Spark of a Wolf [Eyes of Darkness Series Book 2]

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Spark of a Wolf [Eyes of Darkness Series Book 2] Page 7

by Christy Poff


  Sean howled from the pain as Julian watched him finally become his human self again. His body shuddered with the last of the aftereffects. Julian watched his patient calm, although he knew Sean still had a little bit left to endure.

  "What's happening to me? Where's Rhi?"

  "Sean, we have a lot to discuss."

  "I want Rhi,” Sean cried out as he fought to be free of the table. Julian went against his better judgment and called his wife. He asked her to bring Rhiannon to him. A few minutes later, the door opened and Rhiannon entered, wearing only the silk robe Elizabeth had given her when Sean's condition became worse.

  "Is he all right?"

  "I'm not sure. He wants to see you, though I don't recommend removing his restraints. I'll leave you both alone. Call me if you need anything."

  "Thank you."

  Chapter 8

  Rhiannon waited for Julian to leave them alone. Once she heard the door close behind him, she slowly crossed the room to where Sean lay shivering. She reached out to him but stopped, fearing what Sean might do.

  "Is that you, Rhi?"

  "Y-y-yes, Sean."

  "Help me, please."

  "What do you want me to do?"

  "Release me."

  "And then what do you intend to do?"

  "Run. I'm ... a ... freak."

  "Then what does that make me? Our children?"

  Sean fell silent, unable to make sense of his life. What the hell had happened? Lasting tremors shook him and he cried out.


  "Rhi, if you love me, you'll..."


  "Kill me."

  "Sean, no...” she cried.

  "I can't handle this."

  "I'll help you, but to take your life? I can't do that."

  Sean didn't say anything. His mind raced as it had a great deal of information to absorb. In the last several days, he'd found his soul mate and claimed her as his. His nightmares had gone but now, he lived them. Once he made the change, everything overwhelmed him. On top of it all, he suffered pain the likes of which he'd never endured before.

  His thoughts came back to Rhiannon, his soul mate, the love of his life, the mother of his children and a wolf.

  "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I had to wait until the right time. My Lord Wolf, Julian as you know him, told me someone would come to me seeking help. He told me I'd bring you here and he predicted you would claim me. When you had the headaches, I knew I had to bring you here."

  Another tremor coursed through him. His hands clenched as he gritted his teeth. Rhiannon wanted to go to him, but fear kept her frozen.

  "Sean, talk to me."

  "Get out!"


  "You heard me. Get out! You're not the woman I made love to last night."

  "Sean, you know I am. I love you, Sean. I'm your mate, my wolf."

  "Don't call me that!"

  Rhiannon choked back tears. Her body craved his. She needed him but he wouldn't let her near him. His bitterness hurt her as if he'd driven a knife into her.


  "Get out,” her growled. Rhiannon backed away from him. She stopped at the door.

  "Wolves mate for life. I carry your children. I'll be waiting."

  "Don't. You lied to me."

  "I didn't, Sean. I swear,” she told him as she turned the knob. “Just remember, Sean, I am the only one you'll ever be able to truly fuck who won't complain about your animalistic drive."

  "I told you to get the fuck out of here!"

  Rhiannon left. Sean cursed her and himself. Deep inside, he knew she hadn't lied to him. Deep inside, he loved her, his soul mate. Deep inside, he knew he had fucked up royally.

  * * * *

  Rhiannon ran from the room past Elizabeth and Julian. Julian knew what Sean had done and he hated him for the pain he caused Rhiannon.

  "Elizabeth, go to her. She needs you."

  "Tell him he's a big jerk."

  "I'm going to tell him more than that. I won't let him get away with this."

  Elizabeth nodded, then took off after her daughter. In her state, Elizabeth feared Rhiannon would miscarry. Their future depended on Rhiannon giving birth to the little ones she carried. The stress could ... Elizabeth refused to think about it. Her first job was to go to Rhiannon.

  * * * *

  Julian went to talk to Sean. He took several deep breaths before he entered the room. He summoned every bit of patience he had and forced himself to hold his emotions. Sean McMurray had to be handled with kid gloves, no matter how mad Julian was at him.

  Once inside the room, he quietly studied Sean. The adverse reactions had finished. Sean rested, or so it seemed. At this point, he didn't trust anything he saw.

  Julian checked Sean's IV, then removed it from Sean's arm. He studied Sean and found him to be physically fit and no worse for wear. He'd made it through his first change successfully—at least he had physically—emotionally remained to be seen. He made some notes in a journal he kept with him.

  "Get these damned things off me."


  "I need to get out of here. I've got a case to solve and I'm wasting my time here."

  "You aren't strong enough yet. The change took a lot out of you."

  He watched Sean, involuntary actions overtaking his body as he tried to fight the leather. The more he flexed his muscles, the less he could move. Julian smiled; sure Sean would survive his new life.

  "You can't keep me here against my will."

  "Sean, you are in a medical facility. Your condition warrants this course of treatment."

  "I want out of here. I'll sign myself out."

  "We need to talk. A great deal has happened to you and I can give you the explanations you seek."

  "What's to explain? I've turned into a freak. I was lied to by a bitch, who claims to carry my children. Tell me, do I get furry all the time, or just under the full moon?"

  "The males can change at will, our females, not as much. As for Rhiannon's claim of being pregnant, it's true."

  "Can't be. No way can it happen that fast."

  "You caught her at her most vulnerable. She's in heat."

  "You talk about her like she's an animal."

  "She is, as are you. She's accepted her fate since she was a child. Now, thanks to you, she's questioning everything. You've hurt her deeply."

  "She'll get over it."

  "You arrogant...” Julian caught himself. Deep down, he knew where Sean's mindset came from.

  "Get these damned things off me!"

  "Not until you calm down and accept things as they are."

  "I get it. Next, you're going to tell me I'm your savior."

  You are.

  Sean froze. He looked at Julian and gasped.

  "No, this is not happening. It's a fucking nightmare."

  No, it is not. You are what you are and we need your help.


  The men you seek are harming members of our pack. We have two recovering from gunshot wounds as we speak.

  "What's that got to do with me?"

  "You're investigating several murders of young women in the last few months."


  "Once you stop this evil, the pack will be safe and you'll have your perpetrators."

  "Where are they?"

  "There are several locations. One is a leased estate south of the city and the other is up in the hills."

  "Do you know the exact sites?"



  "We have time. Our first concern is you."

  "I've got four murders and you say we have time?” Sean renewed his struggle to free himself, though his attempt proved to be in vain.

  "You, dear boy, have a physical problem to deal with. Your mate is in danger several times over."

  "I don't have a mate."

  "Sean McMurray, you will stop fighting this. You are a lycanthrope. You found your mate and have little o
nes on the way."

  "No! I am a cop. I use logic. This is not logical."

  "You have had nightmares for the last several months. Headaches have plagued you to the point Rhiannon brought you here for help. You made the change but had trouble coming back. She helped you face the unknown—an unknown you face anytime you go into a situation blind. How is any of it logical?"

  "Why now?"

  "You have what is called a latent gene. It's lain dormant for years until the circumstances brought it out. We understand you are having a hard time accepting this, but it is the truth. I could probably give you instances when you received clues about your true lifestyle and probably ignored them. If you put them all together, it will turn out that you've known all along. You are different and special, especially to Rhiannon."

  "I can't deal with this. Damn it, let me go."

  "No. Things have to be made right."

  "I can't deal with my life, much less make things right."

  "Which is why we are talking."

  Sean growled as he strained against the straps.

  "Julian, I appreciate what you're trying to do but..."

  "Oh, but I can. I know every bit of your family history. Your father passed the gene to you. Your mother loved you but they agreed after some argument to let you grow up on the outside. The alpha at the time tried to talk them out of this but they stood by their decision."

  "They knew?"

  "Yes. When you were growing up, you played hard as if you had no clue as to your own strength. You have extremely good night vision, very acute hearing and smell, along..."

  "Okay, I get the picture."

  "Your assets made you a vital part of your military unit and now, the police department. To put it simply, you've come full circle."

  "My father's accident..."

  "He was murdered by someone who learned his secret. Your mother left with you and put you into a private school, then you came back here. You sank yourself into the police department and have an excellent record and good reputation. Your present case brought you and Rhi together."

  "Leave her out of this."

  "I can't. She's your soul mate. She's the only woman who can handle you sexually. Others left you but she savored you and begged for more. You impregnated her and I will not let you turn your back on her."

  "Why? What's she to you?"

  "She's our daughter."

  "She's not a Hawthorne."

  "For her safety. We learned our lesson from your parents."

  Rage erupted in Sean. He struggled with the table holding him.

  "I swear I'll kill..."

  "Fine. Swear all you want. Don't let the change come over you."

  "Why?” Sean yelled.

  "You really don't want to know."

  * * * *

  The young blonde pleaded with the two men who escorted her away from the owner of the property. All she wanted was to go back to town and home.

  "Please, take me to..."

  "Shut up and get in the van. You're lucky he's not pressing charges."

  "I said I was sorry. Please..."

  "Get in,” the Asian said as they roughly shoved her inside. He got in behind her, then grabbed her tight against him before putting a gloved hand over her mouth. She continued to struggle, but his hold on her caused her to weaken. Finally, she gave up, limp in the man's hold and unconscious due to lack of air.

  After a while of driving around so their captive would become disoriented, the driver pulled the van onto a gravel driveway. They drove a distance before coming to a stop.

  The Asian carried their weakened captive into a barnlike structure. When she woke, her surroundings told her she was in deep trouble. She looked around and found herself chained to a bed, unable to move. Her shirt, pants and hiking boots gone, her captors had left her with only her underwear and socks.

  The chilly air blew over her and she shivered. She tried to call out for help but tape held her silent. She cried. Have I become one more victim of the Aspen serial killer?

  * * * *

  Rhiannon backed out of Sean's room, horrified at the way her mate had treated her. She stopped to steady herself against the wall as she sobbed.


  The word burned into her soul. The man she loved, her wolf, wanted nothing to do with her or their babies. She'd never heard such venomous cruelty before in her life, but then Julian and Elizabeth had made sure she was sheltered from the cruelness of the human world.


  She couldn't handle this. She cried hard enough to gasp for breath. Her legs weak, her stomach in knots, Rhiannon Drake was numb from Sean's reaction to the gift he'd been given. Rhi knew him—his heritage had been the reason why his talents had been in such great demand. Instinct alone had kept him alive but instead of embracing it all, he fought against the truth.



  "Mama,” she sobbed as Elizabeth took her in her arms to comfort her daughter. “He hates me."

  "No, child, he doesn't hate you; he hates the idea of what he's become."

  "He called us freaks, then told me to get out of his life."

  "He's facing an extreme change in his life. He's bitter because of it and he lashed out at you because you were the first and closest one he saw. Your father has already read him the riot act. Julian is not happy."

  "He called me a freak."

  "I don't think he meant you specifically. His timing was bad. Child, you need to go back to see him. He needs your support."

  "No, Mama. I can't. You didn't hear him."

  "Yes, I did and I understand."

  "No, you don't. I can't open myself up to his cruelty again. I have the babies, my life ... You made sure the Drakes brought me up confident in myself. He's trying to destroy that."

  "Julian is with him now..."

  "I know you mean well, but I can't stay here, not as long as he's here. I'm sorry."

  Rhiannon shed the robe and willed herself to change. Her white and gray coat glistened under the fluorescent lighting of The Sanctuary's medical wing. Without a sound, she ran out.

  * * * *

  Elizabeth joined Julian in Sean's room. Sean lay restrained on the table, Elizabeth relieved.

  "Mr. McMurray, my name is Elizabeth Hawthorne, Rhiannon's mother, an alpha female of this pack."

  "I don't want to talk to anyone."

  "Good, then listen, you arrogant little man."

  Sean looked at her. He thought about challenging her, but reconsidered. Somehow, he knew she meant business. He could smell her confidence and control and he felt a newfound respect for this woman.

  "Sean, I understand how you feel. At one time or another, we all have—though most of us did it while young pups and not as bitter, arrogant men who choose now to act as babies."

  "Excuse me?"

  "No, I won't. My daughter is out there somewhere. You drove her away and into unspeakable danger. No, Mr. McMurray, I don't excuse you. You don't see it now, but you have been given an extraordinary gift. You've used it over the years to benefit others and for that, you've come away well-respected and in high demand. Now, you know what you are and why you've been exceptional and you turn your back on the only ones who'll accept you for yourself. Your parents would be ashamed of you and your bigotry. I'm ashamed to call you son. You've hurt Rhiannon out of selfishness. You lashed out at her, the mother of your children, and now I sit here having this conversation with you while not knowing where my daughter is. You self-centered arrogant bastard!"

  Sean stared at her in disbelief. No one had ever dared talk to him like this. Elizabeth Hawthorne had been right—he was arrogant and self-centered. He'd always been confident in himself, though happiest as a lone—a lone wolf. He had talents and the United States benefited from them, but he had no lasting friendships from the service. The only friend he had was Hunter Lockwood.

  He'd never had a relationship of substance because of his sexual appetite. Then he met Rhiannon Drake and foun
d his mate, only he pushed her away.

  "My God, what the hell have I done?"

  Chapter 9

  The newest test case woke to find herself restrained on a bed wearing only her lingerie. A chill went through her at the realization she would not make it through whatever they had planned for her.

  "It's about time you came around."

  She looked up to see the Asian looming over her. Tears came to her eyes when she saw the syringe he held.

  "No, please ... don't."

  "Shut up,” he ordered as he pressed the needle against her skin. She cried out as a burning sensation raced through her body. She began to soar as if her body had suddenly sprouted wings to fly off. She moaned a little when he touched her breasts, strange feelings overtaking her. She moved to be closer to his touch but he shoved her back as if she'd angered him. She didn't understand. She only knew whatever he'd given her made her want him.


  "Shut up,” he ordered as he drove himself into her.

  "I see the drug works."

  "Yeah, she wants it. The little slut can't get enough."

  "Don't overdo it. We have a few more tests to run."

  "Yes, Herr Gliickman."

  The girl didn't understand what she'd become to them, nor did she care as long as she got screwed. Her mind saw fireworks as her body tried to get closer to this man.

  She felt everything the man did to her and, as her body obeyed the drug, she craved more. She wanted whatever they'd shot her up with and more.


  The Asian smiled, then left the room and the girl by herself, feeling at a loss.

  In the haze of the drug's control, she heard laughter and the word slut. She didn't care because she hungered for more.

  * * * *

  "You mean we may have the right formula?"

  "Could be,” the Asian smiled after he told Adolph Gliickman about the girl's reactions to his experiment.

  "Excellent. Get the other one in here. One of the guys saw something the other day I want to play with."

  "What's that?"

  "The bitch evidently changed into a wolf. In which case, I want to pursue this."

  "But werewolves are all fiction."

  "And if they're not? I want to see. Besides, you are not considering two angles. If she is, we've got a find. Consider all the possibilities and, my dear Asian friend, where there's one, there will be others."


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