one was refreshing and cleaning up, it was seen as a sign of respect. Jax didn’t have crystal ball handy, but he had a good idea who the gentlemen were.

  Jax waited to emerge until Xavier told him the tea service had arrived. He walked into the anteroom where a distinguished looking elderly gentleman sat in a comfortable chair, two men, obvious heavies, in black suits flanking him, their backs to the wall. Marius pushed the cart into the center of the room then stepped back.

  Jax stepped in front of the gentleman and bowed at the waist. “Gogo, kôei oji yoi, watashi wa anata no namaenode, watashi wa tadashiku anata ni taisho suru koto ga dekiru ga aru kamo shiremasen?”

  The man’s eyes sparkled for a moment with the respect Jax showed by speaking in his language, 'Good afternoon, honored uncle, might I have your name so I may address you properly?', before he returned in perfect English, “I am Tomihisa Shiroo. Your Japanese is good.”

  “Thank you. Would you care for some tea, Mr. Shiroo?”

  “But of course.”

  Both Jax and he sat as Jax served them, and spoke pleasantries for a while. At length, Shiroo finished his cup of tea and placed it on the saucer.

  “Tell me, if you would, how has your visit to our nation been thus far?”

  “Quite pleasant. I've visited before and I find the atmosphere agreeable. As well as the food.”

  “And the people?”

  “Polite. Decent. Honorable even.”

  “It is well then. I am sent by one higher who wishes to know these things.”

  “To what end?” Jax asked.

  “We hope you have a quiet, enjoyable stay here in Tokyo. Preferably not playing poker.”

  Ah…Belize. So word had gotten around, Jax thought very cheerfully.

  Jax had been in Belize on business when he got caught in the middle of a kidnapping attempt. Without weapons, he'd been powerless to stop the kidnappers from taking himself too. Kidnap the Gringo they'd said. All gringos are rich they'd said. He'd promised one hundred million dollars for his return, and the kidnappers let their greed override good sense. They'd called the number Jax told them to, demanding their ransom money—one of many contingencies the Jaëgers had planned for. They hired professionals, men who didn't need to have their hands held to do their job.

  In the hours that followed, fifty-two very angry men took a trip to a quiet Central American country, fully determined to prove themselves loyal to their salt. The city of Belmopan became host to the largest running urban battle since Ramadi or Fallujah. And the gunmen Jax had on his payroll were the victors of those fights. Urban combat, even on unfamiliar territory, was their specialty.

  The long bloody swath they cut through the criminal underground saw buildings burned to cinders, spent brass cartridges all over the ground, and the smoky reek of burnt cordite everywhere. Cartels blamed each other, the government, and the Americans for their woes; government blamed the contentious street gangs; and Interpol didn't have a clue. But Interpol had never learned about the playing cards the Jaëgers left behind as a warning to others. Jack of Diamonds—the suicide Jack. Or the sheer blood-minded terror they’d left in their wake. The Belizean government knew just enough to hand Jax a suitcase stuffed with money to stay silent about the whole matter and to never come back to Belize.

  “You may tell your patron that we are not here for personal reasons, simply professional business with Hiroyo Kikuchi. On this he has my word of honor.”

  This answer seemed to relax Shiroo. He nodded his head slightly, then stood and bowed deeply at the waist. “Please enjoy your stay here.”


  The men were ushered out and Xavier closed the door behind them. “I wasn't listening to all of that. Care to explain what the hell just happened, please?”

  “That was the senior most advisor to a Yakuza boss. They were checking to make sure we didn't come here to do a Belize.”

  There were chuckles around the room. “I think our contract is secure. Deferring to the board was probably Hirohito’s way of getting me out so their boss could have a chat with him.”

  “Judging by the tattoo on big boy’s neck, Yamaguchi-gami,” Donny interjected. “Biggest of the Yakuza, sixty thousand known members. We kept tabs on them when I was in Counter-Intelligence.”

  Xavier gawked. “Sixty thousand?”

  “Yeah,” Donny smiled. “Those are the made men, the shot callers. They started moving into Tokyo a few years ago. Smart businessmen, but ruthless. They probably have controlling stakes in this hotel, and a quiet interest in our clients.”

  “If they have so much power, why do they need us?” Xavier asked.

  “Russian gangs started playing hard ball. They filled their ranks with veterans of Chechnya and Afghanistan. If we can find the holes in the Yakuza security, they'll be less likely to be blindsided when the Russians start a war. Not if, when. Probably come from one of the gangs out of Vladivostok with backing from St. Petersburg.”

  Xavier shook his head. “Freaking intel punks. You're too damned smart for your own good.”

  “I, personally, am not going to worry about it,” Jax declared as he finished his beer. “I have a girlfriend to chat with. Unless we get more visitors, don't bug me. Capisce?”


  Kehau pulled into her driveway on her bicycle as the setting sun slid behind the mountains. Streetlights had come on, and stars were starting to shine forth, but all she could think about was dinner and getting a chance to relax. Jax had told her that he’d be airborne for several hours, and asleep most of the flight. He hated flying, and the easiest way for him to cope was to sleep through it all. But he had promised to call when he got home.

  Know what I hate? Not having him here. Instead I get pictures at all hours reminding me how much I don’t get to have my hands on him right now, she fumed. All week long, they’d played the game with each other. Silly faces, sexy poses, cute outfits, costumes from the back of her closet, even a cheerleading outfit she’d borrowed from a friend. It had to be driving him nuts. She swore she could hear his lustful moans all the way across the Pacific Ocean. Jax responded with pictures of
himself, his bed, the suite he was staying in, the view from atop the hotel across the Tokyo Skyline, him relaxing beside the hotel pool. And that only made her miss him all the more. His image danced through her dreams. More than a few of which had woken her in the middle of the night. She imagined him on top of her, pleasuring her, letting her run her hands all over him, feeling the corded bands of muscle in his arms and back. Kehau had even caught herself thinking about him in the shower, wondering what it would be like to have him right there massaging her aching body beneath the warm water.

  What a wonderful man. She sighed. Hold your horses, girl! Are you really falling in love with him? It was a question she’d grappled with all week. And still hadn’t found an answer. Damn it, who falls in love in a few days?

  Entering the house, she noticed every light was off. Where is everybody? They should be home by now.

  “Hello,” a deep voice behind her announced.

  Kehau jumped in fright. There he was, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  “You punk! You scared me!” Kehau proclaimed as he wrapped his arms around her. He smells so good. And I’m covered in sweat. I feel nasty.

  “I didn’t think you’d be home already.”

  “Sometimes a man gets lucky. Even had time to stop and pick up dinner, care to join me?”

  So thoughtful. There he went again, doing something Sione never had. How did I end up with him in my life? “I smell revolting. Let me get a shower and I’d be happy to join you.”

  A question seemed to linger on his lips for a moment and she briefly thought his eyes darkened, but he suppressed everything with a smile. “I’ll see you in a few minutes then.”

  “Before I go though, there’s something I need to do.” Dropping her purse to the ground, she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with a week’s worth of longing. His wide hands felt good as they ran lightly across her back, her butt, her thighs, and through her hair. This was her boyfriend. The one she’d spent all week lusting after, especially when he sent the picture of himself wearing only denim jeans, massive upper torso on display for her, tattoos and scars gleaming beneath the light. Kehau had spent hours trying to fall back asleep after that, with no success at all.

  Finally, she relented and her lips released his. “Welcome home, Johnny Rocket,” she said huskily.

  “Hmmmm…I like your idea of welcome home. Now get upstairs or we’ll never make it to dinner, sweetheart.”

  A thrill ran through her as she walked away, mainly because of what he’d just done. Or hadn’t. Sione was the kind to insist on sex. Sometimes Kehau had gotten off, sometimes she hadn’t. At the time, she wondered if something was wrong with her.

  The hot water washed away the sweat and the stink of the day as she tried to decide on what to wear. Jeans would be comfy, but she wanted him to touch her bare skin. Needed it. Kehau thrived on that physical contact. Wonder if he wants to relax in the hot tub too? Hmmm… Pulling out a yellow two-piece swimsuit and a floral lava-lava, she ran a brush through her hair and hurried down the stairs.

  Jax was waiting for her on the lânai, the light from a dozen or so tiki torches casting shadows all around the veranda. Plumeria flowers covered the ground underfoot, giving the air a heavenly scent that she loved. I never get tired of smelling those. At the table he had laid out plate lunches for two. Her stomach gurgled and she realized suddenly just how hungry she really was.

  Jax turned toward her as she stepped across the plumeria carpet. He started to say something, but his mouth seemed to stop working and he fell silent. He doesn’t like the outfit at all. Oh, I knew I shouldn’t have picked this out! she berated herself. Kehau was so caught up in her thoughts she didn’t notice Jax close the gap between them. But she did notice when he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in close. His free hand strayed across her cheek, and she could feel his hand shake as he did so. What was wrong? she wondered.

  “You look stunning,” he finally managed to gasp.

  In this plain old thing? Desperate to deflect the question anywhere else, she made a show of looking around. “You did all this yourself?”



  “Because I can. You deserve to be treated like a queen. Because I love you.” He kissed her again, and for a long moment, silence reigned supreme.

  He loves me, what do I say to that? Kehau felt stupid. In Hollywood, the heroine always said it right back. But she wasn't certain she could. Not yet. In the meantime, dinner awaited. She started out sitting across from him playing footsy, but Kehau quickly realized she wanted more than that. Half a week away from him demanded more than just playing footsy like kids at the dinner table. Standing, she sauntered around the table and dropped into his lap, leaning back against his chest. This is more like it! She breathed in the scent of him. Clean and manly.

  Jax hung his head over her shoulder. “Miss me much?”

  “Every day, Marine. Every day.”

  He began to serve her bites of fried chicken katsu and rice from his plate. “Pray tell, what did you do with yourself while I was gone?”

  “Tried to drive my boyfriend crazy.”

  “I think you succeeded.”

  “Really now?

  “Absolutely. In fact, you did so well that your boyfriend is still wondering how he should thank you.”

  “Well, he could kiss the back of my neck while I sit on his lap and eat his dinner.”

  She felt one hand slide up her left side, fingers skirting the curves of her form and sending an electric thrill through her body. Roughly calloused finger pads brushed against her neck as he lifted her dark hair up and off her neck, baring the skin beneath to his view.

  “What a lovely neck too. Perhaps I should do this.” Kehau jumped as he nipped her skin with his teeth, then kissed it and blew a stream of air across the sensitive spot. Her whole body shivered as she arched her back, pressing into his collarbones with her shoulder blades.

  “One would think my boyfriend missed me.”

  “Just a little.” His fingers threaded through her hair and he pressed it against his nose, breathing deeply. “Even the way you smell is perfect.”

  Kehau giggled. “I thought men were only visual learners.”

  “Nope. We identify smells too. When I had been in Afghanistan for eight months, it was long enough to forget what women sounded and looked like, never mind smelled. Got back to Camp Leatherneck, hopped on a bus, headed to the PX, and leaned back to enjoy comfy seats with AC for the first time in months. That was when it hit me like a ton of bricks. Lemon and oranges, mixed with something else. It smelled delicious. I looked to my right and there they were, three female British soldiers, fresh from the shower I assumed. I was tongue-tied.”

  “No way.”

  “Yes. I would've married all of them right there they smelled so good.”

  “So tell me, what do I smell like?”

  “Coconuts and sugar cane. And sexy.”

  “Sexy is a smell?”

  “Very.” He pulled her in closer, his tongue running along the edge of her ear before he nibbled on the lobe.

  Kehau fought the urge to jump. This…this…this man is infuriating! Squirming in his lap, she leaned her head back far enough to lay a kiss on his thick neck.

  For a long moment, he seemed to resist her touch. Then his walls came down a little. She sensed, more than anything, a long, deep scar running the length of his body emotionally. It’s as if he’s afraid of being touched. Turning, she gently embraced him and kissed him once more. Nothing sensual. Just kind, and endearing.

  “Thank you, Johnny Rocket, for everything.”

  The dam seemed to break and he returned the embrace, clasping her tightly to him. Whatever was wrong, he couldn’t say. Not yet. But it would happen in time. For now though, they sat together, a man and a woman desperately in need of healing, listening to the quiet stillness of the pond.

  Chapter Seven

  Last night I found a soft place to fall
, loving arms to ease me down To a big old feather bed instead of cold hard ground

  I still love the rodeo but with you I can have it all

  'Cause last night I found a soft place to fall

  Chris Ledoux

  It was two more weeks before Jax left the island again. This time he’d be taking Donny and the whole of Donny’s squad, call sign Banshee, with him to Japan. They would be training the initial wave of cadre and instructors for the next while.

  In the meantime, Jax and Kehau spent every possible minute together. When she finished teaching for the day, he would pick her up, either from her house or the school, and together they explored the whole island. On one occasion, Kehau remarked about needing to go by the Victoria’s Secret at Ala Moana Mall for new workout clothes. Walking straight past the men seated on the planters outside the store, Jax followed her in, without any hesitation! Other women looked at her with a mixture of envy and admiration as he helped carry her shopping bag around the store.

  She had only planned to buy a few items out of the whole bag though, because of her small budget, and told him as much before she went in the dressing room one last time to try on a new bra they had on display. When she came out, Jax was still standing there, waiting patiently. But her shopping bag was nowhere to be seen.

  “Where’s my bag?” she asked nervously.

  “I was looking at something and I set it down, and it disappeared on me” he told her.

  “You what! Do you know how long it took to select all of that?”

  A clerk poked her head around the corner. “Excuse me, sir, here’s your purchase and the receipt for it.”

  She handed Jax three massive bags and told him to, “Have a nice day,” then disappeared from sight.

  “You bought those bags of clothing for me?” Kehau asked, slightly awestruck.



  “Because I like seeing you smile,” he told her. “And did it 'cause I wanted to.”


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